英语国家社会与文化入门unit .ppt
Unit 4 Politics,Class and Race,Key points,I.General electionsWhy are they importantWhen do elections occurWho can stand for as an MPWhat happens in an electionFormation of governmentII.The policital PartiesThe Labour PartyThe Conservative PartyThe Liberal Democrats,III.ClassClass-divisionsCultural differenceA distinctive feature of British class-systemIV.RaceA multiracial nationInfluences of immigration,I.General elections,I.General elections,When do elections occur?,I.General elections,When do elections occur?,I.General elections,When do elections occur?,I.General elections,I.General elections,4.what happens in an election,I.General elections,4.what happens in an election,I.General elections,4.what happens in an election,I.General elections,II.The policital Parties,1.The Labour Party,II.The policital Parties,1.The Labour Party,II.The policital Parties,1.The Labour Party,II.The policital Parties,1.The Labour Party,II.The policital Parties,2.The Conservative Party,II.The policital Parties,2.The Conservative Party,II.The policital Parties,2.The Conservative Party,II.The policital Parties,2.The Conservative Party,II.The policital Parties,3.The Liberal Democrats,II.The policital Parties,3.The Liberal Democrats,III.Class,III.Class,III.Class,IV.Race,IV.Race,Unit 5 The UK Economy,Key points,I.Events in HistoryDominant in the 1880sOvertaken in 1900Decline since 1945Privatization in the 1980sII.The current UK economy Primary industrySecondary industryTertiary industry,III.Case study:the aerospace industryStatusMajor achievementsRecent changes,I.Events in History,I.Events in History,I.Events in History,I.Events in History,II.The current UK economy,II.The current UK economy,II.The current UK economy,II.The current UK economy,II.The current UK economy,II.The current UK economy,II.The current UK economy,II.The current UK economy,