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    Unit-1,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Teaching Aim,About Phonetics,Listen and Talk,Read and Think,Knowledge and Skills,Extended Activities,Teaching Aim,Teaching Aim,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Cognitive Information(认知信息):Business Dinner EtiquetteLanguage Focus(内容重点):,1)Word Study:A.host,extend,conducive,eliminate,boom,gracious,bashful,consume,refrain;B.align,parallel,diagram,unique,clench,spear,Teaching Aim,Teaching Aim,Unit 4 Business Dinner,2)Phrases:A.in advance,ahead of,stick with;B.prior to,in that case 3)Key Words A.comment;B.respective3.Grammar:句子成分4.Writing(写作技巧):写作中注意主谓一致问题5.Translation(翻译技巧):词类转换,1-Exercise-V,About Phonetics,Unit 4 Business Dinner,语音/eI/发音字母组合 a ay ea ai eye.g.name cake late gate plane April play say may way great break rain paint plain they grey/aI/发音字母 i ye.g.bike fine find die nine light night high my try fly eye,1-Exercise-V,About Phonetics,Unit 4 Business Dinner,/a/发音字母组合 ou owe.g.house out flour ground account count sound loud around mouse flower down now cow how town/发音字母组合 o ow oae.g.home cold go no phone host ghost know low below grow blow show flow boat coat goal,1-Exercise-V,About Phonetics,Unit 4 Business Dinner,2.句子重音 句子中要重读的词通常是名词、动词、形容词、副词、数词、感叹词,不重读的词一般是代词、介词、冠词、连词。如:We see him at the office every day.但代词中的指示代词、名词性物主代词、起强调作用的反身代词又往往要重读。句子重音往往有“一般中存在特殊”的现象,判断一个句子中哪些词要重读,哪些词不重读,必须在把握一般性原则的前提下,还要注意抓住关键性原则、新信息原则等。如:I think the baby in the photo is your brother.No.Its me.,1-Exercise-V,About Phonetics,Unit 4 Business Dinner,句中的me一般不重读,但在这里,me是相对上句中brother而言的关键性信息词,故要重读。重音的变化也存在于同一个短语。但重音不同会产生不同的意义。e.g.a freezing worker(冷冻车间的工人)a freezing worker(表情冷冰冰的工人)old girls(老太太)old girls(老同学)old boys(老爷爷)old boys(老同学)the white house(白色的房子)the White House(美国的白宫)an English teacher(一位英国籍的老师)an English teacher(一位英语教师),1-Exercise-V,About Phonetics,Unit 4 Business Dinner,3.英语的节奏 英语的节奏:(轻)、轻、重、轻、(轻)或重、轻、(轻)(轻)重 英语句子的长短:是由句子中的重读词的数目决定的,而不是像汉语那样由句子中的汉字数目决定的。1)节奏引起的读音变化:在英语单词、词组及句子中重读音节及非重读音节的交替是英语节奏的需要。如果在一个句子中将所有重读音节或所有非重读音节读在一起,就没有节奏,也很难上口。为产生重读与非重读音节相互交替的节奏感,英语重音可能有下列几种变化:,1-Exercise-V,About Phonetics,Unit 4 Business Dinner,一个有着两个重音的词,如其后紧接另一个词的重读音节,前者就会失去它的后一个重音,如:Chinese及afternoon各有两个重音,但在词组Chinese Children和afternoontea中就只读前一个重音。当Chinese和afternoon的前面有另一个词的重读音节时,它就会失去前一个重音。如下列两个词组应读作:Chinese things及cold afternoon。,1-Exercise-V,About Phonetics,Unit 4 Business Dinner,当三个通常是重读的单音节词连在一起读时,中间的那个词往往会失去重音。如:a new rich field和anold nice thing,由于节奏关系,rich和nice就不重读,除非中间的这个词在意义上十分重要或需要强调时才予以重读。如:a bright spring day和John left home,其中spring和left在意义上较重要或需要强调,所以重读。一般地说,有双重音的双音节词,在词组或句子中,它的读音常常有类似改变。如fifteen这个词,单独念时有双重音,但在fifteen copies中的fifteen只有前一个重音,而在about fifteen中则只保留后一个重音。,Special Use,Listen and Talk,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Phonetic Practice,Oral Practice,Laughing Time,Special Use,Phonetic Practice,Unit 4 Business Dinner,a.wait b.add c.chance d.apple a.bit b.reply c.lift d.physics a.now b.touch c.young d.show a.brown b.how c.down d.below,Special Use,Sound Recognition,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Task 1 Recognize the vowels/eI/,/aI/,/a/and/.In this part,youll hear one word read from each group.Listen carefully and circle the letter before the word you hear.,Special Use,Sound Recognition,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Task 2 Read and compare.,/ei ai/bake/bike fate/fight hey/high Kate/kite May/my main/mine paper/pipe pain/pine rate/right wait/white/a/about/a boat blouse/blow cow/coal house/home low/loud now/no out/oat round/road sound/sew towel/toe,Special Use,Sound Recognition,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Task 3 Listen and repeat the following sentences.Pay particular attention to the underlined parts in each sentence.,A penny saved is a penny gained.Do you know that Mike tried to get the prize yesterday?The man shouted loudly to the waiter.Youd better not go home alone tonight.,Special Use,Sound Recognition,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Task 4 Listen and underline the word you hear in the brackets.,He waited for her that(day/lay).She told me her(laugh/life)there was quite pleasant.Dont(shout/show)at me.Its not my fault.He bought a new(boat/boot).,Special Use,Sound Recognition,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Task 5 Practice the weak forms in the following phrases and sentences.,OO All right./Oh,yes./Its Tom./Sit down./Thats true./Whats that?/Why not?/Why now?OoO Dont forget./Howd you do?/Wait and see./What a crowd!/Whats the time?,Special Use,Listening Comprehension,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Task 1 Now listen to the following conversation and fill in the blanks.,The hostess prefers to be addressed as.One of the visitors,Sam,says they are too for the occasion.Sam would like to drink a cup of.Zhang will drink.Sam says that everyone is in China.,Michelle,formal,black coffee,a glass of wine,very hospitable,(W:waiter/waitress,G:guest)W:Good evening,sir.G:Good evening.W:Sit down,please.Here is the menu.G:Do you have anything special to recommend?W:Yes.Do you like?G:Yes,very much.W:Then,how about?G:Why not?W:Ok,I see.And?G:Medium,please.W:?G:Yes,some potatoes.W:Would you like your potatoes,or?G:Baked,please.W:?G:A glass of,please.W:Thank you,sir.,Special Use,Listening Comprehension,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Task 2 Work with your partner to complete the following conversation and role play it.,Welcome to our restaurant,meat,steak,how would you like it,Anything else,fried,baked,mashed,Anything to drink,beer,Special Use,Oral Practice,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Task 1 Read aloud the following expressions used at an eating place,Special Use,Oral Practice,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Task 2 Listen and repeat.,(After showing Mr.Sam around the company,Mr.Zhang plans to invite him to dinner.)Zhang:Mr.Sam,Id like to invite you to dinner with me.Are you free?Sam:Thank you for your invitation.I am free tonight.Zhang:Which food would you like best?Chinese food,Western food or seafood?Sam:I prefer Western food.Zhang:Ok.I am going to the hotel to pick you up at 6:00 oclock at night.Sam:Ok.Ill wait for you.Zhang:See you later.Sam:See you.,Special Use,Oral Practice,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Task 2 Listen and repeat.,(Now Zhang and Sam are at the restaurant.)Waiter:Welcome to our restaurant.Would you like to come this way?Zhang:A table for two,please.Waiter:Ok.Do you have a reservation?Zhang:Yes.Zhang from APC.Window seat,please.Sam:This seat is not bad.Waiter:Its my pleasure to satisfy you,have a seat,please!,Special Use,Oral Practice,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Task 2 Listen and repeat.,(After they are seated.)Waiter:This is menu and wine list.What would you like to drink,sir?Beer or wine?Sam:I want to try some Qingdao beer.Zhang:Two bottles of beer,please.Waiter:Ok,sir.And what would you like to eat?Sam:What is the special food of your restaurant?Waiter:We have special beefsteak,chicken and fish.Sam:Id like beefsteak.Zhang:Make it two.Waiter:How would you like to have it?Rare,medium or well-done?Sam:I want medium.Zhang:Me too.Waiter:How about dessert?Zhang:What do you have?Waiter:Cake,ice cream and fruit.Sam:Ice cream and fruit,please.Waiter:Ok,thank you.What would you like to drink,coffee or tea?Sam:I prefer tea.Zhang:I want coffee.Waiter:Ok,thank you.Please wait for a moment.,Special Use,Oral Practice,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Task 2 Listen and repeat.,(Dinner is over.)Zhang:Give me the bill,please.Waiter:Sir,total is¥275.Zhang:This is¥300,keep the change.Waiter:Thanks for the tip,sir.Sam:This restaurant is not bad,thank you for the dinner.Zhang:Im glad you liked it.Waiter:Thanks for coming.Good bye.Zhang&Sam:Bye.,Special Use,Oral Practice,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Task 2 Work in pairs to practice the following conversation.,Notes Chinese food,Western food or seafood:中餐、西餐或海鲜 a table for two:两人的座位(桌子)window seat:靠窗的位子 menu and wine list:菜单和酒类表 Qingdao beer:青岛啤酒 special food:招牌菜 beefsteak,chicken and fish:牛排、鸡肉和鱼 make it two:来两份 rare,medium or well-done:三分熟、五分熟或全熟 dessert:n.甜点 give me the bill:我来买单 keep the change:不用找零了,Special Use,Laughing Time,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Tongue Twister She sells seashells on the seashore.And the shells she sells are seashells,I am sure.cause if she sells shell at the seashore,The shells she sells are seashells,for sure.,pay-pay for,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Read and Think,Text A,Text B,Background Information,Background Information,Background Information,.正确使用西餐餐具:食物盘子应放在就餐人的正前方。右侧放刀,左侧放叉,两者都按使用顺序,由外侧向内侧摆。碰到吃全席大菜时,这些餐具就按照用开胃小菜、汤、海鲜、肉类、冷饮、烘烤食物、色拉、餐后甜食的顺序依次摆出。通常,刀、叉都成双成对,唯独喝汤的汤匙是单个使用。正餐一般从汤开始,放在你面前最大的一把匙子便是汤匙,它放在食盘右侧的最外面。桌上的刀、叉以三副为限,当用完三道菜后便撤去,再随菜摆上新的刀叉。,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Background Information,餐后的甜食另有叉子和汤匙。涂面包黄油用的奶油刀,应放在左侧的面包碟子上。如果菜单上有鱼的话,它一般在用过汤以后再送上。桌上有吃鱼专用的叉子,它放在肉叉的外侧,比肉叉略小些。英国人和美国人使用刀、叉的习惯略有不同。在上主菜即肉菜时,虽然他们切分肉食都是右手持刀,左手持叉。但是,英国人用左手拿叉,叉头朝下,把肉扎起来送入口中;如果有烧烩的蔬菜,就用刀把菜挑到叉上再送入口。而美国人则在切分好肉以后,把刀放下,换用右手拿叉,叉尖朝上插入小块食物下面,铲起食物送入口中。,Background Information,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Background Information,用餐完毕,英国人将刀、叉放在食盘中央,绝不让刀叉的一端放在盘子上,而另一端搁在桌上。但美国人却把刀横放在盘子右下边边沿上,叉放在旁边,让叉尖朝上。需要注意的是,西方吃色拉只准用叉子吃,以右手拿叉,叉尖朝上。通常,有一把吃色拉专用叉子。另外,取面包则应该用手,而不用叉。面包放在旁边的小碟中或大盘子的边沿上。涂面包黄油时,应从面包上掰下一块,用刀抹些黄油再吃,而不是把整块面包一下子都抹上黄油。,Background Information,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Background Information,在席间谈话时,可以不必将刀、叉放下。但如果你要做手势,就应该把刀叉放下,切不可拿着刀叉在空中比划。另外,也不能将刀叉竖起来拿着。正确使用刀叉,不仅是礼仪上的需要,同时也是为了自己和他人的安全。2.正确使用餐巾:餐巾又称口布。餐巾的用途,主要是防止食物玷污衣服,也可用来擦手上或嘴上的油渍。餐巾纸是一种简便的代用品,也具有餐巾的某种用途。在正式宴会上,客人需待主人先拿起餐巾时,自己方可拿起餐巾。反客为主的做法是失礼的。打开餐巾后,应摊放在自己的腿上,以能接住可能滴落的食物为宜。,Background Information,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Background Information,有人喜欢把餐巾别在衣领上或背心纽扣上,这在我国不是通行的规范做法。如果一打开餐巾或拿起餐巾纸,就揩擦自己的杯盏刀叉,实际上是对餐厅卫生工作的不信任。对餐厅服务员来说,是很不礼貌的行为。如果有事临时离座,应将餐巾折好放在餐桌上,不要随意揉成一团或顺手往椅背上一搭。用餐后,可用餐巾揩拭嘴角或手,但千万不要把餐巾当作抹布,在餐桌上乱擦。,Background Information,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Background Information,3.喝汤注意事项:每当进餐,无论我们享用的是中菜或西菜,在喝汤时有些礼仪应特别注意。喝汤不能发出响声。西餐中的喝汤习惯,应是用勺由内往外舀,如果与西方人一起进餐,喝汤时采用由外向里的舀法,将被认为是不知礼俗。汤匙就口的程度,也要以不离盘身正面为限,切不可使汤滴在餐盘外面。切不可对着热汤吹气。汤很烫时,可将汤倒入碗里用汤匙慢慢地舀,等汤降温后,再一口一口地喝。不要将汤碗直接就口。合乎礼仪的正确做法是:用左手端碗,将汤碗稍为侧转,再以右手持汤匙舀汤。如果盛汤用的是汤杯,可以手持杯耳喝。,Background Information,Unit 4 Business Dinner,pay-pay for,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Read and Think,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Text A Pre-reading,Pre-reading-II,1.Brainstorming:Work with your partner and list the foods and drinks you know.,1.Asian Cuisine 中式食谱头盘 Appetizers炸春卷 Deep Fried Rolls;椒盐炸鸡翼 Salt 宫保鸡块 Kung Pow Chicken,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Text A Pre-reading,Pre-reading-II,猪肉类 Pork蒜蓉猪肉片 Pork with Garlic in Soya Sauce;糖醋排骨 Honey Garlic Pork牛肉类 Beef西芹黑椒牛柳丝 Black Pepper Beef with Celery;蚝油牛肉片 Sliced Beef in Oyster Oil海鲜类 Seafood蒜蓉虾 Garlic Prawns;椒盐鲜鱿 Dried Salt 酸辣大白菜 Hot&Sour Bok Choy粉面饭类 Noodle&Rice扬州炒饭 In-House Special Fried Rice,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Text A Pre-reading,Pre-reading-II,Western Foods 西餐 Prawn&Onion Ring 脆浆炸虾;Deep Fried Chicken 炸鸡;Prawn Cutlet 吉列大虾;Chicken Curry 咖喱鸡;Roasted Lamb Loin 烧羊扒;Shrimp Salad 虾沙拉;Boston Baked Beans 培根焗豆;Grilled Salmon Steak 扒三文鱼Drinks 饮料 soy-bean milk 豆浆;tomato juice 番茄汁;orange juice 橘子汁;coconut milk 椰子汁;asparagus juice 芦荟汁;grapefruit juice 葡萄柚汁;vegetable juice 蔬菜汁;black tea 红茶;jasmine tea 茉莉茶;tea bag 茶包;lemon tea 柠檬茶;soda water 苏打水;ice-cream cone 甜筒;sundae 圣代;新地;ice-cream 冰淇淋;vanilla ice-cream 香草冰淇淋;ice candy 冰棒;milk-shake 奶昔,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Text A Pre-reading,Pre-reading-II,2.1)点菜就餐的次序:找桌子,看菜单,点菜,就餐,付钱,离开。Have you got a table for two,please?请问您有两个人的桌子吗?Have you booked a table?您预定餐桌了吗?Have you made a reservation?您预定了吗?Smoking or non-smoking?吸烟区还是非吸烟区?Would you like something to drink?您想喝什么?Would you like to see the menu?您需要看菜单吗?在西餐厅就餐,菜单一般由三类不同的菜别组成。The first course或者starters是指第一道菜,往往是汤、一小碟色拉或其他小吃。第二道菜是主菜,fish and chips是鱼和炸土豆条,它同“roast beef and Yorkshire pudding牛肉布丁”、“shepherds pie牧羊人馅饼”一样,都是典型的英国传统菜肴。最后一道是甜食或冷或热,但都是甜的,西方饮食习惯是先吃咸的,后吃甜的。西餐菜单名目繁多,有时不易读懂。遇到这种情况,可以请服务员解释一下。,2.Pair work:Discuss with your partner the following questions.1)How do you order in a Chinese restaurant and in a Western restaurant?,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Text A Pre-reading,Pre-reading-II,2)The formal dinner never begins before seven oclock;the time usually is eight or eight-thirty.It is very discourteous for a guest to be late.Arrive at least five minutes before the hour set for the dinner.If for some unavoidable reason you cannot arrive on time,telephone the hostess and explain the reason to her.If it has been impossible for you to notify her and she has started the meal after having waited the required fifteen minutes after the hour set,go to her,offer apologies,and take your place at the table as quickly as possible.The tardy guest begins with the course that is then being served.,2.Pair work:Discuss with your partner the following questions.2)What dinner etiquette do you know?,pay-pay for,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Text A,Hosting a Business Dinner,pay-pay for,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Text A,Hosting a Business Dinner,pay-pay for,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Text A,Hosting a Business Dinner,pay-pay for,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Text A,Hosting a Business Dinner,pay-pay for,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Text A,Hosting a Business Dinner,pay-pay for,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Text A,Hosting a Business Dinner,pay-pay for,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Text A,Hosting a Business Dinner,pay-pay for,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Text A,Hosting a Business Dinner,pay-pay for,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Text A,Hosting a Business Dinner,pay-pay for,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Text A,Hosting a Business Dinner,pay-pay for,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Text A,Hosting a Business Dinner,pay-pay for,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Text A,Hosting a Business Dinner,pay-pay for,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Text A,Hosting a Business Dinner,pay-pay for,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Text A,Hosting a Business Dinner,Unit 4 Business Dinner,1.host n.a person who receives and entertains one or more other people as guests 主人2.extend v.to offer or give sth.提供;给予3.conducive a.pred.allowing or helping sth.to happen 有助于,有益于4.eliminate v.to remove(esp.sb./sth.that is not wanted or needed)消除,清除,排除5.boom v.to make a deep hollow resonant sound 发出深沉有回响的声音,New Words and Expressions,Unit 4 Business Dinner,6.gracious a.kind,polite 和善的,有礼貌的7.bashful a.shy and self-conscious 害羞的;难为情的ment v.to make remarks;give ones opinion 进行评论;发表意见9.consume v.to use(sth.)up 消耗;耗尽10.savor v.to enjoy the taste or flavor of(sth.),esp.by eating or drinking it slowly 品尝;欣赏11.refrain v.fml.to keep oneself from doing sth.克制;抑制,New Words and Expressions,Unit 4 Business Dinner,1.in advance beforehand;ahead in time 预先;事先2.ahead of further forward in space or time than(sb./sth.);in front of 提前,更早3.stick with to continue to support or retain ones connection with sb./sth.继续支持;保持联系,New Words and Expressions,pay-pay for,Unit 4 Business Dinner,Notes,1.seal a deal/bargain:成交2.Get it right,and its duck soup.Get it wrong,and youre dead in the water.If you do it properly,it will be very easy for you to get everything done over the dinner.Otherwise you will get things all messed up.duck soup:easy,effortless 小菜一碟;轻而易举3.fall to sb.:to become the duty or responsibility of sb.e.g.With his partner away,all the work now fell to him.他的同事离开后,所有的工作都由他负责。It falls to me to thank you for all you have done for the association.我有义务感谢您为协会所做的一切。4.Extend the invitations to a business dinner at least one week in advance,and,for a breakfast or lunch,at least three days ahead of the scheduled date.举行商务晚宴时至少提前一周发


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