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    THE 80 x86 IBM PC AND COMPATIBLE COMPUTERS,Principles of Computer Organization and Interfacing,Feature of the Course,Major Basic CourseSpecialized Course,Preliminary knowledge,C LanguageDigital Circuit,The lesson includes four parts,computer organization,computer architecture,assembly language programming,80 x86 PC interfacing.The computer organization The computer architecture The instruction functions with Intel family of microprocessors Basic I/O interface Interrupts Direct Memory Access(DMA),What will we learn?,Application Industry Control Transaction Processing CAD/CAM Education and Learning Home Entertainment Computation of Science and Project Artificial Intelligence,THE x86 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE,DESIGN,AND INTERFACING.5th Edition,Muhammad Ali Mazidi,ISBN 978-7-121-09770-6 电子工业出版社,Textbook,1.微机原理、汇编语言及接口技术,周杰英、张萍等编,人民邮电出版社 2.The Intel Microprocessors 8086/8088,80186/80188,80286,80386,Pentium,Architecture,Programming,and Interfacing(Seventh Edition),Barry B.Brey 3.微机原理与接口技术(第2版),朱晓华等编著,电子工业出版社 4.Computer Organization(Fifth Edition)Carl Hamacher ISBN 7-111-10346-7 机械工业出版社,References,5.计算机组成与体系结构(美)Linda Null 著 黄河等译 机械工业出版社 6.计算机组成原理(第2 版)唐朔飞 编著 高等教育出版社,References,THE 80 x86 IBM PC AND COMPATIBLE COMPUTERS,Chapter 0 Introduction to Computing,Main Content,CHAPTER 0,Convert any number from base 2,base 10,or base 16 to any other two bases Add and subtract binary and hex numbers binary number in 2s complement ASCII code Definitions of KB,MB,GB,TB Digital Primer Architecture of Microprocessor,Sec.0.1 Numbering and coding systems,Converting from decimal to binary,CHAPTER 0,Example 0-1 Convert 2510 to binary.Solution:Quotient Remainder25/2=12 1 LSB(Least significant bit)12/2=6 06/2=3 03/2=1 11/2=0 1 MSB(most significant bit)Therefore,2510=110012.,Converting from binary to decimal,Sec.0.1 Numbering and coding systems,CHAPTER 0,Example 0-2 Convert 110012 to decimal.Solution:Weight:16 8 4 2 1 Digits:1 1 0 0 1 Sum:16+8+0 0 1=2510,Example 0-3 Use the concept of weight to convert 3910 to binary.Solution:Weight:32 16 8 4 2 1 Digits:1 0 0 1 1 1 Sum:32+0+0+4+2+1=39,CHAPTER 0,Sec.0.1 Numbering and coding systems,In each base,when onemore is added to thehighest digit,that digit becomes zero.A 1 is carried to the next-highest digit position.,Table 0-2 shows the relationship between all three bases in the sequence of numbers from 0 to 31 in decimal,with equivalent binary&hex numbers.,Sec.0.1 Numbering and coding systems,Converting number from base R to base 10,CHAPTER 0,Sec.0.1 Numbering and coding systems,Converting number from base 10 to base R When convert number from base 10 to base R,the integer and decimal fraction need to be calculatedrespectively.Dividing the integer by R repeatedly,keeping track of the remainders,this process continues until the quotient becomes zero.,CHAPTER 0,Sec.0.1 Numbering and coding systems,Converting number from base 10 to base R Multiplying decimal by R repeatedly,keeping the integer,this process continues until the product is zero ordepending on the request.,CHAPTER 0,integer),Expression of the signed number,CHAPTER 0,The most significant digit(MSB)denotes the sign,the other digits are aside for the magnitude of the number.If the MSB=1,it denotes negative,If the MSB=0,it denotes positive.+81=01010001-81=11010001 A 8 bits binary number(0000000011111111)is one of the numbers(0255)for unsigned,(-128127)for signed.,Sec.0.1 Numbering and coding systems,Sec.0.1 Numbering and coding systems,Expression of the signed number,CHAPTER 0,For a positive,the 1s complement and 2s complement are same as the signedmagnitude representation.For a negative,the 1s complement and 2s complement can be gotten as following:1s complement Changing all 1s and 0s to 0s and 1s.2s complement Invert all the bits and then add 1 to the result.,Sec.0.1 Numbering and coding systems,CHAPTER 0,Because all information in the computer must be represented by 0s&1s,binary patterns must be assigned to letters and other characters.In the 1960s,a standard representation called ASCII was established.Named for the American Standard Code forInformation InterchangeIt assigns binary patterns for numbers 0 to 9,andall English alphabet letters,upper-and lower-case.Also many control codes&punctuation marks.,ASCII code,Sec.0.1 Numbering and coding systems,ASCII code,CHAPTER 0,ASCII code is used by most computers,so information can be shared among them.ASCII uses a total of 7 bits to represent each code.,Sec.0.1 Numbering and coding systems,ASCII code,CHAPTER 0,Sec.0.2 Inside the computer,Some important terminology,CHAPTER 0,Bit 1 bitNibble 4 bitsByte 8 bitsWord 16 bitsKilobyte 210 bytesMegabyte 220 bytesGigabyte 230 bytesTerabyte 240 bytes,Computer Architecture,Computer architecture refers to those attributes of the system that are visible to a programmer-those attributes that have a direct impact on the execution of a program Instruction sets Number of bits used for data representation Addressing techniques I/O mechanisms e.g.Is there a multiply instruction?,Computer Organization,We will use computer organization to mean the underlying implementation of the architectureTransparent to the programmerAn architecture can have a number of organizational implementations,Control signalsInterfacesmemory technology.e.g.Is there a hardware multiply unit or is it done by repeated addition?,Architecture&Organization,All Intel x86 family share the same basic architectureThe IBM System/370 family share the same basic architectureThis gives code compatibility At least backwardsOrganization differs between different versions,What Is A Computer?,Historically,a computer was a job title,not a piece of equipment!Requirements of a computer:Process dataStore dataMove data between the computer and the outside worldControl the operation of the above,Operations(1)Data movement,Operations(2)Storage,Operations(3)Processing from/to storage,Operations(4)Processing from/to I/O,Computer Structure,Simplest possible depiction of a computer,Computer Structure,The CPU,A Brief History of Computer,Mechanical Era(1600s-1940s)The Electronic EraPerformance Capacity Size Cost,Mechanical Era(1600s-1940s),Pascals add machine,Babbages difference machine,The Electronic Era(1946-),1.Vacuum tube-1946-19572.Transistor-1958-19643.Small&Medium scale integration 1965-1971 Up to 3,000 devices on a chip4.Large scale integration-1971-19773,000-100,000 devices on a chip5.Very large scale integration-1978 to date100,000-100,000,000 devices on a chip6.Ultra large scale integration-futureOver 100,000,000 devices on a chip,Moores Law,Increased density of components on chipGordon Moore co-founder of IntelNumber of transistors on a chip will double every year,CHAPTER 0,Brief History of the CPU,4G+16K Cache,64,Pentium,Intel,4G+8K Cache,32,80486DX,4G,32,80386DX,16M,16,80286,1M,8,8088,1M,16,8086,64K,8,8080,16K,8,8008,4K,4,4004,Memory Size,Data Bus Width,Part Number,Manufacturer,CHAPTER 0,Brief History of the CPU,4G+16K Cache,64,68060,4G,32,68020,16M,16,68010,16M,16,68000,64K,8,6800,Motorola,64G+32K L1Cache+256K L2 Cache,64,Pentium 4,Intel,64G+32K L1Cache+256K L2 Cache,64,Pentium II,64G+32K L1Cache+256K L2 Cache,64,Pentium III,4G+32K Cache,64,PowerPC,Memory Size,Data Bus Width,Part Number,Manufacturer,Brief history of the 80 x86 family,the evolution of Intels family of microprocessors from the late 1970s,14,Brief history of the 80 x86 family,CHAPTER 1,the evolution of Intels family of microprocessors from the late 1970s,Brief history of the 80 x86 family,CHAPTER 1,the evolution of Intels family of microprocessors from the late 1970s,264,Von Neumann Machine,Developed by John von Neumann,publication 1945.Alan Turing developed the same idea at about same time.IAS(Institute for Advanced Studies)computerStored-Program conceptMain memory stores both data and instructions,Von Neumann Machine,Arithmetic and logic unit(ALU)capable of operating on binary dataControl unit,which interprets and executes the instructions in memoryInput and output(I/O)equipment operated by the control unit,IAS(Institute for Advanced Studies)computer,Sec.0.2 Inside the computer,ROM and RAM,CHAPTER 0,Two types of memory commonly used in microcomputers are RAM and ROM.RAM is random access memory,(sometimes called read/write memory).ROM is read only memory,contains programs and information essential to operation of the computer.,Sec.0.2 Inside the computer,CHAPTER 0,CPU(microprocessor)performs arithmetic,logic,and data transfersMemory stores program and dataI/O communicates to humans and machines,Sec.0.2 Inside the computer,Internal organization of computers,CHAPTER 0,The internal working of every computer can be broken down into three parts:CPU,memory,and I/O devices.In every computer there are three types of buses:address bus,data bus,and control bus.,Figure 0-9 Inside theComputer,Sec.0.2 Inside the computer,Internal organization of computers,CHAPTER 0,Address Bus selects a location in the memory or a specific I/O deviceData Bus transfers data between the microprocessor and the memory or I/OControl Bus selects I/O or memory and causes a read or a write,Sec.0.2 Inside the computer,More about the data bus,CHAPTER 0,The average size of data buses in CPUs varies between 8 and 64.Data buses are bidirectional,since the CPU must use them either to receive or to send data.,Sec.0.2 Inside the computer,More about the address bus,CHAPTER 0,The more address buses available,the larger the number of devices that can be addressed.The address bus is a unidirectional bus,which means that the CPU uses the address bus only to send out addresses.The total number of memory locations addressable by a given CPU is always equal to 2x where x is the number of address bits,regardless of the size of the data bus.,Sec.0.2 Inside the computer,CHAPTER 0,In the simplest form,instruction processing consists of two steps:reads(fetches)instructions from memory one at a time executes each instruction,Sec.0.2 Inside the computer,Inside CPUs,CHAPTER 0,A program stored in memory provides instructions to the CPU to perform an action.It is the function of the CPU to fetch these instructions from memory and execute them.To perform the actions of fetch and execute,all CPUs are equipped with resources such as follows.,Sec.0.2 Inside the computer,Inside CPUs,CHAPTER 0,Register ALU(arithmetic/logic unit)Program counter Instruction decoder,Sec.0.2 Inside the computer,Inside CPUs,CHAPTER 0,Sec.0.2 Inside the computer,Inside CPUs,CHAPTER 0,Foremost among the resources at the disposal of the CPU are a number of registers.The CPU uses registers to store information temporarily.The CPU also has what is called ALU(arithmetic/logic unit).The ALU section of the CPU is responsible for performing arithmetic functions such as add,subtract,multiply,and divide,and logic function such as AND,OR,and NOT.,Sec.0.2 Inside the computer,Inside CPUs,CHAPTER 0,Every CPU has what is called a program counter.The function of the program counter is to point to the address of the next instruction to be executed.It is the contents of the program counter that are placed on the address bus to find and fetch the desired instruction.In the IBM PC,the program counter is a register called IP,or the instruction pointer.The function of the instruction decoder is to interpret the instruction fetched into the CPU.,CHAPTER 0,Sec.0.2 Inside the computer,Internal working of computers,CHAPTER 0,The action to be performed by the CPU is to put hexadecimal value 21 into register A,and then add to register A values 42H and 12H.Action Code DataMove value 21H into register A B0H 21HAdd value 42H to register A 04H 42HAdd value 12H to register A 04H 12H If the program to perform the actions listed above is stored in memory locations starting at 1400H,the following would represent the contents for each memory address location.Memory address Contents of memory address 1400(B0)the code for moving a value to register A1401(21)the value to be moved1402(04)the code for adding a value to register A1403(42)the value to be moved1404(04)the code for adding a value to register A(12)the value to be moved(F4)the code for halt,Review Questions(思考题),CHAPTER 0,1.What is a“stored program computer”(the von Neumann Machine)?2.What is the“computer architecture”and what is the“computer organization”?,Next Lesson,CHAPTER 0,Instruction Sets(指令集),


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