英语写作专业技巧与案例分析,十年间研究历程,2004.92006.8 高中英语“过程体裁”写作课程的开发与实践2007.12008.10高中英语写作教学有效性研究2008.102009.12“后方法时代”的高中英语写作教学探究 2014.22015.8 借数字化平台促进教师英语写作专业技巧与教学,专题学习目标,1.了解写作的本质2.明确自己的写作课的现状3.明确课程标准对写作课的要求4.初步了解“过程-体裁”写作法教学5.通过分析写作第一、二课时案例,理解写作教学过程,对写作教学更有信心,一、写作的本质,写作就是对话!,They say/I say.,A professor:The Characters in The Sopranos(美剧黑道家族)are very complex!某教授:黑道家族里的角色其实非常复杂!,A professor:Some say that The Sopranos presents caricatures(n.漫画讽刺)of Italian Americans.In fact,however,the characters in series are very complex!某教授:有人说黑道家族用漫画讽刺的手法变现了意大利裔美国人,但是里面的角色其实非常复杂!,我的日常写作课(故事分享),现状&困惑,经验&收获,写作课的现状 1,形式:教师命题学生写作教师批改评价:强调语法、句法、词汇和拼写结果:学生作文用词简单化、结构松散化、风格口语话 写作是一种负担!,英语写作的问题,学生写作困难:词汇量贫乏,句式不够多样化(76%);语法基础差,错误百出(37%);27%的学生反映无素材,内容空洞乏味,无话可说。教师:写作过程中学生的最大困难在于词汇的缺乏。,写作课的现状 2:无效过程,没及时关注过程中的问题不能掌握写作的要领技巧缺乏写作创新能力1、缺乏范文或范文对写作没有指导作用2、由“说”到“写”的活动的无效性3、写作评价的无效性,三、课程标准对写作技能教学的建议,(1)目的:表述事实、观点、情感、想象力,交流信息,培养规范的写作习惯。,阎王说:“地狱的小鬼们都被他激活了,天天写教案,填表格,搞教研,交论文,谈教育创新,科教兴冥,他还要我去做学科建设,名师工程,班主任培训,学生导师,兼职辅导员,绩效考核,师德建设,青年教师导师,家长学校校长,让所有人满意。”,三、课程标准对写作技能教学的建议,(1)目的:表述事实、观点、情感、想象力,交流信息,培养规范的写作习惯。,一个月后 上帝停住匆匆的脚步,回答说:“你犯了三个错误,第一,你应该先导入,回顾上次我们的谈话概要,再开始今天的谈话!第二,这个世界根本就没有上帝,只有学生才是上帝!第三,我没有时间和你闲扯蛋,我还有一节公开课和两个课题没完成呢。最后,我再警告你,和我谈话的时候,必须有教案!”,三、课程标准对写作技能教学的建议,(2)基本技能:整理思路;组织素材;规划文章结构;列出提纲;起草文章;组织语言;遣词造句;修改文章;正确使用标点符号和字母大小写。1.“Teaching English is very interesting,”she said,“I dream to be an English teacher.”2.“We have decided to take the exam,”she said.3.“We have decided,”she said,“to taken the exam.”,ChapterthreeisentitledTheInternet.,(3)写作技能的教学过程的三个阶段,(4)材料选择:与学生水平相当;贴近学生生活;话题具体,目的明确;有趣味性和真实性。(5)教师角色:指导、启发、示范、商讨、鼓励、讲评。,四、体裁教学法(genre approach),体裁教学法建立在语篇的体裁分析基础上,即把体裁和体裁分析理论自觉地运用到课堂教学中,围绕语篇的图式结构开展教学活动。,体裁教学法的主要目的,掌握属于不同体裁的语篇所具有不同交际目的和篇章结构。认识语篇不仅仅是一种语言建构,而是一种社会意义的建构。掌握语篇的图式结构(schematic structure),了解语篇的建构过程,从而理解和撰写属于某一体裁的语篇。(Kay-Evans,1998),过程-体裁教学法的过程图 Badger&White(ibid.),写作过程,写作过程不再是一个单纯的个人行为它是一个个人与个人、个人与他人、人与文本、人与社会多方位的互动过程。课程范本,写作过程活动,示范分析信息建构模仿分析独立创作修改定稿(第一稿只是写作过程中的另一个开始)多向交互、循环反复,从而使写作成为一种发现意义并创造意义的社会交际过程。,案例:写作第一课时,关注过程和语言输入评价案例(评判性思维),What I learned,What I am puzzling,Book 7 Unit 3 Under the sea,using language,Cynthia from Ruian High School,Book 7 Unit 3 Under the sea,A new dimension of life,A new dimension of life19th JanuaryIm sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and reflecting on the day-a day of pure magic!I went snorkelling on the reef this morning and it was the mostfantastic thing I have ever done.Seeing such extraordinary beauty,I think every cell in my body woke up.It was like discovering a wholenew dimension of life.The first thing,Where?,What?,When?,ReadingPartI(Para1):,How did he feel?,It was the most fantastic thing I have ever done.Seeing,every cell in my body woke up!It was like discovering a whole new dimension of life.A day of pure magic,Sentences which convey feelings in Part1:,Why did he think it was a day of pure magic?,fantastic things,the anemonefish,corals(珊瑚),A turtle,sharks,Reading Part2(Paras2-5):What did the writer see?,1.The first thing I became a_ of was all the v_ colours2.The corals were s_ like fans,plates,aware,vivid,shaped,What adjectives did the writer use to describe the things he saw?,I especially loved the _ anemonefish(海葵鱼)hiding in the poisonous sea anemones.2)I saw the yellow and green parrotfish(鹦鹉鱼)hanging upside down with _ mouth,3)an _angelfish(天使鱼)looking straight at me,4)an _sea-slug(海蛞蝓)sliding by a blue sea-star,5)a _ turtle passing so close to me.6)A giant clam(蛤)half buried in some coral waiting for something to swim in between its _ lips7)There were two _ reef sharks(珊瑚鲨),appearing from behind some coral.,I especially loved the _ anemonefish(海葵鱼)hiding in the poisonous sea anemones.,2.I saw the yellow and green parrotfish(鹦鹉鱼)hanging upside down with _ mouth,little orange and white,hard,bird-like,n.-like,a _ chimp,man-like,The water is like a mirror.,Seeing the _ water,I felt every cell in my body woke up.,mirror-like,4.an _ sea-slug(海蛞蝓)sliding by a blue sea-star,yellow-spotted,3.an _angelfish(天使鱼)looking straight at me,blue-striped,a black-spotted yellow sea-slug,adj.-n.+ed,two _ zebras,Seeing the five _dogs,I,black-spotted,white-and-black-striped,n.-n.+ed,The killer whale(虎鲸)is shaped like a fish.,A _ killer whale enjoyed swimming freely under the sea.,fish-shaped,_mountain,animal-shaped,犀牛望月,rhino-shaped,rhino,5.a _ turtle passing so close to me,large wise-looking,a _ monkey,sad-looking,smart-looking,good-looking,6.A giant clam(蛤)half buried in some coral waiting for something to swim in between its _ lips,7.There were two _ reef sharks(珊瑚鲨),appearing from behind some coral.,thick green,grey,felt scared to death,Try to discover useful structure:Whats the right order(顺序)of these adjectives?,1.a _ anemonefish3.an orange blue-striped angelfish6.A giant clam with _ lips7.two _ reef sharks,little orange and white,thick green,grey,Number:Size:Colour:Pattern(式样,图案):,a,an,two,little,giant,thick,orange and white,orange,green,grey,blue-striped,yellow-spotted,fish-shaped,number+size+colour+pattern,one,fish-shaped,black and white,huge,_ killer whale,one huge black and white fish-shaped,Magic places,An island,the beach(海滩),mountains,An amusement park,a zoo,Where else can we discover a new dimension of life?,Pre-writing:,Choose one of the topics and talk in groups of four about the following questions:Have you ever been to?What did you see?Try to describe the things you saw.Tell your partner how you felt as well.,Topic1:beach(海滩)seashell(贝壳)wave(海浪)coconut tree(椰子树),Topic2:zoopeacock(孔雀)trunk(象鼻)ivory(象牙),Topic3:Amusement Parkrollercoaster(过山车)castle(城堡)character(角色),Group-work:,Have you ever been to?What did you see?Try to describe the things you saw.Tell your partner how you felt as well.,Topic3:An amusement Parkrollercoaster(过山车)castle(城堡)character(角色),Topic2:A zoopeacock(孔雀)trunk(象鼻)ivory(象牙),Topic1:A beach(海滩)seashell(贝壳)wave(海浪)coconut tree(椰子树),Writing-Part2:,Write down what you saw and how you felt in the magic place.,Writing tips:A travel journal is usually written in the _ tense(时态).2.Try to use linking words(连词)when necessary:first,next,later,when,then,after,before compared with,as well as,with3.Use at least one two-part adj.and doing.4.Pay attention to the order of the adjectives.5.Try your best to use expressions and sentences in the reading passage.,past,Writing-Part2:,Write down what you saw and how you felt in the magicplace.Part II:the body part Arriving at the_,The title,Part 2:,Part 1:,the beginning,the body,Part 3:,the ending,Structure,(when,where,who,why,?),(a final thought about the journey),(things you saw,your feelings),The date,Improve Part2 according to the writing tips.2.Finish the travel journal by adding Part1 and Part3.3.Make your final copy clearly and neatly.4.Visit the website:and upload your travel journal.,CRITICAL COMMENTS,What I learned,What I am puzzling,案例:写作第二课时,关注初稿后的评改,我们对写作评改课的看法,Writing Assessment and Improvement,Book 4 Unit 1 Women of achievement,Stephen Hawking,Jay Chou,Who is the person you admire most and why?,+people around you,Structure:(Part1):(Part2):(Part3):,(background/achievement/appearance.),Reasons why you admire him/her,Evaluation,(What you think of him/her),Title:The Person I Admire Most,An introduction to the person.,*Ordinary people:character and examples*Famous people:achievement and spirit,Writing:,Make comments according to the following assessments(评价标准)!,A students sample,The Person I Admire Most In my life many people are well worth admiring,but the person I admire most is Liu Xiang,who is one of the best athletes in our country.His spirit and great determination inspire me most.He likes singing and surfing the Internet.Liu Xiang like sports when he was very little.At first his parents wanted him to give it up.However,Liu made up his mind to continue his dream.He trained very hard.In the end,he set the best record of 12.88 seconds in 110-meter hurdles.His succeed makes Liu more confident,and now hes eyeing the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.In a word,I am deeply moved by his spirit.We can achieve our goals in life only with this spirit.,X,His spirit and.,The Person I Admire Most In my life many people are well worth admiring,but the person I admire most is Liu Xiang,who is one of the best athletes in our country.His spirit and great determination inspire me most.He likes singing and surfing the Internet.Liu Xiang like sports when he was very little.At first his parents wanted him to give it up.However,Liu made up his mind to continue his dream.He trained very hard.In the end,he set the best record of 12.88 seconds in 110-meter hurdles.His succeed makes Liu more confident,and now hes eyeing the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.In a word,I am deeply moved by his spirit.We can achieve our goals in life only with this spirit.,X,The Person I Admire Most In my life many people are well worth admiring,but the person I admire most is Liu Xiang,who is one of the best athletes in our country.His spirit and great determination inspire me most.Liu Xiang like sports when he was very little.At first his parents wanted him to give it up.However,Liu made up his mind to continue his dream.He trained very hard.In the end,he set the best record of 12.88 seconds in 110-meter hurdles.His succeed makes Liu more confident,and now hes eyeing the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.In a word,I am deeply moved by his spirit.We can achieve our goals in life only with this spirit.,X,liked,success,but,However,and,At first,In the end,In a word,liked,X,but,however,and,at first,in the end,confident,deeply,.,success,Post-writing1.Peer assessment(同伴评价)Exchange your writing with your partner,make comments and fill in the form(表格).,Rewrite!,The Person I Admire Most In my life many people are well worth admiring,but the person I admire most is Liu Xiang,who is one of the best athletes in our country.His spirit and great determination inspire me most.As far as I know,Liu Xiang liked sports when he was very little.At first his parents wanted him to give it up.However,Liu made up his mind to continue his dream.Besides,he trained very hard.In the end,he set the best record of 12.88 seconds in 110-meter hurdles.His success makes Liu more confident,and now hes eyeing the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.In a word,I am deeply moved by his spirit.We can achieve our goals in life only with this spirit.,The 2nd draft,was crazy about,It is his spirit and great determination that inspire me most.,various sentence patterns(多样化句型),Post-writing2.Group assessment(小组评价)Choose one article and share it in groups of 3.,Rewrite!,If yes,underline with“”.If need improving,underline with“”.,3.Teacher assessment(教师评价)Ill make comments and grade(定档)it.,ASSESSMENT(for 3rd draft)【各档次的给分范围和要求】,The Person I Admire Most In my life there are many people who are really worth admiring,but the person I admire most is Liu Xiang,who is one of the best athletes in our country.It is his spirit and great determination that inspire me most.As far as I know,Liu Xiang was crazy about sports when he was very little.At first his parents wanted him to give it up.However,Liu made up his mind to continue his dream.Besides,he trained very hard.In the end,he keeps the best record of 12.88 seconds in 110-meter hurdles until now.His success makes Liu more confident,and now hes eyeing the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.In a word,I am deeply moved by his spirit.Only with this spirit can we achieve our goals in life.,The 3rd draft,教师评价(定档grade)第五档(很好):13分,Homework:,Gather useful sentences about describing people.2.Hand in the 3rd draft after class!,案例:写作第二课时,关注初稿后的评改,我们对写作评改课的看法,MOOC 慕课,杜克大学(Duke University,简称Blue Devil)创建于1838年,是一所私立的研究型大学。杜克大学前身为三一学院。20132014年美国新闻与世界报道将杜克大学列为全美第7,与麻省理工学院和宾夕法尼亚大学并列。,杜克大学写作专业技巧,课程信息:12周6-8小时周 英语 字幕获得完成课程认证 授课教师Denise Comer通过参与40个互动的教学视频,依次研究、设计、修改4个主要项目:关于专业知识论点的批判性答复;一份视觉影像解说;专家案例分析;专业知识的专栏特稿通过完成分解的小作业,最终完成整个项目,作业包括直接反馈,论坛分享,读书心得报告,同伴审阅,练习测试,投票,讨论及问卷调查。,“将写作过程放在所有课程教学的第一位”。,Our work in this course depends on the exchange of ideas and the cooperative effort of each member of the class.Reading and responding to others work helps you become a stronger writer.,Successful writers regularly discuss their ongoing projects with other writers and readers.,一、得心应手、得意洋洋,我在杜克大学的慕课中完成的第一份作业是题为“I am a writer”的作文原来这份作业明显不难,因为我感觉就是一种随心所欲地表达和回忆曾经自己那么一瞬间想要成为一名 writer及自己做了什么来实现这个伟大的梦想这课程很好入门呀!再次登录时,看到了其他学员的留言,我越发感兴趣,似乎自己写的还真有人阅读,还真有人在跟我互动,我自豪了,我得意了。工作以来,这可是第一次写这么长的文章给这么多的人看,更确切地说,我的虚荣心膨胀了我必须得好好对待这次学习的机会。“不能落后”是我的第一目标。,二、挫败连连,苦不堪言,我正式完成的第一份作业是对著名作家兼记者Daniel Coyle的“The Talent Code”chapter 1进行Critical Review。当然阅读就是第一步了。可我万万没有想到文章有29页的内容,盯着电脑才看了一页,脑子晕眩,眼睛冒金星。在我面前的这文章生词量大,专有名词多,涉及领域广,文化背景不同,林林总总的因素让我无法顺利阅读,更谈不上理解了。总之,阅读过程中,我倍受打击,苦恼自己好“弱”老外的网站没有一定的英语底子,真的连在哪里交作业都不知道,第一次看到老外很认真地对我的文章进行指点时,我很激动,很高兴。这样我们一来一回,就讨论起来了。挫败感稍稍受到了安抚,三、心有余力力不足、举步维艰,我在没有完全弄明白文章的情况下,写得Critical Review在接下来的日子里,我看了网站上许多其他学员的文章,好是羡慕嫉妒狠,不仅言之有物,还言之有理。好难哦!我感觉未来好渺茫.,An excellent project will meet the following criteria,showing that you can:,connect your area of expertise to a current eventmake a point about this current eventwrite in a style and manner appropriate for effective op-eds organize the op-ed clearlywrite conciselyuse active or passive voice as is appropriatecreate an effective opening and closingedit and proofread carefullyinclude an effective title,“体验英语写作教学资源平台”(Teaching Resource Program,简称“TRP”系统)十一五”国家级规划教材建设项目,基于数字化、资源化、平台化、分级式、多元化、自主化、个性化理念的训练系统。涵盖了资源建设、平台构建、写作学习、句型练习、语法测验、作文评分、写作研究、评语生成等几个方面的数字化,突破了单一的传统课堂写作教学模式。体验英语写作教学资源平台 杨永林 著高等教育出版社,体验英语写作教学 杨永林 著高等教育出版社,作文评分六步曲“TRP”系统学生端(光盘版)作文保存入库分析对比评分,Writing Tips:1,Regular writing Problem:in many EFL classes it is relegated to homework or classes devoted to writing.The first tip is to include a“bit”of writing into your regular classes.,Writing Tips:2,Giving the writing a purposeProblem:writing is done“cold”,in“real”life this isnt the case.Writing is normal in response to something else whether it be another piece of writing(i.e.answering a letter),a conversation(i.e.taking notes during a telephone conversation),or after reading something(i.e.replying to a job advert).Try to make the writing as realistic as possible,Writing Tips:3,Fitting listening,speaking and reading into your writing classProblem:boringBreak the writing upTalk about the topic,read about it,develop role plays from the situations etc.,Writing Tips:4,Its finishedIn a way a piece of writing should never be finished.The more you can reuse a piece of writing the better.Students writing:a starting point for a future lesson(either for discussion)or to be responded to with another piece of writing.,Writing Tips:5 Marking,Usually:marking mistakes(which are often seen as spelling,punctuation or grammar)in red pen Respond to the content and style with questions makes the student think about what they have written and give them a need to write again responding to your questions.,Writing Tips:,1.Regular writing2.Giving the writing a purpose3.Fitting listening,speaking and reading into your writing class4.It shall never be finished5.Marking,Objectives Review,1.了解写作的本质2.明确自己的