2008五行星奖Pentas Award in 2008,废脱砷剂的综合利用变废物为资源Recycle of spent arsenic removal catalyst-Convert wastes to useful resources 申请人:王峰Applicant:Wang Feng,废脱砷剂的综合利用变废物为资源Recycle of spent arsenic removal catalyst-Convert wastes to useful resources,团队成员介绍Introduction of team member HSSE:鲍志良,王峰 Bao Zhiliang,Wang Feng 生产部Production Dept.:沈健 Shen Jian商务部Commercial Dept:王建波,潘佩瑛 Wang Jianbo,Pan Peiying,脱砷剂介绍Introduction of arsenic removal catalyst脱砷剂是乙烯裂解气压缩过程中使用的,其用途是去除乙烯裂解气中的砷,大约经过4-5年该脱砷剂便失去活性,使用过的废脱砷剂中含有有害金属铅和砷,这些重金属,对环境影响较大,尤其对于水生物有较大的毒性,因此,如何处理废弃的脱砷剂关乎赛科对环境的责任以及对社会的责任。The arsenic removal catalyst is used in compression of the ethylene charge gas with purpose to remove the arsenic in the ethylene charge gas.It has approx.45 years service life,after which the arsenic removal catalyst will have to be replaced due to its inactivation.The replaced spent arsenic removal catalyst,however,contains harmful lead and arsenic.Such heavy metals have significant negative impact on the environment.In particular,it has great toxicity to the aquatic organism.Hence,disposal of the spent arsenic removal catalyst is related with Secco environmental responsibility and community responsibility.,废脱砷剂的综合利用变废物为资源Recycle of spent arsenic removal catalyst-Convert wastes to useful resources,解决方案Solution经过在全国各地的废弃物处置工艺的调查筛选后,最终选择了湖南宏大锑铅有限公司的综合利用回收方案。该方案通过火法熔融、合金分离、熔融电解、回收重金属的工艺过程来提炼铅,布袋除尘回收砷,以达到回收的目的,冶炼后的残渣安全填埋 After investigation and screening the technology of waste disposal throughout China,we selected the plan of comprehensive utilization and recycling as offered by Hunan Hongda Antimony Lead Co.,Ltd.,in which the lead is recovered by refining through such technological process as melting with pyrogenic process,alloy separation,molten slag electrolysis refining and recovery of heavy metals.Slags generated by smelting will be dumped in a safe way.,废脱砷剂的综合利用变废物为资源Recycle of spent arsenic removal catalyst-Convert wastes to useful resources,效益Benefits环境效益:Environment benefits:1.保护环境,防止重金属污染 It is environmental friendly and can prevent heavy metal pollution.2.重金属资源回收利用 Recycling of heavy metal resource.经济效益:Economic benefits:由于重新提炼的铅可以充作处理费用的一部分,因此降低了处理成本,每吨可减少400元的处理费用,合计32,000元。As the refined lead can add up to part of the disposal fee,it reduces the disposal cost by reducing the disposal fee by 400 Yuan/T,totaling 32,000 Yuan.社会效益:Social benfits:1.赛科的综合利用项目得到了上海市环保局和湖南省环保局的好评和支持。Secco comprehensive utilization project is recognized and supported by Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Environment Protection and Hunan Provincial Bureau of Environment Protection.2.在海关对催化剂处置的跟踪中得到了认可,同时通过催化剂的合理处置也使得该催化剂5年期的进口免税监管得以提前解除。It is recognized by the customs office in tracking of the catalyst disposal.Meanwhile,rational disposal of the catalyst has resulted in advance release of five-year supervision and control of catalyst import tax exemption.,废脱砷剂的综合利用变废物为资源Recycle of spent arsenic removal catalyst-Convert wastes to useful resources,这次废脱砷剂的处理,不仅解决了废弃物污染的根本问题,而且使得废弃物变废为宝,不仅保护了环境,又为可持续发展提供了一个重要的途径。新的处理方法为公司废弃物处理开辟了一条新的思路,新的创新。This kind of disposal method not only solves the problem of waste pollution but also converts wastes to useful resources.It not only protects environment but provides a critical way for the sustainable development.It develops a new concept of waste disposal.这次废脱砷剂的处理,不仅在运输上,而且在处理方式上都是安全环保的,最终的处理后的废料也是基本无污染物后进行掩埋。This kind of disposal method is safe and environmental for both transportation and processing method.The waste of final process is basically buried after processing free form contamination.经过这次废脱砷剂的处理,把我司先进的HSSE管理方式和理念推广到了本次处理商,使他从不理解到接受到将学习我们的HSSE理念,这也是一次成功的推广。After this kind of disposal method,we promoted our advanced HSSE management methods and conception to processing agent and let them learn our HSSE conception.It was successful promotion.,废脱砷剂的综合利用变废物为资源Recycle of spent arsenic removal catalyst-Convert wastes to useful resources,THANKS!谢谢!,废脱砷剂的综合利用变废物为资源Recycle of spent arsenic removal catalyst-Convert wastes to useful resources,