,college,life,很多人上大学才第一次坐火车A lot of people on the university first train 我们充满憧憬,心随火车呼啸Road to the north,South,East,West一路向北,向南,向东,向西奔向想象中的大学父母总是说Respect for teachers,unite classmates,study hard,make progress every day尊重师长,团结同学,好好学习,天天向上,记忆,Long long ago,现在的大学生 是怎样的人呢?,College students nowThey are the kind of person is it?,爱音乐MUSIC 爱街舞Hip-hop 爱炫Dazzle爱秀Beautiful爱上网Internet 爱混搭 爱闹爱玩也爱29块的T-SHIRT我只代表我自己我是Im not mainstream非主流,爱星座Constellation,爱打扮Dress up,爱逛街,更爱5厘米High-heeled shoes高跟鞋要入党,要考证,要考研,要出国Abroad其实我想遇上He他,好好爱我是乖乖女,A面,B面,准备度过一个怎样的大学四年?,废才,人才,自怨自艾,自觉自省,自律自强,自暴自弃,自我否定,自我认同,沉沦加速度曲线,晚睡懒床学会逃课寂寞无聊,坚持自习经常锻炼早起早睡,盲目攀比考试挂科通宵泡网拖拉机王,培养爱好考四六级拿奖学金节俭生活,收获爱情考证考研社会实践,没有心气没有目标重修退学,庸才,成长加速度曲线,你,How about You?,时代Era 变了这是一个最好的时代 也是一个最坏的时代,What is the change abouT Phenomenon?现象,student Change,看看你中了几枪 How many bullets are you shot,同学教我颓废!,Students taught me D e c a d e n c e!,overnight all in Internet cafes,通宵都在 网吧!,上Class I want to catch up on sleep!课我要补觉!,生活我爱恶搞!,IN Life I love spoof!,Love,Im so tired!,爱情让我好累!,你不要吓我!,怎么会这样?How will this be?,You do not scare me!,假如你是这样,If you like this,你很可能会这样 You is likely to be so我被大学上了四年four years!,about Phenomenon 现象 不能适应环境?,无自我约束力?can not Adapt to The environment!,Can not Find Self-restraint,and,大学的2个现象?2 phenomenon?,I will tell you,I will tell you,when we were young at high school.we could not stop dreaming about our college life again and again.forever,we can not adapt to college life after we go to the college.ln recent days,a common phenomenon that are increasing number of students are late for or even absent from class,and a few student even skip out of the classroom before the teacher end up class.eventually,more and more people believed that university life is not perfect if you never miss class.,WhY?,为什么这一些现象出现,为什么这一些现象出现 在 大 学?Why do some of this phenomenon?,I will tell you,I will tell you,When it come to why we are not fit to the new environment,I want to say different climates,custom,food,characters and so on,all work that whether we can adapt to it well.if you are more out going and have a good habit of eating and sleeping,you will be fit to it faster.otherwise,you need a longer time to make it.And I think we can find the reason why the students run away from courses from two different respects.on the one hand,many students who are used to the strict management of senior high school lack in the ability of learning by themselves.When meeting the relaxing management,they do not know how to study but they how to play.Thus,they spend learning time on playing game.On the other hand,the important courses those are given boringly by teachers hit their interest down a lot.Some students choose to do more useful and valuable thing instead of killing the time on the boring class.In a word,I hope everyone can get your first-semester goals.,结果呢!有神马 结果?,Makeup examination 补考神马的,Quit school 退学神马的,结果!,students skip classes.as a result,it may led to bad result.Compered with in middle school,students have more freedom in college.It depends more on one student s consciousness whether he will attend the class.so those students lacking self discipline begin to skip classes.However,those students who often skip classes always failed the exam.Because they could not pass their classes.They may face the danger of quit of school.In addition to,it will be very difficult for them to find a job.,how to Solve?,?,?,How to fit the college life?,I will tell you,I will tell you,In fact we must learn how to treat ourselves at first.Facing gap,we not only need to have confidence to contest with others but also learn how to treat other is advantages with a properly way.Hold a usual mind.Learn how to adjust ourselves.Do not be proud or be self-abased.Those are my suggestions.cutting class will bring us good effects and bad ones.If the course is not important or it is so easy to learn that we could learn it during free time,you can Choose cutting it on condition that you must do your job at that time.if it is important you must go to class.Do not cutting class without no reason or for playing computer games.in my opinion,you should set a goal for the future and you need to consider what you should achieve in four years.Make a detailed plan.The college life is valuable.We should value our time in order to accumulate our abilities for future.,当你沉湎于玩网游时,请记住,在魔兽世界中练到80级所花费的时间,你可以,从广州 去北京3次,通读中国四大名著,每天多 3小时,跑12趟马拉松,做48顿晚饭,给妈妈写500封信,学会一门外语,完成一门大学课程,和你同学一起,让青春撒点野,We should,路始终要一步一步走,预祝 各位 度过 一个 值得 骄傲的 大学 四年生活!,thank you,