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    仁爱版英语八年级下册Unit 7,words phrases sentence patterns,Useful expresseions,test,Words,一,词形变换:1.success(n.)-(adj.)2.invitation(n.)-(v.)3.tooth(n.)-(复数)4.Russia(n.)-(adj.)5.Africa(n.)-(adj.)6.India(n.)-(adj.)7.sandwich(n.)-(复数)8.cook(v.)-(n.)9.gentle(adj.)-(adv.)10.noisy(adj.)-(adv.)11.hot(adj.)-(n.)12.polite(adj.)-(反义词),successful,invite,teeth,Russian,African,Indian,sandwiches,cook,gently,noisily,heat,impolite,Words,13.sell(v.)-(n.)14.proud(adj.)-(n.)15.buy(v.)-(反义词)16.regular(adj.)-(adv.)17.proper(adj.)-(adv.)18.supply(n.)-(复数)19.fine(adj.)-(adv.)20.noisily(adv.)-(比较级),sale,sell,regularly,pride,properly,supplies,finely,more noisily,Translate the phrases into English.,1.听说 2.挣钱3.很高兴做某事4.思考,思索 5.仔细考虑6.而且 7.在方面努力学习8.乐意/准备做某事9.用装满10.以开始 11.上市,出售 12.心地善良 13.一张双人桌,hear of make money be pleased to do sth.think about think over whats more work hard at be ready to do sth.fill with begin with on sale kind-hearted a table for two,Translate the phrases into English.,14.结帐,付帐 15.进展顺利 16.值得做17.卖得很好 18.派人去请 19.把寄给 20.不但而且21.了解 22.变为现实,成为事实 23.邀请某人去某处 24.同时 25.据说25.某人/某物保持某种状态,have the bill/pay the bill go well be worth doing sell well send for send to not only but also know about come true invite sb.to some place at the same time it is said keep sb./sth.adj.,1.I have never heard of him.我从未听说过他。hear of sb./sth 听说过某人或某事 hear+that从句 听说,得知 hear from sb.收到某人的来信2.Keep trying.继续努力吧。keep(on)doing sth.继续/重复做某事 keep sb.doing sth.让某人持续做某事;让某事持续进行3.It sounds difficult.这听起来挺难的。sound 听起来,连系动词,后面的形容词作表语。类似的动词还有:look 看起来,taste 尝起来,feel 摸起来,smell 闻起来。,1.Ill chat with Daniel on the Internet and try to get more information about him.我会和丹尼尔在网上聊一聊,尽量得到更多有关他的信息。2.I know you need money to build a new school for your village.我听说你需要钱在你们村子建一所新学校。3.Lets make his dream come true.让我们把他的梦想变成现实吧!4.First,put a deep large pot on the cooker carefully.首先,把一个又大又深的锅轻轻地放到炊具上。,Useful expressions,Useful expressions,1.But it is not polite to use both of them at the same time.但是两者同时使用是不礼貌的。2.Lets wish the students success!让我们预祝同学们圆满成功!3.Many different delicious foods are on sale.出售许多美味的食物。4.This is the most delicious dinner Ive ever had.这是我很久以来吃到的最好的晚宴。5.I have some good news to tell you.我有好消息要告诉你。6.and the results were worth the effort.并且付出的努力都有回报。,be worth sth./be worth doing值得(做什么),Useful expressions,1.First,we must have enough food and the food must be cleaned and cooked properly.首先,我们必须有足够的食物,食物必须弄干净,而且要正确烹调。2.Second,its very important for us to keep a balanced diet.第二,保持平衡的饮食对我们很重要。3.Its said that half of the students dont eat a regular breakfast or any food in the morning.据说有一半的学生没有均衡的早餐,甚至早上什么也不吃。4.A good breakfast keeps the body strong.一顿丰盛的早餐让身体强壮。,1.to raise money for a village school in Nigeria.为了给尼日利亚一所乡村学校2.It has very few school supplies.学校设施简陋.3.Our students will sell many delicious international foods in order to raise money.为筹钱,我们学生将出售许多美味的国际食品。3.Im sure that selling rice and dumpling dishes can make a lot of money.我相信出售米饭和饺子会赚很多钱。,Useful expression,Test,三,选择最佳答案()1.Ill chat _Daniel _the internet.A.at,in B.with,on C.to,on D.to,through()2.I think _she will be here soon.A.when B.while C.that D.through()3.I shall turn_ our teachers when Im in trouble.A.with B.to C.for D.at()4.I often _ my hometown when I am in Beijing.A.think over B.think about C.think D.think of,B,C,B,D,()5.The book is _ for children to read.There are few words in it.A.enough easy B.easy enough C.difficult enough D.enough difficult()6.We should _ the people.A.serve for B.serve to C.serve D.serve at,B,C,Test,()7.Keep _,and you will be _.A.to try,success B.trying,successC.to try,successful D.trying,successful()8.This is Xiao Wu speaking.Is Tom in?-_ the line,please.Hold B.Keep C.Get D.Take()9.The boy looks_,but he doesnt does his homework _.gentle;careful B.gentle;carefully C.gentle;carelessly D.gentle,careless,D,A,B,Test,()10.Do I need _with her?A.to talk B.talking C.talk D.have a talk()11.Its true that everybody _to having a big success.hopes B.looks forward C.wishes D.wants()12.It _ two hours to cook the dishes.will take B.will spend C.will cost D.will pay,A,B,A,()13.The teachers want to try some soup.A.woman;vegetable B.women;vegetables C.women;vegetable D.woman,vegetables()14.Peter knew _.whether he has finished reading the book B.why the boy had so many questionsC.there were 12 months in a year D.when they will leave for Paris,C,C,四,连接成为含有宾语从句的复合句。,1.Light travels faster than sound.My teacher told me.My teacher told me _ light _ faster than sound.2.There will be a meeting in five days.Jack didnt know.Jack didnt know _ there _ _ a meeting in five days.3.Can they speak French?I want to know.I want to know _ _ _ _French.4.Where did she park her car?Do you know?Do you know _ _ _ her car?,that travels,that would be,if/whether they can speak,where she parked,仁爱版英语八年级下册Review of unit 8,重点词汇,1.服装名称:belt腰带 blouse宽松的上衣 boots 靴子 cap 帽子 coat外套 dress套裙 gloves手套 hat 帽子 jacket夹克 jeans牛仔裤 pants裤子 raincoat雨衣 scarf围巾 shirt衬衣 shoes鞋子 shorts 短裤 skirt裙子 socks 短袜 stockings长袜 suit套服 sweater毛衣 tie领带 overcoat 长大衣2.小件 briefcase公文包 purse钱包 umbrella雨伞 wallet 皮夹3.衣服号码 small小号 medium 中号 large 大号 extra large特大号,1.silk n.2.cotton n.&adj.3.woolen adj.4.leather n.&adj.5.silver n.&adj.6.plastic n.&adj.7.afford v.8.natural adj.9.material n.10.glove n.11.society n.12.easy-going adj.13.explain v.,重点词汇,1.丝;丝织品2.棉花;棉花的,棉布制的3.羊毛的,羊毛制的4.皮革;皮制的5.银;银制的6.塑料;塑料的7.负担得起(的费用),抽得出(时间)8.自然的9.材料,原料10.手套11.社会12.随和的13.解释,说明,重点词汇,allow v.suitable adj.interview v.&n.business n.soldier n.hide v.pilot n.well-known adj.officer n.advise v.traditional adj.personal adj.hardly adv.,14.允许,准许15.合适的,适宜的16.采访,会见,面试17.公务,生意,商业18.士兵,战士19.隐藏,把藏起来20.飞行员21.众所周知的,著名的22.警官,官员23.劝告,忠告,建议24.传统的,惯例的25.个人的,私人的26.几乎不,catch ones eye depend on Its said that protectfrom as well as be made of be made from be made in be made into get sth.from/sth./sb.,重 点 词 组,1.吸引某人的注意,惹人注目2.依靠,依赖,相信3.据说4.保护使不受5.也,还6.由制成(看出原材料)7.由制成(看不出原材料)8.某物生产于某地9.把作成某产品10.从某事或某人处获得某物,重 点 词 组,allow sb.to do sth on every occasionin fashionout of fashion advise sb.(not)to do sth.T-shaped staghigh fashionin the world ofstop/keepfrom doing sth.,12.允许某人做某事13.在每一个场合14.流行,时尚15.不流行,过时16.建议/劝告某人(不要)做某事17.T型台18.高级时尚19.在领域20.阻止/防止.干某事,点滴知识:,跟doing的动词口诀:,怎样善于做贡献?What/how about doing,be good at/do well in doing,make a contribution to doing阻止他人放弃练stop/prevent/keep sb.from doing,give up doing,practice doing有难宁可不介意,have problems doing,prefer doing sth./to doing sth,mind doing建议花时忙完成。suggest doing,spend doing,be busy doing,finish doing,使人不禁有信心,keep sb.doing sth.,cant help doing,have confidence in doing继续展望想未来。keep/keep on doing,look forward to doing,feel like doing惊喜满意又兴奋,be amazed/surprised at doing,be pleased/satisfied with doing,be excited about doing牢记doing值得喜洋洋。be worth doing,enjoy doing,have fun doing,跟doing的动词口诀:,prefer A to B=like A better than B eg:I prefer swimming to skating.比起滑冰我更喜欢游泳。look so ugly on us 意为“穿在我们身上看起来很丑”Its well-known that uniforms are not popular but useful.众所周知,制服不流行但有用。Its well-known意为“众所周知”如:eg:Its well-known that this song is very popular.众所周知,这首歌很流行。notbut 不是而是 eg:He isnt a teacher but a doctor.他不是一个老师而是一个医生。,句型聚焦,Michael is interested in music,while his brother prefers P.E.迈克对音乐感兴趣,而他的兄弟却更喜欢体育。while用于对比两件事物,意为“而,然而”But now,most of us can dress for ourselves.但是现在我们大多数人都可以自己打扮。dress for“为穿衣服”dress sb./oneself“给别人/自己穿衣服,dress up“穿上盛穿、乔装打扮”dress后不能接“衣服”类的词作宾语。,句型聚焦,Here come another three models.又过来三个模特 another+单数可数名词=one more+单数可数名词 another+数词+复数可数名词=数词+more+复数可数名词 eg:1)Please drink another cup(=one more cup)of tea.请再喝一杯茶。2)Where shall we be in another ten years(=ten more years)?再过十年,我们将在哪里?,备战中考,1.How far is the factory from here?Its about 4 kilometres _.A.far B.longC.awayD.near【解析】此题容易误选A。这是由于受到汉语思维的影响,因为译成汉语 正好是“大约4公里远”。其实,问距离时可以用How far is.?,但是far不能与表示具体的距离连用,此时应该用away。因此,正确答案为C。,C,2.Do you have enough men to carry these chairs?No.I think we need _ men.A.anotherB.other twoC.more twoD.two more【解析】此题容易误选A或B或C。选A的同学是由于草率做题造成的,因为这里空格后面是个复数名词,而不是单数可数名词,因此不能选A。选B或C的同学是由于汉语思维的影响引起的,汉语中说“另外两个”,但是英语中要说another two或two more,这与汉语的习惯不一样。正确答案为D。其实,another后面也可以接一些表示时间、距离、金钱、重量等的复数名词。如:If you give us another twenty minutes(=twenty more minutes),we will finish the work.如果你再给我们二十分钟,我们就可以完成这项工作。,D,()1.Our English teacher _out for a walk after supper.A.is used to go B.used to going C.used to go()2.Go _the bridge,and youll find the bank.A.cross B.across C.pass()3.We didnt go to Beijing _ the bad weather.A.because B.because of C.so()4.Kangkang bought a book.It _ him 18 yuan.A.costed B.costs C.cost()5.Maria wants _.A.another apples B.three another apples C.another three apples()6.Harry Potter is a good book.It is worth.A.seeing B.to read C.reading,一.Choose the best answer:,C,B,B,C,C,C,()7.Jiangxi is the west of Fujian.A.in B.on C.to()8.Can you tell me _?A.what is Mikes address B.where is Mikes address C.what Mikes address is()9.The teacher said that the moon _round the earth.A.moved B.movesC.moving()10.Jane is Mary.A.as taller than B.so tall asC.not so tall as()11.This article is the _ important in the book.A.least B.more C.very()12.I dont know.A.how to do B.why to doC.what to do,C,A,C,B,C,B,


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