Speaker:GaoQin,PPT Producer:DuMeng,Group Member:LiuYang Qu lixia Li qifan Chai xiaomei,Differences Between a Business and a Personal Letter,Definition,Letters are important means of communication.Generally speaking,there are two types of letters.,Business LettersPersonal Letters,1.The Basic Format of a Business Letter,(1)信头(letterhead)(2)Ref.No(发文编号)(3)Date(日期)(4)Inside Address(封内名称和地址)(5)Salutation(称呼)(6)Subject(事由标题)(7)Body of the Letter(正文).(8)Complimentary Close(结尾敬词)(9)签名(signature)(10)Reference Notation(经办人代号)(11)Enclosure Notation(附件)(11)Carbon Copy(抄送)(cc to XX)(12)Postscript(附言),1.The Basic Format of a Personal Letter,Address,Time,Appellation,Closing,Signature,1.The Basic Format of a Personal Letter,1st September,2003Dear Professor Li,I think that you will be pleased to learn that I have been hired by a British company,which manufactures car radios.Thank you for allowing me to use your name reference Very sincerely yours,Wang Hong,Body:In the middle,Closing:Above the signature,Signature:at the end of right corner,Date:upper right corner,Salutation:upper left Corner,commonly,Types of Business Letter,Acknowledgement Letter.Apology LetterAppreciation LetterComplaint Letter Inquiry Letter Order Letter Letter of Recommendation,Types of Personal Letters,Love LettersPen Pal LettersDear John Letters,Acknowledgement Letter:This type of letter is written when you want to acknowledge some one for his help or support when you were in trouble.Apology Letter:An apology letter is written for a failure in delivering the desired results.Appreciation Letter:An appreciation letter is written to appreciate some ones work in the organization.(superior to his junior or or organization to another organization),Complaint Letter:A complaint letter is written to show one that an error has occurred and that needs to be corrected as soon as possibleInquiry Letter:The letter of inquiry is written to inquire about a product or service.Order Letter:This letter is as the name suggests is used for ordering products.Letter of Recommendation:This type of letter is written to recommend a person for a job position.,Love Letters:senders write these letters to express their romantic feelings for another person.Pen Pal Letters:Pen pals are people who regularly write to each other;schools usually encourage pen pals so students can practice writing in another language to another student abroad.Dear John Letters:Dear John is an expression and a name given to letters sent by a woman to a man with whom she wants to break up.,Sample-Bussiness Letter,Department of English Beijing Foreign Studies Universities 2 North Xisanhuan Ave Beijing,100084 Chain June 3,2011Ms.Christine Stein338 E.44th St.A pt.11ANew York,NY 10016U.S.A.Dear Ms.Stein:Thank you for your letter of May 16.I must apologize for taking so long in answering,a situation caused by a number of recent conferences.We appreciate your desire to offer your services to our University.From the information you supplied about yourself,there would be no question about your qualifications.However,we have only a small quota for foreign teachers,and all our positions for this year and the coming academic year have already been filled.,We shall keep your offer on file and inform you,should there be any openings.In the meantime,you might try other colleges here in Beijing or other cities.Thank you once again for your offer.Best wishes for success.Sincerely,Wang Yiming(,)Chairman Department of English dies,Sample-Personal Letters,July 3,2011 Dear Liping:Jim and I want to thank you again for your part of the delicious dinner at the Wang house the other night.Everything was marvelous obviously;Im afraid that Ill go back to Boston even rounder than when I arrived!We want to thank you for all sorts of other things too but I imagine well see you again so Ill end for now.As ever,Elizabeth,