中考对中学英语教学的反拨作用,入梓而知趣 求忠以自为,一、反拨研究概况二、问卷调查分析三、教学基本对策,一、反拨研究概况,Hughes(1989)“PPP”washback effect modelParticipants,Process&Product一个测试的性质将首先影响参与者对其教学和学习任务的理解和态度,而这种理解和态度又反过来影响参与者完成任务的过程,从而影响教学和学习的结果。,Alderson(2004)课程设置(Course Design)课程实施(Course Delivery)课程监控(Course Control)课程评估(Course Assessment)教 育 者(Educator)人才培养(Personnel training),语言测试的反拨效应:研究内容与方法Washback in Language Testing:Research Contents and MethodsLiying Cheng,Yoshinori Watanabe and Andy Curtis.2004NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum Press,二、问卷调查分析1、中考复习四大法宝的知晓情况,2、中考英语复习材料的使用频率,3、学生运用学习策略的频率,4、中考测试的消极反拨作用,1)缩窄课程涵盖内容2)流失有效教学时间3)淡化复杂问题思考4)削弱教师教学技能5)培育知能两极分数,三、教学基本对策,(一)“读”领风骚(理论、教材、短文)(二)“研”出法随(考试、学生、规律)(三)“思”心杂念(课标、基础、练习)(四)“享”入非非(资源、技术、思想),(一)“读”领风骚,A great part to the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way.我的大部分知识都是这样获得的:在寻找某个资料时意外地发现了另外的资料。-Adams Franklin(1881-1960),1、读理论,1)读学习理论2)读专业理论3)读教学流派,1)读学习理论,2)读专业理论,英语教师必读书目【语言教师行动研究 Action Research for Language Teachers】【交际课堂的任务设计 Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom】【交互性语言教学Interactive Language Teaching】,【情感与语言学习Affect in Language Learning】【交际语言教学论Communicative Language Teaching】【外语与第二语言学习Foreign and Second Language Learning】,【语言教师心理学初探Psychology for Language Teachers】【外语教师测试手册Testing for Language Teachers】【论语言教学环境The Context of Language Teaching】【外语教学研究方法教育统计学导读Understanding Research in Second Language Learning】,3)读教学流派,Communicative approachDirect MethodTLT ApproachTotal Physical ResponseAudio-lingual method Audio Visual Approach,communicative approach,语言功能项目特定社会语境运用语言交际1960s威尔金斯(Wilkins)亚历山大(Alexander),Main feature(1)创造运用(2)意念为纲(3)过程交际(4)话语单位(5)综合训练(6)错误容忍(7)学生中心(8)手段多样(9)情景精髓,Advantages:影响最大、生命力最强Disadvantages:(1)功能项目问题(function/notion)(2)语法教学问题(use/usage),Direct Method,自然法(Natural Method)心理法(Psychological Method)口语法(Oral Method)改良法(Reformed Method)Representatives:贝力兹()艾盖尔特(B.Eggert)帕默(),Advantages:1.采用直观教具2.直接学习应用3.重视语音教学Disadvantages:1.排斥母语2.错误较多,Task-based Language Teaching Approach,任务六要素(一)目标(二)内容(三)程序(四)输入材料(五)角色(六)情景,Advantages,1.任务活动多样学习兴趣2.知识技能结合语用能力3.参与活动思维主体作用4.小组双人活动面向全体5.内容广信息多拓宽视域6.边活动边应变全面发展7.独立积极参与良好习惯,Disadvantages,1.课堂效率低 2.依赖程度高 3.反馈效率低,Total Physical Response,James Asher 1960s提出 听力理解领先 身体反应语言预先做好准备 降低紧张情绪,Advantages,吸引注意 提供环境 左右协调快乐需求整句学用,Disadvantages 抽象无解 容易疲劳,Audiolingual method,1940s America口语法句型法结构法军队教学法,Advantages,1.听说领先2.反复模仿3.强调句型 4.限制母语 5.对比结构6.及时纠错7.手段先进,Disadvantages,忽视读写 机械重复脱离语境,Audio Visual Approach,1950s France1)语言情景结合2)重视口语教学3)重视句型教学4)生活情景对话5)排除母语中介,Disadvantages1.过分强调整体,忽视分析训练2.忽视书面形式,割断口语书面,Advantages1.调动多种感官,利于培养语感2.直接建立联系,利于外语思维,2、读教材,Brian Tomlinson(英国)Developing Materials for Language Teaching动情:学生生活相关,激发学习兴趣,情感体验学习动脑:在学习中获得新经验并反思以往经验动手:做(有意义的)事,开发能力,七年级上册Unit 1 My names Gina.Unit 2 Is this your pencil?Unit 3 This is my sister.Unit 4 Wheres my backpack?Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?Unit 6 Do you like bananas?Unit 7 How much are these pants?Unit 8 When is your birthday?Unit 9 Do you want to go a movie?Unit 10 Can you play the guitar?Unit 11 What time do you go to school?Unit 12 My favorite subject is science.,七年级下册Unit 1 Wheres your pen pal from?Unit 2 Wheres the post office?Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?Unit 4 I want to be an actor.Unit 5 Im watching TV.Unit 6 Its raining!Unit 7 what does he look like?Unit 8 Id like some noodles.Unit 9 How was your weekend?Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?Unit 12 Dont eat in class.,八年级上册Unit 1 How often do you exercise?Unit 2 Whats the matter?Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?Unit 4 How do you get to school?Unit 5 Can you come to my party?Unit 6 Im more outgoing than my sister.Unit 7 How do you make a banana smoothie?Unit 8 How was your school trip?Unit 9 When was he born?Unit 10 Im going to be a basketball player.Unit 11 Could you please clean your room?Unit 12 Whats the best radio station?,八年级下册Unit 1 Will people have robots?Unit 2 What should I do?Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.Unit 5 If you go to the party,youll have a great time!Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?Unit 10 Its a nice day,isnt it?,九年级Unit 1 How do you study for a test?Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Unit 4 What would you do?Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to.Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks.Unit 9 When was it invented?Unit 10 By the time I got outside,the bus had already left.Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?Unit 12 Youre supposed to shake hands.Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.Unit 14 Have you packed yet?Unit 15 Were trying to save the manateese!,对策:*依托话题,创设活动,激发热情*巧用词汇,开发心智,鼓励用脑*广涉资源,积极比照,语不离手,途径:*重精读,上好每一篇课文。*抓略读,选好一本配套书。*促泛读,用好每一种渠道。,3、读短文,语篇短语境强语感好语言精,1)语篇短 Reports that say that something hasnt happened are always interesting to me,because as we know,there are known knowns;there are things we know we know.We also know there are known unknowns;i.e.,we know there are some things we do not know.But there are also unknown unknowns the ones we dont know we dont know.,FOOT IN MOUTH,2)语境强The first snow came.How beautiful it was,falling so silently,all day long,all night long,on the mountains,on the meadows,on the roofs of the living,on the graves of the dead.,3)语感好Is there going to be a rise in the price of rice?If a wise child buys some nice white rice at once and the price of rice doesnt rise,he wont get any prize.I might find a kind of unkind bright light in his eyes at night.I must advise him,as my advice is always quite nice and right.,You can read it in the paper.You can read what people say.You can find it in the paper,most papers in the U.S.A.Sometimes you can find good news.Sometimes the news is bad.Sometimes the news makes you happy.Sometimes it only makes you mad.But if you want to be informed,take my recommendation.Go to a newsstand and pick up a paper,If you want information.If you want to read the news.Look in the paper.If you want an opinion.If you want to buy a house.If youre looking for a job.If you want to buy a car.If you want to see a show.If you want to know the score.If you want the weather forecast.If you want to see comics.If you have money to invest.If you want a recipe.If you need a vacation.,4)语言精,(二)“研”出法随,1、研究考试2、研究学生3、研究规律,1、研究考试(以补全对话为例),(2009全国中考“补全对话”试题使用的名称及数量),(2009全国中考“补全对话”考查内容及数量),答题形式1、选择式:7句选5 方框单词或短语 I-II栏配对2、填写式:句子 单词 首字母单词 中文情景填英文短语或句子,主要问题1、控制过强(首字母)2、要求不明(两项多余、用单词短语或句子)3、分类不妥(阅读、写作?)4、梯度不够 5、抄写费时6、分值过高 7、话题重复,2、研究学生,当下社会的不好评价“四有四无四不得”有知识无智慧沉不得有目标无信仰骂不得有规范无道德亏不得有个性无合作苦不得,拿什么征服学生?,真情实感真心实意真抓实干真才实学,学习者类型,3、研究规律,1)主题词汇图示化,2)基本词汇趣味化*Tongue twisters:If you notice this notice,you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing.That fat man said that that that that that black man said was that bad.Mr.Cook said to a cook,“the cook-book is very good.Please take a look.”,*Great thoughts:You have to believe in yourself.Thats the secret of success.Man struggles upwards;water flows downwards.A great man is always willing to be little.,*Kids chantThe animals are racing!Watch them go!Twelfth is the pig;hes the very last.Eleventh is the dog;he isnt running fast.Tenth is the rooster;eating a pear.Ninth is the monkey;jumping in the air.Eighth is the sheep;hes looking down.Seventh is the horse;big and brown.Sixth is the snake;shes long and thin.Fifth is the dragon;he wants to win.Fourth is the rabbit,hop and bounce.Third is the tiger,waiting to pounce.Second is the bull;he cant believe his eyes.Because first is the rat,naughty but wise.But where is the cat,with the black and white face?Hes still sleeping;he cant finish the race!,3)知识构建系统化+v-ing Kummspafei 酷美媚,死怕肥keep understand miss mindsuggest practise avoidfinish enjoy imagine,+to dorefuse,choose,fail,agree,afford,prepare,decide,make up ones mind,manage,try 拒选失败同负担,准备决定设法干,V+sb.+to doadvise,teach,invite,ask,tell,allow,require,want,warn,cause,get,expect劝教邀请叫,允许要警告,促使先预料,V+sb.+do四看三使役,二听一感觉see,watch,notice,observe,let,make,have,listen to,hear,feel,不规则形容词、副词的比较级和最高级形容副词作比较,特殊规则要记牢;合二为一有三对,坏病两多两个好;一分为二有两个,一个远来一个老;还有little有双意,只记少来不记小。,坏病(bad/badly,ill)worse-worst、两多(many,much)more-most、两个好(good,well)betterbestfarfarther/furtherfarthest/furthestoldolder/elderoldest/eldestlittlelessleast,表示“小”时无级,(三)“思”心杂念,在劳力上劳心是一切发明之母。事事在劳力上劳心便可得事物之真理。陶行知,(三)“思”心杂念,1、反思课标2、反思课改3、反思课堂,1、反思课标,基础教育阶段英语课程的任务:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神;使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,形成一定的综合语言运用能力;培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象能力和创新精神;帮助学生了解世界和中西文化差异,拓展视野,培养爱国主义精神,形成健康的人生观,为他们的终身学习和发展打下良好的基础。,基本理念(一)面向全体学生,注重素质教育(二)整体设计目标,体现灵活多样(三)突出学生主体,尊重个体差异(四)采用活动途径,倡导体验参与(五)注重过程评价,促进学生发展(六)开发课程资源,拓展学用渠道,容易被忽视的几点:*鼓励学生大胆使用英语,宽容错误。*满足学生口语训练需要,施教英语。*研究学生认知能力特点,渗透文化。,