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    中考英语专题讲座 综合复习.ppt

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    中考英语专题讲座 综合复习.ppt

    中考英语专题讲座综合复习,讲课人:我心依旧,一、单项选择题单项选择题是近年来平时检测和大规模考试中使用最多的一种题型。所选答案不仅要在语法上、意义上皆正确,而且要符合句子所设的语境。单项选择是强化或测定语言水平的手段,它可以强化或考查学生多种英语知识和技巧。特别是近年来新教材的普遍使用,单项选择题已不再仅仅纯粹考察语法知识和习语,英语语言知识和语言运用能力的接轨与转换已在单项选择题上有了突破性的进展。,I.单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分;满分15分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.Will you come to the net bar with me?-Sorry.My mother always tells me _ there.A.not go B.go C.not to go D.to go研析本题考查动词不定式的用法,tell sb.to do sth 告诉某人做某事,tell sb not to do sth告诉某人不要做某事根据句意,选D。2.He hardly hurt himself in the accident,_?A.doesnt he B.didnt he C.did he D.does he研析本题考查反意疑问句及过去时态的用法。由hardly一词可知前面的陈述句是否定形式,后面的附加疑问句应用肯定形式;此外由hurt一词可推断出该句是一般过去时态。因此选C。,3.Do you know if he _ to play basketball with us?-I think he will come if he _ free tomorrow.A.comes,is B.comes,will be C.will come,is D.will come,will be研析本题考查if的用法。第一句中,if引导的是宾语从句,应根据句子含义用一般将来时;第二句if引导的是条件状语从句,根据主将从现的原则,主句是将来时,从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时。因此选C。4.Doctor,I have a serious headache.-_.A.Thats all right B.Sorry to hear that C.Take it easy D.Not at all研析本题是一道情景对话题。病人对医生说有很严重的头疼,医生应该提出一些建议,让病人放松,不要紧张。而不是客套地说“很抱歉听到这个。”A项和B项是“Thank you”的答语,因此选C。,5.There are shops on _ side of the street._ of them do not close till at night.A.both,All B.either,Some C.every,None D.other,Many 研析 side是单数,both后应跟名词复数,因此可排除A,;every表示三者或三者以上的每一个,而街道只有两边,C项可排除;D项中other前应加定冠词the,因此本题选B。6.Must I finish the exercises this afternoon?-Yes,you _,but you _ finish it now.A.must,mustnt B.must,dont have to C.may,neednt D.may,mustnt研析本题考查情态动词的用法。对于must的提问,肯定回答还用must,dont have to 相当于neednt的用法,答句译为:是的,你必须,但你没必要现在就完成。因此本题选B。,7.It was windy outside.We had to keep the window _ that day.A.close B.to close C.closing D.closed 研析 D项closed在句中作window的宾语补足语。keep sb doing sth 意为“使某人持续不断地做某事”,强调动作。而keep+n+adj.侧重表示物体的状态。本题表示的是:“让窗户保持关闭着”这一状态。8.It was very hot yesterday.So _.And so _ today.A.it was,it is B.was it,it is C.it was,is it D.was it,is it研析 本题考查倒装句的用法。根据句意,昨天天气非常热。So it was表示昨天的确很热,so is it today表示今天也很热。因此选C。,9.Is this movie _ we watched last week?A.the one B.which C.what D.that 研析 本题考查定语从句的用法。which,that 是引导定语从句的关系代词,本身不能作先行词。而what不能引导定语从句。the one 作定语从句的先行词,后面跟一个省略了that或which的定语从句we watched last week.因此选A。10.Its _ a hot day that I prefer _ at home to _.A.so,staying,swim B.so,staying,swimming C.such,staying,swim D.such,staying,swimming研析 本题考查so,such以及prefer的用法。so+形容词+a/an+名词,such+a/an+形容词+名词;prefer doing sth to doing sth表示“宁愿做某事而不去做某事”。其中to是介词,后面跟动名词。因此选D。,11.Alice,you feed the bird today,_?But I fed it yesterday.A.do you B.didnt you C.will you D.dont you研析 本题具有较大的迷惑性,you feed the bird today很多同学只是把它看成是一个普通的陈述句,其实它是一个祈使句,主语you用于加强语气。祈使句反意疑问句的用法是:附加疑问部分用will you,因此选C。12.That man _ for more than ten hours a day.A.made to work B.was made to work C.was made work D.was made working研析 make 带不定式作宾语补足语时要求省略to。但是变为被动语态时要补to,因为宾语补足语变成了主语补足语。应选B。,13.I havent heard from James for a long time.What do you suppose _ to him?A.was happening B.has happened C.to happen D.had happened研析do you suppose在句中做插入语,因此C选项可排除;A选项是过去进行时,B选项是过去完成时,都与第一句I havent heard from James for a long time这一句的现在完成时态不符,因此选B,侧重对现在的影响。14.They look _ at his broken clothes and didnt know _ to do.A.sad,what B.sadly,how C.sadly,what D.sad,how研析 本句的look并不是连系动词,而是和at构成短语动词,因此应用sadly修饰look at;此外应是what to do(what 作do 的宾语),how to do it(it做do的宾语,how表示方式),因此选C.15.The teacher had Tom _ his homework by himself,but he had his homework _.A.to do,doing B.did,to be done C.do,done D.do,doing研析本题考查使役动词have的用法。have sb do sth.表示让某人做某事(to要省略);have sth done表示让别人做某事,因此选C。,二、完形填空完形填空是一种要求高、综合性强的语言测试题。它是以阅读为形式,以上下文为线索,以理解能力、词汇知识、语法知识、习惯用法以及分析判断能力为解题基础。所以完形填空是一种障碍性阅读理解,难度很大。要想做好完形填空应做到以下几点。,1.读全文,了解文章大意。在解题之前,应通读全文,了解文章的大意,为做题做好准备。通读时应抓好关键句子。这往往是第一句。这类题的第一句通常不设空。如:某篇文章的开头第一句是Summer holiday came.意思是说:“暑假到了。”这句话可能提供的信息是,“夏天,学校放假了”,这一定是一篇有关学生们在假期里的一些活动。2注意前后联系了解文章大意、层次、结构才可以答题。答题时不可断章取义,只看一些只言片语。一定要结合上下文来分析和确定所用的词。例如:One day Bill went to eat at a restaurant in London.Suddenly a young _ sat down beside him.Bill couldnt guess what she wanted.She A.man B.daughter C.woman D.boy这个空的四个答案如果只看这一句可选A和C。但往下看,下句中有She,说明这个空应选C.,3重视句子间的逻辑关系。连词、副词和一些词组可以帮助判断句子之间以及句子各成分之间的逻辑关系。通过逻辑关系也可确定连词、副词和一些词组。例如:1)The match can burn a piece of paper _ then it can burn a house.A.so B.yet C.and D.or本句意思是:火柴可点燃纸,继而能烧毁一幢房子。从前后意思看:两者之间是承接关系,应选C“and”。2)They are strong,_ only eat fruit,leaves and grass.A.but B.and C.or D.because前后两句的意思是互相否定的,这可从句中的only与前面的strong看出,只吃水果等,而身体又很强壮,所以应选A“but”。,4确保语法结构正确。例She did not find _ easy to tell Bill about it.A.that B.this C.it D.herself该空是在动词find之后,说明它应是宾语,选项中A,B,C都可看作宾语,但语法告诉我们该句所需的宾语是形式宾语,只有it才有这种功能。所以答案是C。5准确掌握词的意义及用法。例I cant _ the bill because I havent got any money with me.A.order B.pay C.take D.bring该句中有the bill帐单,所需的词一定是“支付(帐单,付款)”的意思。四个选项中只有B“pay”含有此意。所以应选B。6填完全文之后,复读全文。当答案全部填入后,应再将短文通读一遍,进行最后检查。确保文章通顺,前后一致,语法正确,逻辑无误。,II.完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分;满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AWhen Michael Ma died,his three best friends went to his funeral(葬礼).They stood for a moment,looking down into the 1 of their friend.He was a good friend.the first person said.He was generous and kind.Lets give him some money to use 2 The other two friends 3.They thought this was a good idea.1.A.undergroundB.floor C.grave D.bed2.A.at homeB.in heaven C.in the sky D.with his wife3.A.agreed B.advisedC.didnt agree D.quarreled,三人去参加他们最好的朋友的葬礼,他们认为该朋友很好,应该给他一些钱让他在天堂里用,前两位分别往坟墓中扔进了一百美元,而第三个朋友却没有像他们那样做,他是怎么做的呢?1C 此三人是去参加他们的一个朋友的葬礼的,他们死了的朋友应该躺在坟墓里。2B 其中一个人打算给他们的朋友一些钱,而朋友已死,故他们是想让他在天堂里用这些钱。3A 一个人提议后其他两个人都表示同意,这由后面一句的说明“他们认为这是一个好主意”可知答案。,The first friend took his wallet out of his pocket,opened it and took out a$100 bill.Then he threw it into the grave.The second friend did not want the other two to think he was stingy,so he also took out his wallet.Youre right.he said.He always helped his friends.He deserves to have 4 he needs in his next life.And 5 these words,he also threw a hundred dollar bill into the grave.The third man looked at the other two,and thought carefully for several minutes.He did not want them to think he was stingy,but he really did 6 spending money.,4D 这位朋友认为死者常帮助他的朋友们,故他值得拥有他所需要的一切。5A with these words“说着这些话”,with用以表示伴随状况。6D 第三位朋友有着很矛盾的心理,他既不想让另两位朋友说他小气,又不想往坟墓中扔一百美元的钱。,4.A.anything B.something C.nothing D.everything5.A.with B.of C.on D.about6.A.like B.want C.hope D.hate,At last,he bent down,took the two hundred dollar bills out of the grave and put them in his 7.Then he took out his checkbook and wrote a 8 for three hundred dollars.He then threw the check into the grave.“I havent got any 9”he said.“But that check is for three hundred dollars,so Ive given 10 you.,7D 由下文可知这位朋友将那二百美元放人了自己的口袋。8C 由后面一句:He then threw the check into the grave可知,他是将一张300美元的支票扔进坟墓中,故这里他应是在写一张支票。9D 这位朋友在为自己的行为找借口,说自己没有零钱,故用支票代替。10B 支票上是300美元,所以他说他与其他两个朋友所给的钱是一样多的。但实际上我们知道;死人是永远也不会用支票到银行去换取现金的。因而这位朋友不仅一分钱没有损失,反而得到了另两个朋友的200美元。,7.A.grave B.checkbook C.friends hand D.pocket8.A.letter B.note C.check D.email9.A.money B.check C.dollars D.change10.A.different from B.the same as C.more than D.less than,B A State Police Officer was sitting on the side of the highway,waiting to catch speeding drivers.Then he saw a car driving along 1 22 miles per hour.He thought to himself,This driver is just as 2 as a Speeder!So he turned on his lights and pulled the driver over.,1.A.at B.in C.to D.for 2.A.high B.safe C.dangerous D.fast,超速行驶自然是很危险的,但在高速公路上如果你慢速行驶,也将是十分危险的。文章中那位女司机在高速公路上行驶时受到了一位交警的提醒,她是超速还是慢行?她为什么会这样做呢?1A 表示“以(速度)行驶”应用介词at。2C 那位交警发现一辆车在高速公路上以每小时22英里的速度行驶,他觉得这和超速一样有危险。,When he approached the car,the officer noticed that there were 3 old ladies-two in the front seat and three in the back-wide-eyed and white as ghosts(鬼).The driver,obviously 4,said to him,Officer,I dont understand,I was doing exactly the speed limit.What seems to be the problem?Madam,the officer answered.you werent speeding,but you should know that driving 5 than the speed limit can also be a danger to other drivers.,3.A.three B.four C.five D.six4.A.happy B.confused C.satisfied D.angry5.A.faster B.steadier C.lower D.slower,3C 由下文two in the front seat and three in the back可知车内有五个老太太。4B 开车的老太太认为自己未超速,故她对警察拦住自己的车感到迷惑。5D 警察在告诉那位老太太在高速公路上低速行驶也是很危险的。,Madam,the officer answered.you werent speeding,but you should know that driving 5 than the speed limit can also be a danger to other drivers.Slower than the speed limit?No,sir!I was doing the speed limit exactly.Twenty-two miles 6 hour!the old woman said a bit proudly.,6.A.aB.an C.theD./,6B 老太太是在说明自己是以每小时22英里的速度行驶的。hour是以元音音素开头的,故前面用不定冠词an。,The State Police Officer explained to her that 22 was the route number,not the 7.The woman felt 8 and thanked the officer for pointing out her error with a smile.But 9 I let you go,Madam,I have to ask is everyone in this car OK?These women seem awfully shaken.The officer asked.Oh,they will be all right in a minute,officer.We just 10 Route 119.,7C 原来老太太以如此低速行驶是因为她误把公路号当作了时速的限制。8A 听了警察的解释,老太太感到有点难为情。9D 警察表示他愿意让老太太她们走,但走前让她们检查一下大家是否都很好。他这样问是因为他发现五位老太太都似乎受了颠簸。,10C 文章最后一句是全文的幽默所在。从文章前面的说明可知,这五位老太太看起来脸色苍白,是因为她们刚将车子从119号高速公路上开下来,而同样开车的老太太在119号高速公路上也错将公路号119当成了时速限制,说明她在该公路上是以每小时119英里的速度行驶的,那几个老太太肯定是受到了惊吓。,7.A.telephone number B.car number C.speed limit D.route number8.A.embarrassed B.thankful C.worried D.helpful9.A.after B.until C.since D.before10.A.got on B.started C.got off D.stopped,三、补全对话补全对话是英语考试中目前常见的题型之一。它主要考查对整段对话的理解。要求学生在通读全篇内容的基础上,既理解对话中的字面意思,也理解其深层的含义,包括谈话者的态度和暗示;把握各部分之间的关系;根据对话所提供的信息,结合教材中出现的交际情境和中学生具备的常识进行判断、推敲和推理,充分理解谈话双方的意图。补全对话,从形式上看主要以选择和填空为主;从语言特点上看,口语化极为显著,充分反映了语言的交际功能;从内容上看,篇幅短小,一般不会出现过多的生词,词汇方面没有太大的难度。根据补全对话的题目要求和特点,可按以下步骤解题。第一步:通读全文,了解大意。第二步:瞻前顾后,筛选答案。第三步:攻克疑难,确定答案。第四步:带词入空,核实答案。,III.补全对话(共5小题,每小题1分;满分5分)根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选择适当的句子补全对话。每个句子只能选一次。A:Excuse me!B:Yes?_.(1)A:Could you tell me the way to Beihai Park?B:_(2).Go along this street,then turn left at the second crossingA:Oh!Im sorry I cant follow you._(3).B:OK.Go along this street,then turn left at the second crossing.Go on until you reach the end of the street,then youll find it.A:_(4)B:Yes,it is.Youd better take a bus.The bus stop is just over there.A:Thank you very much.B:_(5).,解析通读全文得知这是一段关于问路的对话,涉及到提供帮助、问路和指路等常用语。解题时应重点分析问句或回答,然后选择正确的句子。1.答案是:D 提供帮助给对方时的常用语。2.答案是:A 表示停顿、思考、句意为“让我想想。”3.答案是:G 前面一句话表示跟不上,未听清楚,显然是要求再说一遍。还可以用:Beg your pardon,please.4.答案是:B 答语是Yes,it is.所以问句应该是一般疑问句。其实从后一句要乘公共汽车也可推断问话是询问距离。5.答案是:F 类似的用语还有:Thats all right./Not at all.余下的C句意为“你要到哪儿?”和E句意为“太谢谢你了。”都不适合本题的个空白的内容。,四、阅读理解近年来,阅读理解题在中考卷中所占分数的比例越来越大。因为这一题型能考查学生的英语阅读能力,理解能力和运用语言的能力,而且取材广泛,难度较大。该题型的选题设计类型也多种多样。其中常见的有:1原词,原句的选择 这类题可以在文章中找到答案。2换词,换句的选择 这类题不能直接在文章中找到答案,但文中有它们的同义词和同义句。3数据换算分析选择这类选择题常涉及到年代,年龄,某物的数量等一些可能会令人混淆的一些数据。4逻辑判断推理选择这类选择多是要求对文中人物,事件,时间,动机,原因等进行推理判断后得出某个结论。5词或句的真实含义这类选择一般是对文章中一些不太容易理解或容易造成理解错误的词或句子进行正确的理解说明。,虽然选择的类型各种各样,但做题的方法归纳起来主要有两种:1先读文章再看选题基本步骤如下:1)若文章有标题,一定要审读标题。2)快速读文,把握大意。3)快速浏览,选择答案。4)带着疑问挑读短文。5)全面复查。2先看选题再读文章用这种方法解题时应该注意以下几个问题。1)先只读题干,不读选项2)在读了体之后,要把这些问题记在心里,并带着这些问题阅读短文。3)读短文时,不要经常停下来。4)带着问题读完短文之后,便可以选择答案。,IV.阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分;满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。A Many American presidents in the 19th century were born in poor families.They spent their childhood in little wooden rooms.They got little education.Washington and Lincoln,for example,never went to school and they taught themselves.Lincoln once did jobs of a worker,shopkeeper and post officer in his early years.,A large number of U.S.presidents had experiences in the army.The two best known were Ulysses Grant and Dwight D.Eisenhower.Grant was a general in the American Civil War and Eisenhower was a hero in the Second World War.It happened that they graduated from the same school-West Point Military Academy.One may be surprised to learn that both of them did not do well in the school.Eisenhower,for example,was once fined because he broke the rules of the schoolThe jobs of U.S.presidents are tiring.He must keep an eye on anything important which happens both at home and abroad.Every day,a lot of work waits for him to do,and he has to make many important decisions.When Franklin Roosevelt was a child,he was once brought to visit President Taft.The old president said to him,When you grow up,you should not be president.Its a tiring job.,1.In the 19th century,many U.S.presidents _.A.did not have much knowledge in their work B.became workers,shop-keepers and post officers in their early years C.couldnt receive good education before they grew up D.didnt want to go to school during their childhood,解析 这是一篇有关政治方面的说明文。文章着重介绍了美国总统的家庭状况、所受的教育、生活经历以及工作的艰辛。文章指出,许多美国总统都出生在贫穷的家庭,受到很少的学校教育,大多数总统都有部队生涯的经历,工作繁琐而劳累。阅读这类文章时要抓住文章的中心,把握每段的主题以及层次和结构,同时要深刻领会作者的思想和观点。解题时可通过先阅读文章,在了解大意的基础上分层去理解文章的中心和主题。1选C。这是一道细节题。通过对第一小段的阅读,我们可以清楚地看到许多美国总统都出生在贫穷家庭,所以他们的家庭没有能力支持他们的学习,这是他们没有受到良好学校教育的根本原因。其他选项都不符合题意。,2.President Eisenhower became well-known _.A.while studying in West Point Military Academy B.during the American Civil War C.after he was elected President of the U.S.D.during World War II,2选D。这也是一道细节题,从“Eisenhower was a hero in the Second World War”这一句可以得到正确答案。,3.In this passage,the underlined phrase keep an eye on means _.A.pay close attention to B.pay no attention to C.look at something with one eye D.never keep in mind,3选A。这是一道词义猜测题。通过上下文的阅读,我们了解总统工作的辛苦和劳累,其原因就是整天忙于处理国内外的事务。所以此词组的意思应该是对国内外的事务的关心和处理。其余三个都不符合题意。,4.Which of the following do you think is right according to the last paragraph?A.In the U.S.no one wanted to be president because it was too tiring.B.None of the presidents except Taft could do the tiring job.C.It is an important and tiring job to be a president in the U.S.D.President Taft didnt want Roosevelt to be a president because he was too young.,4选C。这是一道基本常识题。人人都知道,作为国家元首,他的工作确实是既重要又劳累。其他的选项都不对。,5.The second paragraph mainly tells us _.A.many U.S.presidents had served in the army before they took office B.only those who didnt work hard at school but were good at fighting could be presidents C.Ulysses Grant and Dwight D.Eisenhower became well-known because they both graduated from the famous school-West Point Military Academy D.Eisenhower was President at the beginning in the Second World War,5选A。这是一道中心归纳题。从第二段的第一句就能反映出这一小段的中心或主题。其他选项都是段落主题的细节或者实例,不能说明这一段的中心,所以可以排除。,BDanny was just tired about the way things were going.His mom came to the school and went on and on talking about Rick Jackson.It seemed that she would never stop talking.“Somebodys got to stop that boy!”she was shouting.“Ricks troubling everybody in the neighborhood.And he loves to pick on little boys like Danny.”Mrs Green,Dannys teacher,was concerned a lot.“I didnt know that Danny was being picked on.”She answered.“Hes never said anything about this to me!”Mrs Green looked at Danny.“How long has this been going on?”she asked.Danny could only shake his head and look at the floor.He knew if he said a word about this,he would have trouble after school.Danny hadnt said anything about the problem because he wanted to do things with the boys in the neighborhood.After all,most of them were nice to him.He hated to leave the gang just because of Rick.Maybe the time had come to find new friends.He felt it hard to make up his mind.,1.We learn form the reading that _.A.Danny was not a good student B.Dannys mother talked too much about the school C.Dannys teacher knew so


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