The first station-Pairs,Notre Dame(巴黎圣母院),Notre Dame cathedral(Paris)is a downtown,west dike island(Ile DE la Cite)of the church buildings,is also the bishop seat don.Paris Built in Notre Dame 1163 years about 1,250 years,archbishop of Paris is morris DE sully decided to build,the whole church at 1345 years to completed,lasted for 180 years.Of gothic architecture form,is Ile DE France(French island of gothic church)area of inside,very key meaningful one.,Louvre(卢浮宫),The Louvre,is the worlds oldest and largest,one of the most famous museum.Located in downtown,Paris,France,north of the Seine(塞纳河),founded in 1204 years,after retaking the reach 800 years expansion,the scale of today.,卢浮宫现场教学,The Eiffel Tower,The Eiffel Tower,built in 1889 by architect Eiffel design.the Eiffel Tower is built to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the French revolution and meet the international fair held in Paris,after the completion of the controversial co-branded protest walks,300 people,including a famous writer zola and small 1824.The 320 metres high tower,tower three layers,one,the second floor have a restaurant,coffee stands,and so on,the third floor is Taiwan in sunny overlooking delou,but since then the day of 70 kilometers of the Paris suburban areas outside.,When the Eiffel Tower was first built,it was the tallest building in the world.At 986 feet,it was almost twice as tall as the previous tallest building,the Washington Monument.,Paris arc DE triomphe(巴黎凯旋门),巴黎凯旋门,即雄狮凯旋门(Arc de triomphe de ltoile),位于法 国巴黎的戴高乐广场中央,是拿破仑为纪念1805年打败俄奥联军的胜利,于1806年下令修建而成的。拿破仑被推翻后,凯旋门工程中途辍 止。波旁王朝被推翻后又重新复工,到1836年终于全部竣工。Paris Arc DE triomphe,namely lion Arc DE triomphe Arc DE triomphe(Etoile DE l Paris,France),is located in the middle of the square,Charles DE gaulles to commemorate 1805 beat Russia Austrian armies of victory,in 1806 ordered built.Napoleon was overthrown,arc DE triomphe engineering midway dropping out after stops.After the overthrow bourbon dynasty again return to work to be completed in 1836 finally.,这座庞大的建筑同时也是世界上最著名的街道-香榭丽舍田园大道(les Champs Elysees)的大门,由于它特殊的位置和历史,凯旋门成为继艾菲尔铁塔之后巴黎的又一个标志性历史建筑。,The huge building is also the worlds most famous street-champs-elysees Champs Elysees les pastoral avenue(the door),due to its special position and history,arc DE triomphe become the Eiffel Tower in Paris after another landmark historic building.,普罗旺斯(provence),普罗旺斯,南抵地中海,北端深入阿尔卑斯山,这里风景殊异,色彩变化极为丰富。这一地区向来热情好客,阳光充足,生活安宁而温馨,吸引了无数艺术家.,Provence,Provence,south of the Alps,northern Mediterranean,deeply spiritual here scenery,rich color change is different.The region has been hospitable,sunny,peace and sweet,life attracts countless artists,普罗旺斯是否真的浪漫如斯?普罗旺斯位于法国南部,从地中海沿岸延伸到内陆的丘陵地区,中间有大河流过,很多历史城镇,自古就以靓丽的阳光和蔚蓝的天空,令世人惊艳。,Located in southern France Provence,from the Mediterranean extends to inland river is there among the hilly region,many historic town,beautiful sunshine and the blue sky,make the world amazing.,Versailles garden statue凡尔赛宫花园塑像,法国是欧洲浪漫的中心,它的悠久历史、具有丰富文化内涵的名胜古迹及乡野风光吸引着世界各地的旅游者。风情万种的花都巴黎,美丽迷人的蓝色海岸,阿尔卑斯山的滑雪场等,都是令人神往的旅游胜地。,France is the center of European romantic place,its long history,has the rich cultural connotation of historic and dominates the scene attracted the tourists from around the world.Amorous feelings 10 thousand kinds huadu Paris beautiful blue coast,alpine ski resort,are fascinating tourist resort.,In the future,if you have the chance,be sure to go to the France,the beautiful scenery,the romantic atmosphere will make you unforgettable for lifetime.,谢谢观赏,