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    初三英语在线课程上课老师:蔡老师上课时间:18:45-19:45,初三英语寒假课程,第四讲:完形填空和首字母填空,首字母填空,解题技巧,充分理解文章大意;分辨清楚需要填入词的词性;切勿拼写错误;,片段练习,局部做题法:通过句意,判断出简单的单词Though this may be a good idea for those very bright students,it can have terrible results for many students who are not wise e_.,Most students are always told by their parents to study h_ and better so that they can have a wonderful life in the future.People used to think that hard work is the o_ way to success.,真题练习,When the London Underground goes on strike,my journey to work can be terrible.I remember a strike,which happened a few years a_1_the station near my house was closed and I had to use another station and take a different train.This a_2_about an hour to my journey,so I wasnt very happy.,E_3_went wrong at the station.People were late and they were panicking!By the time I go to the train,I was feeling upset and sorry for myself.Then I saw this man.There was something about him-he had such a familiar f_4_.A few minutes later,I realized that he was Jack,a friend from my school days in Scotland.,At the same time he a_5_realized who I was.Then we started talking about school days and the people we both used to k_6_.I was even more surprised when the train came into my station and he started to get off too!I asked him w_7_he was going and he said he was going to work.He told me he worked in Fitzroy Street.You see,I work in Fitzroy Street,too.Its a small w_8_!It was such an amazing coincidence!,实例二,When Florence Nightingale was a very little girl,she used to go with her mother to visit the sick people in the little town near where they lived.She helped to carry food and medicines.Like other little girls of her age,Florence was very fond of playing with her dolls(玩具娃娃).Her favourite g 92 was pretending(假装)that her dolls were sick and she took good care of them.and they became h 93 again.,One sunny day,Florence was riding her horse with a friend of the family.When they came to the road,they saw an old man sitting by the roadside,with his sheepdog,Cap,beside him.It was clear that Caps leg was s 94 hurt and the old man looked very upset.The dog seemed to know its owners w 95.It didnt make any sound to show its pain.,Seeing this,Florence jumped down from her horse immediately and e 96 the dogs leg carefully.She found it was broken.She bandaged(用绷带扎缚)it firmly(牢固地)and it was not long before the dog stood up again.The old man couldnt believe his eyes u 97 it began running about happily as before.He was very t 98 to Florence and told the story to everyone he knew.When Florence became well known he kept telling people that her first patient had been his sheepdog,Cap.,完形填空,完形填空解题技巧,与首字母填空类似,可以从部分判断出部分答案须通读全文理解大致意思用反推法检查文章意思,片段练习,Franz,a mountain guide,wanted him to stop and start working in a hotel.A)learning B)playing C)climbing D)talking,Franz also didnt want to see Emil Saxo,a guide from another village,got to the top him.A)after B)behind C)before D)over,its geography and people _85_ unique(独一无二的)A)isB)are C)hasD)have,At the University of Hawaii there is a great deal of _89_ in the history of the islands and the culture of the past.A)interest B)interestsC)interested D)interesting,真题举例,先尝试自己填词Hawaii,the youngest state of the United States,is different in many ways from the mainland states.Its geography and people _1_ unique(独一无二的).Hawaii is a volcanic(由火山引起的)island which spreads out across the Pacific Ocean.The Hawaiian people are a mixture of the earliest Hawaiians who probably came from Samoa long,long ago,and many immigrants(移民)who arrived later.,When the first pineapple plantations(农场)were being planted in Hawaii in the 1900s,there were not enough people.More came later:the Chinese,Japanese,and the Portuguese were the _2_ groups.Some returned home after working for a few years;many stayed and added _3_ the mixture of cultures and languages.,For many years,Hawaiian customs were looked down on.Now there is new pride in the old ways.Children are learning the Hawaiian language and the _4_ songs and dances.At the University of Hawaii there is a great deal of _5_ in the history of the islands and the culture of the past.,Visitors to the islands want to see the island paradise(乐园)as it _6_ to be.A popular place to visit is the Polynesian Cultural Center.Large numbers of tourists from the Mainland and the Orient arrive in Hawaii daily.Signs of modern tourism are everywhere.Honolulu and its suburbs,a quiet area of about 250,000 about thirty years ago,is now a crowded area of 800,000 residents(居民)and tourists.Hawaiians worry about _7_ will happen to the old way of life.,Hawaii,the youngest state of the United States,is different in many ways from the mainland states.Its geography and people _1_ unique(独一无二的).Hawaii is a volcanic(由火山引起的)island which spreads out across the Pacific Ocean.A)isB)are C)hasD)have,When the first pineapple plantations(农场)were being planted in Hawaii in the 1900s,there were not enough people.More came later:the Chinese,Japanese,and the Portuguese were the _2_ groups.A)firstB)mainC)essentialD)super,Some returned home after working for a few years;many stayed and added _3_ the mixture of cultures and languages.A)onB)throughC)to D)in,For many years,Hawaiian customs were looked down on.Now there is new pride in the old ways.Children are learning the Hawaiian language and the _4_ songs and dances.A)modern B)ancientC)traditional D)present,At the University of Hawaii there is a great deal of _5_ in the history of the islands and the culture of the past.A)interest B)interestsC)interested D)interesting,Visitors to the islands want to see the island paradise(乐园)as it _6_ to be.A popular place to visit is the Polynesian Cultural Center.A)happened B)usedC)wanted D)imagined,Honolulu and its suburbs,a quiet area of about 250,000 about thirty years ago,is now a crowded area of 800,000 residents(居民)and tourists.Hawaiians worry about _7_ will happen to the old way of life.A)howB)whenC)whichD)what,本课件由上海复旦托业教育提供网址:补习班 中学辅导 MBA培训 电脑培训,Thank you,


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