Guide to English-Speaking Countries,英语国家概况,英语国家概况,Chapter 2 History,The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,英语国家概况,The Rise and Fall of the British Empire,Transition to the Modern Age,II,III,CONTENT,The Founding of the Nation,I,1.1 Roman Britain and Anglo-Saxons,1.1.1 Prehistoric Period(history undocumented)9,000 years ago part of E-Continent3,000 BC Iberians(Stonehenge),Stonehenge巨石阵 It is the most famous prehistoric monument in Britain and is situated on Salisbury Plain in the county of Wiltshire.People began building Stonehenge about 5,000 years ago,dragging each stone into place.,Stonehenge and its Statue,1.1 Roman Britain and Anglo-Saxons,The name of BritainBritonsTribal societyCeltic Language(Irish Gaelic盖尔语,Scottish Gaelic,Welsh),1.1.2 Celtic凯尔特 Britain(8th5th Century BC),How many invasions?First invasionIn August 55 BC,Julius Caesar invaded Britain SecondCaesars second raid in 54 BCThird and finalIn 43 AD,Emperor Claudius,final and successful Roman invasion of BritainLeftGermanic attack in Rome,forcing all Roman troops to leave Britain,and thus ending the Roman occupation of the island.,1.1.3 Roman Britain(43 AD5th Century),Capable administrators&good builders(towns and cities&roads)Building of London River Thames“London Bridge”Building of roadsRoman Christianity St.Augustine brings Christianity 基督教to Britain from Rome and becomes Archbishop of Canterbury,1.1.3 Roman Britain(43 AD5th Century),Pope Gregory I,1.1.4 The Anglo-Saxon Invasion(5th8th Century),Germanic日耳曼人(或民族)的people(the Jutes朱特人 from Jutland,Angles from South of Denmark and Saxons from Germany)English(language of the Angles)dominant language,Do you know how the names of the days in a week came into being?The Anglo-Saxons brought their own Teutonic(日耳曼人的)religion to Britain.The names Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday and Friday respectively derive from their gods.Tiugod of war Wodenking of heaven Thorgod of storms Freyagoddess of peace,1.1.5 Danish Invasion(8th Century1066),the Vikings 威金人(from the Scandinavian countries:Norway,Denmark and Sweden)Alfred the Great,king of Wessex A peace treaty:the eastern half of the island was to be subject to the Danish law and come to be known as the DanelawFrom 1016 to 1042,under the rule of Danish kings.In 1042,the English throne was returned to the Anglo-Saxons,Alfred(阿尔弗雷德)the Great,also known as“Father of the British Navy”.,Westminster Abbey,built in1052,by the penultimate King of England,the Edward the Confessor(1042-1066),1.1.5 Danish Invasion(8th Century1066),在泰晤士河畔,在钟声回荡的国会大厦西南侧,耸立着英国最古老的建筑物威斯敏斯特教堂。这里长眠着从享利三世到乔治二世等20多位国王,憩息着牛顿、哈代、狄更斯、达尔文、吉卜林这些享誉世界的巨人,还有二战“不列颠之战”中牺牲的皇家空军将士。威斯敏斯特教堂碑文(2009-03-03 19:18:45)标签:杂谈 当我年轻的时候,我的想象漫无边际,我梦想改变这个世界;当我成熟以后,我发现我不能改变这个世界,我将目缩短了一些,决定只改变我的国家;当我进入暮年以后,我发现我不能够改变我的国家,我最后的愿望仅仅是改变我的家庭,然而,这似乎也不可能 现在,我已经躺在床上,就在生命将要完结的时候,我突然意识到:如果一开始我就首先改变自己。然后,作为一个榜样,我可能为国家做一些重要的事情就在我为国家服务的时候,我或许能因为某些意想不到的行为,改变这个世界,In 1066,Edward chose Harold of Wessex to be King in his place.Duke William,often referred to as William the Conquer,challenged Harolds succession,won the Battle of Hastings,and was crowned King.,1.1.6 The Norman Conquest,Duke William,Norman Cavalier,In 1067,William started building the Tower of London,the great fortress which demonstrated his power and dominated the city of London.,1.1.6 The Norman Conquest,1.2.1 Great Charter(Magna Carta),In 1154 Henry II ascended the throneHenry II reformed the courts and the laws:introduced the jury system(陪审团制度)institutionalized common law,Henry II,1.2.1 Great Charter(Magna Carta),John ascended the throne in 1199.He demanded feudal taxes and army service.He was forced to sign the Magna Carta(大宪章).,Significance townspeoplefreedom of trade and self-government merchants and craftsmenfor the first time as a new political force part of the British Constitution today,John of England signs Magna Carta.,Provisions of Oxfordlimiting the Kings power by calling regular meetings of the Great CouncilOfficial formation of the two houses of parliament:House of Commons(上议院)House of Lords(下议院),1.2.2 Birth of Parliament(议会),The English parliament in front of the King,a series of wars fought between England and France over trade,territory,security and the throne The English were brilliantly successful till 1422.Encouraged by Joan of Arc,the national heroine,the French drove the English out of France.By 1453,Calais(加来)was the only part of France that was still in the hands of the English.promoted the concept of English nationalism.promoted the development of the textile industry(纺织业)raised the social position of the bourgeois class(资产阶级).,1.2.3 Hundred Years War(13371453),Saint Joan of Arc,百年战争(Hundred Years War)是指英国和法国,以及后来加入的勃艮第,于1337年-1453年间的战争,是世界最长的战争,断断续续进行了长达116年,百年战争中,发展出不少新战术和武器。12世纪中,英国金雀花王朝在法国占有广阔领地,1213世纪,法国国王逐渐夺回部分被英王占领的土地。14世纪初,英国仍占据法国南部阿基坦地区,成为法国政治统一的最大障碍。双方还争夺富庶的佛兰德地区。佛兰德毛纺业主要依赖英国的原料,英国则从羊毛贸易中获取巨利。1328年,法国占领佛兰德,英王爱德华三世(13271377在位)下令禁止羊毛出口。佛兰德因失去原料来源,转而支持英国的百年战争中战场上的法军反法政策。战争的导火线主要是王位继承问题。1328年,查理四世去世,法国卡佩王朝绝嗣,支裔瓦卢瓦王朝的腓力六世继位,英王爱德华三世以法王查理四世外甥的资格,与腓力六世争夺王位,触发战争。,1337年11月英王爱德华三世率军进攻法国,战争开始。1340年,英法两国发生海战,法军战败。英国控制了英吉利海峡。1346 年8月,双方在克雷西会战,英军大捷,乘胜进入诺曼底。1347年攻占法国的加来。1356年9 月,普瓦提埃之战,法军大败,法王约翰二世(13501364在位)及众臣被俘,英借此向法国索取巨额赎金。1360年法国王子查理被迫签订屈辱的布勒塔尼和约,把加来及法国西南部大片领土割让给英国。1364年,王子查理继位,称查理五世(1364 1380在位),为了夺回失地,改编军队,整顿税制,紧张备战。1369年起连续发动攻势,几乎收复全部失地,1396年双方缔结二十年停战协定。,1415年8月,英王亨利五世(14131422在位)趁查理六世(13801422在位)即位后法国统治阶级发生内讧之机,领兵进攻法国,10月占领法国北部。1420年,双方签订特鲁瓦条约,条约规定法国王太子的王位继承权转归英王亨利五世。亨利五世与查理六世之女结婚。这项条约实际上将法国分为由亨利五世、勃艮第公爵和法国王太子查理分别统辖的三个部分。1422年法王查理六世与英王亨利五世先后去世,英方宣布由未满周岁的亨利六世(14221461,14701471在位)兼领法国国王。1428年10月,英军围攻通往法国南方的要塞奥尔良城,形势危急。法国人民组成抗英游击队,袭击敌人。1429年,法国女民族英雄贞德率军击退英军,解奥尔良城之围。此后,法国人民抗英运动继续高涨,英军节节败退。1429年7月,王子查理在兰斯加冕,称查理七世。1435年勃艮第公爵臣服于法王。1453年10月,驻波尔多英军投降,除加来外,法国领土全部收复。至此,百年战争以法国的胜利而结束。,Richard III,Lancaster Rose,York Rose,Henry Tudor,1.2.4 The War of the Roses(14551485),A war for the throne between the House of York and the House of Lancaster.It reduced the power of nobility and helped to increase the power of the new rising bourgeois class.The House of Lancaster won and their leader Henry Tudor became King Henry VII and started the rule of the House of Tudor(1485-1603).,玫瑰战争(Wars of the Roses),或称蔷薇战争,通常指英国兰开斯特王朝(House of Lancaster)和约克王朝(House of York)的支持者之间为了英格兰王位的断续内战。两个家族都是金雀花王朝(Plantagenet)皇族的分支,是英王爱德华三世的后裔。玫瑰战争不是当时所用的名字,它来源于两个皇族所选的家徽,兰开斯特的红玫瑰和约克的白玫瑰。,蔷薇战争(又称玫瑰战争;英语:;1455年1485年)是兰开斯特家族和约克家族的支持者为了英格兰王位而发生断续的内战。两大家族都是金雀花王朝王室的分支,为英王爱德华三世的后裔。“玫瑰战争”一名并未使用于当时,而是在16世纪,莎士比亚在历史剧亨利六世中以两朵玫瑰被拔标志战争的开始后才成为普遍用语。此名称源于两个家族所选的家徽,兰开斯特的红蔷薇和约克的白蔷薇。该战争大部分由马上骑士和他们的封建随从组成的军队所进行。兰开斯特家族的支持者主要在国家的北部和西部,而约克家族的支持者主要在南部和东部。实际上,几乎没有贵族在战争期间被消灭。例如,在战争未爆发前1425到1449年间,有25个家族灭绝消失,在战争爆发的1450 到 1474年间,只有24个家族灭绝消失。然而,雄心勃勃公然叫阵的贵族们在战争初期都战死了,接近战争后期,越来越少的贵族准备以他们的生命和头衔,在不确定的战争中冒险,是贵族封建力量的削弱的主要原因之一,导致了都铎王朝统治下中央集权君主专制的发展。最终以亨利七世与约克的伊丽莎白联姻结束了战争,也结束了法国金雀花王朝在英格兰的统治,开启了新的威尔士人都铎王朝的统治。也标记着在英格兰中世纪时期的结束并走向新的文艺复兴时代。为了纪念英格兰以玫瑰为国花,并把皇室徽章改为红白玫瑰。,Transition to the Modern Age,2.3 Restoration and the Glorious Revolution,2.1 Religious Reformation,Reasons2 religious camps:Catholic and Protestant CatholicImmediate cause:Henry VIIIs divorceAct of Supremacy(最高权力条例)Henry VIII“only supreme head of the church of England”In essence,the Reformation was a political movement in a religious guise,Henry VIII,Queen Elizabeth I(1558-1603)Consolidated(统一)the Church of EnglandDefended the fruit of the Reformation in essenceGolden Age(黄金时代)of English HistoryEngland advanced in such areas as foreign trade,exploration,literature,and the arts.The age of exploration began:claiming new lands for England and introducing new materials and foods.The American State,Virginia,is named after Queen Elizabeth.,Elizabeth,2.1 Religious Reformation,parliamentary clashes over monopolies(垄断)the monarchy(郡主)attempted to control commercial activities in the interests of the court King Charles I dissolved Parliament in 1629,and ruled the country without it for eleven years.,The various classes in England soon split up into two camps:Parliament:merchants,artisans(技工)and apprentices(新教徒),peasantsKing:gentry(贵族),big landlords and monopolists(大资本家),2.1 Religious Reformation,The civil war broke out(16421649)Between the Royalists(the Cavalier 保王党人)and Parliamentarians(Roundheads 圆颅党人)Result:the monarchy was abolished in 1949 England was declared a commonwealth,i.e.a republic,2.2 The Civil War,The Commonwealth(联邦)(16491660)Cromwell,the head of the CommonwealthConservative in social reforms and protected property ownershipIn 1660,Parliament had Charles II as king of England.This put an end to the Commonwealth.,2.2 The Civil War,2.3 Restoration and the Glorious Revolution,Restoration(规章制度的恢复):1661,Charles II:to restore the old social order1685,James II:to reestablish Catholicism,Glorious Revolution(光荣革命)1688:joint sovereign of William and Mary1689:Bill of Rights(limited the power of the monarch and guaranteed the authority of Parliament)removed the ruling monarch and established Constitutional Monarchy(君主立宪制),2.4 The Industrial Revolution,The Industrial Revolution took place first in Britain for the following reasonshuge marketcolonies in America and Indiacapitalenclosure movement(圈地运动)laborA series of important inventions in the textile industry marked the beginning of Industrial Revolution:Spinning JennyWater frameSpinning mule Power loomSteam engine,Spinning Jenny,Power loom,2.4 The Industrial Revolution,Means of transportationcanals were dug to ship goodsthe locomotive(蒸汽机车)invented in 1814the first railway completed in 1825large merchant fleet(商船队),Steam Engine,Merchant Fleet,2.4 The Industrial Revolution,By the middle of 19th century,the Industrial Revolution was accomplished in Britain,Its influence:Britain changed in many waysdramatically increased industrial productivity,the process of urbanizationchanges in class structureThe conflict between the capitalists(资产阶级)and the proletarians(无产阶级)the most important political issue,2.4 The Industrial Revolution,The Rise and Fall of the British Empire,First British Empire:19th CenturyIt included the colonies in Canada,Australia,New Zealand,India and many small states in the West Indies,Second British Empire during the Victorian Age(维多利亚时代):Mid-and late-19th CenturyQueen Victorias foreign policyNew ImperialismIt included the colonies in Australia,New Zealand and Canadadominions(领土)Victoria“Empress of India(印度女皇)”In Asia,occupied Burma and some other small states.Opium War against China(鸦片战争)In Africa,control Suez Canal(苏伊士运河)and conquer EgyptUnion of South Africathe 4th dominion,3.1 The Formation of the British Empire(大英帝国的构成),On the Eve of World War I,Britain had the largest colonial empire the world had ever seen.a territory of 33.5 million square kilometers(1/4 of the worlds total land).a population of 393.5 million(8 times as large as that in Britain),3.1 The Formation of the British Empire,3.2 Britain in the World Wars,3.2.1 World War I,By the beginning of the 20th century,Britains dominance was challenged by other European nations and the USTwo camps in Europe:Central Powers(同盟国):Germany,Austria-Hungary(奥匈帝国),Ottoman Empire(土耳其)and Bulgaria(保加利亚)Allied Powers(协约国):Britain,France,Russia,Italy and US The immediate causeassassination in Sarajevo(直接原因),萨拉热窝事件:1914年,帝国主义国家矛盾空前激化,两大军事集团之间的战争一触即发。萨拉热窝事件成为第一次世界大战的导火线。为了对塞尔维亚进行军事恫吓,奥匈选定塞被土耳其征服的国耻日(1386年6月28日)在波斯尼亚首府萨拉热窝举行军事演习,以示其侵略野心。塞尔维亚民族主义组织决定派人去暗杀指挥这次演习的好战分子奥匈皇储斐迪南大公。6月28日上午,斐迪南夫妇检阅军事演习后,对萨拉热窝市区进行巡视。加普林西波冲上前去用枪打死斐迪南大公夫妇。“德奥集团在暗杀事件发生后,欣喜若狂的叫嚣道:“这是千载难逢的机会。”经过“七月危机”,由此而引发的第一次世界大战于8月初全面展开了。,Over 32 countries were involved,28 of which support the Allies Powers and Allies Powers wonThe cost of the war for Britain was great:drained of its manpowerlost the sea supremacy(制海权)a huge national debt(国债),3.2.1 World War I,Germanyplan to conquer EuropeBritainappeasement declare war on Germany on September 3,1939 alliance with the Soviet Union and the United States Germany surrendered unconditionally on May 7,1945great costlose its naval supremacy and in debt to the United States.,3.2.2 World War II,Winston Churchill,Independence movementIndia,Pakistan,Burma,Malaya and Egypt British Commonwealth of Nations(英联邦)(a loosely organized community of former British colonies),3.3 The Fall of the Empire,Britain since World War II,One of the Big Three after WWIIForeign Policy:Three Majestic Circles less involvement in the Commonwealth circle close cooperation with the United States an isolationist policy towards Europe,4.1.“Three Majestic Circles”,Margaret ThatcherReestablished“special relationship”with the United Statesagainst European integration,Tony Blairmore positive towards Europe(but refuse to join the Euro)further strengthened the close relationship with the United States,4.2“Special Relationship”with the US,Cartoon:The Special Relationship Between Britannia&Uncle Sam,Thank You!,英语国家概况,