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    ,词类转换,由于英汉语言在表达方式和遣词造句等方面的差异,翻译时不能逐字硬译,也不能一味追求词类的对应,而需要把原文中属于某种词类的词在译文中转换成另一类,这就是词类转换。词类转换是英汉互译中很重要的手段之一。,Knowing About Translation,Translation,由动词派生的英语名词转译为汉语动词,有些加后缀-er的英语名词转译为汉语动词,含动作意味的英语名词转译为汉语动词,由名词派生的英语动词转译为汉语名词,名词转用的英语动词转译为汉语名词,汉译英的词类转换,英译汉的词类转换,汉语动词转译为英语名词,汉语名词转译为英语动词,词类转换,Translation,The turning point of my life was my decision to give up a promising literature career and begin a business career instead.我生活的转折点是我决定弃文从商。Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe.火箭已经用来探索宇宙。,一英语名词转译为汉语动词,A.由动词派生的英语名词转译为汉语动词,英译汉的词类转换,Translation,The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing.看到我们的喷气式飞机,听到隆隆的声音,令我特别神往。The maintenance of the existence of some rare animals has claimed world-wide attention.保护某些稀有动物的生存,已引起世界范围的广泛注意。My admiration for him grew more.我对他越来越敬佩。,B.含动作意味的英语名词转译为汉语动词,一英语名词转译为汉语动词,Translation,C.有些加后缀-er的英语名词转译为汉语动词,英语中有些加后缀-er的名词,如 teacher,thinker 等,有时在句中并不指其身份和职业,而是含有较强的动作意味。在汉语中没有恰当的对应名词时,往往可以译成动词。例如 She is a well-known singer.一句中singer的确指她的职业,所以只能译成名词:“她是一位著名的歌唱家”。而Some of my classmates are good singers.这一句中的 singer则显然不是指他们的职业,所以还是应该译成动词:“我同班同学中有些人唱歌唱得很好。”,一英语名词转译为汉语动词,Translation,He has always been a straight talker.他这个人说话一向直来直去。I am afraid I cant teach you swimming,I think my little brother is a better teacher than I.我未必会教你游泳。我想我的小弟弟比我教得好。He is a good listener and they like to talk with him.他能倾听别人的意见,因此他们喜欢和他聊。He is a heavy smoker.他抽烟很厉害。,一英语名词转译为汉语动词,Translation,To them,he personifies the absolute power.在他们看来,他就是绝对权威的化身。Bright colors characterizes his paintings.明亮的色彩是他绘画作品的特征。In Europe,the color white symbolizes purity.在欧洲,白色是纯洁的象征。,二英语动词转译为汉语名词,由名词派生的英语动词转译为汉语名词,Translation,The young man,who looks and talks like a film star,is Li Mings brother.那个年轻人是李明的哥哥,他的外表言谈像一个明星。The route was designed to relieve traffic congestion.这条路线开设的目的是为了缓解交通拥挤。The navy is now positioned to safeguard both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.这支舰队所处的位置,既可以保卫太平洋,也可保卫大西洋。,名词转用的英语动词转译为汉语名词,二英语动词转译为汉语名词,Translation,一汉语动词转译为英语名词,汉语中动词用得多,除大量的动宾结构外,还有连动式、兼语式等两个以上动词连用的现象,而英语一句话往往只有一个谓语动词,而且英语名词比汉语名词多,鉴于这一特点,在汉译英时,需要把某些汉语动词转换成英语名词。,一、汉语动词转译为英语名词,汉译英的词类转换,Translation,1)很多老年人表示特别喜欢住在自己家里。Many elderly people expressed a strong preference to live in their own homes.2)他非常了解新生,了解他们的希望、梦想和顾虑。He has a great deal of understanding for new studentsfor their hopes,dreams,and fears.3)警察及时赶到,制止了骚乱。The timely arrival of the police stopped the riot.4)他们未能达成协议,他感到遗憾。He regretted their failure to reach an agreement.,一汉语动词转译为英语名词,Translation,1)他对妻子的态度很可耻。He has behaved shamefully towards his wife.2)我们应把争取更大的市场份额作为我们的目标。We should aim for a bigger share of the market.3)这个城市的特点是到处耸立着由钢筋玻璃建成的大厦。The city is characterized by tall modern buildings in steel and glass.4)暴力问题在这些会谈中占重要地位。Violence issues figured prominently in the talks.,二汉语动词转译为英语动词,二、汉语名词转译为英语动词,Translation,Translate the following into Chinese.,Translate the following into English.,Translation Practice,Translation,1)His decision could not be indefinitely postponed.,2)His continual,unnatural watching of others movements aroused our suspicion.,3)There has been an outbreak of SARS in this community.,他不能无限期地拖延下去而不作决定。,他老是鬼鬼祟祟地察看别人的行动,引起了我们的怀疑。,这个小区爆发了非典。,1.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.,Translation,5)He is known as a maker of many enemies.,6)My family are all early risers.,7)The rolling hills characterize this part of England.,4)The only look had told him what sort of man he had to deal with.,看了一眼,他就明白要对付的是什么样的人了。,大家都知道他树敌太多。,我们家人早上起得都很早。,绵延起伏的丘陵是英格兰这个地区的特征。,Translation,这些锻炼,按其设计,是为了增强肌肉。,8)The center is staffed entirely by volunteers.,这个中心的工作人员全是志愿者。,9)The attack was served only to alert the enemy.,这次袭击的目的只是警告一下敌人。,10)These exercises are designed to strengthen muscles.,Translation,2.Translate the following sentences into English.,给人们带来欢乐 增添生活的乐趣 表达感情 传递信息处理 背负重物 完成不同任务 为盲人领路,bring pleasure/happiness to people add joy to peoples lifeexpress ones feelings/emotionsdeliver messagescarry heavy loadsaccomplish different tasksguide the blind,1),Translation,保护人们的财产 捕捉害虫作贡献使世界更丰富多彩 保持自然界平衡,guard peoples possessionscatch pestsmake contributions make the world more colorful maintain the balance of nature,Translation,2)它们被认为是人类的最好的朋友,人们喜欢把它们养作宠物。,3)它们聪明、可爱而且非常温顺。它们通过做不同的事来逗人们乐。,4)它们对人类的贡献已经超过它们所做的破坏。,They are perceived to be humans best friends.People like to keep them as pets.,They are intelligent,lovely and obedient.They can amuse people by performing different tasks.,Their contributions to human beings far outweigh what they destruct.,Translation,They are excellent companions of human beings.They are not only loyal to people but also can help man do a lot of things.,5)它们是非常好的伙伴,对人忠诚,又能帮助人们干许多事情。,Translation,


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