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    互联网上的大气科学资讯简介,一、网站大观二、文献搜索三、资料下载,一、网站大观,国内网站 中国科学院大气物理研究所“动力论坛”共有 35127 名注册会员、33444 篇主题,114383 篇回复,内容涵盖:大气、海洋、流体 专业绘图软件 高性能计算 模式发展 资料与数据处理 疑难杂症 开心解闷总动员,一、网站大观,国内网站(中国季风网),一、网站大观,国内网站http:/(中国台风网),国外网站http:/美国国家天气局该站点主要介绍美国和世界各地的天气状况,包括全美国的天气、警告、预报、当前天气状况、天气图、暴雨预报和海洋天气;全球天气状况和天气图;美国各大区域的天气,分为阿拉斯加、中部、东部、西部、南部、太平洋等6部分,并有互联网资源;以及气候统计和历史资料的气候档案,公共事务办公室,和与天气有关的学科、环境机构,及与天气有关的商业性互联网站点。此外,还有其机构、服务的介绍,会议公告等。,国外网站 美国国家海洋和大气局。该站点介绍NOAA的基本情况,基金资助申请和工作申请,新闻,当前天气,厄尔尼诺和拉尼那(La Nina)现象。发布国家天气局的最新天气预报,如灾害性天气出现州,采用国家天气局交互式天气信息网,每分钟更新一次。,国外网站 http:/美国大学大气研究协作组织(University Corporation of Atmospheric Research)该站点包括UCAR、NCAR(美国国家大气研究中心)和UOP的研究项目及计划;技术转让信息;UCAR和NCAR的大气及有关信息,如NCAR的气候模式(CCM3),宾州大学气象系的中尺度模式(MM5)等;实时天气信息,包括全美、各州和地方天气,模式预报结果,本年度的极端天气,有关ENSO的背景、诊断及资料等,与因特网上其它站点的联接;以及UCAR的培训教育、会议、展览、出版物等信息。,国外网站 http:/美国国家气候资料中心该站点包括NOAA、美国国家气候资料中心、国家环境卫星资料信息局的主页,提供气候、卫星(极轨、静止、军用)和雷达等历史资料,并有各机构的在线服务产品,出版物,以及在线资料的购销服务。最近的天气气候状况和极端气候、灾害等信息。,国外网站 http:/美国气象学会该站点主要介绍美国气象学会的活动及其出版物,目前其出版的9种杂志已全部上网,可随时查阅或下载。包括:大气科学杂志(Journal of Atmospheric Science),应用气象杂志(Jornal of Applied Meteorology),物理海洋杂志(Journal of Physical Oceanogra-phy),每月天气评述(Monthly Weather Review),大气和海洋技术杂志(Jounal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology),天气和预报(Weather and Forecasting),气候杂志(Journal of Climate),美国气象学会公报(Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society)和地球相互作用(Earth Interactions)。从中可了解到国外大气科学最新研究进展,是研究人员不可不看的一个站点。此外,还有新闻、会议信息等。,国外网站 联合国世界气象组织该站点为WMO的官方主页,包括大气研究和环境,教育培训计划,全球气候观测系统,水文学和水资源计划,局域计划,技术协作计划,世界气候研究计划,世界天气监测,卫星工作,技术图书馆,分布式数据库,19962005年长期计划的目标、政策和战略,以及成员国的互联等。,国外网站 欧洲中期天气预报中心该站内容包括欧洲中期天气预报中心建立的背景、目的、联系信息,36天的中期预报图,资料图,季预报计划(项目),提供实时的气象、海洋产品,资料服务,以及会议、出版物、计算机预报和其他气象站点等。,二、文献搜索,1、中文文献搜索,CNKI中国知网:中国期刊全文数据库学位论文学术会议论文,2、英文文献搜索,(JMS of Japan)http:/=search-simple(AMS期刊论文)http:/(AMS会议论文)http:/www.met.rdg.ac.uk/brugge/cgi-bin/qjrmsfind.cgi(英国皇家气象学会期刊)/(英国皇家气象学)http:/www.blackwell-(Tellus)http:/www.gfdl.noaa.gov/gth/netscape/bibliography.html(GFDL图书馆期刊)http:/(NOAA Hurricane Research Division)http:/www.bbsr.edu/rpi/lit/hurr/tracking.html#2000(关于台风路径的文章,2000年之前)http:/(关于台风的文章,2000年之前)http:/wind.mit.edu/emanuel/cvweb/cvweb.html(Emanuel的文章下载)http:/(Webster的文章下载)http:/www.atmos.ucla.edu/yanai/(Yanai主页)http:/(美国某研究所海洋气象在线文章)(TRMM Paper),大气科学主要英文期刊简介,ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY,Weather wiley(校图书馆数据库),Weather is the Societys monthly magazine,which is free to members.It is written in a style intended to appeal to all who have an interest in weather and climate.Its articles cover all aspects of meteorology,and its illustrations and correspondence columns are particularly strong features.Royal Meteorological Society publishes this journal.,International Journal of Climatology Wiley(校图书馆数据库),The International Journal of Climatology is a journal,covering all aspects of climatology.It is issued 15 times a year.This journal includes:-Climate system science-Local to global scale climate observations and modelling-Seasonal to interannual climate prediction-Climatic variability and climate change-Synoptic,dynamic and urban climatology,hydroclimatology,human bioclimatology,ecoclimatology,dendroclimatology,palaeoclimatology Royal Meteorological Society publishes this journal.,Meteorological Applications wiley(校图书馆数据库),Meteorological Applications was first published in March 1994 for applied meteorologists,forecasters and users of meteorological services.Its papers,provide information on weather events,numerical models and other forecasting aids and systems,and the science and technology supporting meteorological applications.Royal Meteorological Society publishes this journal.,Quarterly journal wiley(校图书馆数据库),The Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society contains papers,notes and correspondence by leading meteorologists presenting the results of recent research,in eight editions each year.It is generally accepted as being among the worlds leading scientific journals.,Atmospheric Science Letters wiley(校图书馆数据库),Atmospheric Science Letters is an on-line journal launched in 2000.It provides a fast-track peer-reviewed publication route for shorter contributions in the field of atmospheric science and related subjects.Royal Meteorological Society publishes this journal.,AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY,This journal Published monthly and Publishes applied meteorological research related to physical meteorology,weather modification,satellite meteorology,radar meteorology,boundary layer processes,air pollution meteorology(including dispersion and chemical processes),agricultural and forest meteorology,and applied meteorological numerical models.American Meteorological Society publishes this journal.,Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology ProQuest Research Library(校图书馆数据库),Monthly Weather Review ProQuest Research Library(校图书馆数据库),This journal Published monthly and Publishes research related to the analysis and prediction of observed atmospheric circulations and physics,including technique development,data assimilation,model validation,and relevant case studies.Monthly Weather Review focuses on phenomena having seasonal and subseasonal time scales.American Meteorological Society publishes this journal.,Journal of Climate ProQuest Research Library(校图书馆数据库),This journal Published semimonthly and Publishes articles on climate research and,therefore,welcomes manuscripts concerned with large-scale variability of the atmosphere,oceans,and land surface;changes in the climate system and climate simulation and prediction.American Meteorological Society publishes this journal.,Journal of Hydrometeorology EBSCOhost Academic Source Premier(校图书馆数据库),This journal Published bimonthly and Publishes research related to the modeling,observing,and forecasting of processes related to water and energy fluxes,including interactions with the boundary layer and lower atmosphere,and including processes related to precipitation,radiation,and other meteorological inputs.American Meteorological Society publishes this journal.,Weather and Forcasting,This journal Published bimonthly and Publishes articles on forecasting and analysis techniques,forecast verification studies,and case studies useful to forecasters.American Meteorological Society publishes this journal.,Journal of the Atmospheric SciencesEBSCOhost Academic Source Premier(校图书馆数据库),This journal Published monthly and Publishes basic research related to the physics,dynamics,and chemistry of the atmosphere of the Earth and other planets,with emphasis on the quantitative and deductive aspects of the subject.American Meteorological Society publishes this journal.,Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society(AMS)EBSCOhost Academic Source Premier(校图书馆数据库),This journal Published monthly and Publishes papers on historical and scientific topics that are of general interest to the AMS membership.,ELSEVIER,Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,This is an international journal for the publication of original articles on the inter-relationship between meteorology and the fields of plant,animal and soil sciences,ecology,and biogeochemistry.Typical topics include canopy micrometeorology(the characterization of radiative transfer,turbulence evapotranspiration,and the exchange of trace gases and energy within and above natural ecosystems),aerobiology(the dispersion of pollen,insects and pesticides),biometeorology(the effect of weather and climate on plant distribution,crop yield,water-use efficiency,phenology of plant and animal development,and the energy balance of animals),forest-fire/weather interactions and the role of vegetation on climate and weather.,Atmospheric Research,The journal publishes scientific papers dealing with the part of the atmosphere where meteorological events occur.Attention is given to all processes extending from the earth surface to the tropopause,but special emphasis continues to be devoted to the physics of clouds and precipitation,atmospheric aerosols,cloud dynamics and thermodynamics,numerical simulation of cloud processes,clouds and radiation and weather modification.,Atmospheric Environment,The subject matter of papers published in Atmospheric Environment covers all aspects of the interaction of people and ecosystems with their atmospheric environment.This includes scientific,administrative,economic and political aspects of these interactions.The main aim of Atmospheric Environment is to provide a scientific understanding of the consequences of natural and human-induced.,Journal of Hydrology,The Journal of Hydrology publishes original research papers in all the subfields of the hydrological sciences.Relevant topics in related disciplines such as climatology,water resource systems,hydraulics,agrohydrology,geomorphology,soil science,instrumentation and remote sensing,civil and environmental engineering are also included.Papers have empirical,theoretical and applied orientations.,Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans,This is an international journal for research related to the dynamical and physical processes governing atmospheres,oceans and climate.Dynamic meteorologyPhysical oceanographyClimate variability and climate changeAtmosphere-ocean-biosphere ryosphere interactionsPrediction and predictability.,Journal of Arid Environments,This is an international journal publishing original scientific and technical research articles on physical,biological spects of arid,semi-arid,and desert environments.Research Areas include:Climate and Climate Change Hydrological processes and systems(surface,environmental aspects)Geomorphological processes and systems(Aeolian,fluvial,slope and weathering)Soils(physical and biological aspects)Biological Sciences(basic and applied)Land use(agronomy,grazing,mining,tourism,etc)Land degradation(desertification)and rehabilitation Techniques for monitoring and management,Climate policy,Climate Policy presents the highest quality refereed research and analysis on the policy issues raised by climate change,and provides a forum for commentary and debate.It addresses both the mitigation of,and adaptation to,climate change,within and between the different regions of the world.It encourages a trans-disciplinary approach to these issues at international,regional,national and sectoral levels.,Springer,Climatic Change,Climatic Change is dedicated to the totality of the problem of climatic variability and change its descriptions,causes,implications and interactions among these.The purpose of the journal is to provide a means of exchange between those working on problems related to climatic variations but in different disciplines.,Biometeorology,Biometeorology is the interdisciplinary field of science that studies the interactions between the biospher and the Earths atmosphere on time scales of the order of seasons or shorter(by opposition to bioclimatology).,Boundary Layer Meteorology,An interdisciplinary journal concerned with the physical and biological processes in the lowest 1000 metres of the atmosphere.,Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics,This journal Publishes original research papers and on occasion invites editorial comment on important or provocative scientific issues.,Theoretical and Applied Climatology,This journal covers the following topics:-climate modeling,climatic changes and climate forecasting,micro-to mesoclimate,applied meteorology as in agro-and forestmeteorology,biometeorology,building meteorology and atmospheric radiation problems as they relate to the biosphere-effects of anthropogenic and natural aerosols or gaseous trace constituents-hardware and software elements of meteorological measurements,including techniques of remote sensing.,Climate Dynamics,Papers containing original paleoclimatic,diagnostic,analytical or numerical modeling research on the structure and behavior of the atmosphere,oceans,biomass and land surface as interacting components of the dynamics of global climate are especially welcome,as are contributions focused on selected aspects of climate dynamics on particular scales of space or time.,Russian Meteorology and Hydrology,The journal publishes articles on the main issues of meteorology,hydrology,oceanology,agrometeorology,climate changes,environmental pollution,and active transformation of meteorological processes and phenomena.In addition,the journal publishes monthly weather reports,reviews of anomalous meteorological phenomena,environmental pollution,and the status of the ozone layer.,Blackwell,Tellus Series A,This series encompasses dynamic meteorology,climatology and oceanography,including numerical modelling,synoptic meteorology,weather forecasting and climate analysis.,Tellus Series B,This series focuses on air chemistry,surface exchange processes,long-range and global transport,aerosol science and cloud physics including related radiation transfer.Biogeochemical cycles including related aspects of marine chemistry and geochemistry also represent a central theme.,Indian Journal of Radio&Space Physics,This journal started in 1972 and publishes full papers and notes in radio frequency standards and measurements,radio wave propagation through non-ionized media,winds and motions in lower,middle and upper atmospheres,chemistry and meteorology of troposphere and stratosphere,stratosphere-mesosphere coupling,ionospheric propagation,magnetosphere,ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling,physics and chemistry of ionosphere,solar-terrestrial relationship,radio and radar astronomy and interplanetary space physics.,Indian Journal of Marine Sciences,Started in 1972,this multi-disciplinary journal publishes full papers and short communications in the following areas:marine biology,marine chemistry,marine geology,physical oceanography,ocean engineering,marine instrumentation,marine corrosion and material science,satellite oceanography&modeling,marine engineering,marine pollution,marine archaeology,coastal zone management.,Tenki,Tenki is the bulletin journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan in Japanese.,Bulgarian Journal of Meteorology and Hydrology,This is a quarterly journal dedicated to the publication of theoretical and experimental research papers,short communications and correspondence on all aspects of atmospheric and hydrospheric sciences,including meteorology,climatology,atmospheric physics,hydro logy and oceanography,numerical models of geophysical fluid dynamics,as well as air pollution studies,agricultural meteorology and ecology.,Australian Meteorological Magazine,Devoted to the publication of original contributions in meteorology and oceanography,with emphasis on the meteorology of the Australian region and the Southern Hemisphere.,Journal of Weather Modification,This Journal is the official organ of the Weather Modification Association and publishes peer-reviewed technical articles on weather modification and related subjects.Weather modification can be both planned,as is the case in cloud seeding(cloud modification),or inadvertent,for example,when pollution affects visibility.Planned(deliberate)weather modification is also commonly known cloud seeding,cloud modification,and atmosph


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