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    英语名词和冠词考点,名词的种类(2大类),专有名词和普通名词专有名词主要是指任命、地名及某些类人和事物专有的名称,专有名词第一个字母大写。(人、地名、某类人、抽象名词、月日节日、书名电影诗歌、对人家的称呼)Einstein,Broadway Jews(某类人)CCTV Easter Avatar Uncle Tom,普通名词,个体名词 集体名词物质名词 抽象名词,可数不可数,个体名词(有单复数),可以指代具体人或物Most classroom have computers.也可以指代抽象东西A new century has just begun.一个新的世纪刚刚开始。I had a dream last night.我昨晚做了个梦。,集体名词,有个体组成的集体,常用的有下列:Committee audience flock(群)Gang 一伙人Community(社区)Cast 演员总称 herd牛群Crew 船员总称 public公众Staff 全体员工 press 新闻界,集体名词用法,视为整体做单数看待,想到它的成员时候做复数看待。The enemy has suffered heavy losses.敌人遭到严重损失。The enemy are in fight.敌人正在乱窜。,集合名词少数特别用法,1.集体名词后面单复数都可以用;staff、audience、council、jury2。少数集合名词通常用单数:Community、opposition、company、gang3.个别集体名词多用做复数:Bacteria,police,物质名词不可数,Sugar Jam cheese oil beer coffee soup rain1、表示一份、一杯、一种可作可数名词用Two strong black coffees,please Three beers,please.It was a delicious Californian Wine2.用复数表达特殊含义It was now the time of the spring rains(雨季),抽象名词,抽象概念一般不可数Policy magic energy health thought faith HappinessI wish you luck 一般情况下不加任何冠词,有特殊:I shall never forget the beauty of that lakeTheres a beauty in simplicity.朴实之中有种美,可数名词和不可数名词,1.注意特殊不可数名词Furniture equipment clothing news information machinery2.一些名词可作可数、不可数两种,Number of Nouns,(1)规则变化1.词尾+s:desks,maps,cats,roofs pens,rooms,dogs,cars2.词尾+es:buses,watches,glasses,brushes3.辅音+y ies:baby babies,city cities4.元音+y ys:days,boys,keys5.辅音+o+es:potatoes,tomatoes,heroes 例外:kilos,photos,pianos,B.名词复数形式的构成,Number of Nouns,(1)规则变化6.元音+o+s:zoos,bamboos,radios,studios工作室 7.词尾f或fe ves:half halves,life lives,knife knifes/self,shelf架子,loaf 一条,wife,thief,wolf,leaf,etc 例外:roofs,chiefs 首领,proofs,beliefs,safes保险箱,griefs 悲伤,handkerchiefs,cliffs悬崖,,B.名词复数形式的构成,Number of Nouns,(1)规则变化8.英文字母、缩写词或数字、年份的复数形,以加s为原则:e.g.mind your ps and qs谨慎行事 in the 1980s=in the 1980s phDs=phDs,B.名词复数形式的构成,Number of Nouns,(2)不规则变化1.改变元音的字母:man men,woman women,foot feet,goose geese,tooth teeth,mouse mice2.词尾+en 或 ren:ox oxen,child children3.单复数同形:deer,sheep,aircraft航空器,cattle,Chinese,B.名词复数形式的构成,Number of Nouns,(2)不规则变化4.外来语的复数形:datum data,basis bases,crisis crises,antenna antennae,medium media,analysis analyses,B.名词复数形式的构成,Number of Nouns,(3)复合名词的复数1.主体词后改为复数:passers-by 行人,fathers-in-law岳父,maid-servants女仆 editors-in-chief 2.前后两词均改为复数:men-servants,women-doctors,3.多数合成词以词尾+s:grown-ups,forget-me-nots 勿忘草,B.名词复数形式的构成,Number of Nouns,1.表示不可数名词量的概念,要使用单位名词。.a bar of chocolate,a piece of furniture,a drop of water,an item of news,a loaf of bread,a piece of advice2.某些数量词只能修饰可数名词:many,few/a few,a(large)number of,a good many of,etc.3.某些数量词只能修饰不可数名词:much,little/a little,a great deal of,a large amount of,a quantity of,C.使用名词单复数时的注意事项,Number of Nouns,4.某些数量词既可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词:some,a lot of,lots of,plenty of,a percentage of5.有些名词的复数形式表示特殊的意义:times时代,works著作,goods货物,greens蔬菜,regards 问候,contents 目录,papers论文/文件,parts零件 directions 指示/用法,gains 收获,numbers数字,算数 measures/means手段/措施,pains辛苦,remains遗迹/残余,communications通讯系统/交通工具,movies电影 calculations计算的结果,oils 油画,letters文学,brains智力 colors徽章,,C.使用名词单复数时的注意事项,Number of Nouns,6.有些名词常用其复数形式:shoes,gloves,scissors,trousers,compasses圆规,jeans,glasses,savings 储蓄,surroundings环境,finds研究结果,earnings 薪水,funds资金,arms武器 make friends with,burst into tears,in other words,at all costs不惜任何代价,forces部队 on second thoughts进一步考虑后,make preparations for为作准备,C.使用名词单复数时的注意事项,7.有些名词常用其单数形式:,某些动物:bison 野牛 deer reindeer cod鳕鱼 salmon trout鳟鱼Craft及其合成词 aircraft hovercraft spacecraft某国人 Chinese Species means works offsprings,Number of Nouns,8.有些国家名或学科名词看上去是复数,其意义是单数:physics,politics,electronics,mathematics,economics,the United States,the United Nations,news,gymnastics体操,statistics统计学 The Arabian Nights 天方夜谭,C.使用名词单复数时的注意事项,名词所有格 possessive case,1、构成单数+s 复数后面+名词复数不以s结尾+s以s结尾的单数名词后加+s或者+s、Burnss/Burns poems,名词所有格用法,1、表示人的名词后面2、高级动物名称或个别低级动物3、无生命的名词后 时间、距离、价格、国家、城市、集体或机构。,名词所有格的特殊意义,1、主动关系He was pleased by his teachers praise2、被动关系The play ends with Hamlets murder3、特征The young boy has a mans voices 小孩有个大人嗓子4、还可与of引导的短语结合使用I have only read four books of Dickenss.,名词作定语,Time zone power politics family nameZip code news agency feature film故事片Income tax seat belt identity cardArms depot军火库 savings banksCareers officer 就业指导 an arts degreeGold ring金戒指 golden sunshine 金色的阳光Stone house stony heart,Number of Nouns,1.并列结构作主语时与谓语的一致关系 a)由and连接两个名词或者代词作主语时,A and B分为以下四种情况:1)A、B表示不同的人、物或者观念的时候,谓语动词要用复数形式 Li Ming and Zhang Hua are good students.Both the parents and the children are here.2)A、B表示同一个人、物或者观念的时候,谓语动词要用单数形式 A journalist and author lives in the sixth flat.The turner and fitter is under twenty-five.,D.名词的数与一致性,Number of Nouns,3)and连接几个单数主语,主语由each、every、no、many a等词修饰的时候,谓语动词要用单数 Each boy and each girl is invited.Every boy and girl is invited.No boy and no girl is there now.4)A、B为两个不可分的东西时,谓语动词用单数 A law and rule about protecting environment has been drawn up.Bread and butter is nutritious.,D.名词的数与一致性,Number of Nouns,b)由or,not only but also,either or,neither nor 连接主语时,谓语的人称和数与靠近的主语一致(注意,叙述句和疑问句随语序不同而不同)Either you or I am mad.Neither you nor he is naughty.Not only the farmer but also his family were friendly to me.,D.名词的数与一致性,Number of Nouns,c)当主语后跟 but,with,along with,together with,besides,except,like,including,as well as,rather than 等词时,谓语动词不受词组的影响,仅和主语保持一致:All but one were here just now.A library with five thousand books is offered to nation as a gift.,D.名词的数与一致性,2.单一主语的情况 a)以复数形式结尾的名词作主语时,例如physics,maths,economics,news,means,works,等一般在谓语动词中用单数形式,当然,若表示复数的意思则另当别论 Physics is very important.Every means has been tried.,D.名词的数与一致性,Number of Nouns,2.单一主语的情况 b)b)表示双部分工具的名称,衣服名称等作主语时,例如trousers/pants,shoes,glasses,scissors,goods,clothers等,谓语用复数形式;如果这些词由Pair(suit,piece,series,kind)+of修饰时,谓语动词要用单数 My trousers are white and his clothes are black.A pair of scissors is lying in that drawer.但是在these/those pairs()of+复数名词之后,谓语动词则用复数形式 These kinds of glasses are popular this summer.,D.名词的数与一致性,3.动名词,不定式,从句作主语的时候,谓语动词一 般要用单数 To see is to believe.Swimming is a good way to keep health.Who is her father is not known.,D.名词的数与一致性,4.集体名词作主语时 a)mankind/humanity/man(人类)作主语的时候,谓语动词一般用单数形式 Only man is knows how to cook.b)由people,police,cattle,youth等集体名词作主语的时候,谓语动词用复数形式 The cattle are grazing in the field,D.名词的数与一致性,c)Family,crowd,class,public,enemy等集体名词作主语的时候 i.若当整体看,则谓语动词用单数形式 Our class is very diligent.ii.若他们表示的人或者事物当作若干个个体来看,谓语动词则用复数形式 When I came into the room,his family were watching TV.iii.A family/group/class 作主语时,谓语动词用单数;families/groups/classes作主语时,谓语动词用复数 A group is coming to the zoo.,D.名词的数与一致性,5.其他情况 a)主语为表示距离、时间、长度、价值、金额、重量等复数名词的时候,谓语动词用单数形式 3 kilometers is not very far.Three times three makes nine.,D.名词的数与一致性,b)one,every/each one,each,anyone,either,neither+of+复数名词:谓语动词一般用单数形式,因为of之后的复数名词不是主语而是介词of的宾语,of前面的one,every one 才是主语 Neither of them is right.Each of them has a slide.c)none of+不可数名词谓语动词用单数形式 none of+可数名词谓语动词单复均可 None of that money in the desk is his.None of his classmates knows the truth.,D.名词的数与一致性,d)分数或百分数+of+词组 分数或百分数+of+词组作主语时,谓语动词的数取决于of后的名词或者代词的数;若名词或代词是复数,谓语动词用复数,若名词或代词是单数,则谓语动词用单数 Three-thirds of the surface of the earth is sea.Tens of tons of waste goes into the air with the smoke every day.e)more than one+(单数名词)+单数动词 more than two+(复数名词)+复数动词 More than one white rose has bloomed.More than two white roses have bloomed.,D.名词的数与一致性,f)a(great)number of+复数名词 用复数动词 the number of+任何名词 用单数动词 A great number of tourists have been to the Great Wall.The number of students in the computer class is limited to ten.g)the+形容词,表示一类人 谓语动词用复数 the+形容词,表示一类物 谓语动词用单数 The rich are for the decision but the poor are against it.The beautiful is here.,D.名词的数与一致性,h)every,any,some,no 构成的复合词:everyone,everybody,everything anyone,anybody,anything someone,somebody,something no one,nobody,nothing 这些复合词作主语的时候,谓语动词用单数形式 Everyone in the class was surprised at the news.Listen,someone is knocking at the door.,D.名词的数与一致性,名词的性别,God goddessFiance fiancee 未婚妻、Tiger tigeressRam ewe母羊A he-goatA she-wolf,名词在句中的作用(9种),主语 Knowledge is power表语 Smoking is my only weakness宾语 Did you get my fax定语 We bought a new color Tv同位语 This is our department dean,Dr OWen呼语 Moring,Edwin.状语 Well meet Monday.介词宾语 she majored in Physics at Yale.复合宾语 They elected James to be chairman.,冠词的用法:,什么是“冠”词?,冠词,The woman with a large haton her head isbeautiful.,冠词,顾名思义,就是戴在名词头上的一顶帽子。它是虚词,本身不能单独使用,只能附在一个名词上帮助说明这名词的含义。英语中冠词有两个,一是定冠词(the Definite Article),翻译成“这个”或“这些”;一是不定冠词(the Indefinite Article)译作“一个”或“一类”比如:我们说“书”用“book”是对的,但是,放在一个句子里,如:There is book on the desk.This is book I bought there.以上两句就是错句,a,the,定语从句,不定冠词的基本用法:1。用来表示“一”这个数量,意思和one差不多Eg:Rome was not built in a day.The work will be finished in a day or two.2。也可以用来表示“某一个”This poem was written by a peasant.A nurse is coming to see you.3.代表一类人或东西Even a child can answer this question.A horse is a useful animal.,4.在作表语的名词前加不定冠词的情形很多,主要说明某个人或东西属于哪一类。The man is an engineer.Is this a book or a magazine?5.用在一些固定搭配中和习惯用法中,要注意记忆!all of a sudden=suddenlyas a matter of fact=in factin a hurry at a time pay a visit toplay a trick on have a tryplay a joke on have a rest take a lookStudying English is a must.Its really a bargain.,a kind ofa sort ofa lot of=lots ofa number of=numbers ofa large quantity of=large quantities ofa great deal ofIt is a pleasure.=Its my pleasure.As a writer,he is a great success.The meeting proves to be a failure.You really gave me a surprise.What a pity/shame!,注意“a”和“an”a boy an houra hero an islanda useful tool an honest girla university an effective method元音音素发音的词前用“an”_European countryThere is _”s”in this word.There is _ silent“b”in this word.,a,an,a,使用定冠词的场合:,1。特指某些人和物Beijing is the capital of the PRC.2。指谈话双方都知道的人和物Please open the door.3。指前文中提到的人和事I met a girl yesterday.The girl is a nurse.4。用在世界上独一无二的事情或方位的名词前。The earth moves round the sun.,5.用在单数可数名词前,用来表示一类人或事。The tiger is in danger of dying out.The telephone was invented by Bell.6。用在序数词和形容词最高级前He directed the first and also the best film in his country.7。用在江河、湖泊、海洋、山脉和群岛的名称前the Yellow River the Pacific Ocean8。用在某些由普通名词和其它一些词组成的专有名词前:the Great Wall,9.用在姓氏的复数形式前,表示全家人或这一姓的夫妇二人the Turners the Greens the SmithsThe Lis10。在某些国名前the United States the United Kingdom11。在某些形容词前,表示一类人或事the poor/rich/dead/living/wounded12。表示朝代和年代的词前the Ming Dynasty in the 1980s13。在好多习惯用法中,in the morning/afternoon/eveningin the end in the beginningat the end of at the beginning ofIn the front of in the middle ofon the contrary on the other handIn the hope of,不用冠词的场合,1。在专有名词、物质名词和抽象名词前一般不用冠词:This kind of machine is made in China.Glass can be made into bottles.without hesitation/delay/mercy,2.在表示一类人或事物的复数名词前,一般不用冠词She likes reading stories.They are all teachers.Children like holidays.,3。名词前有物主代词、指示代词、不定代词或名词所有格时,不再用冠词Our country is a socialist one.-Have you any sister?-No,I have no sister.Peters brother is an engineer.,4。在节日、星期、月份、季节等名词前一般不用冠词但是在中国的传统节日前要用冠词National Day May DayNew Years Day Sunday spring Junethe Mid-autumn Festivalthe Spring Festivalthe Dragon-boat Festivalthe Lantern Festival,5。担任的头衔、职务的名词在句子中作表语、补语和同位语时,要省略冠词:Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the US.He is chairman of the meeting.Xiao Li,monitor of our class,often helps me.,比较:Water boils at 100CThe water in this well has been polluted.I like drinking tea.Long-jing is a wonderful tea.Coffee is served here.Id like three black coffees.Failure is the mother of success.The Asian Games is a great success.,在好多固定搭配中:husband and wife body and soulknife and fork day and nightafter school/class/workgo to hospital/work/school/prisonin front of at table on foot by car go to town out of question 在三餐饭,球类和棋类游戏名词前,D,D,B,C,C,返回,


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