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    ,点击此处Lecture 2添加标题,Style and Literary Translation,Translation practice,1)I beg,sir,that you will offer him my sincerest apologies.敬请向他转达在下最诚挚的歉意。2)Please send my sincerest apologies to him.请向他转达我最诚挚的歉意。3)Tell him Im awfully sorry.告诉他我很抱歉。,Different types of style:level of fromality,Martin Joos(1962)in his The Five Clocks suggests that Style of a language may be classified from high to low on a five-point scale:frozen,formal,consultative,casual and intimate.,The five clocks by Martin Joos,(1)the frozen style(庄严体):most used on ceremonies,in very formal occasion,in written legal documents or highly solemn speech(2)the formal style(正式体):public address(3)the consultative style(商谈体、一般体):less formal gatherings,used in daily lives(4)the casual style(随意体):among friends(5)the intimate style(亲密体):between family members or bosom friends,Is style translatable?,Translating consists in reproducing the closest natural equivalent of the source language message in the target language,firstly in terms of meaning,and secondly in terms of style.Eugene A.Nida,Translation practice,My beloved parent has joined the heavenly choir.My dear father has expired.My father has passed away.My dad has died.My old man just kicked the bucket.,吾父升天矣(frozen)(家父已经仙逝/驾鹤乘祥)我亲爱的父亲已经过世了(formal)父亲走了(consultative)父亲死了(casual)我家那个老头儿翘辫子了/上西天了(intimate),Informal broke,flat broke,hard up pooped,dog-tired,played-out young,kid,lad,young guy,Neutral poor tired young person,boy,Formal/literarypoverty-stricken,pennilessexhausted,weary,fatiguedyouth,stripling,Words lively irrelevantidentical thick with discretion with eloquence great contribution invulnerability meager food frightened,Explanatory 生动的 无关的 相同的 厚的,稠的 小心谨慎 以雄辩的口才 巨大贡献 无法攻破 简单的食物 害怕,Descriptive/idiomatic 栩栩如生 风马牛不相及 千篇一律 如胶似漆 稳扎稳打 娓娓动听 丰功伟绩 固若金汤 粗茶淡饭 胆战心惊,The New York restaurant business is in trouble.No one dines anymore.They just eat.,纽约饮食业前景堪虞,盖昔日用膳之情调荡然无存,人人但求果腹耳。,Some fishing boats were becalmed just in front of us.Their shadows slept,or almost slept,upon the water,a gentle quivering alone showing that was not complete sleep or if sleep,that is was sleep with dream.眼前不远,渔舟三五,凝滞不前,樯影映在水上,仿佛睡去,偶尔微见颤动,似又未尝熟睡,恍若惊梦。,Mary Louise is not as naive as she acts.Actually,shes been dating boys since she was in the seventh grade.When she was in eighth grade,she went to a high school dance with a junior.She loves to flirt in a quiet,shy way,and she knows how to blink those big,dark eyes to attract attention.Shes the kind of girl that can steal a boyfriend before you realize whats happened.,译文一:马莉看着傻乎乎的,她呀,才上七年级就跟人搞拍拖,八年级就和高三男生跳上了。她可会勾人了,不声不响,羞羞答答,大眼睛,贼亮贼亮的,猛放电。她就这号人儿,都把男友抢走了你竟然还蒙在鼓里。(口头语),译文二:马莉路易貌似单纯,实则不然:初一学约会,初二邀人舞。最喜卖弄风骚,悄然而羞涩;深谙传情之道,顾盼而生姿。生性若此,俘获男友于未知。(书面语),他对小儿子说,“那时候,干一天活儿累得连炕都上不去,浑身疼得要命,睡也睡不着。”(1)He said to his little son,“At that time,I was so fatigued after a days drudgery that I found it very hard to mount the kang.My whole frame aching acutely,I couldnt go to sleep however hard I tried.”(2)He said to his little son,“In those days,I was usually so done up after a days hard work that I could hardly get on the kang.As my whole body ached like anything,I simply couldnt get to sleep even I tried to.,京华烟云里的一封书信My dear parents:I have enlisted.What would be the good of a family if there were no country?If every son dear to his parents refuses to go to war,how can China fight Japan?Please do not worry.I shall not come back till we have driven the dwarfs back into the sea.Your son,ATUNG,父母大人尊前,敬禀者,儿已从军.念及国之不存,何以家为?若为人子者皆念父母儿女之私情,中国将来如何与日本作战?不驱倭寇于东海,誓不归来.儿 阿通.,You are old enough to be more reasonable.Youre old enough,dear Miss Miller,to be talked about.,你的年纪已经足够达到该通情达理了,密勒小姐,你已经到被人议论的年岁了。亲爱的密勒小姐,你年纪不小了,该懂点事了。你是个大姑娘了,会有人讲闲话的,你懂吗?,The translation of essay:tidy,parallel,refined,The style of Dryden is capricious and varied,that of Pope is cautious and uniform;Dryden obeys the motions of his own mind,Pope constrains his mind to his own rules of composition.德莱顿风格诡异多变;蒲柏则审慎匀整。德莱顿之文全随胸臆而出;蒲柏之意必就其章法而作。,Distant but distinct in the warm darkness the voice of the watchman in the steeple called to the sleeping old city.“Three oclock and alls well.”,译文一:在温暖的黑暗中,从远处清晰传来尖塔看守人对沉睡中的旧城喊叫的声音。“三点钟一切平安!”译文二:融融夜色中,熟睡的古城上空远远传来尖塔守夜人清晰的报时声:“三点喽一切平安喽!”,Insurance shall be covered by the Seller against All Risks for 110%of the invoice value.译文1、卖方将以发票金额110%投保一切险.译文2、卖方应该以发票金额110%投保一切险。译文3、卖方须以发票金额110%投保一切险.,The genuine collector is never satisfied with mere physical possession.To collect also means to study and to appreciate the true value of the work of art.This necessitates an understanding of its context including the social and historical background,the level of technical skill achieved,and the aesthetic fashion of the period.,译文一:真正的收藏家,不单满足于物质的拥有,而是要研究及欣赏藏品的真正的艺术价值,需要了解其社会、历史背景、技术水平及当代审美的时尚。译文二:真藏家从不甘心捃古而藏。收藏因而也指研究鑑赏艺术品之真价值。此所以收藏家必须了解藏品之来龙去脉,包括社会历史之背景作工技艺之高下,乃至当时审美之风尚。,“I am not bound to win,but I am bound to be true.I am not bound to succeed but I am bound to live up to what light I have.I must stand with anybody that stands right,stand with him while he is right and part with him when he goes wrong.”-Lincoln,译文一:我不一定会胜利,但定会真诚行事。我不一定成功,但会抱持一贯的信念。我会与任何正直持平的人并肩而立。他对的时候,我会给予支持他错的时候,我肯定会离他而去。译文二:我未必稳操胜算,却始终以诚处世。我未必马到功成,却不忘心中真理。我当与天下正直之士并肩而立,知其是而拥护之,知其非而离弃之。,


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