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    Welcome to our class,溆浦一中,If I were a boy 假如我是男孩 I think I could understand 我想我会懂得 How it feels to love a girl 怎样去爱一个女人 I swear Id be a better man.我发誓我一定会比男人做得更好 Id listen to her 我会听她诉说 Cause I know how it hurts 因为我了解那有多痛,If I were a boy-Beyonce,What would you do if youwere a different sex just for a day?,The subjunctive mood 虚拟语气,-Unreal conditionals introduced by if,If I _(have)a great deal of money,I _(buy)a villa(别墅)for my parents.,unreal present conditionals,would buy,had,?,If I _(be)the headmaster of Xupu No.1 Middle school,I _(let)the students get up a little later to get a better sleep.,unreal present conditionals,were,would let,Unreal conditionals introduced by if,If sb+did/were,Sb.would/should/might/could do,Were sb,What changes would you make if you were the headmaster of our school?,If he _(drive)more carefully,he _(not have)the car accident yesterday.,had driven,would not have had,unreal past conditionals,If I _(learn)how to swim,I _(be)trapped on this island.,had learnt,would not have been,Unreal conditionals introduced by if,sb would/should/might/could have done,Had sb been/done,Had he driven more carefully,he would not have had the car accident yesterday.,Had I learnt how to swim,I would not have been trapped on this island.,Story telling,Tom went to a party.,He missed the last bus.,He came home late.,He overslept the next morning.,He walked to work.,He was late for work.,He was fired.,A girl fell in love with him.,He went for a walk.,He felt very sad.,He got married.,He lives a happy life.,If I_(meet)Obama some day,I _(shake)hands with him.If I _Obama some day,If I _Obama some day,unreal future conditionals,would shake,met,were to meet,should meet,Unreal conditionals introduced by if,didwere to do should do,Sb would/should/might/could do,If sb,Were sb to doShould sb do,Unreal conditionals introduced by if,didwere to do should do,Sb would/should/might/could do,had been/done,Sb would/should/might/could have done,Sb would/should/might/could do,didwere,If sb,If sb,If sb,If TOM hadnt got married,he wouldnt live a happy life now.,Mixed unreal conditionals,If you had followed my advice,you would be able to finish the work now.,Mixed unreal conditionals,Exercise,I am not free today.If I _ free today,I _and visit some of my friends.A.am;will go B.were;would go C.shall be;shall go D.be;must go,B,Whichever team gets all the answers right will get a surprise!,unreal present conditionals,Exercise,Whichever team gets all the answers right will get a surprise!,2.If you had spoken clearly,you would_.A.understand itB.have understoodC.be understoodD.have been understood,D,unreal past conditionals,Whichever team gets all the answers right will get a surprise!,3.If you _tomorrow,you _ find the new manager working in the office.should come;would B.would come;would C.will come;should D.comes;might,A,Exercise,unreal future conditionals,4._ it rain tomorrow,we would have to put off the visit to the Yangpu Bridge.A.Were B.Should C.Would D.Will,Exercise,B,Whichever team gets all the answers right will get a surprise!,ellipsis of if,5.If his television set hadnt been stolen yesterday,he _ TV now.would watch would have watched would be watching is watching,Exercise,Whichever team gets all the answers right will get a surprise!,C,mixed unreal conditionals,书包的主人呢,孩子的手!,!,来不及长大的孩子,未完成的作业,孩子,别急!,谁家的孩子,小家伙,大哥,终于吃着饭了!,明天,Homework,1.曹操宁愿天下人负他。(would rather)2.周杰伦宁愿听妈妈的话,也不听我的话。(would rather than),翻译:,必做题:,1.骗你小狗。2.如果大海能带走我的哀愁,就让它随风飘远。3.如果你昨晚早点睡,今天你就不会这么困了。,选做题:,Thank you!,


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