Union Flag or Union Jack,Chapter One,Geography,People and Language,Contents,I Geography,1.Geographical Feature2.Climate3.Major Cities,1,5,3,2,4,England,Wales,The Republic of Ireland,Scotland,Northern Ireland,Edinburgh,Cardiff,London,Belfast,Dublin,Components,EnglandScotlandWalesNorthern Ireland,England:it consists of lowland terrain(低地地形),with some mountainous terrain(山区地形)in the north-west,north and south-west.,England,Englandoccupiesthelargest.Ithasanareaof130,281squarekilometreswhichtakesupnearly60%ofthewholeisland.England is in the southern part of Great Britain.It is the most populous and wealthiest part of the country.Capital:London,England,Highly urbanized-80%of population living in cities-only 2%working in agriculture Dominance in:size/culture/economy-take England for UK,the Thames River泰晤士河,The second longest river:Thames(346 square kilometers),Lake District,a scenic spotin North West EnglandA popular holiday destinationbeing famous for its lakes and its mountains its associations with the early 19th century poetry and writings of William Wordsworth and other poets.,Lake District,Scotland:Its geography is varied,with lowlands in the south and east and highlands in the north and west.,Scotland,Scotland,with an area of 78,772 squre kilometers,occupies the northern part of Britain.Tourism is one of the most important industries.Tourists from all over the world come to enjoy the beauty of Scottish scenery,to drink Scotch whisky and to see Scotsmen wearing kilts and playing bagpipes.BenNevis(本尼维斯山):thehighestmountaininBritain(1343m)islocatedhereThe Clyde River(克莱德河)is the most important river in ScotlandEdinburghisthecapitalofScotland.,The highlands in Scotland:sparsely populated,with many mountain ranges dominating the region,and including the highest mountain in the British Isles,Ben Nevis,Ben Nevis,(1 343 meters high),Wales:Its mostly mountainous,takeing up less than 9%of the whole island.South Wales is less mountainous than North and Mid Wales.,Wales,Ithasanareaof20,780squarekilometreswhichtakesuplessthan9%ofthewholeisland.The longest river:Severn River塞文河(354 square kilometers)Snowdonia(1,085m)inthenorthwestisthehighestmountaininWales.ThecapitalofWalesisCardiff.,Northern Ireland,NorthernIrelandisafourthregionoftheUnitedKingdom.Ittakesupthenorthernone-sixthofthe island of Irelandandhasanareaof14,135squarekilometresLoughNeagh is the largest lake in the British Isles(396 square kilometers)BelfastisthecapitalofNorthernIreland.,Northern Ireland,Smallest among the four nations in BritainMostly rural,low hills,beautiful lake in the south-west,rugged coastline(多岩石的海岸线),Giants causeway(巨人之路)(1),The 8th Natural Wonder of the World(suburb of Belfast),Sixty million years ago,Giants causeway(2),Prodigious skills(鬼斧神工)of Nature:,2.Climate,Main characteristics:Temperate,with warm summers,cold winters and plenty rainfallThree major features:Winter fog Rainy daysInstability/changeability,3.Major Cities London,The River Thames,the capital of England and of Great Britain the political center of the Commonwealth(英联邦)a major port one of the worlds leading banking and financial centers.,London,-seat of government-center of culture-business center-industrial center-largest population-home to all media-galleries,theatres,museums-combining functions of New York,Washington&Los Angeles-One of the four leading cities in the world:New York,Paris,Tokyo,London,The capital,the largest port and the largest city in BritainThe City of London+Inner London+Outer London=Greater London(大伦敦)The commercial center:the West End(伦敦西区)The political center:the City of Westminster(Downing street唐宁街,Buckingham Palace白金汉宫)The cultural center:London University(the biggest)The center of Labor Movement(Chartism)宪章运动The Olympics games to be held here in 2012,Landmarks&Symbols of London,Buckingham Palace,Buckingham Palace,ST Pauls Cathedral,an Anglican cathedral the seat of the Bishop of London one of Londons most famous and most recognisable sights,Big Benthe largest four-faced chiming clock,the third-tallest free-standing clock tower in the world,Its celebration of its 150th anniversary in May 2009,Westminister Abbey,a large,mainly Gothic church,in Westminster,Londonthe traditional place of coronation and burial site for monarchs of Commonwealth Realms,Landmarks&Symbols of London,The palace of Westminster,The London Eye,a height of 135metres(443ft),the largest Ferris wheel in Europethe most popular paid tourist attraction in the United Kingdom,Landmarks&Symbols of London,London Eye,Tower Bridge,an iconic symbol of London Carries motor vehicles,cyclists,pedestriansCrosses ThamesTotal length 244metres(801ft)Opened 30 June 1894,British Museum 大英博物馆,Major CitiesEdinburgh,Capital of Scotlandadministrative,financial,legal,medical and insurance center of Scotlandbeautiful scenery renowned architecture,Ediburgh castle,The symbol of Ediburghsituated on a mound of volcanic rock one of Scotlands oldest castles,unequalled in the whole of the British Isles a remarkable fortress(堡垒),the historical interest of and former royal residence,visited annually by approximately one million people No visit to Edinburgh is complete without a visit to Edinburgh Castle,The new city of Edinburgh,Castles in Ediburgh,Airth castle,A 14th century castle,a spa and a Scottish castle accommodation,one of the most popular places for Scottish castle weddings.,Stirling castle,about 30 miles from Glasgow and 40 miles from Edinburgh A long history,an important fortification and the site of many sieges and battles,standing out for its imposing location and storied history,Landmarks&Symbols of Edinburgh,Edinburgh Castle,Palace of Holyrood,Major CitiesCardiff,Europes youngest capital cityhas been the capital city of Wales for around 50 yearshome to an enormous amount of urban regeneration and restoration has recently become one of the most fashionable cities in the United Kingdom.,Landmarks&Symbols of Cardiff,Cardiff City Hall,Landmarks&Symbols of Cardiff,Millennium Stadium,Cardiff Castle,Cardiff,albert clock,Major CitiesBelfast,City Hall,the second largest city capital of Northern Ireland an important historic city,Landmarks&Symbols of Belfast,Belfast Castle,the wheel of Belfast,Belfast city hall,II People,Overall population:over 63 millionsDistribution:England:about 53 millionScotland:around 5.2 millionWales:around 3.1 millionNorthern Ireland:around 1.8 million,Ethnicity,The majority of this population are descendents of the Anglo-Saxons Most people in Wales and Scotland are descendents of the Celtic people The Irish people were also Celtic in originimmigrants(Italians,Greek,Australians,New Zealanders,Africa,Asia),Ethnic Composition,the English 英格兰人the Scottish 苏格兰人the Welsh 威尔士人the Irish 爱尔兰人 The ancestors of the English are Anglo-Saxons.,Percentage of total UK Population,Ethinc Groups of totalWhite British 85.7%White Irish 1.2%White(other)5.3%Mixed race 1.2%Indian 1.8%Pakistani 1.3%Bengali 0.5%Other Asian(non-Chinese)0.4%Black Caribbean 1.0%Black African 0.8%Black(others)0.2%Chinese 0.4%Other 0.4%,The difference in character,The Welsh are emotional and cheerful people.They are music lovers and are proud of their past.威尔士人感情丰富,情绪高涨,热爱音乐,为过去感到自豪。The Scots are said to be a serious,cautious and thrifty people,and they are also hospitable,generous and friendly.苏格兰人通常被认为严肃、谨慎而且节俭,但是他们同样也热情、大方且友好。The Irish are full of charm and vivacity.爱尔兰人充满魅力,生性活泼。,III The English Language,1.Old English2.Middle English3.Modern English 4.Standard English,1.Old English(5th 11th),Language of Angle-SaxonsInfluenced byOld NorseLatin and Greek words Danish words,Beowulf,The most famous work from the OldEnglish period is the epic poem”Beowulf”(approximately AD 900)Hwt!We Gar-Dena in geardagum,eodcyninga,rym gefrunon,hu a elingas ellen fremedon.Oft Scyld Scefing sceaena reatum,2.Middle English(11th 15th),Status French replaced English as the official language,and English became the Language of lower class big pork sheep mutton cattle beefDevelopment English increased in importance after the Black Death,The Canterbury Tales,written by Geofery Chaucer,14 the centuryWhan that Aprill,with his shoures soote The droghte of March hath perced to the roote And bathed every veyne in swich licour,Of which vertu engendred is the flour;,Geoffrey Chaucer,3.Modern English(15th),The printing pressbrought standardization of EnglishSamuel Johnsons dictionaryestablished a standard form of spellingRenaissanceassimilated foreign words throughout the Renaissance The Industrial Revolutionnecessitated the introduction of new words for new things and ideasThe rise of the British Empire or the Commonwealth of Nationsled to the assimilation of words from many other languages,Othello,by William Shakespeare 1603La:Tho in the trade of warre,I haue flaine men,Yet doe I hold it very ftuft of Confcience.To doe no contriud murrher;I lacke iniquity Sometimes to doe feruice:nine or ten times,I had thought to haue ierkd him here,Vnder the ribbes.Oth.:Tis better as it is.Which can be translated as:La:Though in the trade of war I have slain man,Yet do I hold it very stuff o the conscience.To do no contrived murder:I lack iniquity Sometimes to do me service:nine or tem times I had thought to have yerkd him here under the ribs.Othello:Tis better as it is.,Shakespeare,4.Standard English,based on the speech of the upper class of southeastern Englandadopted as a broadcasting standard in the British media also called as Queens English or BBC English based on the London dialectbecoming a universal Lingua Francathe world language,Thank You!,