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    ,Some kinds ofmusic、By 王力元 辛海宽,Rock and Roll,Rock and Roll摇滚,摇滚是一种音乐类型,起源于1940年代末期的美国,1950年代早期开始流行,迅速风靡全球。摇滚乐以其灵活大胆的表现形式和富有激情的音乐节奏表达情感,受到了全世界年轻人的喜爱。摇滚乐并在1960年代和1970年代形成一股热潮。,Your crazy Rock(London)is a type of music type,originated in the 1940s,the end of the United States in the early 1950s,quickly became popular has spread around the world.Rock music with its flexible bold forms and passionate music rhythm,suffered emotional expression of young people around the world love.Rock music and in the 1960s and 1970s upsurge(热潮)of formation(形成).,摇滚是一种音乐类型,起源于1940年代末期的美国,1950年代早期开始流行,迅速风靡全球。摇滚乐以其灵活大胆的表现形式和富有激情的音乐节奏表达情感,受到了全世界年轻人的喜爱。摇滚乐并在1960年代和1970年代形成一股热潮,Rock music is a form of popular music with a prominent(突出的)vocal melody accompanied by guitar,drums,and bass.Many styles of rock music also use keyboard instruments such as organ,piano,or synthesizers.Rock music usually has a strong back beat,and often revolves around guitar,either electric or acoustic.,摇滚音乐是一种流行音乐有一个突出的声乐旋律吉他,鼓,伴随着和低音。许多风格的摇滚音乐也使用键盘乐器如器官,钢琴,或合成器。摇滚音乐的人通常会有很强的背打的,经常围绕着吉他,要么电或声。,classify(分类),Acid Rock(酸性摇滚)Acid Jazz(酸性爵士)Acid Techno(酸性数码)Adult Alternative Pop/Rock(成人另类流行/摇滚)Adult Alternative(成人另类)Adult Contemporary(成人时代)Agricultural Metal(农业金属)Album Rock(专辑摇滚)Alternative Dance(另类舞曲)Alternative Pop/Rock(另类流行/摇滚)Alternative Country-Rock(另类乡村摇滚)Alternative Metal(另类金属)Alternative Rap(另类说唱)Ambient(氛围音乐)Ambient Techno(氛围数码)Ambient Pop(氛围流行)American Punk(美国朋克),Hip hop music 嘻哈音乐,Hip hop music,Hip hop music,also referred to as rap music,is a music genre(流派)typically consisting of a rhythmic vocal style called rap which is accompanied with backing beats.Hip hop music is part of hip hop culture,which began in the Bronx,in New York City in the 1970s,predominantly among African Americans and Latino Americans.The term rap is often used synonymously with hip hop music.,嘻哈音乐,也被称为说唱音乐,是一名音乐流派的主要由声乐风格的有节奏的说唱是伴随着称为支持节奏。嘻哈音乐是文化的一部分,嘻哈始于布朗克斯区,在20世纪70年代纽约市,其中最主要的是非洲裔美国人,拉丁”这个词经常被用来同义与饶舌嘻哈音乐。,RAP music is African-American,is the important component of the main street culture in the world of pop music is the fundamental key,piece in black chocolate.In the late 1990s,the rap musicians as batch of new mainly with whites and the popular rap rock,once was black abandoned music back onto the popular music of the front end.Rap music developed so far has not only music,it is black with globally,become a kind of unique mainstream symbol.RAP是美国黑人音乐中的重要组成部分,是街头文化的主要基调,是世界流行音乐中的一块“黑色巧克力”。在90年代末,随着一批新进的说唱乐手和以白人为主的说唱摇滚的风行,曾经被黑人抛弃的音乐又重新回到了流行音乐的前端。说唱音乐发展至今已不仅仅是黑人的音乐,它以遍及全球,成为一种独具特色的主流象征。,Practice is the most important thing RAP bite word and secondly on speed and feeling.Especially English pronunciation clear right,the RAP is especially important.Because the RAP,but not speaking soon despite completely is unclear.The RAP even read English,so if you pay attention to practice English RAP you intend to do,now is the first reading English articles,loudly read,read familiar with!Then slowly and language training pronunciation.,练习RAP最重要的是咬词,其次才是速度和感觉。特别是英文的RAP,其发音清楚正确尤为重要。因为RAP尽管语速很快,可是并不完全是含糊不清的。英文的RAP讲究连读,所以如果你打算练习英文RAP,现在首先要做的就是读英文文章,大声地读,读熟悉!然后训练发音语速及语感。,classify,西海岸说唱乐(West Coast Rap)南部说唱乐(Southern Rap)流行说唱乐(Pop Rap)老派说唱乐(Old School)中西部说唱乐(Midwest Rap)拉丁说唱(Latin Rap)硬核说唱(Hardcore Rap)黑帮说唱(Gangsta Rap)外来说唱乐(Foreign Rap)东海岸说唱乐(East Coast Rap)过渡说唱乐(Crossover Rap)喜剧说唱乐(Comedy Rap)基督教说唱(Christian Rap)另类说唱乐(Alternative Rap),Country music(乡村音乐),Country music,乡村音乐来源于20年代的美国乡村,人们用简单的乐器以及醇朴的歌声表达对生活的热爱或忧伤,表达对情人的爱恋,表达对时光的慨叹,表达对朋友的情谊乡村音乐的曲调,一般都很流畅、动听,曲式结构也比较简单。多为歌谣体、二部曲式或三部曲式。,Country music comes from 20 years of the American countryside,people use simple instruments and songs to express love of life or sorrow,expressing her lovers love,expressing the sigh with regret,expressing time friend friendship.Country music melody,and are usually very smooth,charming and melody structure also is simple.Many for ballads body,secondpart melody or trilogy type.,The name is the 1920s in the emergence of the origin,it is very wide.Then,in addition to the content of the songs on the labor life outside,disgust performance lonely vagabonds life,yearning warmth,peaceful home,sing sweet love and brokenhearted of pain and sufferings,etc.In 1925,Nashville,Tennessee,establish a radio station.这个名字是20世纪20年代在美国出现的,它的源流很广。那时歌曲的内容,除了表现劳动生活之外,厌恶孤寂的流浪生活,向往温暖、安宁的家园,歌唱甜蜜的爱情以及失恋的痛苦等都有。1925年,美国田纳西州纳什维尔建立了一家广播电台。他们开办了一个往昔的歌剧-老乡音的专栏节目。,They started a past opera-old regional accents programmes.Invite a man named Jimmy Thompsons 81st folk singer,programs are the audience a warm welcome.From then on,people referred to the music for country music.Country music became U.S.labor peoples favorite form of music.In the United States,blue-collar refers to the lower level,it this music also called blue-collar music.邀请了一位名叫杰米汤普森的81岁的民间歌手演唱,节目受到听众们的热烈欢迎。从此,人们统称这种音乐为乡村音乐。乡村音乐成为美国劳动人民最喜爱的音乐形式之一。在美国,蓝领指的是下层人,故这种音乐又称蓝领音乐。,Country music accompaniment,手风琴(Accordion)竖琴(Autoharp)口琴(Harmonica)曼陀铃(Mandolin)钢琴(Piano)钢棒吉他(Steel Guitar)扁琴(Zither)班卓琴(Banjo)贝司(Bass)冬不拉(Dobro)鼓(Drums)洋琴(Dulcimer)小提琴(Fiddle)吉他(Guitar),JAZZ(爵士乐),Jazz,Jazz is an American musical art form which originated in the beginning of the 20th century in African American communities in the Southern United States from a confluence of African and European music traditions.The styles West African pedigree is evident in its use of blue notes,improvisation,polyrhythms,syncopation,and the swung note.,爵士乐是美国的音乐艺术形式,它起源于20世纪初在非洲裔美国人社区在美国南部从一个融合的非洲和欧洲的音乐传统。风格的西部非洲血统是明显地在其使用蓝色的笔记,即兴创作音乐的切分法,挥动的音符。,From its early development until the present,jazz has also incorporated(结合)music from 19th and 20th century American popular music.The word jazz began as a West Coast slang term of uncertain derivation(衍生)and was first used to refer to music in Chicago in about 1915;for the origin and history,see Jazz(word).从早期发展到现在,爵士也纳入由第十九和第二十世纪的美国流行音乐的音乐。字爵士开始作为一个不确定的推导的西海岸的俚语,最初是用来指芝加哥的在1915左右的音乐;从起源和历史来说,正如爵士这个词。,Jazz has,from its early 20th century inception,spawned(产生)a variety of subgenres(分支),from New Orleans Dixieland dating from the early 1910s,big band-style swing from the 1930s and 1940s,bebop from the mid-1940s,a variety of Latin jazz fusions(融合)such as Afro-Cuban and Brazilian jazz from the 1950s and 1960s,jazz-rock fusion from the 1970s and late 1980s developments such as acid jazz,which blended(混合)jazz爵士乐,从早期的第二十个世纪以来,催生了各种类型,来自新奥尔良的南方的历史可以追溯到1910年代初,从20世纪30、40年代大乐队摇摆,从上世纪40年代中期波普,各种拉丁爵士融合如古巴和巴西爵士乐从世纪50年代和60年代,爵士乐从上世纪70年代和80年代末的发展如酸爵士,其中混合了爵士乐。,Anyhow music is people express emotions,feelings,hopes to show the feelings of the art,both sing and music or hear,all the emotions associated people countless connotation(内涵)of the factors.,Thats allThank you!,


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