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    Cultural differences between English and Chinese,What is culture?Language and cultureCulture and translationVarious exemplifications of cultural differences between English and Chinese Translation approaches,Culture(1),It is the totality of the spiritual,intellectual,and artistic attitudes shared by a group,including its tradition,habits,social customs,morals,laws,and social relations,Sociologically,every society,on every level,has its culture;the term has no implications of high development.“-The New World Encyclopedia,Culture(2),Culture is the patterns of behavior and thinking that people living in social groups learn,create,and share.Culture distinguishes one human group from others.It also distinguishes humans from other animals.A peoples culture includes their beliefs,rules of behavior,language,rituals,art,technology,styles of dress,ways of producing and cooking food,religion,and political and economic systems.-Encarta encyclopedia,The characteristics of culture,Culture is shared.Culture is learned,not biologically inherited.Culture is adaptive.,Language and culture,众所周知,语言和文化密不可分。语言是文化的有机组成部分,而且是极其重要的一部分;它记录着人类文化发展的历史,反映着社会文明进步的成果,是交流、传播、延续、和发展文化的工具;但语言不能脱离文化存在,总是生长在一定的文化背景之中。文化是语言活动的大环境,各种文化因素都必然体现在语言文字之中。在语言活动过程中,处处都有文化的烙印,时时可见文化的踪迹。(包惠南,2001),Culture and translation,翻译中对原文意思的理解,远远不是单纯的语言理解问题。语言是文化的组成部分,它受着文化的影响和制约。在翻译过程中,译者对某段文字理解的正确与否,在很大程度上取决于他对有关文化的了解。对于译者来说,没有两种文化的对比知识,就无从谈起对语言文字的正确理解与表达。-谭载喜,Various exemplifications of cultural differences,色彩的文化内涵与翻译动物的文化内涵与翻译习语与典故的文化内涵与翻译,The cultural connotations of colors,RedGreenYellowBlueWhiteBlack,Red,红旗 red flag 红糖 brown sugar 红茶 black tea 红榜 honor roll 红豆 love pea 红运 good luck,Red,红利 dividend 红事 weddingred wine 红酒 red ruin 火灾 red battle 血战red sky 彩霞,Red,Red eye Red eye flight,Red,贾宝玉神游太虚境,警幻仙曲演红楼梦。Jia Baoyu visits the Land of Illusion;And the fairy Disenchantment performs the Dream of Golden Days.,贾宝玉品茶栊翠庵,刘姥姥醉窝怡红院。Jia Baoyu tastes some superior tea at Green Bower Hermitage;And Grannie Liu samples the sleeping accommodation at Green Delights.,Green(I),green beltgreen food green house green house effectgreen house gasGreen fingers,Green(ii),“钱财、钞票、有经济实力”,Green stuff(AmE,inf.,money)If digital cash was this easy to use,people would stop using the green stuff.Greenbacks,(an American bank note)green power(金钱的力量),Green(iii),“没有经验、缺乏训练、知识浅薄”The new typist is green at her job.刚来的打字员是个生手。You cannot expect Mary to do business with such people.She is only eighteen and as green as grass.你不能指望玛丽同这样的人做生意,她只有十八岁,还毫无经验。,Green(iv),一行白鹭上青天 blue sky A row of white egrets fly into the blue sky.青出于蓝胜于蓝 Blue comes from the indigo plant but is bluer than the plant itself.,White(1)英语中的white有时表达的含义,与汉语中的“白色”没有什么关系 a white lie 善意的谎言the white coffee white man 善良的人,有教养的人white-livered 怯懦的white elephant 昂贵又无用之物,White(ii)汉语中有些与“白”字搭配的词组,实际上与英语white所表示的颜色也没有什么联系,而是表达另外的含义白开水 plain boiled water白菜 Chinese cabbage白字 wrongly written or mispronounced character白搭 no use白费事 all in vain,Colors associated with collars,blue-collar workers 蓝领阶层,指普通体力劳动者grey-collar workers 灰领阶层,指服务行业的职员white-collar workers 白领阶层,指接受过专门技术教育的脑力劳动者pink-collar workers 粉领阶层,指职业妇女群体golden-collar personnel 金领阶层,指既有专业技能又懂管理和营销的人才,Different connotations of animals,请你举出汉语中关于动物的比喻说法。,铁公鸡,千里马河东狮,替罪羊落汤鸡,井底蛙老狐狸,老黄牛,Dog,走狗,哈巴狗,狗仗人势,狼心狗肺,卖狗皮膏药,痛打落水狗Commendatory or derogatory?,Dog(ii),Most idioms and phrases concerned with“dog”have neutral or commendatory implications.lucky dogEvery dog has its day.,Dog,Watchdog(a person or a group of people whose job is to check that companies are not dong anything illegal or ignoring peoples rights.)Commuters must not be made to endure big fare increases to pay for a multibillion pound overhaul of the railway network,the national rail passenger watchdog has warned.,Other animals,瓮中之鳖 a rat in a hole 胆小如鼠 chicken-hearted,as timid as a rabbit牛饮 drink like a fish(to drink a lot of alcohol regularly)如鱼得水 like a duck to water猫哭老鼠 shed crocodile tears湿得像落汤鸡 as wet as a drowned rat,养虎遗患 warm a snake in ones bosom杀鸡取卵 kill the goose that lays the golden egg热锅上的蚂蚁 like a cat on hot bricks引狼入室 set the fox to keep the geese宁为鸡头不为牛后 better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.,Cultural connotations in idioms,如履薄冰 to tread upon eggs挂羊头卖狗肉cry up wine and sell vinegar挥金如土 spend money like water笑掉大牙 laugh off ones head开夜车 burn the midnight oil隔墙有耳 walls have ears有钱能使鬼推磨 money makes the mare go.,Can you figure out the meaning of the following idioms?,A walking skeleton A bad sailorEleventh hour,allusions,历史事件、故事 burn ones boats神话、民间传说 prometheus 嫦娥奔月,女娲补天文学作品 odyssey;寓言故事 to cherish a snake in ones bosom民间谚语 birds of a feather flock together,文化特性的翻译方法,直译意译,直译(I),保留形象直译典故负载的文化信息通常反映了一个民族的文化传统和长期积淀的民族心理,采用直译法,保留其原有的形象特征,有利于保留原语典故的民族特色,有利于英汉文化的交流和融合,并能丰富译文语言的表达力。The pot is calling the kettle black.盆儿叫嚷罐儿黑,直译(ii)保留形象释义,在译文中保留原文中的典故,同时增译简短的解释性词语,这样既保留了原文典故的形象特征,又完整表达了典故的原意,不仅有利于译文读者的理解,而且在一定程度上增强了译文语言的修辞效果。While it may seem to be painting the lily,I should like to add somewhat to Mr.Cookes excellent article.我想给库克先生的杰作稍加几笔,尽管这也许是为百合花上色,费力不讨好。,直译(iii)加注,有时在译文中保留了原作的典故形象,但由于文化差异,典故的含义难以为译语读者所理解,特别是有些典故蕴含着一个历史事件或一个故事,以便于译文读者的理解。Falstaff:I am as poor as Job,my lord.But not so patient.(W.Shakespeare,Henry,IV)福斯坦夫:我是像约伯一样的穷人,大人,可是却没有他那样的好耐性。(注:约伯:以忍贫穷著称德圣徒,见圣经约搏记。),意译(I)改换形象意译,不同的民族文化传统,生活习俗和审美情趣,必然形成不同的思维形式和表达习惯,在表达同一概念或事理时往往会采用不同的喻体,因此有时候需要改换喻体,采用已与读者所熟悉的喻体形象,以利于译文语言的表达和读者的理解。Sometimes a person who presents himself as kind and gentle can in private turn out to be a dragon,who breathes fire.有时,某人在公开场合显得和蔼可亲,温文尔雅,而在私下里却像个凶神恶煞。,意译(ii)舍弃形象意译,有些典故由于文化背景大相径庭,译语读者无法从喻体形象联想其喻意,因此在翻译时可舍弃其形象而仅译出其喻意,有利于译语读者的理解和译文语言的简洁流畅。It was another one of those catch-22 situations,you are damned if you do and you are damned if you dont.这真是又一个左右为难的尴尬局面,做也不是,不做也不是。,


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