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    Lecture 3 England,Learning focus,A brief introduction to EnglandThe Beginning of Britain The early settlers Roman Conquest Anglo-Saxon Conquest Viking Raids Norman ConquestEnglish Revolution Civil War The Republican experiment of Cromwell Restoration Glorious Revolution,England,Characteristics of EnglandHighly urbanizedPhysically largest with largest populationDominance in:size/culture/economy-take England for UKMountains and Rivers in EnglandPennines(奔宁山脉):the backbone(背脊骨)of England Lake district(湖区),Lake District,a scenic spot in North West EnglandA popular holiday destinationbeing famous for its lakes(the 15 lakes radiate like the spokes of a wheel from a central hub)Lake Poets:William Wordsworth,Samuel Coleridge,etc.,The Beginning of England,The Early Settlers(55BC)Roman Conquest(55BC410AD)Anglo-Saxon Conquest(410-871)Viking Raids(871-1042)Norman Conquest(1066),The Early settlers(-55BC),8,000 years ago Britain became an islandNatives of Britain:Celts/Britons Celts/Britons:a people dominated much of western Europe and central Europe Settled in British Isles about 700BC,Celtic civilization,Stonehenge(巨石柱)About 5,000 years agoThe most famous pre-historic monument and tourist attraction,Roman Conquest(55BC410AD),Roman civilization,The month“July”was invented by Julius Caesar himselfThe Diary Julius Caesar wrote in England marked the beginning of the written history of EnglandAchievement in architecture:“All roads lead to Rome”-built temples,towns,theatres,find building and roads.Achievement in agriculture-drained the marshes,clear away the forests,and taught Celts to cultivate their landAchievement in politics-introduced a system of organized governmentHadrians Wall(哈德良长城),Anglo-Saxon Conquest(410-871),Angles,Saxons and Jutes(Germanic peoples)invadedWarring period Angles:East Anglia,Mecia,and Northumbia Saxons:Essex,Sussex and Wessex Jutes:KentThe name“England”was given by Angles.(Angles land).Anglo-Saxons:the forefather of the EnglishAnglo-Saxon Conquest marked the beginning of the Old English,King Arthur,He united the BritishHis famous“round table”knights a more democratic systemHe drove the Saxons back with his magical sword A hero of the BritishAgainst forefather of the English,Viking Raids/Danish Invasion(871-1042),From Scandinavia/DanmarkFrom1017-1041-England was ruled by Danish kings.A cultural division between north and south England:“Saxons”VS“Danes”,Alfred the Great(871-899),King of WessexIn war:“father of British navy”In peace:Promoting the teaching of Christianity His translations were regarded as“the beginning of the prose literature in England,Norman Conquest(1066),Who Duke of Normandy:William the Conqueror(from northern France)Time October 14,1066Cause:the dispute over the throne William(Duke of Normandy,King Edwards cousin)Harold(Brother of King Edwards wife and hereditary ruler of Wessex)Event William defeated the English king Harold.(turning point:the battle of Hasting)Significance Last invasion from outside marks the formal establishment of feudalism in England marks the beginning of the middle English bilingualism,William the conqueror,Politics:consolidation of the monarchyReligion:make himself head of bishopsMilitary:build the tower of LondonEconomy:make a general survey about the wealth of EnglandDomesday Book(1086),Robin Hood,Heroic Saxon nobleman oppressed by the Normans“Merry men”:robbed from the rich to give to the poor,British invasion history,English Revolution(1640-1688)-transfer of the power from the monarchy to the parliament,Civil War(1642-1649)Republican experiment of Cromwell(1649-1658)The Restoration of Charles II(1660)Glorious Revolution(1688),Civil War(1642-1649),Background:Charles I believed in“divine rights of king”(君权神授)and dismissed the parliament for 11 years(1629-1640).It was only when he needed an army to fight against Scotland that he recalled the parliament but was refused by the parliamentBetween The Roundheads(supporters of the parliament,led by Cromwell)The cavaliers(supporters of the king)Result The execution of Charles I and his son was driven out of England Cromwell established the Republican England,the commonwealth of England,Glorious Revolution(1688),Background James II was a catholic,the parliament invited his daughter and son-in-law from Holland to take the throne.Effects marked the real beginning of the constitutional monarchy,a monarchy with the power limited by parliamentBill of Rights(1689,Signed by William and Mary)-confirmed the principle of parliamentary supremacy-guaranteed free speech within two houses-excluded any roman catholic from the sucession,


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