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    Unit 1 Cultural relics,英语必修二,Unit 2 The Olympic Games,Unit 3 Computers,Unit 4 Wildlife protection,Unit 1 Cultural relics,1.重点单词拼写,词汇过关,1)There are a lot of crelics in our country.,【答案】cultural,2)Though he recovered from his illness,he rweak.,【答案】remains,3)The house bto the old man was built hundreds of years ago.,【答案】belonging,4)Heavily as it rained,they were still out in sof the missing boy.,【答案】search,5)Our school was dby a famous professor from Tongji University of Shanghai,whose smany people prefer.,【答案】designed,style,6)I sent him a watch as his birthday g,and he gave me an mp3 in r.,【答案】gift,return,7)Look yourself in the mand find what there is in your face.,【答案】mirror,8)They are twins.No wI can not tell them apart.,【答案】wonder,9)He has been working hard these days.Theres no dthat he will get good marks in the exam.,【答案】doubt,词汇过关,10)Before they moved into the new house,they bought some new f to equip with the house.,【答案】furniture,11)During the war,much of the pof that family was transferred(转移)s.,【答案】property,secretly,12)He was cto be honest.In fact,the ehe gave p to be false.,【答案】considered,evidence,proved,13)In my o,we cant take the toy car a.,【答案】opinion,apart,词汇过关,14)Dont pto have known all.Please raise your questions if any.,【答案】pretend,15)In the old times,many political leader were not thought h of.,【答案】highly,2.重点词词形变换,He has studied Chinese for five years and visited many relics in China.(culture),【答案】culture;cultural,2)Ieat peacocks(孔雀)for they are becomingthan before.I wonder what causes theof this kind of birds.(rare),【答案】rarely;rarer;rareness,词汇过关,3)I received afrom Lang Lang,who is apianist.(gift),【答案】gift;gifted,4)As is written down in the law,personal to the person himself.(belong),【答案】belongings;belong,5)Hean announcement that therooms will be turned into offices.He accepted it for he wasto new ideas.(receive),【答案】received;reception;receptive,6)We all know that Jenniferentered the room and took the photo.It is an open.(secret),【答案】secretly;secret,词汇过关,7)There is nothat Catherine isof her future for she whether she can continue to work.(doubt),【答案】doubt;boubtful;doubted,8)You must try your best toyour innocence.Its really a hard job,for up till now we still cant find any,so from now on you can ask for leave to find some evidences.(prove),【答案】prove;proof;provable,9)Please give this matter a careful.his age,Dane is quite.(consider),【答案】consideration;Considering;considerate,10)During thetime,theyin the dining room with the on the table.(remain),【答案】remaining;remained;remains,词汇过关,短语习得,look into 调查insist on sth/doing sth 坚持做,坚决做belong to 属于get/be lost;be missing 迷路,丢失do with 处理;对付in search of;寻找be used to do sth.被用来做某事be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事be made into 被制成be made of/from 用制成(看得见原材料/看不见原材料)be made for 为制作be made up of 由组成be of+抽象名词=be+该词的形容词,1.短语积累,短语习得,“be of+名词(词组)”表示主语的某种形状或特征be of(great)importance=“be(very)important”be of the size/weight/height/age/colour/kind.in return 作为报答serve as 充当,用作be at war 处于交战状态less than 少于there is no doubt that 毫无疑问remain a mystery 仍然是个迷take apart 拆开 take away 拿走rather than 胜于,而不是tell the truth 说实话pretend to do sth 假装做某事,短语习得,think highly of 看重,重视agree with sb.同意某人的意见have sth.done 表示“请人做某事”“使遭遇某种(不幸的)事情”,2.从上面列举的短语中选择适当的,填入下面的空格中,1),I didnt trust you at all.,【答案】To tell the truth,2)The whole family went outthe lost girl the whole night.,【答案】in search of,3)Ithe friendship between us.Without it,I think I will go mad.,【答案】think highly of,4)David helped her a lot andshe bought him a gift.,【答案】in return,5)We all know that all the books and magazines mustntfrom the library.,【答案】be taken away,6)Nobody thought the two countries could do it together,because they.,【答案】were at war,7)Although many people object the proposal,he still carrying it out.,【答案】insisted on,8)I dontwhat you said though you said a lot.,【答案】agree with,短语习得,9)The government promised that they wouldthis problem soon and gave us a reply.,【答案】look into,10)Do you know what it was that this new type of paper?,【答案】was made into,短语习得,1.It tells people about the past.(P1)tell n.1)讲,说,叙述,告诉He told the news to everybody in the classroom.他把这个消息告诉了教室里的每个人。2)吩咐,命令(某人做某事)(to do sth.)Tell him to wait.3)常与can,could,be able to连用 辨别;分辨(from)Can you tell Tom from his twin brother?你能把他和他的双胞胎兄弟区分开来吗?【特别提示】能跟在tell后做间接宾语的名词不是很多:tell sb the news/a story/a lie/the truth/the difference/,目标解读,2.It is your job to look into any reports of cultural relics.(P1)look into 调查,研究,了解。如:Well look into that right away.我们会马上调查此事。The police are looking into the cause of the accident.警方正调查事故原因。look构成的短语还有:look about around 环顾四周,到处看look after 照顾,照料,关心。如:look at 看,注视;看待look back 回顾,回想。look down on upon 看不起,瞧不起look for 寻找,目标解读,look forward to 期待,盼望。look in(顺便)来访look like 看起来象;好象要;look on 旁观;看(待)(尤指带有某种目光或情绪等);看作,当作(与 as 连用)look out 向外看;注意,当心look over 审阅,翻阅,打量,检查look through 翻阅,浏览。如:look to 注意,负责。如:look up(在文字信息中)查阅,查找look up to 尊敬。,目标解读,3.Frederick William,the King of Prussia,could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such a strange history.(P1)could never have imagined“可能从来没有想到”情态动词表示推测的用法:1)可用于推测的情态动词有:(一定)must,(不可能)cant,couldnt,(应该)should,(可能)may,can,(可能)might,could(但可能性较小)2)这些表推测的情态动词后可以跟:do sth(将来动作或现在状态),be doing sth(现在正进行的动作)have done sth(已经发生的动作)She may come tomorrow.明天她可能来。She may be reading in the room.她可能正在房间里看书。She may have finished her homework.她可能已经完成了她的作业。3)当句子中包含这些表推测的情态动词时,反意疑问句的用法:He must have gone to Beijing,hasnt he?They couldnt have finished it yesterday,did they?【特别提示】could have done还可表示“本来能够做某事,但事实上没有做”类似用法还有:should have done“本来应该做某事”ought to have done“本来应该做某事”need have done“本来需要做某事”,目标解读,4.This was a time when the two countries were at war.(P2)at war 发生战争 at在这里表示“处于某种状态”【词汇网络】at a disadvantage 处不利地位 at a lecture 在演讲 at a run 跑着 at breakfast 吃早餐 at call 随叫随到 at church 做礼拜 at dinner 吃饭 at ease 悠闲自得 at grass 在吃草 at graze 在吃草,目标解读,at hand 在手边 at high/low 处于高潮/低潮中 at issue 在争论中 at large 未被捕 at leisure 空闲着 at meals 在吃饭 at peace 悠然自得 at play 在玩耍 at rest 在休息 at school 在读书 at stake 处在危险中 at study,at table 在吃饭 at the bar 受到公开审问 at the piano 在弹钢琴 at the wheel 在驾车 at work 在上班,目标解读,5.She has a strong love for cultural relics.(P5)have a strong love for 非常喜欢 这里须要注意“名词+for”的固定结构:下列名词后要用for+名词plan,need,reason,explanation,ability,affection,excuse,ambition,anxiety,reputation,consideration,necessity,talent,sympathy,cause,pretext,qualification You must make up a plan for the new term.Most of us have great sympathy for the weak.6.A judge must decide which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believe.(P5)decide+疑问词+to do sth【词汇网络】能用“疑问词+to do sth”做宾语的动词还有:know,see,tell,ask,consider,discover,explain,forget,guess,hear,imagine,inquire,learn,remember,think,wonder,understand,目标解读,7.The judge does not consider how each eyewitness looks.(P5)consider V1)think about考虑,Consider carefully before you decide.They considered your suggestion.He is considering studying abroad.We are considering how to help them.2)regard as认为I consider him(to be/as)my closest friend.=I consider(that)he is my closest friend.He is considered to have invented the first computer.他被认为是最早发明计算机的人。I consider it wrong for students to smoke.我认为学生抽烟是不对的。,目标解读,【词汇网络】considering作为插入语,表示“考虑到”Considering(that)he did not study,he did well in the test.考虑到他没有学习,他考得还不错。与consider.as.类似的短语:see.as+(adj/n),accept.as,recognize.as,regard.as,treat.as,use.as,have.as,imagine.as,appoint.as,choose.as,elect.as,think of.as,describe.as【特别提示】consider后面可以跟上doing做宾语,也可以用consider sb to do sth在做题时要注意在被动语态后跟to do sth/to be doing sth/to have done sth,而在主动语态时才跟上doing sth。Bell was considered to have invented the telephone.Bell considered inventing a useful object for human beings.,目标解读,Unit 2 The Olympic Games,1.重点单词拼写,词汇过关,1)He is h,and he never tells lies.,【答案】honest,2)In atimes,women were not allowed to cin the Olympics.,【答案】ancient,compete,3)Before writing the report,he decided to isome people first.,【答案】interview,4)When asked,he astealing the necklace.,【答案】admitted,5)There is a sbeing built in our city.,【答案】stadium,6)The gbeing built in our school will be finished next month.,【答案】gymnasium,7)He is such a person that nobody can rhim.,【答案】replace,8)At the beginning of each term,we will have a pexamination.,【答案】physical,9)I cannot r what he did to what he said.,【答案】relate,词汇过关,10)To improve the sale of their products,they athem in the newspapers and on TV.,【答案】advertise,11)No one can be so fto do such a thing,except that he is a fool.,【答案】foolish,12)Father pto buy me a computer if I do well in the final examination.,【答案】promised,13)At the sports meeting,all the atried their best to get the gm.,【答案】athletes,gold,medals,2.重点词词形变换,词汇过关,Im really confident in his for he is always with everything.(honest),【答案】Honestly;honesty;honest,2)Our school will send you toin the election.We are sure you will bethan the other.(compete),【答案】compete;more competitive;competitors,3)He seems to have the power that all the children like to watch his very much.They all think he is the most wonderful in the world.(magic),【答案】magical;magic;magician,词汇过关,4)Up till nowto college is by exam only.If you cannot pass the exam,you will notinto college.(admit),【答案】admission;be admitted,5)Im afraid nothing canthe mother love.Unlike theof anything in the world,it is not.(replace),【答案】replace;replacement;replacable,will be taught by Professor Molecule,who is a world famous major inforce.(physical),【答案】Physics;physicist;physical,词汇过关,7)Its difficult tothese results to any known cause.We seem unable to find thebetween them,but we still must try our best to search for the factsthis problem.(relate),【答案】relate;relation/relationship;related/relative,8)Bill made athat he would support Henry.He thought him to be ayoung man.(promise),9)The man shouted,“You want tome out of my money?of you to think so.One day you will answer for your.(fool)”,【答案】fool;fool;foolish;foolishness,【答案】Advertisers;advertisements;advertise,词汇过关,10)are to be honest with your.If youyour goods in a dishonest way,you will be fined up to 50,000 yuan.(advertise),【答案】promise;promising,短语习得,take part in/join in 参加find out 查明,找出every four years 每四年,每隔三年 allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事(不能说allow to do)allow doing sth 允许干某事be/get married(强调状态动作)to(不能用with)sb 和结婚a set of 一套,一组compete in.在某方面竞争compete for.为而竞争compete with/against 与竞争be admitted to 获准做某事be admitted as 作为被接受,1.短语积累,be admitted into 被录取play an important role/part in 在方面扮演重要角色(起重要作用)as well as 和一样have(no)chance of doing(sth)有(没)做的机会go with 伴随,与搭配relate.to.把与关联起来relate with 和有关run against.和赛跑hear of 听说make sure 确定take turns 轮流one after another 一个接一个,短语习得,短语习得,2.从上面列举的短语中选择适当的,填入下面的空格中,1)Its fair for all of us classmatesto clean the classroom everyday.,【答案】to take turns,2)Olympic Games are held.That is to say,if the games take place in 2008,the next games will be held in 2012.,【答案】every four years,3)There were too many people and Iof talking with him.,【答案】had no chance,4)I know nothing about the activity,for I didntit myself.,【答案】take part in,短语习得,5)that you have signed your name,or you will be fined.,【答案】Make sure,6)They were quite active in questioning.I had to answer the question.,【答案】one after another,7)All of us should work hard at English,for itin the world affairs.,【答案】plays an important role,8)our homework,this formula has been explained many times.,【答案】Related to,9)Ihis accident,and I have visited him.,【答案】have heard of,短语习得,10)Hecollege 4 years ago and next month he will graduate from college.,【答案】was admitted into,1.I used to write about the Olympic Games more than 2000 years ago.(P9)used to do“过去常做,过去习惯做”,表达与现在的对比,表示过去的情况、事实。否定形式为:didnt use to/used not(usednt)to 疑问形式为:Did.use to.?/Used.to.?反意疑问形式为:didnt+主语?或usednt+主语?【注意】否定句式之后的反意疑问句要在助动词的使用上保持一致。Jane used not to talk much,used she?=Jane didnt use to talk much,did she?【词语辨析】used to+do:“过去常常”表示过去习惯性的动作或状态,但如今已不存在。Mother used not to be so forgetful.,目标解读,be used to+doing:对已感到习惯,或“习惯于”,to是介词,后需加名词或动名词。Scarf is used to taking a walk.(现在习惯于散步)be used to do sth:被用来做某事The water here is used to irrigate the fields.这里的水被用来灌溉。2.Every four years athletes from all over the world are admitted as competitors.(P10)admit1)V.承认+名词或代词;+动名词;+从句Now there was nothing he could do except admit defeat.现在他只有认输。,目标解读,While I admit his good points,I still can see his shortcomings.尽管我承认他有优点,但我还是看到他的缺点的。The girl admitted her mistakes.这个女孩承认了错误。He admitted not having done it as planned.他承认没有按计划做那件事。He admitted that he had taken my umbrella by mistake.他承认那错了我的雨伞。2)V.准许进入Our football team decided to admit him as one of the members.我们足球队决定吸收他为本队队员。My son will be admitted to the company this year.我儿子今年将进那家公司工作。,目标解读,Mary opened the door and admitted me into her room.玛丽打开门,让我进了她的房间。He is admitted to Shangdong University.他被山东大学录取了。3.Our Greek cities used to compete against each other for the honour of winning.(P10)honour n.荣誉、荣耀The prize was an honor to the profession.这个奖项是这项职业的荣誉。vt.尊敬、给予荣誉;承认并如期支付常用句型:honour sb with sthhonour sb to do sthhonour sb for sth,目标解读,I would feel honoured if you can do sth.I feel highly honoured by the things you say about me.你恭维我的话使我感到十分荣幸。Will you honour me with a visit?如蒙造访,十分荣幸。【词汇网络】honour构成的短语:for the honour of 为了的荣誉do sb.honour/do honour to sb.向某人致敬on ones honour 以人格担保an affair of honour 决斗put sb.on his honour 使某人以人格担保do sb.the honour of/have the honour of/to 给某人之荣幸Your Honour/His Honour 阁下do the honours 尽地主之谊,目标解读,4.A special village is built for competitors to live in,a stadium for competitions,a very large swimming pool,a gymnasium as well as seats for those who watch it.(P10)as well as可作为副词,介词以及连词使用。在作并列连词时,连接两个相同的成分,表示“除之外、不仅还、既又、不但而且、同、和、并、也”之意。Tom as well as Jack blamed me.To accomplish great things,we must dream as well as act.要完成伟大的事业,既要实干,更要有崇高的理想。Living things need light as well as air and water.生物不仅需要空气与水,还需要阳光。He is courageous as well as strong.他既强壮又勇敢。,目标解读,Man may usually be know by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps.通常不但可以从一个人所交往的人,还可以从所读的书来了解一个人。as well as的注意事项1)as well as连接三个成分时,可用A and B as well as C;A as well as B and C。但不可用A,B as well as C。比如:通常不使用“you,he as well as I”,却使用“you and he as well as I”(“不仅我,而且你和他”)。2)as well as连接复合主语时,其后的动词形式取决于as well as前面的名词。Lynn as well as I likes mathematics.不仅我,林恩也喜欢数学。,目标解读,3)as well as连接两个谓语动词时,它们的时态应保持一致。例如She is cleaning the house as well as taking care of her child.她在照顾孩子的同时也打扫房屋。4)as well as连接人称代词的主格和宾格时,句意不同。例如:Steven helped you as well as me.史蒂文帮过我,也帮过你。(you和me都作help的宾语)Steven helped you as well as I.我帮过你,史蒂文也帮过你。(you和I都help的主语)5)as well as用在否定句中,当as well as在not之前,两者均否定;当as well as在not之后,否定前者,肯定后者。例如:Phil,as well as David,hasnt been to Lushan.不仅大卫没有去过庐山,菲尔也没有。,目标解读,Phil hasnt been to Lushan as well as David.大卫去过庐山,菲尔没有。(菲尔并没有和大卫一样去过庐山。)6)as well as作为介词时,相当于besides,in addition to,后面通常接名词或v-ing 形式,尤其位于句首时,例如:As well as breaking his leg,he hurt his arm.他不但摔断了腿,而且还伤了胳膊。She sings as well as playing the violin.她会拉小提琴,还会唱歌。5.Some verbs can go with prepositions.(P12)go with 1)“伴随,与相配”。Where did you pick up your new mobile phone?It goes with my job你从哪里搞到的新手机?我工作单位发的。,


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