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    英语单词拼写专项训练,(九),2009年高考,1.The reporter decided to writer a report about the people_(沉溺于)to drugs.2.Without international_(合作),developing countries cannot prosper.3.My feelings at the moment are beyond _(描述).4.As we all know,Latin is a_(古典)language.5._(固定)English programs are broadcast on CCTV,Channel 4 every day.,addicted,cooperation,description,classical,Regular,6.I read one of the early _(版本)of the book in 1999.7.It is said that Kelly Chan;s concert tickets have not been _(可得到的)at the box office.8.He has a gift for arts and _(欣赏)oil paintings most.9.The customs of the U.S.A are _(相似)to those of Britain in some way.10.Many _(志愿者)were sent to the earthquake-stricken area to join in the rescue work.,editions,available,appreciates,similar,volunteers,11.We should show no _(怜悯)to the enemies of the people.12.Do come please.I will wait for you at the(入口处).13.Without any(犹豫),she took up the red flag and rushed out.14.There are two _(国家)languages in Canada.15.The problems of the laid-off workers and re-employment has caught great social _(关注).,mercy,entrance,hesitation,national,attention,16.He _(舍弃)his wife and children and went abroad.17.Is the difference between manual(体力)and _(脑力)labor great in our country?18.Mike,a foreign _(商人),came to our factory last week.19._(生物学)is the science of life and living things.20.Letters _(邮递)by air is much faster than those by train,but they cost more.,deserted,mental,merchant,Biology,delivered,21.Race_(隔离)lasted about two centuries in America until the last half of 20th century.22.When I greeted her on the way to work,she_(回应)with a smile.23.From her _(迷惑)expression on the face,I know she hasnt got my idea.24.He got _(临时的)work while he was waiting to go to the university.25.His father serves in a _(政府)office.,separation,responded,puzzled,temporary,government,26.They drew different _(结论)from the same fact.27.You are _(弄错了)Im not Alice.28.He gave me an apple in _(交换)for a piece of cake.29._(严格)speaking,he should be punished for this 30.Mr Li observed his students making experiments in the _(化学)lab.,conclusions,mistaken,exchange,Strictly,Chemistry,31.Judging from his appearance,he exactly_(像)his mother.32.This year one thousand new students were_(录取)to our school.33.The dictionary I bought yesterday is of great v_ to me.34.Now people all over our country are f_ against pollution.35.Those who break the law must be p_.,resembles,admitted,value,fighting,punished,36.The ground is all wet because it has rained h_ all morning.37.Is he losing weight?He looks much t_ than before.38.He cant see anything because he lost his s_ in an accident.39.He does morning exercises every day to keep himself h_.40.They got_(订婚)one year ago and theyll hold a wedding tomorrow.,heavily/hard,thinner,sight,healthy,engaged,41.When do you think the patient can be o_ on?42.The class was s_ as the teacher explained the exam rules.43.Because some great masters of tennis didnt take part in the game,there were many _(未占用的)seats in the stadium.44.For _(各种各样)reasons,he had to leave his homeland.45.It was noisy.He had to r_ his voice when speaking.,operated,silent,vacant,various,raise,46.It is not polite that you dressed in _(随便的)clothes for the party.47.As a matter of fact,the house is well _(布置).48.Talking of his fathers death,the girl kept on w_ eyes with her back hand.49.The illness _(传播)quickly and soon masses of people in the surrounding areas were in hospital.50.The earth is getting dirty.We must take measures against p_.,casual,furnished,wiping,spread,pollution,Thank you,


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