Tea Art,Contents,大红袍茶艺 Dahongpao Process,世界自然、文化双遗产地武夷山,不仅是风景名山,文化名山,而且是茶叶名山。提起武夷山,不少茶人都知道,这里是红茶和乌龙茶的发源地,如今盛产武夷岩茶。提起武夷岩茶,则普天下茶人都渴望能有幸品到中国茶王大红袍。(出场)The World Natural and Cultural Heritage,Wuyi Mountain,is not only famous for its view and culture,but also tea.When talking about Wuyi Mountain,many people recognize that it is the cradle of black tea and oolong.The most known is the Wuyi Mountain Rock Tea,the King of Chinese tea-Dahongpao.,大红袍是清代供皇上饮用的茶中的极品,乾隆皇帝曾在品饮后写诗评价说:武夷茶品质最佳,最有韵味。”现在我们就请各位嘉宾“当回皇帝,品尝茶王大红袍。Dahongpao is dedicated to emperor in Qing dynasty.Emperor Qianlong had written a poem for Dahongpao:there is nothing better than Wuyi Tea both quality and taste.,第一道:迎接茶王 Process 1 Welcome,第二道:喜遇知己 Process 2 Observation,先请大家欣赏茶叶。在山清水秀的良好环境中,生产的大红袍品质优良。历代爱茶的皇帝,都为大红袍的知音。希望各位嘉宾也能像各代皇帝一样,成为它的知己。First of all,lets look into the tea-leaf.With an excellent living condition,it is no need to worry about its quality.In all ages,every tea-lover-emperor is a bosom friend of Dahongpao.We wish you;our dear customers,will also be a bosom friend of Dahongpao,like the emperors.,第三道:温暖茶壶 Process 3 Warm the teapot,明代有位制作紫砂壶的名师时大彬,他制作的紫砂壶贵逾黄金,被后人叹为观止,所以我们常把紫砂壶称为“大彬壶”。泡茶前先温热茶壶。In Ming dynasty,there was a professor who was good at making purple clay teapot called Shi dabin.The purple clay teapot he made was more precious than gold,and was honored by the world.Consequently,we usually call purple clay teapot as“Da Bin Pot”.Please warm the teapot before making a cup of tea.,第四道:茶王入宫殿 Process 4 King in the Palace,即把大红袍请入茶壶。Put Dahongpao tea-leaf into teapot,第五道:高山流水Process 5 Lofty Mountains and Flowing River,倾注的热水,如武夷山的瀑布在鸣奏着大自然的乐章,希望这高山流水能激起您心中的共鸣。The pouring hot water sounds like that the Wuyi Mountain waterfall playing the music of nature.We hope that it will rise your resonance.,第六道:乌龙入海Process 6 Oolong goes into the sea,大红袍属于乌龙茶类,其汤色是橙黄色,我们把茶汤出,称为“乌龙入海”。In Chinese saying,long means dragon.Dahongpao belong to Oolong,the colour of Dahongpao is orange.We filtrate the tea,call it Oolong goes into the sea.,第七道:一帘幽梦 Process 7 Sweet Dreams,第二次冲入开水后,茶与水在壶中相融合。这时,还要继续在壶外浇淋开水,以便让茶释放出茶味。这种神秘的感觉,正如一帘幽梦。After a second-time brew up,tea leaf and water fuse together.At this time,we still need to pour boiling water outside the teapot to release the taste of tealeaf.This makes us feel like Sweet dreams.,第八道:美汤移入壶中 Process 8 Transfer into another teapot,冲泡时,避免大红袍在壶中长时间保留,因为这样会使茶水苦涩。我们把泡好的茶倒入公道壶称之为“玉液移壶”。When brewing up,the taste will get bitter if the tealeaf being soaked for a long time.We will put the tea into another teapot.,第九道:精华均分 Process 9 Share,将茶水均匀分到杯中,使每杯浓淡相同称精华均分,也代表茶道中众生平等的精神。Pour out the tea averagely.This represents the spirit of all creature are created equal by God.,第十道:奉献茶王 Process 10 Give out,即把冲泡好的大红袍奉给各位。请品茶。Deliver the tea to guests.,第十一道:鉴赏双色 Process 11 observe the color,大红袍的茶汤清澈艳丽,表面呈现油亮的光圈,可鉴赏这由浅到深的颜色。The colour of Dahongpao is limpid,from light to dark.,第十二道:细闻天香 Process 12 Smell,大红袍的茶香突出、持久,像梅花,如兰花,甜润又温馨。多种香型巧妙地混合在一起,飘散空中,变化无穷,被茶人称之为“天香”。The scent of Dahongpao is prominent as well as lasting,somewhat like plum blossom,somewhat like orchid.,第十三道:细品奇茗 Process 13 Taste,茶在中国,不但是一种礼仪,更是一种哲理。有诗言:红红炭火清清水,满座茶香四海情。我们将一杯香茗奉给各位,以表示茶人的热情,愿各位细细品尝大红袍,感受浓浓的中国情。In China,tea not only stands for etiquette,more like philosophy.Lets pick up the cup and enjoy the Dahongpao,taste the tea,taste the chinese.,乌龙(铁观音)茶艺Oolong(Tieh-Kuan-Yin)tea ceremony,主持:欢迎各位来宾能在百忙之中抽空参加我们的茶艺品鉴活动!今天为我们带来精彩茶艺表演的是高级茶艺师XX。Presider:Welcom to our tea tasting event!Today,Luo Fang,the advanced tea master,will give us a wonderful performance.Lets welcome our tea master.请大家和我分享茶艺的快乐,功夫茶艺共有十道程序,下面为各位一一演示。XX:Thank you.Its my honor to share the happiness of tea ceremony with you all.There are ten programs about Kong Fu Tea and I will present them to you one by one.,第一道:孔雀开屏,观赏美叶First:Like a peacock,appreciating beautiful tea leaves,孔雀开屏:指孔雀在展示美丽的羽毛,这里我们也向大家一一介绍功夫茶茶具:茶盘;这是宜兴制作的紫砂壶,紫砂壶一向为爱茶人士所喜爱,它色泽光润,具有良好的吸水性,长期冲泡会留有茶香,外部也更润滑。公道壶,用来均匀茶汤,茶先倒入公道壶再分给来宾,可便每杯浓淡相同,体现中国茶艺对来宾共等对待,无分贵贱;这是闻茶香用的闻杯;这是品茶用的品杯。茶匙,用于量取茶叶;茶夹,用于夹杯;茶漏,可防止茶叶撒落;茶向导,拨取茶叶;茶针,这是疏通壶嘴用的。茶罐,用于存放茶叶;茶荷花,用于装茶叶以供观看外形。现在我们用茶匙把茶叶放入茶荷中。观赏美叶:请大家观赏茶叶的外形色泽。它颜色墨绿、外形紧结。,Peacock:It refers to a peacock showing its beautiful feather.Here,I would like to introduce the tea set of Kong Fu Tea to you.Tea tray:This is a ceramic tea pot made in Yixing.Ceramic tea pots have always been favored by those who love tea,with the bright and bloom color and good water absorptivity.Besides,the tea aroma will stay in the pot after a long time of making tea.Whats more,the external part of the pot will be more smooth than before.Fair pot:It is used to make the tea ingredient.First,put the tea into the Fair pot and then distribute it to guests,so that the guests can drink neither too weak nor too strong tea,which shows that Chinese Tea Ceremony is respectful to every guest.This is When cup used to smell the tea,and this is Pin Cup used to taste the tea.,Teaspoon is used to measure the amount of tea;Tea folder is used to cramp the tea cup;Tea strainers is to prevent tea spilled;Tea Wizard is used to take tea;Tea needle is used to clear the spout.Tea caddy is used to store tea.Tea holder is used to put the tea in and view its shape.Now,we put the teaspoon into the tea holder.Watching the beautiful tea leaves:Please watch the shape and the color of tea.It is dark green with the shape tight knot.,第二道:温暖茶壶,乌龙入宫Second:To warm the tea pot,Oolong coming into the palace.(ceramic tea pot is compared to palace),泡茶前先用开水浇热茶壶,可以洗壶提高壶温;明代有位制作紫砂壶的名师时大彬,他制作的紫砂壶贵逾黄金,被后人叹为观止,所以我们常把名贵的紫砂壶统称为大彬壶;今天为大家冲泡的是铁观音,铁观音是乌龙茶中的一种,它产于福建安溪,现在把茶叶放到壶中,称为乌龙入宫殿。,Before making tea,put the boiled water to warm the tea pot and you can also wash the tea pot with hot water.In Ming Dynesty,there was a famous master called Shi Dabin,who is skillful at making ceramic tea pots.Ceramic tea pots made by him are more valuable than gold,which is appreciated by later generations,so we often call precious ceramic tea pots DaBin pots.Now what Im making is called Tieh-Kuan-Yin,a kind of Oolong tea.It is produced in Anxi,Fujian.And now Im putting the tea into the ceramic tea pot,which is also called Oolong coming into the palace.,第三道:高山流水,春风拂面 Third:Flushing high and puring low,and the wind blowing face,我们泡茶时讲究“高冲水,低斟茶”,高山流水指提壶高冲水,春风拂面就是用壶盖刮去茶汤表面的泡沫,使茶水更加清澈。When making tea,we emphasize“flushing high and pouring low”.“Flushing high”means flushing with a pot in a higher place;“The wind is blowing your face”means scratching the foam from the surface of the tea with the teapot lid,so that the tea will be clearer.,第四道:乌龙入海,仙茶沐浴Fourth:Oolong coming into the sea and fairy tea enjoying a bath.,我们常说“第一泡是水,第二泡是茶,第三第四泡才是茶的精华”,第一次冲出的茶水一般不喝,直接注出,称为乌龙入海。仙茶沐浴指第二次冲水,这时要将开水注满壶中,盖上壶盖后再用开水淋壶的外部,这样内外加温,有利于茶香的散发。,We always say that when making tea,what we make tea for the first time is called water,what we make for the second time is called tea,and what we make for the third and fourth time is called essence.As the result,we wont drink the tea made for the first time and we will pour it directly,which is called Oolong coming in the sea.“Fairy Tea Bath”means that making tea for the second time.This time you should fill the teapot with boiled water and cover the lid.After that,leach the pot with boild water so that the temperature of the pot will increase and help the tea aroma spread.,第五道:母亲哺育 Fifth:The mother nuturing,喝茶时有六大讲究:1、讲究环境优美,气氛温馨。2、讲究主人要热情,客人要高雅。3、讲究茶叶要好,最好是名茶。4、讲究茶具要精美且配套。5、讲究水好,最好是山泉水。6、要讲究水温和时间掌握得恰到好处。茶道即人生之道,最讲究和谐,把壶中的茶汤注入公道壶中,就像母亲在哺育自己的婴儿,称为“母亲哺育”。,When tasting tea,we always emphasized the following points:1.the elegant emviornment and warm atmosphere;2.hosts with passion and guests with elegance;3.good tea leaves and famous tea;4.a delicate and complete tea set.5.suitable water.(moutain spring is the best choice.)6.suitable temperature of water and suitable time.Tea ceremony means life style,emphasizing harmony the most.Putting the tea into the Fair pot is like a mother nurturing her baby,so it is also called“Mother is nurturing”.,第六道:飞龙在天上降下雨,凤凰点头Sixth:The dragon flying,giving sweet rains and the phoenixes nodding,龙和凤是中国古代神话传说中代表男性女性的吉 祥物,将茶汤均匀的倒入闻杯,称为飞龙在天,降下甘露,当壶中的茶汤剩下不多时,我们改用更轻快的手法,使每杯的茶汤一样多,称为“凤凰点头”,这也代表我们向来宾点头致敬。,Dragons and phoenixes are mascots of males and females according to Chinese ancient legends.Putting the tea into Wen cup evenly,which is called the dragon,flying in the sky,gives us sweet rains.When there is little tea left in the teapot,we should switch to a more lighthearted approach so that the amount of tea in each teacup can be equal.We call it“The phoenix nods”,which represents that we show our repect to our guests.,第七道:夫妻并肩(伉俪情深),吉祥鱼翻身Seventh:Husband and wife side by side,lucky fish turn over,把品杯扣在闻杯上,称为“夫妻并肩”,希望有情人终成眷属,家庭和睦。把杯子翻过称为“吉祥鱼翻身”。传说鱼儿翻身跃过高门,可变为天上的飞龙,我也祝福各位:事业顺利,如鱼跃高门一样一飞冲天。Putting the Pin cup with Wen cup together is called“Husband and wife side by side”,wishing that lovers get married and their family live harmoniously.Turning the cup over is called“Lucky fish turn over”.It is said that if a fish turn over,leaping over the gate,it can become a flying dragon in the sky.So,I give my best wishes to you here.,第八道:捧杯敬茶Eighth:Hail the cup,offtering the tea,现在请茶艺师把泡好的铁观音奉给各位,供贵宾品尝。Now tea master,please give the Tieh-Kuan-Yin to the guest and let them taste carefully.,第九道:欣赏汤色,细闻香气Nineth:Appreciating the tea,smelling the tea aroma,品茶有三个步骤:观色,闻香,品茶。先将闻杯轻轻提起,茶汤进入品杯,大家先看看杯中的茶汤是否明亮显橙黄色。细闻香气:我们用双手搓着闻杯,这样有利于茶香的释放,观察香气是否显著。,There are three steps of tasting tea:observing the tea,smelling the tea aroma and taste the tea.First take up the Wen cup slightly and put the tea into the Pin cup.Before that,you should observe whether the tea is golden yellow.Then we tub the cup with our hands,which is good for the tea aroma to spread.At the same time,we should observe whether the aroma is significant.,第十道:三龙护杯,细尝名茶Tenth:Three dragons protecting the cup,tasting the famous tea,请大家用拇指,食指扶杯,用中指托住杯底,这样拿杯稳当又雅观,这样称为“三龙护杯”。中国文字中品字是由三个口组成,茶汤温度较高,品尝时也分为三口,第一口缓缓喝下茶汤,感到香气停留在口中。第二口让茶在口中翻滚,细细品尝,这样能领悟乌龙茶所特有的清香、清爽、甘甜、流畅。孙中山先生曾提倡以茶作为国饮,鲁迅先生曾说:“有好茶喝,会喝好茶,是一种福气。,Please hold the cup with your thumb and index and lift the bottom of the cup with your midfinger.This way of holding cup is steady and respectable so we call it“Three dragons protecting the cup”.In Chinese,the word“Pin(品)”consists of three“口”.As the high temperature of the tea,we often taste the tea in three sips.We drink the tea slowly in the first sip,feeling the tea aroma in our mouth.In the second sip,we let the tea roll in our mouth,tasting carefully so that we can feel the special aroma of Oolong tea.Mr.Sun Yat-sen advocated to take tea as national drink.Mr.Luxun said that,people who have good tea to drink and who know how to taste good tea,is with a kind of blessing.,最后我饮尽杯中茶表达心中的敬意,希望各位看完我们的茶艺表演之后能更爱茶,并祝各位身体健康,幸福快乐!Finally,I would like to express my repect to you by drinking up the tea.I really hope that you will love tea more after appreciating my performance.Best wishes to all of you,茉莉花茶冲泡,茉莉花茶是我国特有的茶类,是用绿茶吸收鲜花香气,精制而成,茶香与花香相互融合。因茉莉花被广大人民喜爱,被列为中国四大名花之首,下面请观赏茉莉花茶艺。Jasmine is one of the typical kinds of tea in China.It is made of green tea combined with the scent of flowers.As it is favored by the public,it ranks the first of Chinese Four Famous Flowers.,今天,我们采用优质花茶,水亦为优质的山泉水,好水能使茶味发挥到最好。茶是上天孕育大地扶养的灵物,先烫洗茶具,正象洗涤我们的心灵,也表示对客人的尊敬。当烫洗杯盖时,水流正象那飞洒的瀑布。Today,we will adopt the tea leaf and water with high quality,which can enable the aroma to its great extend.Tea is gestated by the God and risen up by the land.First,we scald out the tea set,as if enlightening our soul.Then when we scald out the bowl cover,the stream seems like flying waterfall.,在爱茶人的眼中,茶已不只是茶,而是一位君子,我们伟大诗人苏东坡把茶称为美叶先生,并写了美叶传,歌颂了茶,您正如美叶先生,清爽淡雅,不张扬,品性平和”。冲泡花茶时满室飘香,令人愉快。In the eyes of tea lovers,tea is a gentleman rather than merely itself.Su Dongpo,a Chinese great poet,once praised tea as Mr.Beautiful Leaf and he wrote an article named Mei Ye Zhuan to honor tea.Tea,as Mr.Sumentioned,is like Mr.Beautiful Leaf with fresh characteristic and gentle heart.Its a great delight when brewing Jasmine tea with its aroma full of the environment.,每碗可放花茶三克,当茶叶落入洁白的茶杯时,正如绚丽的花在飘游。(投茶)Three grams are acceptable for each bowl.Tealeaf floating in the snow white teacup,is just like florid flowers.,用旋转的方法将少量热水冲入杯中,它的温暖象春风使茶芽慢慢舒展,花茶开始显出它的生命力,水与茶的相互融合将使香气更明显、滋味更浓郁。摇动杯子可使茶叶充分接触热水,新鲜、浓郁、纯正的花香伴随着清幽的茶香,令人陶醉。泡花茶的水温应用95度,用三点头的方法依次序向盖杯倒水,这样可以使茶汤更均匀,也表示我们对来宾的欢迎。倒茶至70%,留下杯中的30%代表装着主人的情意。Reelingly put a little boiling water into the cup.Being like spring wind,the high temperature makes tea leaf extends.Jasmine tea starts to express its vitality.The combination of boiling water and tea makes the aroma more obvious.Shaking the cup enables the tea leaf to touch boiling water sufficiently.Its ravishing when a kind of fresh,strong and pure potpourri crossing over with tea aroma.,泡茶所的盖杯由三部份组成,盖代表天,托代表地,中间的茶杯代表人,泡茶的过程象天地人三物合一,才能共同孕育出名茶。The bowl cover is composed of three parts,repectively represents the God,the people and the land.The process of brewing tea symbolizes the integrated of these three.,“一杯香茶奉献给知已”,奉茶时应双手捧杯,举到与眉毛齐高,看着嘉宾,点头行礼,然后从左到右,把茶奉出,最后一杯留给冲泡者。喝茶时,天地人不分离,一小口一小口的喝,以细心耐心来喝出茶的真味。As an old Chinese saying goes,a cup of good tea is designed for a best friend.When serving the tea,we are supposed to hold the tea cup to the height of our eyebrows,our eyes look at the guest,nod our head to salute,and hand out the tea from left to right.The last cup of tea is for the host himself.When drinking tea,the God,the people and the land should not separate.Tea is expected to be drunk with small sips,because its believed that only with patience can we get the real taste of the tea.,感谢各位的耐心观赏,我们愿用真诚的态度与天下爱茶的人成为朋友!Thanks for your patience and attention,wed sincerely like to be friends with all tea lovers.,龙井冲泡The way to brew Longjing tea,中国地域广阔,不同的地方生产出各种不同的茶类,我们常见的有:绿茶、乌茶茶、红茶、普洱茶,而绿茶是中国历史最悠久、品种最多、饮用者也最多的茶类,它蕴含很多的维生素和氨基酸,具有清热、减肥、美容的功效。今天我们可以品尝到其中三种出名的绿茶龙井/毛尖/碧螺春,先请茶艺师为各位冲泡龙井。,China is a huge geographic country,with different places producing different kinds of tea,such as green tea,oolong tea,black tea and puer tea.Among all these tea,green tea enjoys the longest history and the best range of variety in China.Whats more,more people prefer green tea than other tea.It is rich in vitamins and amino acid,with the effect of clearing heat,losing weight and it is good for your beauty.Today we are going to have a taste on three famous variety of green tea.They are respectively Longjing tea,sliver needles and Bi Luo Chun.Now first please invite the tea master to brew longjing tea for everyone.,冲泡前,可先观赏茶叶称为初现仙姿。Before the brewing,we can watch the tealeaf-this process is called the first view of beauty.,龙井茶以“色翠、香郁、味甘、形美”四绝著称,素有国茶之美誉。茶外形光滑平直,色翠略黄。在清明时节前采摘的明前龙井最为珍贵。Longjing is famous for its four unique characteristics green color、fragrant scent、sweet flavor and beautiful appearance.It is known as the country tea.It has smooth flat shape and slightly yellow color.The most precious tea is the early spring Longjing,which is picked before the time of Qingming.,传统的龙井常