Rhythm of English Speech,(英语话语节奏),一、RhythmEvery language in the world has its own rhythmic patterns.variation of words or syllables that have strong stress with those that have weaker or reduced stress is typical and contributes to the rhythm of English.,When English speakers are speaking,therefore,they usually:make some parts of words stronger and clearer than other partsjoin parts of the words togetherarrange words into groups and join them togethermake some words stronger and clearer than other words.,In conclusion,rhythm in English speech is based on stress.A rhythm unit is formed by a stressed syllable,together with unstressed syllables which may come before that stress and/or after it.,在实际话语中,重读和不重读的词在句中形成一强一弱(或一弱一强),一重一轻(或一轻一重)的节奏。也就是说,英语句子中,重读与非重读音节相间出现。英语句子中的一个重读音节与其后面若干非重读音节组成一个节奏组,一句话中可以有多个节奏组。,根据英语的节奏规律,话语说起来所需的时间不取决于它有多少个词,多少个音节,而是取决于它有多少个句子重音。假如句子重音之间的非重读音节数多,结果必然是说起来要快一些,含糊一些。英语句子的节奏是按重音来定时的,重音之间的间隔时间大致相等。,例如:(1)Do you think you would be able to finish it in a month?这个句子中共有四个重读音节,这些重读音节之间所含的非重读音节数分别为:三个,一个,三个;但在话语中,人们的感觉是:重读音节出现的间隔是大致相等的。,(2)John is here now.(3)John will be home tonight.(4)The professor is in London this evening.以上三个句子的音节数不同,但所含重读音节数相同,因此,在说话速度相同的情况下,完成句子所需的时间也在大致相等。,再如:(5)Jack/Mark/Joan(6)Jack and Mark and Joan(7)Jack and then Mark and then Joan 三个短语的重读音节都是3个,所用时间也大致相等,而听起来一句比一句快,因为非重读音节越多读的越快。重读音节的元音也会相对加快。,(8)I went into the room and saw Joan.句首非重读词“I”读的比较快,相当于空拍。“saw”和“Joan”分别为两个不包含非重读音节的节奏组,读得相对比较慢,“went into the”与“room and”为两个包含非重读音节的节奏组,读得较快,并有连读和弱读。为了保持节奏,当有三个重读音节连在一起时,中间一个重读音节可以减弱。,由此,我们可以得出以下结论:,1 句中重读音节相继出现的地方,通常语速会慢一些,音节听起来自然也清楚一些。2 重读音节之间拥挤着出现的非重读音节听起来轻快而且含糊。3 一句话说起来所需时间长短不取决于句中的单词数或音节数,而取决于句中有多少个重读音节。,总而言之,英语的话语节奏是一种有规则的节拍。练习英语话语节奏的重点是:学会顺利地、匀称地从一个重读音节移动到下一个重读音节,特别要学会把重读音节中间夹带的非重读音节读好。在读重读词汇时,其中包含的元音要发得饱满、高亢,语速会因此而显得稍慢一些。掌握英语节奏规律可以提高话语的流利和自然程度以及听力理解的水平。,节奏群(rhythmic group):是英语节奏的基本单位,或称音步(foot)。每一个节奏群由一个重读音节或一个重读音节加若干非重读音节构成。重读音节是节奏群的核心,一个句子中有多少个重读音节就有多少个节奏群,也就有多少个节拍(beat)。,第一个重读音节之前有非重读音节,则作空拍(silent beat)处理。两个重读音节之前的非重读音节划归前面一个节奏群。I/love/those who/long for the impossible.Come and/see what Ive/brought today.,一般来说,一个句子所包含的实义词越多,重读音节就越多;虚词越多,则重读音节越少。I tried both methods but found neither o O O O o o O O o effective.o O o 8个词,6个重音There are a lot of them on the table.o o o O o o o o O o 9个词,两个重音,以重读音节为中心,带上后面的非重读音节,就构成一个节奏群(Rhythmic group)第一个重音前面如果有非重音,这个非重读音节属于前一个节奏群,中间的非重读音节如果在意义上与后面的重度音节联系更为紧密,则属于后面的节奏群。一般说来,重度音节前面的非重读音节,比它后面的非重读音节念得还要快一些。节奏群用竖直线隔开。,Come today.a later dayO o O o O o OWalk down the path to the end of the canal.O O o O o o O o o o O越往后,节奏群内非重读音节越多,语速越往后越快I tried both methods but found neither effective.o O O O o o O O o o O o重读音节多,其间的非重读音节少甚至没有,语速较慢。There are a lot of them on the table.,二、节奏模式(Rhythmic Patterns)1.O O 式 come here/speak up/Look out no more/try hard/not now hold tight/quite right/just then2.O o O 式 Do it now/Look inside/Go to sleep run away/Write it down/Try again Have a drink/Hurry up/long ago time for bed/What is that?,3.o O o 式 I think so/Id like to/to try it/of course not Ive read it/its early/without me4.O o O o 式 Go and get it/Wait a minute Keep on reading/Near the station,5.o O o o 式 I think it is/a lot of it/a friend of mine she came with us/we spoke to them he wanted it/Id like you to6.o O o O 式 I want to know./Its quite all right its hard to say./she took it off.they put them on/a pair of shoes,7.O o o O式 what is the time?/Where have you been?what is for?/give him some food time and again/send him away give me a ring/throw it away 8.O o O O 式 Yours is no good./She is quite right.He has just come./Bring the book here.,9.O o O o O 式 Come and see them off.When will Tom arrive?Only twice a week.10.o O o o o 式 a long time ago/we had to do it I think it will be/the railway station I gave it to her/its necessary,11.o O o o O 式 Im sorry I cant/in spite of the rain the best in the class/Im glad youve come hes on his way back/Ill finish it now12.o O o o o 式 Hes written to them.I know what it is.We had to do it.,13.O o o o O 式 tell me all you know/follow my advice carry it away/try to do it now ask him what he wants/waiting for the train14.o O o O o 式 its time for supper/I want to meet him it doesnt matter/I couldnt help it15.o O o o o O 式 I wanted you to know/I never have a cold Ive heard it before/its absolutely true,16.o O o O o O 式 It isnt quite the same Im sure you understand Its all the same to me17.o O o o O o o 式 I think that he wants us to.Its not what I asked you for.Repeat it again for me.Its not the right attitude.,18.O o o o o O 式 Why did you run away?Throw it into the fire.Finish it if you can.Polish it with a cloth.19.o O o o O o o O 式 I wanted to meet him again.The office is open at nine.Youd best be as quick as you can.Shes sure to forget what to do.,20.O o o o o o O 式 When are going away?probably will in the end.Why have they left you alone?giving him a cigarette.21.o O o O o O o 式 Id like to have another.Its time we went to dinner.Hell show you where to put it.,