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    Phrase,能做某事害怕允许做某事生某人的气在校学习在工作在开会离开回来对有害出生,be able to do sth.be afraid of sth.(be afraid to do sth.)be allowed to do sth.be angry with sb.(be angry at sth.)be at schoolbe at workbe at a meeting be away(from)be backbe bad for(be harmful to/do harm to)be born(be born with the body of),12.忙于13.忙于做某事14.靠近15.被覆盖16.拥挤17.与不同18.死了19.对熟悉20.以著称21.离很远22,爱好23.有空,自由,be busy with sth.be busy doing sth.be close/near tobe covered withbe crowded(with sth.)be different frombe dead be familiar to(be familiar with)be famous for(be famous as)be far(away)frombe fond ofbe free,24.对友好25.充满26.擅长于27.对有好处28.对有害的29.饿了30.病了住院负责在家(外出)对感兴趣喜爱,be friendly tobe full of(be filled with)be good at(do well in)be good for(do good to)be harmful to be hungrybe ill/sickbe in hospital be in charge of(be responsible for/take charge of)be in/be outbe interested inbe keen on,36.迟到37.位于38.由制成(看得出材料)39.由组成40.上演,上映41.没有42.对满意43.在方面不好44.在中流行45.对感到自豪46.对作好准备47.对感到惊奇,be late forbe located(in/on/at)be made of be made up of(consist of)be on be out ofbe pleased/satisfied withbe poor at be popular amongbe proud of/take pride inbe/get ready for(prepare for)be surprised at sth./at doing sth.(be surprised to do sth.),48.对某人很感激49.(现在)习惯于某事50.对有用的(无用)51.为担心52.又说了几句话53.同意某人的意见54.回答问题55.回信56.为某事向某人道歉57.到达某地58.互相提问59.请求,寻求,be thankful to sb.be used to sth./be used to doing sth.be useful/useless tobe worried about/worry aboutadd a few wordsagree with sb.(agree to sth.)answer a questionanswer the letterapologize to sb.for sth.arrive in/at a placeask each other questionsask for(ask sb.for help),60.要求免费搭乘车船61.请假62.问路63.上学64.开会65.听讲座66.奖给某人一本书67.变得贪婪68.变得越来越小69.开始工作70.信任71.属于,ask for a free rideask for leave/ask for a sick leave)ask the wayattend school/go to schoolattend the meeting/go to a meetingattend a lecture/go to a lectureaward sb.a book/award a book to sb.)become greedybecome smaller and smallerbegin to workbelieve inbelong to,72.(现在)习惯做某事73.在镜子上呵气74.登机75.订票76.借书77.闯入,破门而入78.打破窗子79.打破记录80.打破沉默81.刷牙82.造房子83.买些苹果,be used to doing sth.blow on the mirrorboard a planebook the ticketsborrow a bookbreak into break the windowbreak the recordbreak the icebrush ones teethbuild a housebuy some apples,84.用电话叫出租车85.拜访某人86.打电话给某人87.照顾,喜欢88.执行89.搬重箱子90.载很多乘客91.水流量很大92.赶汽车93.着凉,伤风94.抓贼95.引起某人注意,call a taxi by phonecall on sb.(call at sp.)call sb.(make a phone call to sb.)care for(take care of/look after)carry outcarry a heavy boxcarry/take many passengerscarry much watercatch a buscatch a coldcatch a thiefcatch ones eye,96.改变分数97.改变主意98.把变成99.检查答案100.办理登记101.检查某人的心脏102.为双方加油103.拍手104.清洁冰箱105.擦黑板106.清扫街上的积雪107.清扫街上的积雪,change the scorechange ones mindchange/turn intocheck the answerscheck incheck ones heartcheer for both sidesclap ones handsclean the fridge clean the blackboardclear snow from the streetclear the street of snow,108.清扫街道109.爬树110.集邮111.收集资料112.被理解,遇见114.一起来115.出生于,来自于116.进来117.进入118.快,走吧,跟我来119.结束120.出来,clear the streetclimb(up/down)a treecollect stampscollect informationcome acrosscome alongcome fromcome income into(enter)come oncome to an endcome out,121.知道122.从出来123.显得逼真,苏醒124.名列第二125.实现126.上来127.与交流128.与比较129.由组成130.烧传统的火鸡131.抄课文132.改正错误,come to knowcome out of come to lifecome secondcome truecome up(to sb.)communicate withcompare withconsist of cook the traditional turkeycopy the textcorrect the mistake(incorrect answers)(uncorrected mistakes),133.批改考卷134.价值二十元135.咳得厉害136.拥有面积137.朝某人喊138.砍倒139.切蛋糕140.损坏汽车141.处理废物142.依靠,依赖143.决定日期144.决定做某事,correct the paperscost twenty yuancough a lot(have a bad cough)cover an area ofcry out to sb.cut downcut the cake damage the cardeal with the wastedepend/rely on(dependent/independent)decide on the datedecide to do sth./make up ones mind to do/be determined to do/make a decision to do,145.送报146.因病而死147.挖洞148.发现一个错误149.讨论这个问题150.多做测验151.做回家作业152.做功课153.好好干154.英语成绩好155.尽量努力156.帮某人忙,deliver the newspapersdie of(illness/diseases/sickness)dig a holediscover a mistakediscuss the problemdo more testsdo ones homeworkdo ones lessonsdo a good job do well in English do/try ones best to do sth.(try to do sth.)do sb.a favour/give sb.a hand,157.烧饭158.买东西159.洗衣服160.处置,处理161.画画162.梦见163.喝咖啡164.穿着打扮165.多喝水166.开小汽车167.吃得太少168.吃光,吞噬,do some cookingdo some shoppingdo some washingdo withdraw a picturedream ofdrink coffeedress up(as)drink more waterdrive a careat too littleeat up,168.在八月份结束169.享受做某事的乐趣170.吃得津津有味171.过得愉快172.进入房间173.报名参加该项目174.解释课文175.测验不及格176.不能做某事177.病倒了178.从跌落179.跌倒在地,end in Augustenjoy doing sth.enjoy the dinnerenjoy oneselfenter/go into the roomenter for the itemexplain the textfail in a test(fail to pass a test)fail to do sth.fall/be illfall off sth.(fall from sth.)fall on the ground,180.喂养婴儿181.生病,感到恶心182.感到冷183.感到虚弱184.与污染做斗争185.充满一大间房间186.填充,填写187.用墨水灌满瓶子188.找出,查明189.跳完舞190.吃完,喝完191.完成工作,feed a babyfeel sickfeel cold feel weakfight(against)pollutionfill a large roomfill infill the bottle with inkfind outfinish dancingfinish offfinish the work/working,192.放进口袋193.适合该工作194.跟着某人195.忘记做某事196.忘记曾做了某事197.忘记日期198.驾驶一架航天飞机199.乘飞机去南京200.拿辆手推车201.买了一大瓶咖啡202.进展,与相处203.发热,fit into the pocketfit the jobfollow sb.forget to do sth.forget doing sth.forget the datefly a space planefly to Nanjingget a trolleyget/buy a big bottle of coffeeget along/on(well)withget/have a fever,204.返回205.测验得了好分数206.数学得了A207.进入208.把收进来209.挡道210.上轿车211.下出租车212.下车213.上火车214.为作准备215.到达那里,get/be backget/achieve good marks in the testget/achieve an A for/in mathsget inget in get in the wayget into a carget out of a taxiget off a busget on a trainget/be ready for(prepare for)get there,216.到达学校217.摆脱218.对感到厌倦219.得第一名220.患流感221.起床222.变暖223.作一次讲座224.给某人一些建议225.归还,送回226.给某人带个口信227.助某人一臂之力,get to schoolget rid ofget/be tired of get the first prizeget/have the fluget upget warmgive a lecturegive sb.some advicegive backgive sb.a messagegive sb.a hand,228.分发某物229.放弃230.戒烟231.向前走,去吧,干吧232.乘地铁去233.去野营/旅行234.回家235.参加,从事,酷爱236.去购物/打保龄球237.去野餐238.去游泳239.外出散步,give out sth.give upgive up smokinggo aheadgo by underground/on the undergroundgo camping/travellinggo homego in forgo shopping/bowlinggo for/on a picnicgo for a swim/go swimminggo(out)for a walk,240.继续241.实行节食242.去旅行243.去野餐244.继续做某事245.复习功课246.熄灭247.访问,顺便走访248.围绕太阳转249.去观光250.上大学251.上学,go ongo on a dietgo on a trip/go travellinggo on a picnicgo on with/doing sth.go over/review ones lessonsgo outgo round/aroundgo round/around the sungo sightseeinggo to college/attend collegego to school/attend school,252.就寝睡觉253.入睡,睡着254.看病(去医院)255.参加讲座256.去结帐257.去看电影258.去听音乐会259.进城260.走上前去261.朝走上去262.出错263.种菜,go to bedgo to sleep(be asleep)go to(the)hospitalgo to a lecture/attend a lecturego to the checkoutgo to the cinema/moviesgo to the concert/attend the concertgo to towngo up go up to sb.go wronggrow vegetables,264.来自于,来源于265.成长,长大266.最好(不要)做某事267.把考卷交上去268.把挂在火堆旁269.碰巧做某事270.发生在某人身上271.患重感冒272.举行比赛273.(祝你)玩得痛快274.过个白色的圣诞节275.具有年的历史,grow out ofgrow uphad better(not)do sth.hand in the papers hang near a firehappen to do sth.happen to sb.have/catch a bad coldhave a contest/a competition/a matchhave a good timehave a white Christmashave a history of years,276.上课277.看一看278.进行一次比赛279.开会280.休息一下281.谈话282.进行测验283.游泳284.散步285.跟某人说句话286.吃早饭287.早饭吃面包,have a class/lessonhave a look(at sth.)have a matchhave a meeting have a rest/a break have a talkhave a testhave a swimhave a walk/take a walkhave a word with sb.(words)have breakfasthave bread for breakfast,288.不得不289.有了主意290.不清楚291.怜悯某人292.进行体育活动293.不得不做某事294.听到这个消息295.听某人唱歌296.听到某人在唱歌297.收到某人的来信298.听说299.帮助某人做某事,have tohave got an ideahave no idea(s)have pity on sb.have sports/a sporthave to do sth.hear the newshear sb.singhear sb.singinghear from sb.hear of/abouthelp sb.with sth./help sb.do sth.,300.互相帮助301.请吃302.犹豫一会303.藏一本书304.别挂断,等一等305.举起306.举行会议307.保持世界记录308.屏住呼吸309.举行运动会310.希望做某事311.希望如此,help each otherhelp yourself/yourselves tohesitate a momenthide a bookhold onhold uphold a meetinghold a world recordhold ones breathhold a sports meet/meetinghope to do sth.hope so,312.匆忙离开313.匆忙赶到去314.把A介绍给B315.自我介绍316.发明手表317.邀请某人吃饭318.邀请某人做某事319.参加少先队320.参加唱歌小组321.加入,参加(活动)322.加入某人323.跳得最高,hurry off/leave in a hurryhurry to/go to sp.in a hurryintroduce A to Bintroduce oneselfinvent the watchinvite sb.to dinnerinvite sb.to do sth.join the Young Pioneersjoin the singing groupjoin injoin sb.jump the highest,324.跳进洞里325.跳离326.插队327.保持健康328.继续不断做某事329.保持健康330.使不做331.(与)保持联系332.阻挡,不让接近333.保持安静334.让某人忙不停335.保持房间清洁,jump into a holejump off sp./sth.jump the queuekeep healthykeep(on)doing sth.keep fitkeepfrom(prevent/stop from doing)keep in touch(with)keep offkeep quietkeep sb.busykeep the room clean,336.敲门337.撞翻,撞倒338.互相认识339.听说(了解)340.嘲笑341.(饭前)摆好餐具342.向学习343.作为爱好学画344.学游泳345.获悉这个消息346.留个口信347.留些水在户外,knock at the door/knock on the windowknock overknow each otherknow about laugh atlay the tablelearn from sb./sth.learn painting for a hobbylearn to swim/swimminglearn the newsleave a messageleave some water outside,348.把某物遗忘在家349.离开上海350.动身/出发去北京351.(中学)毕业352.借给某人一本书353.让我想想.354.放出355.卧床356.喜欢抽烟357.最喜欢358.比更喜欢359.整队,排成行,leave sth.at homeleave Shanghaileave for Beijingleave secondary school(elementary)lend sb.a bookLet me see.let out into/release into lie in bedlike smoking like bestlike better than(prefer to)line/queue up,360.听(讲话)361.靠为生362.住在三楼363.住在学校364.照顾,照料365.看,观看366.寻找367.期待着368.从朝外看369.仰视370.查询单词371.看上去强壮,listen to(speaking)live/exist onlive on the third floorlive at the schoollook afterlook atlook for look forward to doing sth.look(through)out of look up(look down on sb.)look up a word(in a dictionary)look strong,372.看上去很不安373.看上去象374.丢了钥匙375.迷路376.减肥377.寄张贺年卡378.做模型飞机379.拍电影380.生火381.谋生382.出差错,犯错误383.弄出声,look rather upsetlook like lose a keylose ones waylose weightmail/send a New Year cardmake a model planemake a filmmake a firemake a living(by doing sth.)make a mistakemake a noise,384.打无线电话385.发言386.与交朋友387.拿开玩笑388.制订法律389.挣钱390.取得进步391.整理床铺392.辨认,辨别393.下决心394.别拘束!395.使该城市美丽,make a radio telephone call(to sb.)make a speechmake friends withmake fun ofmake lawsmake moneymake(great/much)progressmake the bedmake outmake up ones mindMake yourself at home!make the city beautiful,396.迫使某人做某事397.经营一家超市398.在路上遇见某人399.在机场接某人400.迎合的需要401.遭遇402.介意做某事403.拖地板404.把椅子搬到405.搬进新居406.需要娱乐407.需要帮助,make sb.do sth.manage/run a supermarketmeet sb.on the waymeet sb.at the airport meet the needs ofmeet withmind doing sth.mop the floormove the chair tomove into a new flatneed recreationneed help,408.别在意.409.给我们一些花生410.主动帮助某人411.组织会议412.开窗413.给某人动手术414.有一套房子415.包扎报纸416.把沙司递给我417.传递418.买,付的钱419.挑选出,Never mind.offer us some peanutsoffer ones help to sb.(offer to do.)organize the meetingopen the windowoperate on sb.(have an operation on sb.)own a flatpack the newspaperspass me the saucepass onpay(钱)for(东西)/buy/purchase(东西)for(钱)pick out,420.摘水果421.拾起422.植树423.捉弄某人424.弹钢琴425.踢足球426.踢校队427.打乒乓球428.打电子游戏429.玩弄430.玩雪431.玩呼啦圈,pick the fruitpick up plant treesplay a trick on sb.play the piano play footballplay on the school teamplay table tennisplay a video gameplay with play with snowplay with a hula hoop,432.指着433.指出434.污染城市435.寄信436.练习写字437.为赞扬某人438.(比起来)更喜欢439.为作准备440.处理信息441.保护免受442.推倒443.拔牙,point at point outpollute the citypost a letterpractise writingpraise sb.for prefer to(like better than)prepare for process informationprotect from(有害的东西)pull down pull out a tooth,444.推开门445.穿件衣服446.上演一部戏447.伸出,扑灭448.举起/挂张图片449.把放下来450.延期举行会议451.与某人赛跑452.下大雨453.提高温度454.提高嗓音455.到达机场,push the door openput on a coatput on playput out(go out 熄灭)put up a pictureput downput off the meetingrace with sb.rain hard/heavilyraise the temperatureraise ones voicereach the airport,456.够得着图片457.看报458.看故事459.重建这个宫殿460.收到一封电子邮件461.收到的来信462.背诵课文463.把价格降低(了)464.常常放松465.依靠466.修理手表467.报道这个故事,reach the pictureread the newspaperread a storyrebuild the palacereceive an emailreceive a letter fromrecite the text reduce the price by relax from time to timerely on repair a watch report the story,468.把书还给469.回到上海471.复习课文472.骑自行车473.骑马474.打铃475.打电话给某人476.升到空中477.一路跑步478.追捕,跟踪479.逃跑480.回家,return the book to return to Shanghaireview the textride a bike ride a horsering the bellring sb.upraise into the airrun all the wayrun afterrun awayreturn home,480.从西向东流481.跑马拉松482.经营饭店482.奔向学校483.储钱484.挽救某人生命485.说几句话486.用英语说这个487.(向)道别488.搜寻,搜查489.看电影490.为送行,run from west to eastrun a marathon run a restaurantrush to schoolsave moneysave ones lifesay a few wordssay this in Englishsay good-bye to search(sp.)for(sth.)see a filmsee off,491.看到某人在做某事492.看医生493.透过看494.出售水果495.售完496.航空寄这包裹497.为顾客服务498.把钟拨到五点499.出发,起程500.建立,设立501.与握手502.与分享,see sb.doing sth.see the doctorsee through sell fruitsell outsend the parcel by air mailserve customersset the clock for 5:00set out/offset up shake hands with share with,503.朝某人喊叫504.炫耀505.给某人看照片506.带某人参观507.给某人指路508.住口509.唱首流行歌曲510.抽烟511.听起来很精彩512.讲英语513.在会上发言514.加快速度,加油,shout to sb.show offshow sb.a photo/show a photo to sb.show sb.around/round show sb.the wayshut upsing a pop songsmoke a cigarettesound very excitingspeak Englishspeak at the meetingspeed up,515.在上花费516.过春节517.站起来518.开始上学519.发动引擎520.开始训练521.呆在家里522.留下来吃晚饭523.暂住北京524.阻止做525.阻止噪音526.停止下雨,spend onspend the Spring Festivalstand upstart schoolstart the enginestart trainingstay at homestay for supperstay in Beijingstop fromstop noisesstop raining,527.停下来去做某事528.存储信息529.学德语530.订阅531.游过河去532.乘公共汽车(乘船)533.给某人捎个口信534.休息一会儿535.乘出租车536.散步537.负责,管理538.参加竞赛,stop to do sth.store informationstudy Germansubscribe to swim across the rivertake a bus/a shiptake a messagetake a resttake a taxitake a walktake charge oftake part in the contest,539.积极参加540.参加考试541.乘地铁542.照顾543.抓住544.别紧张545.吸入,吸收546.取出547.拿走548.记笔记549.脱掉(衣服等),起飞550.听从某人劝告,take an active part intake an examtake an undergroundtake care of take hold of take it easytake intake outtake awaytake notestake off take ones advice,551.带我去公园552.载许多乘客553.举行,发生554.取代555.开始从事556.谈论,讨论557.与某人谈话558.教某人英语559.给某人打电话560.讲故事561.区别,分辨562.说实话,take me to the parktake many passengerstake place take the place oftake uptalk abouttalk aboutteach sb.Englishtelephone sb.tell a storytell fromtell the truth,563.报时564.指路565.考虑567.想起,想到568.仔细考虑569.捆绑570.扔掉某物571.周游572.试穿573.尽力574.设法做某事575.转身往回走,tell the timetell the waythink about sth.think ofthink overtie upthrow sth.awaytravel round try on try ones besttry to do sthturn back,575.把收音机音量调低576.变成578.向左拐579.关掉收音机580.开电视机581.翻车,翻身,翻阅582.结果是,证明是583.使用计算机584.(以前)常做某事585.看望老师586.参观展览会587.等待等候,turn down the radioturn intoturn leftturn off the radioturn on the TVturn overturn outuse a computer used to do sth.visit a teachervisit an exhibitionwait for,588.等一会589.醒来590.叫醒某人591.要个篮子592.想要做某事593.提醒某人594.洗些衣服595.浪费食物596.看电视597.看电视新闻598.看一场网球比赛599.浇花,wait a momentwake upwake sb.upwant a basketwant to do sth.warn sb.(of sth.)wash some clotheswaste some food watch TVwatch the TV newswatch a tennis match water the flowers,600.穿件衬衫601.秤包裹602.重达十五公斤603.欢迎某人到604.而且,此外605.拓宽马路606.赢得胜利607.得奖608.祝某人圣诞快乐609.希望做某事610.希望某人做某事611.在南极工作,wear a shirtweigh the parcelweigh fifteen kiloswelcome sb.to Whats morewiden a roadwin a victoryWin the prizewish sb.a merry Christmaswis


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