翻译学 张莉,Unit 7 Textual Pragmatics and equivalence,1,Equivalence,part,1.Translation Properly Defined,Mainstream translation theory suggests that fundamental differences exist between translation and other text-processing activities.Unsatisfactorily answered question:What preconditions must be met for a text to be classified as translation proper?Between the resultant text in L2(the TL text)and the ST in L1(the SL text)there exists a relationship which can be designated as a translational,or equivalence relation.(Koller,1995:196)Translations are produced under different conditions compared with other activities.,Strictly pertaining to translation,That proceed from a source to a derived text(e.g.summarizing,explaining),2 Langue-oriented vs Parole-oriented Equivalence,Constitutes the real object of enquiry in Translation Studies,Textual equivalence is obtained at the level of text in context not at the level of the linguistic system,Way to reconcile the two extremes,To define equivalence in relative(not categorical)terms and in hierarchical(not static)terms.,vs,3 Equivalence:Double Linkage,Koller views equivalence as:Koller proposed five models of equivalence:,A process constrained,by the influence of a variety of potentially conflicting SL/TL linguistic textual and extra-textual factors and circumstances,by the role of the historical-cultural conditions under which texts and their translations are produced and received,double-linkage,to the ST to the communicative conditions on the receivers side,SL forms strictly replaced by an identical TL form,SL form is replaced by a TL form that basically refers to the same“thing”.,similarity of association,enable us to work with the kind of language that is typical a certain kind of text,a mood of writing,a certain attitude,etc.,to achieve similarity of effect and cater for reader expectations,An Example of Kollers Five Models of Equivalence,e.g.“I had wanted for years to get Mrs Thacher in front of my camera.As she got more powerful she got sort of sexier.”(Newsweek 21 May 2001 bold in original)formal equivalence:English:strategy,bureaucracyArabic:statiijiyya,biirokratiyya denotative equivalence:Translator can opt for this level of equivalence in any languages,with the relationship of“sex-sexy”highlighted.problem:may convey sth like pornographic(色情的)connotative equivalence:sexy attractiveness problem:“attractiveness”can be associated with the physical term“gravity”that are too direct and scientific for this context.text-normative equivalence:sexual attractiveness attractive femininitygloss the translation with“so to speak”pragmatic equivalence:the effect on the TT reader sufficiently close to that experienced by the ST reader,impossible in formal equivalence,Werner Koller:The Concept of Equivalence and the Object of Translation Studies,Translation from a linguistic and textual perspective:The conditioning factors,double linkage,and the equivalence frameworks of translation,Factors and Conditions,The source and target languages with their structural properties,possibilities,and constraints.The“world”as it is variously classified in the individual languages Different realities as these are represented in way peculiar to their respective languagesThe source text with its linguistic,stylistic and aesthetic properties in the context of the linguistic,stylistic and aesthetic norms of the source languageLinguistic,stylistic and aesthetic norms of the target language and of the translatorStructure features and qualities of a textPreconditions for comprehension on the part of the target-language readerThe translators creative inclinations and understandings of the workThe translators explicit and/or implicit theory of translationTranslation traditionTranslation principles and interpretation of the original text by its own authorThe clients guidelines and declared purpose of the translationThe practical conditions under which the translator chooses or is obliged to work,Frameworks of equivalence,From a linguistic-textual standpoint,the following equivalence frameworks are of particular significance:The extra-linguistic circumstances conveyed by the textThe connotations(with multiplicity of connotative values)conveyed by the text via the mode of verbalization The text and language norms(usage norm)which apply to parallel texts in the target languageThe way the receiver is taken into accountAesthetic properties of the source-language text,2,Decision-making,part,What motivates translator decision-making,Achieving equivalence involves a complex decision-making process,Jiri Levy defined in terms of moves as in a game of chess.These decisions are hierarchical and iterative.Aestheticstranslators own aesthetics standardscognition and knowledgetranslators own socio-cognitive system(cultural and system of values,beliefs)commissionThis raises issues of translation purpose,loyalty,and conflicts of interests.,Jiri Levy:Translation as a Decision Process,Game theory(博弈论)From the teleological point of view:translation is a PROCESS OF COMMUNICATION:to impart the knowledge of the original to the foreign reader.From the pragmatic point of view:translation is a DECISION PROCESS:A series of a certain number of consecutive situations-moves,as in a game-imposing on the translator the necessity of choosing among a certain number of alternatives.Minimax strategy(极小化极大策)Translator resorts to that one of the possible solutions which promises a maximum of effect with a minimum of effort.e.g.a verse translation preserve in rhymes the vowels of the original play a minor part renounce,preferable,吉里列维,捷克斯洛伐克学者是现代欧洲翻译研究的代表人物之一,其翻译理论代表作有翻译艺术(1963)、文学翻译理论与实践(1969)和论文翻译理论对译者有用吗?(1965)、翻译是一个抉择过程(1967)等等。在列维的翻译理论和思想中带有布拉格学派的痕迹,因此,他也被认为是翻译理论中的布拉格学派代表。,博弈论的主要内容是利用数学方法探索最优的对抗策略,从而把损失降低到最低限度。列维从博弈论中得到启发,认为翻译过程就是一个博弈与策略选择的过程。对弈者在走棋过程中,每走一步棋都要作出选择,而选择一经做出,就预先确定了自己随后棋步的走法,后面的每一步棋都受到前面决策的影响。开局选择不同,随后的走法也不同,就会有不同的结局。,Conclusion,We deal with grammar and vocabulary not in isolation but as part of text in communication during the translation process.It is the ST and its linguistic-stylistic structure and meaning potential that are regarded as the fundamental factor in translation.The link which exists between the translation and the conditions on the receivers side does not disappear.Factors which contribute to the production and reception of a translation remain crucial.,参考文献,1贺爱军.翻译对等的原型范畴理论识解J.外语教学,2016,(05):107-110.2李倩,王静.翻译抉择:列维翻译决定过程论评述J.当代教育理论与实践,2014,(01):160-162.3郑敏宇.重拾依瑞列维的翻译思想J.中国翻译,2013,(06):13-17.4关慧.翻译:抉择和再造的过程评介吉里列维的翻译是一个抉择的过程J.辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版),2009,(04):125-126.5刘艳.译者主体性的文化界定再读吉里列维的翻译是一个抉择过程J.牡丹江师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版),2007,(04):65-67.6王燕萍,王建武.略论翻译对等与翻译策略J.陕西理工学院学报(社会科学版),2005,(03):72-75.7周红民.论语用学原理对翻译对等论的解释功能J.外国语言文学,2003,(04):46-50.,Thank You!,