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    Listening comprehensionListen to English Weekly,16.a dirty jacket17.Sixteen18.In cash19.this season20.Polite and helpful1-5 ABCAB6-10 CABAC11-15.BABAB,总结广州一模作文中出现问题及对策,一、潦草,卷面涂改。(不自信,马虎,自己否定自己。要高分,先从字上装点自己。)二、句子结构紊乱,人称、时态不一致。1.Student all are diligent.2.He is a excellent student.3.Li Hua help me.4.You must to go there.5.We should help other.6.Im agree to the comments.7.If you loss/lost/lose the card.If you are so unlucky that lost the card.,须注意的要点,加强基础词汇和基本句子结构教学 提高综合运用复合句的能力 注意句子间的过渡与衔接 仿写、背诵、熟读“三贴近”话题范文一、句子结构必须正确。单句:主语+谓语+其他成分。复合句:从句中须有主语、谓语,主句中须有主 语、谓语。二、人称、时态必须一致。当主语是单数时,谓语的一致。三、有一些自己熟练掌握的句型、短语、过渡词。四、避免花费太多无用功,掌握规律,稳定发挥。,2008年元月18日下午3点你校在学校礼堂举行了成人宣誓仪式。请以日记的方式记录仪式过程并谈谈自己的感想。(用5个规范的英语句子),参考词汇:成人仪式 a grown-up ceremony 宣誓 make an oath【写作内容】1举行仪式的时间、地点;2表格中的内容;3你自己的感想。4.日记开头已经写好,不计入总句子数.,英文日记通常由书端和正文两个部分组成。日记常以第一人称记下当天生活中的所见、所闻、所做或所想的事情。中、英文的日记三格式大致一样。英语日记的书端是专门写日记的日期、星期和天气的。左上角是日期(年、月、日)、星期。右上角写上当天的天气情况,如:Sunny,Fine,Rainy,Windy,Snowy,Cloudy等。,一、日记的格式,2008年元月18日 星期.天气,January,18th,2008 Thursday Sunny_.,二、日记的要求,日记的正文是日记的主要部分,写在星期和日期的正下方,可以顶格写,也可以内缩3至5个字母的空间。日记的时态 记载的内容通常已经发生但也可根据具体情况.用其它时态。(二)记叙天气、描写景色,为了描写生动,可以使用现在时,以表现当时的情景。发表感想或评论可用现在时态或将来时态。注意:日记力求简单明了,有连贯性。则应重视提示,把握要点。,(一)多用一般过去时,三、日记的类型和训练,日记分为记事型、议论型、描写型和抒情型。写日记的过程中,可按以下步骤进行:将一天所经历的主要事情和过程依次简要地记下来,不附加任何感情色彩,这是最简单的记日记的方法;阅读别人的日记,并利用所学过的句型来表达个人在一天中观察到的或感受到的事情。,It is worthwhile reading some books,If only I were a bird!,此外应尽量使用刚刚学过的短语和句型,Taking exercise plays a very important part in keeping fit,例如:,March 12th,2003,Tuesday Sunny(Fine)Today is Tree Planting Day.At 7:30 in the morning,all the students in our class met at the school gate.We walked to the park.Miss Gao and other teachers went and worked with us.All the students worked very hard,and we planted about 200 trees.Though we were dirty and tired,we still felt very happy.,2008年元月18日下午3点你校在学校礼堂举行了成人宣誓仪式。请以日记的方式记录仪式过程并谈谈自己的感想。(用5个规范的英语句子),参考词汇:成人仪式 a grown-up ceremony 宣誓 make an oath【写作内容】1举行仪式的时间、地点;2表格中的内容;3你自己的感想。4.日记开头已经写好,不计入总句子数.,1.2008年元月18日下午3点你校高三师生、全体学生家长在学校礼堂举行了成人宣誓仪式“成长,责任”2.学生宣誓,学生代表发言(表达谢意,畅谈理想),At 3:00 this afternoon,the teachers and students in Senior Three as well as our parents attended the grown-up ceremony held in the school hall,whose theme was“Growth and Responsibility”.,We made an oath,and then a student,representing all of us,made a speech,showing our thanks to not only our parents but also our teachers and talking about our great ideals,3教师和家长代表发言(表示祝贺,寄予希望)4.我们一起观看各班学生表演节目5.你自己的感想。,some teachers and parents offered us their congratulations,expressing their expectationsfor our future.,we watched wonderful performances(which were)put on by students from different classes.,The ceremony was over,but it has made me well aware that I have grown up and I am supposed to shoulder the responsibility for our society.,January 18th Friday FineAt 3:00 this afternoon,the teacher sand students in Senior Three as well as our parents attended the grown-up ceremony held in the school hall,whose theme is“Growth and Responsibility”.First,we made an oath,and then a student,representing all of us,made a speech,showing our thanks to not only our parents but also our teachers and talking about our great ideals.After that,some teachers and parents offered us their congratulations and expressed their expectations for our future.Last,we watched wonderful performances put on by students from different classes.The ceremony was over,but it has made me well aware that I have grown up and I am supposed to shoulder the responsibility for our society.,审题,1 体裁:通知2 时态:将来时+一般现在时3 人称:无4 可删掉信息:一名北京大学的学生,在学校勤工俭学.5为让文章自然流畅稍微增加点滴信息6 严格按写作要求写(紧扣写作内容),小班教学的好处,注意:连贯不一定是指句句之间的连词,也指内容上的连贯,1 北京大学将要在七月初开办暑期汉语辅导班,at the beginning of July,A Summer Chinese Course,内容1:主办方和开课时间,内容2:上课日程安排,2(此课程)每周一至周五开设,每天四小时.,内容3:授课对象,3(此课程)适合初级到高级所有不同水平的学员,be suitable for,learners of all the levels,beginners/advanced learners,内容4:教学特色,have rich experience in.be skilled in.experienced teachers in,4 所有的老师对教授外国学生汉语都很有经验,5 小班制,不超过15人,less than/no more than,1 A summer Chinese Course will he given by the Chinese Teaching Center of Peking University at the beginning of July.2 classes are given 4 hours a day,from Monday to Friday.3 The course is suitable for learners of all levels,from beginners to advanced learners.,4 All the teachers are skilled in teaching foreign students Chinese.5 The learners will get a lot of practice because the lessons are given in small classes-less than 15 students per class.,学生会决定在5月份的第一个星期组织一音乐周活动,假设你是学生会成员,请写一个通知告知相关事宜,具体内容如下:.,活动内容:唱流行歌,演奏古典和民族音乐,音乐竞赛(听部分歌曲或曲子,猜出处)报名时间:4月20号前地点:等候通知,NOTICE The Students Union has decided to organize a music week in the first week of May.A number of activities will be organized including singing pop songs and playing classical and folk music.A music contest will be included,too.Students taking part in the contest will listen to part of a song or a piece of music,and then guess where it comes from.Those who want to take part in the music week arerequested to sign up for it before April 20th.The place for the activities will be announced later.Students Union April 10th,


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