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    Western Architecture,Outlines:,Ancient Greek And Roman ArchitectureGothic ArchitectureRenaissance ArchitectureBaroque ArchitectureModern Architecture,Ancient Greek And Roman Architecture,In the time of the Greeks,religious mystery skipped the confines of the temple-palace compounds and was the subject of the people Greek civic life was sustained by new,open spaces called the agora which were surrounded by public buildings,stores and templesThe architectural style that has shaped Western architecture ever since ancient Greece.Characterized by architectural elements such as columns and orders,Parthenon temple,Temple of Concordia,Roman Architecture,The Romans were very practical people and were more interested in law,government and engineering than artThey were clever architects and city planners and we still benefit from their contributionsThe Romans figured out how to make concrete which is a mixture of sand,minerals and small pebbles,The Pantheon,Triumphal Arch,Classical Architecture,These are the basic parts of a Greek or Roman building:,Cornice,Pediment,Frieze,Columns,Gothic Architecture,Gothic architecture began mainly in France,where architects were inspired by Romanesque architecture and the pointed arches of Spanish Moorish architectureIts easy to recognize Gothic buildings because of their arches,ribbed vaulting,flying buttresses,elaborate sculptures and stained glass windowsThey marked it as“Gothic”to suggest it was the crude work of German barbarians,Pointed Arch(尖肋拱顶),Flying Buttress(飞扶壁),Stained Glass(花窗玻璃),Beam-Column(束柱),St.Patricks Cathedral,Notre Dame de Paris,Renaissance Architecture,During the Renaissance,architects were inspired by the symmetrical and well-balanced buildings of Greece and RomeFlat roofs,coffered ceilings,Roman arches and capitalsReflected the return of interest in the great monuments of antiquity,Church of Santa Croce,Louvre,Interior of Amiens,Interior of Pantheon,Baroque Architecture,Elements of the Baroque architecture are complicated decorations,paintings and contrasts between light and shadowIn Italy,where it started,the style is reflected in dramatic churches with irregular shapes,huge domes and extravagant ornamentationIn France is highly decorated combined with classical features.Sacred buildings and chateaux were typical for this style,Trevi Fountain,Palace of Versailles,Saint Peters Basilica,Modern Architecture,Modern architecture is a term given to a number of building styles with similar characteristics,primarily the simplification of form and the elimination of ornament,that first arose around 1900.By the 1940s these styles had been consolidated and identified as the International Style and became the dominant architectural style,particularly for institutional and corporate building,for several decades in the twentieth century.The exact characteristics and origins of modern architecture are still open to interpretation and debate,Some styles of modernism,FunctionalismExpressionist ArchitectureGoogie ArchitecturePostmodern ArchitectureCritical RegionalismInternational style,Functionalism,In architecture,is the principle that architects should design a building based on the purpose of that buildingThis statement is less self-evident than it first appears,and is a matter of confusion and controversy within the profession,particularly in regard to modern architecture,The tower of the Helsinki Olympic Stadium,Auditorium,Aarhus University,Expressionist Architecture,Expressionist architecture was an architectural movement that developed in Northern Europe during the first decades of the 20th century in parallel with the expressionist visual and performing arts.The style was characterized by an early-modernist adoption of novel materials,formal innovation,and very unusual massing,sometimes inspired by natural biomorphic forms,sometimes by the new technical possibilities offered by the mass production of brick,steel and especially glassMany expressionist architects fought in World War I and their experiences,combined with the political turmoil and social upheaval that followed the German Revolution of 1919,resulted in a utopian outlook and a romantic socialist agenda,Einstein Tower in Potsdam-Berlin,Het schip Housing Estate in Amsterdam,Googie Architecture,Googie architecture is a subdivision of expressionist,or futurist architecture influenced by car culture the Space Age,originating from southern California in the late 1940s and continuing approximately into the mid-1960sWith upswept roofs and,often,curvaceous,geometric shapes,and bold use of glass,steel and neon,it decorated many a motel,coffee house and bowling alley in the 1950s and 1960sIt epitomizes the spirit a generation demanded,looking excitedly towards a bright,technological and futuristic age,The Seattle Space Needle,Kyoto station,Postmodern Architecture,Postmodern architecture is an international style whose first examples are generally cited as being from the 1950s,and which continues to influence present-day architectureAs with many cultural movements,some of postmodernisms most pronounced and visible ideas can be seen in architectureThe functional and formalized shapes and spaces of the modernist movement are replaced by unapologetically diverse aesthetics:styles collide,form is adopted for its own sake,and new ways of viewing familiar styles and space abound,1000 de La Gauchetire,bank of America center,Critical Regionalism,Critical regionalism is an approach to architecture that strives to counter the placelessness and lack of meaning in Modern Architecture by using contextual forces to give a sense of place and meaningThe term critical regionalism was first used by Alexander Tzonis and Liane Lefaivre and later more famously by Kenneth Frampton,The Sydney Opera House,Saynatsalo Town Hall,International style,was a major architectural style that emerged in the 1920s and 1930s,the formative decades of Modernist architectureThe term had its origin from the name of a book by Henry-Russell Hitchcock and Philip Johnson written to record the International Exhibition of Modern Architecture held at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City in 1932 which identified,categorized and expanded upon characteristics common to Modernism across the worldAs a result,the focus was more on the stylistic aspects of Modernism,The Glass Palace in Netherlands,Villa Savoye,thank you,


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