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    ,eraser Chinese fine phone excuse thanks family how found my girl firstduty no clock she face what mapwhite pen sit box duck spell this shop must his English usual chickknow sing your write play threecousin card high yellow day keybreakfast color her two book foodwatch boy found here sure morningball where parent work their,English evening spell jacket father clocksport look blue number lunch ruler bookfour watch last thanks friend think these,/i:/,/I/,/e/,/,/:/,/,/:/,/u:/,/,/,English evening spell jacket father clocksport look blue number lunch ruler bookfour watch last thanks friend think these,/i:/evening these,/I/English think,/e/spell friend,/jacket thanks,/:/father last,/clock watch,/:/sport four,/u:/blue ruler,/look book,/lunch number,first eraser white boy phone brown chairhere sure China poor zero where our nojoin nine great of her,eI,aI,:,I,a I e,first eraser white boy phone brown chairhere sure China poor zero where our nojoin nine great of her,China of,eI eraser great,aI white nine,:first her,I boy join,a brown our phone noI here zeroe chair where sure poor,evening 1 pencil 2 help 3 next 4 hepicture 1 nice 2 five 3 think 4 buyM 1 h 2 s 3 k 4 jP 1 v 2 n 3 l 4 Iphone 1 those 2 box 3 lost 4 longthank 1 cake 2 late 3 black 4 eightduty 1 number 2 under 3 use 4 funbook 1 food 2 too 3 room 4 goodfood 1 look 2 book 3 noon 4 goodhead 1 eat 2 please 3 bread 4 easycousin 1 our 2 about 3 sound 4 somethree 1 clothes 2 that 3 thank 4 thistake 1 map 2 jacket 3 that 4 eraser,evening 1 pencil 2 help 3 next 4 hepicture 1 nice 2 five 3 think 4 buyM 1 h 2 s 3 k 4 jP 1 v 2 n 3 l 4 Iphone 1 those 2 box 3 lost 4 longthank 1 cake 2 late 3 black 4 eightduty 1 number 2 under 3 use 4 funbook 1 food 2 too 3 room 4 goodfood 1 look 2 book 3 noon 4 goodhead 1 eat 2 please 3 bread 4 easycousin 1 our 2 about 3 sound 4 somethree 1 clothes 2 that 3 thank 4 thistake 1 map 2 jacket 3 that 4 eraser,these he evening pencil for short work sportyellow seven we eggthat thank carrot takecup under excuse uncleduty must use studentnot those phone noplease bread sweater head orange hello lost soccerwhat family want watchEnglish nice rice righttoo book good look,these he evening pencil for short work sportyellow seven we eggthat thank carrot takecup under excuse uncleduty must use studentnot those phone noplease bread sweater head orange hello lost soccerwhat family want watchEnglish nice rice righttoo book good look,cake clock nice colorwhite what who where you family yellow yesthank nine fine numbersalad some his sell our found about cousineasy please healthy eatbread head cream sweaternow how yellow browngreat breakfast healthy sweaterschool too food bookchair pair where here,cake clock nice colorwhite what who where you family yellow yesthank nine fine numbersalad some his sell our found about cousineasy please healthy eatbread head cream sweaternow how yellow browngreat breakfast healthy sweaterschool too food bookchair pair where here,写出元音音素相对应的字母及组合/eI/6/i:/5/3/3/aI/6/3/5/e/4/3:/4/u:/4/a/2/I/4/e/5/:/6,/eI/6/i:/5/3/3/aI/6/3/5/e/4/3:/4/u:/4/a/2/I/4/e/5/:/6,a ay ai eigh ea ey e ee ea eo ie o u ou ure our oor i y igh uy ie ye o ow oa i e a ay y e ea a ie ir ur or er u o oo wo ou ow ear ea eer ere ere ear air eir area or our augh all oor,1.这是一个橘子吗?是,是的。Is this an orange?Yes,it is.2.那是一个电脑吗?不,不是。Is that a computer?No,it isnt.3.它是你的夹克吗?不,不是。Is it your jacket?No,it isnt.4.那是他的铅笔吗?是,是的。Is that his pencil?Yes,it is.5.这是她的戒指吗?不,不是。Is this her ring?No,it isnt.6.他的英语书在桌子上面。His English book is on the desk.7.你的朋友在中国吗?不,她不在。8.我们的教室很大。,Is your friend in China?No,she isnt.,Our classroom is big.,1.这是一块橡皮吗?是,是的。Is this an eraser?Yes,it is.2.他是你的朋友吗?不,不是。Is he your friend?No,he isnt.3.她是Gina吗?不,不是。Is she Gina?No,she isnt.4.早上好!Frank。Good morning,Frank.5.他妈妈好吗?她很好。谢谢。How is his mother?She is fine.Thank you.6.她的电话号码是什么?Whats her telephone number?7.他姓什么?他姓Smith。8.他的名字是什么?他的名字是Dale.,Whats his first name?His first name is Dale.,Whats his last name?His last name is Smith.,Whats your fathers phone number?Its one eight six seven eight nine zero three two one four.,1.他是你的弟弟吗?是,是的。Is he your brother?Yes,he is.2.她是你的姐妹吗?不,不是。Is she your sister?No,she isnt.3.7+8=15。Seven and eight is fifteen.4.黄色和蓝色混合成什么色?绿色。What color is yellow and blue?Its green.5.她姓什么?她姓格林。Whats her family/last name?Its Green.6.5+6=?11 What is five and six?Its eleven.,1I _ a good student.2My brother _ a nice boy.He _ tall.3That _ an eraser.It _ blue.4The tree _ short.These trees _ tall.5Her ersaer _ on the desk.6His mother _ a teacher.She _ thin.7What _ your first name?It _ Mary.8Her phone number _ 5688973.9_ his family name Green?Yes,it _.10The set of keys _ green.11This _ my father.He _ a book seller.12We _ in Class 13.They _ in Class 4.13_ you Linda?Yes,I _.14_ this a girl?No,she _.15How _ his mother?She _ fine.,am,is,is,is,is,is,are,is,is,is,is,is,is,Is,is,are,is,is,are,are,Are,am,Is,isnt,is,is,形容词性物主代词意思是:的用法:在句子中后面必须跟名词,人称代词主格做句子主语用法:在句子中后面必须跟动词,There is _ b and _ i in“big”.There is _m and _p in“map”.I see _ bird and _ UFO in the sky.That is _ orange ruler._ ruler is long.She has _ English book and _Chinese book.I eat _ apple in the morning every day.This is _ eraser._ eraser is red.There is _ n and _ t in“note”._ am a good boy._ name is Jim Brown._ is a nice girl._ teacher is Tom Smith._ are a student._ school is nice._ is a good boy._ name is Nick Hand._ are in Grade One._ grade is great._ are in Class Nine._ class is clean.That is an eraser._ is blue.,a,an,a,a,an,an,an,a,an,a,an,an,a,I,My,She,Her,You,Your,He,His,We,Our,They,Their,It,The,The,A:Good morning!B:Good morning!A:How are you?B:Fine.(Im fine.)Thanks.(Thank you.)A:Whats this in English?B:Its an eraser.A:How do you spell it?(Spell it,please.)B:ERASER.A:What color is the eraser?B:The eraser is blue and white.A:Whats his first name?B:His first name is Jim.A:Whats his last/family name?B:His last/family names Brown.A:Whats his telephone number?B:His phone number is 5622188.,A:How do you do?B:How do you do?A:Nice to meet you.B:Nice to meet you,too.A:Is your name Linda Brown?B:Yes.My names Linda Brown.A:Excuse me.Is he your brother?B:Yes,he is.A:Is she your sister?B:No,she isnt.A:Is it her eraser?B:Yes,it is.A:Thank you.B:You are welcome.,1 My jacket is_/blu:/.2.I want to buy an _(橡皮).3 Can you spell_/pli:z/?4 L_ at your Chinese book.5 Is this a book?No.Its a_(字典).6-How is your father?Hes f_.7 Please answer the q_,Mary.8-This is a _(钟).9 Is this your _(电脑)?10 This is a black _/kaI t/.11 My phone n_ is 2855159.12 Three and seven is t_.13 Y_and blue is green.14 E_ me,is that your _/pensl/.15 Ann is her f_ name.Brown is her l_ name.,blue,eraser,please,ook,dictionary,ine,uestion,clock,computer,kite,umber,en,ellow,xcuse,pencil,irst,ast,set school found lost in at call ring note book game computer watch baseballdo excuse not no yes that dictionarysharpener backpack case eraser pencilfamily card phone number nine eight sevensix five four three two one zero girl boylast first look answer question her hiscolor your meet to nice clock my namethe and white black blue green yellowred please spell ruler quilt key jacketorange map it list English what fineare evening thanks good morning hello,1 Where does afternoon come before morning in the world?2 What letter is an animal?3 What letter is a question?,In the dictionary.,Its the letter B!,Its the letter Y.,A cat may look at a king.Lost time is never found again.Do well and have well.A good book is a good friend.Like father,like son.Work makes the workman.Seeing is believing.Whats lost is lost.,失者不可复得。,眼见为实。,有其父必有其子。,勤工出巧匠。,好书如挚友。,善有善报。,岁月既往,一去不回。,人人平等。,This is a watch.That is my uncle.It is her photo.Is that his dictionary?Yes,it is.Is this our teacher?No,she isnt.Whats this?Whats that?,These are watches.,Those are my/our uncles.,They are her/their photos.,Are those his/their dictionaries?Yes,they are.,Are these our teachers?No,they arent.,What are these?What are those?,1这是一个双肩背包.2那是一个手表.3这些是苹果.4这些是照片.5那些是钥匙.6那些是草莓.7那是一个男孩.8这些是西红柿.,1.This is a backpack.2.That is a watch.3.These are apples.4.These are photos.5.Those are keys.6.Those are strawberries.7.Thats a boy.8.These are tomatoes.,1我是他的表兄。_ am _ cousin.2Mary 是她的朋友吗?_ Mary _ friend?3他们是我叔叔。_ are _ uncles.4她是你妹妹吗?Is _ _ sister?Yes,_ is.5刘方是她的哥哥吗?Is _ _ brother?6这是你的表姐吗?Is _ _ cousin?7他们是你的表哥吗?Are _ your_?,I his,Is her,They my,she your she,Liu Fang her,this your,they cousins,1 The two girls are my _/frendz/.2.I love _(他们)very much.3 Can you spell_/a:nt/?4 L_ at the _(图画).5 Are these _(book)?No.theyre_(字典).6-How is your f_?Hes fine.7 Look!Here is a p_ of my family.8-Those are _(兄弟).9 _those your parents?10 Here _a set of keys.11 _(he)phone number is 2855159.12 _(she)father is tall.14 _(这儿)is a photo of my family.15谢谢你的全家福.,friends,them,aunt,ook,dictionaries,ather,icture,brothers,Are,are,His,Her,Here,Thanks for the photo of your family.,picture,books,1.形容词性物主代词起形容词的作用,作前置定语,用在名词前。例1)Thisismybook.这是我的书。2)Weloveourteachers.我们爱我们的老师。2.名词性物主代词起名词的作用。名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词1)Lookatthetwopencils.Theredoneisyoursandtheblueoneismine.=Theredoneisyourpencilandtheblueoneismypencil.看那两支铅笔,红的是你的,蓝的是我的。,3.为避免重复使用名词,有时可用“名词性物主代词”来代替“形容词性物主代词+名词”的形式。例:Mybagisyellow,herbagisred,hisbagisblueandyourbagispink.物主代词为避免重复使用bag,可写成Mybagisyellow,hersisred,hisisblueandyoursispink.名词性的物主代词在用法上相当于省略了中心名词的-s属格结构。例如:Jackscap为ThecapisJacks.Hiscap意为Thecapishis.,1.Thisisnot_desk._isoverthere.2.Canyouspell_name,Harry?Sorry.3.TomandJackarebrothers.Theroomis_.4.Were classmates._classroomisverynice.5.MrsGreenismyteacher.Imastudentof_6.Thatsacat._nameisMimi.7.Tomisintheroom.Thispencil-boxis_.8.Sam,lookat_hands.Theyresodirty.9.Mike,isthispicture_?Yes,itis.10.Canweput_coatshere?Yes,youcan.11.Mum,theyare_classmatesRoseand_brotherDavid,1.Thisisnotmydesk.Mineisoverthere.2.Canyouspellyourname,Harry?Sorry.3.TomandJackarebrothers.Theroomistheirs.4.Were classmates.Ourclassroomisverynice.5.Shesmyteacher.Imastudentofhers.6.Thatsacat.ItsnameisMimi.7.Tomisintheroom.Thispencil-boxishis.8.Sam,lookatyourhands.Theyresodirty.9.Mike,isthispictureyours?Yes,itis.10.Canweputourcoatshere?Yes,youcan.11.Mum,theyaremyclassmatesRoseandherbrotherDavid,1.Ihavethatcat;thatcatis_.2.Youhavethatcat:thatcatis_.3.Hehasthatcat;thatcatis_ 4.Shehasthatcat;thatcatis_.5.Theyhavethatcat;thatcatis_.6.This is my eraser.This eraser is_.7.Thats your picture.That pictureis_.8.Its her desk.The desk is _.,9.Those are his books.Those books are _.10.These are our jackets.These jackets are _.11.Theyre their dictionaries.The dictionaries are _.,1.Ihavethatcat;thatcatismine.2.Youhavethatcat:thatcatisyours.3.Hehasthatcat;thatcatishis.4.Shehasthatcat;thatcatishers.5.Theyhavethatcat;thatcatistheirs.,6.This is my eraser.This eraser is mine.7.Thats your picture.That picture is yours.8.Its her desk.The desk is hers.,9.Those are his books.Those books are his.10.These are our jackets.These jackets are ours.11.Theyre their dictionaries.The dictionaries are theirs.,代词主格:单数 I you he she it 复数 we you they代词宾格:单数 me you him her it 复数 us you them 形容词性物主代词:单数 my your his her its 复数 our your their名词性物主代词:单 mine yours his hers its 复 ours yours theirs指示代词:单数 this that 复数these those,代词用法例句及练习 I am a student.He is a Chinese boy._(他们)play sports every day.(我们)know her son.Excuse me.I love them.She takes _(他)to school.Our parents bring _(我们)to the park.His aunt is tall.Her friend is in Class 3._(I)name isLinda._(he)uncle is here.Her ruler is red.Mine is blue.His sister is tall._(my)is short.Our room is big._(they)is small.This is my cousin.Those are her grandparents._(this)are her parents._(that)are his sisters,We,They,him,us,My,His,Mine,Theirs,These,Those,她的字典在书桌上。他的图画在书包里吗?不,不是。你的父母家吗?是的。这些橘子在桌子上。那些椅子在床下。你的足球在椅子下。他的钥匙在书包里。他们的手表在抽屉里。,Her dictionary is on the desk.,Are his pictures in the backpack?No,they arent.,Are your parents at home?Yes,they are.,These oranges are on the table.,Those chairs are under the bed.,Your soccer ball is under the chair.,His keys are on the table.,Their watches are on the drawer.,那些是她的字典吗?是的。这些是他的图画吗?不,不是。他们是你的父母吗?是的。这些是什么?他们是橘子。那些是什么?他们是椅子。你的足球在哪儿?它在椅子下。他的钥匙在哪儿?它们在桌子上。他们的手表在哪儿?它们在抽屉里。,Are those her dictionaries?Yes,they are.,Are these his pictures?No,they arent.,Are they your parents?Yes,they are.,What are these?They are oranges.,What are those?They are chairs.,Where is your soccer ball?They are.under the chair.,Where are his keys?Theyre on the table.,Where are their watches?Theyre on the drawer.,A:Are these your video tapes?肯、否回答B:Yes,they are.No,they arent.A:How is your father?B:He(Hes)is fine.Thanks.(Thank you.)A:Whatre thesethey in English?B:Theyre watches.A:How do you spell it?(Spell it,please.)B:WATCHES.A:What color are the plants?B:The plants are blue and green.A:Are these your parents?B:Yes,theyre my parents.A:Are they the photos of his family?B:No,they arent the photos of his family.A:Where are these dictionaries?B:These dictionaries are in my backpack.,动词第三人称单数变化规则1)直接+S 如:sees sells needs eats looks/z/z/dz/ts/s/brings finds helps runs knows meets plays/z/dz/s/s/z/ts/z/spells takes/z/s/2)以s,x,ch,sh,o结尾+es;如:watches teaches/iz/iz/3)以辅音字母+y结尾,去y+ies;studies cries/iz/iz/,arethankamspellmeetlookdocallfindlosewatchknow,takebringneedhaveplaylikeeathelpwantcomegobuy,afford seesellteachcry Studysound,is,s,is,s,s,s,es,s,s,s,es,s,s,s,s,has,s,s,s,s,s,s,es,s,s,s,es,s,cries,studies,s,1He _(watch)TV every day.2She_(have)8 basketballs.3It_(are)an eraser.4My brother_(bring)an apple to me every day.5Her aunt_(take)many books to her son every day.6His uncle_(know)them.7Our teacher often_(play)sports.8Their class often_(like)dictionaries.9Your sister_(call)me every day.11The boy often _(do)homework.12The girl_(sell)things every day.,watches,has,is,brings,takes,knows,plays,likes,calls,does,sells,1我妹妹经常打网球。2她表弟每天吃一个鸡蛋。3他们的英语老师有3个排球。4他弟弟喜欢字典。5那听起来很有趣。6这个男孩看起来很无聊。7她经常带一些书去学校。8他叔每天带一个苹果给我。,My sister often plays tennis.,Her cousin eats an egg every day.,Their Engish teacher has 3 volleyballs.,His sister likes dictionaries.,That sounds interesting.,This boy looks boring.,She often takes some books to school.,Her uncle brings an apple to me.,一般现在时肯定句:主3+动3+其他The boy likes apples.否定句:主3+doesnt+动原+其他The girl doesnt like bananas.一般疑问句:Does he have an eraser?Yes,he does.No,he doesnt.特殊疑问句:What does she/he Where,当主语是第三人称单数时,否定句 主语+doesnt+动词原形+其他 She doesnt play basetball.His uncle_(know)them.He _(watch)TV every day.She_(have)8 basketballs.Our teacher often_(play)sports.Your sister_(call)me every day.1我妹妹不经常打网球。2那听起来没有趣。,The boy often _(do)homework.,My sister doesnt often play tennis.,That doesnt sound interesting.,doesnt know,doesnt watch,doesnt have,doesnt play,doesnt call,doesnt do,3这个男孩看起来不无聊。4她不常带一些书去学校。school.5他表弟没有篮球。6他不看电视。7我的橡皮不在书桌上。8 他不认识我们。9我表妹不运动,她只是在电视上看看而已。,This boy doesnt look boring.,She doesnt often take any books to,His cousin doesnt have any basketballs.,He doesnt watch TV.,My eraser isnt on the desk.,He doesnt know us.,My cousin doesnt play sports.She only watches them on TV.,肯定回答 Yes,主语+does,否定回答 No,主语+doesnt,一般疑问句 Does+主语+动词原形+其他,Does he have a


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