A New Concise Course on LinguisticsPhilip LeeSchool of Foreign Languages,TextbookRequired:A New Concise Course on Linguistics for Students of English(Please read the book review http:/)Optional:Linguistics:A Course Book,Course Description 语言学概论是一门基础理论课,是英语专业本科高年级阶段的专业选修课程。通过该课程的教学,使学生深刻了解语言的性质、语言的结构、语言与言语的重大区别、语言各层次系统、语言习得、语言的时空变异、语言与思维、文化、社会、心理等外部因素的关系,从而有助于学生深入学习英语语言文化知识并提高语言水平和教学能力,同时能较为系统地掌握语言学领域一些最主要的理论、原则和方法,,具备一定运用所学知识来描写、解释语言现象或解决具体问题的能力,从而加深对人类语言这一社会现象的理性认识。本课程教学应体现以学生为中心和因材施教的原则。教学中应该深入浅出、详略得当地向学生传授语言研究中的基础性成果。充分利用多媒体教学技术,节省教学时间,增加信息密度,提高教学质量。为培养学生分析和解决问题的能力,应以书面作业的形式布置并讲解适量的习题和思考题,使学生在充分掌握基本概念的基,础上能正确运用所学知识进行一定的语言研究活动。在应用本大纲进行教学时,应该保证大纲规定的基本内容。本课程为学期课程,考核方式为期末闭卷考试。GradingThere will have one final exam and a number of homework assignments.Grades will be determined as follows:Homework 30%Final Exam 70%,The homework assignments include all the review questions corresponding to the chapters that we cover in the lectures.Requirements for the Course Class attendance,active participation in the class activities,and the completion of homework assignments.,Week 17-19:Review Week 20:Final Exam Office Hours:4:00-6:00,Wednesday(after the Meeting)Lecture One Introduction to Linguistics Teaching aims:通过教学,使学生了解语言学定义、语言学研究对象与研究问题、语言研究中,一些重要区分,掌握语言学研究范围、语言基本定义以及语言的区别性特征,能应用语言和语言学的基本知识来描写、解释或解决一些语言现象或实际问题。Teaching contents:(to see the Page v)Allocation of time:4 periods Teaching methods:lecture by teacher,oral questions and class discussionTeaching procedure:,Step 1:Some Important Terms(1)Linguistics:the scientific study of language(2)General linguistics:the study of language as a whole(3)Particular linguistics:the study of a single language or dialect,or at most a group of dialects,(4)English linguistics:the scientific study of the English language as a natural human language English Linguistics is concerned with the description of the linguistic organization of the English language its lexis,grammar and semantics,but also the range of variation according to region(dialect),social group(sociolect)and situation(register).,(5)About the name of this course:新编简明英语语言学教程/A New Concise Course on Linguistics for Students of English Question:Does this course belong to general linguistics or particular linguistics?这是一门以语言学理论为指导,以英语语言为研究对象的课程(to see the page iii),(6)A different voice:The availability of such a broad range of materials in linguistics(如此大规模的语言学书籍的发行)will contribute to the development of linguistics as a discipline in Chinese universities and colleges,helping to overcome the divisions into“English linguistics”,“Chinese linguistics”and so on which hinder the progress of linguistics as a unified science.,Step 2:The Nature of Linguistics The nature of linguistics as a discipline and as a science The nature of linguistics as a scientific discipline科学:反映自然、社会、思维等的客观规律的分科的知识体系science,branch of knowledge reflecting systematized observation of nature,society,or ways of thinking,文学:以语言文字为工具形象化地反映客观现实的艺术,包括戏剧、诗歌、小说、散文等literature,art of reflecting the objective reality through images by the use of written languages,including drama,poem,novel,prose,etc.语言学在本质上是一门社会科学,但又接近于自然科学(徐通锵,2007)。,Step 3:The contents 1.1 What is linguistics?1.1.1 Definition The scientific study of language Not any particular language,e.g.English,Chinese,but languages in general(1)What is language?,(2)How does language work?(3)What do all languages have in common?Universal Grammar By scientific it means the study is based on the systematic investigation of linguistic data,conducted with reference to some general theory of language structure.,To collect and observe language factsto make generalizationsto formulate hypothesesto check the hypothesesData and theory stand in a dialectical complementation.As a science linguistics now has a set of established theories,methods and sub-branches.,Linguistics is now empirical rather than speculative or intuitive and it operates with publicly variable data obtained by means of observation or experiment.语言学理论的科学性用几条原则来衡量:客观性(objectivity),系统性(systematicness)和清晰性(explicitness)。,1.1.2 The scope of linguistics 1)General vs.particular(descriptive)linguistics a.The study of the rules of human language in generalGeneral linguistics.It deals with the basic concepts,theories,descriptions,models and methods applicable in any linguistic study.,b.The study of the rules of a particular languageparticular(descriptive)linguistics 2)General vs.branch(multiple layers and facets of language)a.General linguistics b.Phonetics,phonology,morphology,syntax,semantics,pragmatics,socio-linguistics,psycholinguistics and applied linguistics(to see the page 2-3).,3)Core vs.interdisciplinary(non-core,periphery)a.Core:phonetics,phonology,morphology,syntax,semantics,pragmatics b.Non-core:socio-linguistics,psycholinguistics and applied linguistics,4)Theoretical vs.applied a.Theoretical linguistics is the branch of linguistics that is most concerned with developing models of linguistic knowledge.Part of this endeavor involves the search for and explanation of linguistic universals,that is,properties all languages have in common.The fields that are generally considered the core of theoretical linguistics are syntax,phonology,morphology,and semantics.,Although phonetics often informs phonology,it is often excluded from the purview of theoretical linguistics,along with psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics.普通语言学一般语言学理论语言学。狭义上讲,理论语言学基本上相当于普通语言学。广义上理解,理论语言学是关于人类语言研究的理论和方法的总和,它既包括人类一般语言的共性与规律的总结,又包括个别语言的个性与规律的概括。b.(to see the page 3),1.1.3 Some important distinctions in linguistics Prescriptive vs.descriptiveTwo types of linguistic studyDescriptive means a linguistic study aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use.Prescriptive means a linguistic study aims to lay down rules for correct and standard behavior in using language.,Examples Modern linguistics is mostly descriptive whereas traditional grammar is mostly prescriptive.呆板,垃圾,角色,阿房宫,叶公好龙,热中/热衷,受到质疑。中华人民共和国国家通用语言文字法规定推行规范汉字.中华人民共和国宪法第19条规定:国家推广全国通用的普通话。同胞,华山,狙击,姓龚,疟(yao)子,It is I/It is me.Who do you speak to?/Whom do you speak to?I havent done anything/I havent done nothing.The“guidelines on anti-sexist language”:Do not use man to mean humanity in general.Use person,people,human beings,men and women,humanity and humankind.,对Distinction 1 的总结 笼统地说,语言学经历了三个阶段:规定性的,描写性的和解释性的(explanatory)。就自然科學来讲,可以解释的现象已经很多了,而在语言学中,能够解释的事实还少得可怜,已经做出的解释也是探索性的,准备修正的。,2)Synchronic vs.diachronic The description of a language at some point of time in history is a synchronic study.The description of a language as it changes through time is a diachronic study.A diachronic study of language is a historical study.,Synchronic study of language is a study of language in its current existence.将05(1/2)同学的学习成绩进行比较,确定10名成绩优异者。这种研究属于_。将学号为13号的同学过去3年的成绩进行分析,确定其成绩发展趋势,这种研究属于_。,Judge the synchronic or diachronic orientation from their title.(1)English Examined:Two Centuries of Comment on the Mother Tongue(2)Protean Shape:A Study in Eighteenth-century Vocabulary and Usage(3)Pejorative Sense Development in English,(4)The Categories and Types of Present-Day English Word-Formation(5)Language in the Inner City:Studies in the Black English Vernacular.语言能否从泛时观点(panchronic)去加以研究呢?毫无疑问。但一谈到具体的事实,就没有什么泛时的观点了。,3)Speech vs.writing Speech is prior to writing.Speech plays a greater role than writing in everyday communication.Every native speaker acquires his/her mother tongue through speech.Modern linguists data for investigation and analysis are mostly drawn from everyday speech,which they regard as authentic.,A language and its written form constitute two separate systems of signs.The sole reason for the existence of the latter is to represent the former.The object of study in linguistics is not a combination of the written word and the spoken word.The spoken word alone constitutes that object.But what explains the prestige of writing?,a.The written form of a word strikes us as a permanent,solid object and hence more fitting than its sound to act as a linguistic unit persisting through time.b.For most people,visual impressions are clearer and more lasting than auditory impressions.c.A literary language enhances even more the unwarranted importance accorded to writing.,d.When there is any discrepancy between a language and its spelling,the conflict is always difficult to resolve for anyone other than a linguist.And the solution based on writing is an easier solution.In this way,writing assumes an authority to which it has no right.,4)Langue vs.parole The distinction is made by Saussure.Langue and parole are French words.Langue:the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community.Langue:the set of conventions and rules that language users all have to abide by.,Langue is abstract.Langue is relatively stable and it does not change frequently.To abstract langue from paroleto discover the regularities governing the actual use of language and make them the subjects of study of linguistics.Parole:the realization of langue in actual use;the concrete use of the conventions and the application of the rules.,Parole is concrete.Parole varies from person to person and from situation to situation.Parole is simply a mass of linguistic facts,too varied and confusing for systematic investigation.A comparison between them(1)语言是社会的产物,言语是个人行为的产物。(2)语言有约束力,言语则是自由的。,(3)语言是记忆的映象,言语是实际的运用。(4)语言是过去的产物,言语是当前的现实。(5)语言与言语在发生学的意义上是互为条件的。(6)语言是同一的,相对稳定的;言语是多变的,缺乏同一性。,除了语言与言语外,索绪尔还提出了其他几对对立范畴,即:能指与所指signifier vs.signified,共时语言学与历时语言学synchronic vs.diachronic linguistics,组合关系与聚合关系syntagmatic vs.associative or paradigmatic relations,内部语言学与外部语言学internal vs.external linguistics,任意性与可证性arbitrariness vs.motivation,不变性与可变性invariability vs.variability,多样性与相似性variety vs.similarity,意义与价值meaning vs.value。,Langue:the rules,the pieces of chess,and the board;parole:actual games of chess.5)Competence vs.performance The distinction is made by Chomsky.Competence:the ideal users knowledge of the rules of his language.Performance:the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication.,Competence is the perfect knowledge of his own knowledge.Performance:ungrammatical and ambiguous sentences;mistakes in actual use;slips of tongue;unnecessary pauses;it is caused by some factors such as stress,anxiety and embarrassment.According to Chomsky,linguists should study an ideal speakers competence,not his performance,which is too haphazard to study.,It is sometimes hard to draw a strict line between competence and performance.There are many reasons for the discrepancy between competence and performance in normal language users.For example,there are ethnic background,socioeconomic status,region of the country,and physical state such as intoxication,fatigue,distraction,and illness.,乔姆斯基在转换生成语法中提出的两分法概念,指普遍的语言能力和个人的语言运用,是对索绪尔语言与言语所作区别的演绎。语言能力是指在语言习得过程中获得的关于母语的(无意识的)理性知识,这是一个理想说者/听者在一个语言同一的社团(即无地理方言和社会方言的语言社团)里所具备的能力。在语言运用的范围里,凭借有限的语言素材(语音、词汇等)及其组合规则,说话者能够生成、理解无限多的句子,能够对句子的语法性、多义性及各种改写关系提出判断。,生成转换语法的目的在于建立一种语法体系的模式,该模式应该尽可能正确地反映说话者的普遍的语言能力,同时又要提出语言习得适当的假设。人们批评这种语言能力说太过于理想化,由此导致了将该理论向交际能力方向的扩展。语言运用和言语多被视为同义概念,而语言能力和语言之间则存在本质的不同,主要在于,语言是符号的静态系统,而语言能力则是一个动态的系统,是一种无限地生成语言的机制。,6)Traditional grammar vs.modern linguistics Language has been studied for centuries in Europe by such scholars as philosophers,grammarians and philologists.The beginning of modern linguistics was marked by the publication of F.de Saussures book Course in General Linguistics(普通语言学教程).,The differences between modern linguistics and traditional grammar(1)Modern linguistics is descriptive while traditional grammar is prescriptive.Linguists are observers and recorders of language facts,not a judge.(2)Modern linguistics regards the spoken language as primary,not the written.Why?The written language is permanent;there is lack of sound recording;traditional classical educationLatin,(3)Modern linguistics doesntt force languages into a Latin-based framework.For a long time,Latin is the only language for religion,scholarship etc.,将05(1/2)同学过去10年的成绩进行分析、比较,确定留校资格,这种研究属于_。,1.2 What is language?1.2.1 Definitions of language Language is a tool for human communication.Its function only,and there are other tools for communication.语言基本工具论 Language is a set of rules.There are other rule-governed systems.语言结构系统论,Sapirs definition:工具论 Halls definition:社会制度论 Chomskys definition:语言集合论 语言生物进化论,语言文化形态论,语言行为方式论,语言社会共变论,语言先天能力论,语言行为功能论,语言认知能力论。四种语言观自足系统观,交际工具观,天赋能力观和文化语言观。代表人物分别是索绪尔、斯大林、乔姆斯基和洪堡特。,A generally accepted definition:Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.(1)The element system reflects the fact that language provides us with the framework for generating appropriate utterances rather than proving us with an infinite store of ready-made utterances.,(2)Arbitrary means that between the signifier(sound)and the signified(concept),there is no natural,necessary or intrinsic connection.(3)Vocal means the most important medium of language is speech sound,not the written form.(4)Symbols means something that represents something else,such as a drawing of a heart pierced by an arrow,standing for romantic love.,(接4)具体代表抽象,而语言则是抽象代表具体。(5)Human means human-specific,different from animal communication systems.(6)Communication refers to the function of language.,1.2.2 Design features Design or defining means to give the distinguishing characteristics of or to differentiate.(to describe,to mark out,de+sign)Defining properties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication.,Arbitrariness is synonymous with neither“conventional”nor the speakers free choice.It means the lack of natural,priori and logical relationship between the signifier and the signified.The converse of arbitrariness is non-arbitrariness,including motivation and iconicity.,索绪尔首先把任意性看作语言事实和语言属性。他认为语言符号由音响形象和概念组成,即语言符号的语音和语义部分。他把前者叫做能指,后者叫做所指。他在普通语言学教程中解释了任意性的涵义:能指和所指的联系是任意的,即语言是任意的,例如“姊妹”的观念在英语里同用来做它的能指的sister/sIst/这串声音没有任何内在的联系,它也可以用任何别的声音表示,就是说,为什么用sister而不用其他形式无道理可言,Iconicity is the corresponding relationship between syntactic form and semantic function and thus it is an indispensable complement of arbitrariness.Motivation is any driving force or stimulant that promotes languages coming into being,its mutation or evolution.From an integrational perspective,arbitrariness and non-arbitrariness are two functional principles of language organization and they complementarily manifest themselves at the level of the linguistic sign and its entities,sound and meaning,and of syntactic structures and their semantic contents.,Productivity:Also calls creativity or recursiveness.It partly originates from duality.Because of duality the speaker is able to combine the basic linguistics units to from an infinite set of sentences,most of which we are never before produced or heard.Language is productive in another sense:its potential to produce endless sentences.He bought a book which was written by a teacher who taught in a school which was known fir its graduates who,Duality:The advantage of duality lie