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    Unit 1 money&banking,Intermediary,Existing or occurring between;intermediate.Acting as a mediator or an agent between persons or things.n.仲裁者,调解者,中间物adj.中间的,媒介的,To act as an intermediary;mediate.调解充当调解人;调解An intermediary;a go-between.中间人;调解人intermediary agent 媒介Negotiating through intermediary refer but prospect uncertain.non-monetary financial intermediary 非货币性金融中介机构thrift intermediary 储蓄机构,intermediary goods 半成品,半制成品intermediary trade 居间贸易,中间贸易intermediate account 媒介中间帐户,期内帐单,asset,A useful or valuable quality,person,or thing;an advantage or a resource:An agreeable personality is a great asset;proved herself an asset to the company.A valuable item that is owned.,asset measurement 资产计量asset stock 资产股份asset-stripping 资产剥除(低价收买财政困难的公司,然后将其资产分别卖掉),assets,Accounting The entries on a balance sheet showing all properties,tangible and intangible,and claims against others that may be applied,directly or indirectly,to cover the liabilities of a person or business,such as cash,stock,and goodwill.The entire property owned by a person,especially a bankrupt,that can be used to settle debts,Reorganized assets;assets reorganization 资产重组wasting assets 递耗资产tangible assets 有形资产specific assets 专项资产quick assets 可以很快变卖的资产permanent assets【会计】固定资产fixed-liquid assets 流动资产invisible assets 帐外资产,assets and equity 资产及股本assets and liabilities accounts 资产及负债帐户assets cover 资产担保/抵偿assets coverage 资产担保率assets guideline period 固定资产使用年限表,assets inventory surplus/loss/shortage 资产盘盈/亏assets turnover 资产周转率,销售额与平均资产总值的比率,Securities,n.有价证券;产权证明,权利,证券value securities 有价证券negotiable securities可流通/可转让证券,证券securities custody clerk 保安人员price index of securities 有价证券价格指数Panic selling of securities.金融大恐慌导致的债券抛售Issuable currency;issuable securities.可发行的货币;可发行的债券,securities account 证券帐户securities act/house 证券管理条例/场所securities operation trust 证券经营信托securities affiliate 美经营有价证券的分行securities ledger 有价证券总帐,securities proceeds 出售证券收入securities register 证券登记簿,Pension,n.A sum of money paid regularly as a retirement benefit or by way of patronageMonthly pension 每月的养老金grant a pension 赐予养老金。a retiring pension 退休金;养老金Commute ones pension 改变退休金的付款方式retire on a pension 领退休金,退休draw a pension.领取退休金a pension fund.退休基金,pension contributions 养老金缴款pension sb.offv.发给某人养老金使其退休Annuity n.年金,养老金To buy or to take out on annuity.购买养老金或领取年退休金。The law enables us to receive an annuity.法律授予我们领取年金的权利。,claim,V.A demand for something as rightful or due.A basis for demanding something;a title or right.Something claimed in a formal or legal manner,especially a tract of public land staked out by a miner or homesteadern.(根据权利提出)要求,要求权,主张,要求而得到的东西vt.(根据权利)要求,认领,声称,主张,需要Claims n.索赔;赔偿金,权利要求书;权力主张,to claim damages 索赔settle a claim 解决索赔relinquish a claim 放弃要求reject a claim 拒绝索赔extinguish a claim 使要求无效claim against damage 要求赔偿损失admit a claim 同意赔款priority of ones claim 优先要求权claim against the underwriters 向保险商索赔,Convert,V.n转变(到另一种性质/状态);兑换convert defeat into victory 转败为胜convert stocks/assets into cash;将股票/资产兑换成现金;make a convert of sb.使某人改变信仰主张To convert into communal property.把收归公有转变成公社财产To convert fund to ones own use 侵吞他人的资金,converted products 加工产品converted balance sheet 债券股票转换后资产负债表conversion account 换算兑换帐户,转换帐conversion at the current price 按现行价格兑换,Liquidity,The state of being liquid.The quality of being readily convertible into cash:an investment with high liquidity.n.流动性,流畅清偿能力,liquidity trap 流动性陷阱(由于利率降至极低水平,几乎每人都只愿持有流动性强的现金,而不愿进行投资、持有债务票据的现象.)liquidity ratio 流动性比率quick rationliquidity analysis 流动性分析international liquidity 国际清偿能力(是指一国弥补国际收支逆差而无须采取调整措施的能力。),an investment with high liquidity.一项具有高度资产折现力的投资a bank that is increasing its liquidity by shortening the average term of its loans.一家以缩短平均贷款期限来提高其资金流动性的银行,liquidated account 已清算帐户liquidation sale 停业清理大拍卖liquidator 清算人,Equity,The residual value of a business or property beyond any mortgage thereon and liability therein.The market value of securities less any debt incurred.Common stock and preferred stock.Funds provided to a business by the sale of stock权益,扣除担保税金等剩余价额,公平,股东权益,股东拥有的资产净值,股东自有资本,股票,股权证,股本,equity 衡平法 equity jurisprudence 衡平法理学equity ratio 权益比率equity ownership 业主权益产权equity capital 投资于新企业的资本;(资本)净值 equity of redemption【律】抵押人依法赎回抵押品的权利,equities n.所持份额无固定利息的证券股票(英国),证券,mortgage,n.Abbr.mtg.,mtge.(名词)缩写 mtg.,mtge.A temporary,conditional pledge of property to a creditor as security for performance of an obligation or repayment of a debt.抵押:给予债权人临时的、有条件的财产抵押,以此作为履行责任或偿还债务的保证 A contract or deed specifying the terms of a mortgage.抵押单据,抵押证明:一种具体规定抵押条件的合约和证书 The claim of a mortgagee upon mortgaged property.债权,要求权:索回被抵押财产的抵押权的请求,v.tr.(及物动词),mort.gaged,mort.gag.ing,mort.gag.es To pledge or convey(property)by means of a mortgage.抵押:以抵押的方式保证或转移财产 To make subject to a claim or risk;pledge against a doubtful outcome:投注:使依附于某一风险或请求;对不确定收入的抵押:mortgaged their operation plan by taking a popular stand.借着采取受欢迎的立场来投注他们的经营计划。,tacit mortgage 依法抵押a tacit law/understandingmortgage loan/bond 抵押贷款/债券To buy a house on mortgage;to mortgage a house 按揭购房To redeem a mortgage 赎回抵押品mortgage oneself to the cause 献身于事业mortgage bank 抵押银行a loan secured by mortgage 抵押作担保的贷款repay ones mortgage in monthly instalment 每月分期付款偿还抵押借款,mortgage certificate coupon 抵押证,息票mortgage holdings 抵押权mortgage insurance 不动产抵押借款保险mortgage liability 抵押负债Mortgager 抵押人 mortgagee 抵押权人,Portfolio,n.部长职务;公文包;投资组合portfolio effect 资产组合效应、均衡效果an artists portfolio of drawings.画家的作品a lecture portfolio(教师用的)讲义夹a portfolio that is tempered to the investors needs.调整得适合投资者需求的投资组合。His portfolio contain share in the major oil company.他的投资组合包括大石油公司的股票。,to hold/resign ones portfolio 担任/辞去部长职务 minister without portfolio 不管部长,Entice,.tr.(及物动词)en.ticed,en.tic.ing,en.tic.es To attract by arousing hope or desire;lure:诱惑:被希望或欲望所吸引;诱惑:The promise of higher pay enticed me into the new job.Nothing will entice Mr White into breaking the law.什么都不可能促使怀特先生干,Enticing a.诱惑人的Enticementn.引诱;诱惑There are so many enticement offers that I can not refuse the job.这项工作有那么多优惠待遇,使我难以拒绝。,互助储蓄银行mutual saving bank,美国的由联邦政府担保的住宅抵押贷款组织。最早于年在纽约建立。以后在美国东北地区发展。互助储蓄银行的资金具体运用于:()发放不动产抵押贷款(主要是住房贷款);()投资于政府公债、公司的股票和债券;()对市政机构发放贷款;()剩余部分转存银行生息,Eurodollars 欧洲美元,欧洲美元是存放在美国以外银行的不受美国政府法令限制的美元存款或是从这些银行借到的美元贷款。由于这种境外存款、借贷业务开始于欧洲,因此称为欧洲美元。它与美国境内流通的美元是同样的货币,并具有同样的价值。它们之间的区别只是帐务上的处理不同。随着美元地位日益衰落,“欧洲美元”迅速增长,存贷款活动日益发展,欧洲美元市场成为最重要的国际金融市场之一。欧洲美元供应充裕、应用灵活,存放以及借贷不受任何国家外汇管理法令的限制,可为各国政府和大企业解决巨额资金的急需,有利于世界经济的发展。但由于它的流动性太强,不受约束,因而也是造成国际金融市场动荡不定的主要因素。,Statement,reconciliation statement【会】对帐表financial statement 财务报表;决算表(指资产负债表、损益计算书等)explicit statement 明确的陈述指示distinct statement 确切的声明the foregoing statement 前面所述the alleged statement 宣称(声明)issue a statement 发表一项声明,Passbook,n.存款簿,银行存折 bankbookDeposit book,passbook 存折interest passbook 息折deposit passbook 存折current passbook 往来折bank passbook 银行存折saving account passbook 储蓄存折Ill make the entry in your passbook.我要把这笔帐记入您的存折。Did you bring your passbook with you?您带存折了吗?,regular savings account,活期存款,


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