希腊神话,Greek myth,Zeus:Zeus is the king of all gods,and rules the sky.He is in charge of lighting and thunder,and is also called the god of thunder.Zeus is a lenchy god and has many illegitimate children.He can be symbolised as an lanneret.宙斯(Zeus):万神之王,主管天空。希腊神话中的至高神,掌握雷电,所以又被称为雷神,性格极为好色,私生子无数。象征物是雄鹰,Hera:Hera is Zeuss sister and wife.She is in charge of marriage and reproduction and protects married women.Hera is elegant and beautiful.She can be symbolised as a peacock 赫拉(Hera):宙斯的姐姐和妻子;她主管婚姻和生育,是妇女的保护神;赫拉气质高雅,容颜美丽,象征为孔雀,Ares:Ares is the god of war,and is the son of Zeus and Hera.He is ruthless,cheaty,hot-headed and unreasonable.阿瑞斯(Ares):战神,宙斯和赫拉所生。是凶残、狡诈、冲动、非理性的,Athena:Athena is the goddess of wisdom and war.She is the daughter of Zeus and Metis.She is brave,strong,yet kind and loving.However,she does hold grudges easily and does not want anyone to be stronger than her.雅典娜(Athena):智慧及战争女神,是宙斯与墨提斯的女儿,她勇敢、强大而又善良、仁慈,不过有时略有些小心眼,不愿别人比她强。,Hermes:Hermes is the messanger,and is the smartest god on Mt.Olympus.He has two wings on his feet and flies at a high speed.赫耳墨斯(Hermes):神使,是奥林匹斯山上最机灵的神。脚生双翼,速度如飞,Apollo:Apollo is the god of archery,art,science,justice,lighting.He was also once the god of the Sun 阿波罗(Apollo):射术、艺术、科学的保护神,公正的惩罚神,闪光之神,原先还是太阳神,Aphrodite(Venus):Venus is the god of love and beauty.Myrtle is her Holly Tree and pigeons is her favourite bird.She also likes swans and sparrows.阿芙洛狄忒(维纳斯):希腊神话中的爱神、美神,桃金娘是她的圣树,鸽子是她的爱鸟。天鹅和麻雀也很受宠。,波塞冬Poseidon 德墨忒尔Demeter 阿尔忒弥斯Artemis 赫菲斯托斯Hephaestus 狄俄尼索斯Dionysus 哈迪斯(冥王)Hades 赫斯提亚Hestia,There are many love stories in Greek and roman mythology.such as.,Cupid and Psyche 丘比特与普绪客Diana and Actaeon 戴安娜与亚克托安Penelope and Odysseus 佩内洛普与奥德斯修.,The most impresses us is the story about,Apollo and Daphne,阿波罗和达芙妮的爱情故事,Daphne was Apollos first love.It was not brought about by accident,but the malice of Cupid.The Roman sun god,Apollo,was famous for his archery skills.One afternoon,Apollo came across Cupid playing with his bow and arrows.Apollo had recently defeated a giant snake and was feeling very powerful and confident.”What have you to do with warlike weapons,little boy?”Apollo asked Cupid.You might hurt yourself!Why dont you run along and leave the weapons to someone who knows how to use them?Apollos taunts upset Cupid,who stood up and took two different arrows from his quiver.The first was made of gold and had a sharp tip.The person struck by this arrow would immediately fall in love.,有一次,阿波罗看到小爱神丘比特正拿着弓箭玩。他毫不客气地警告丘比特说:“喂!弓箭是很危险的东西,小孩子不要随便拿来玩。”原来小爱神丘比特有两支十分特别的箭:凡是被他用那支黄金制成的利箭射到的人,心中会立刻燃起恋爱的热情;要是被另外一支铅做的钝箭射到的人,就会十分厌恶爱情。丘比特被阿波罗这么一说,心里很不服气。他趁着阿波罗不注意的时候,“嗖”的一声把爱情之箭射向阿波罗,阿波罗心中立刻燃起了爱情的火焰。正巧这时,来了一名叫达夫妮的美丽少女。调皮的丘比特把那支铅制的钝箭射向达夫妮,被射中的达夫妮,立刻就变得十分厌恶爱情。,.The second,however,was not sharp,and it had a tip of lead.The person struck by it would not be able to stand even the thought of love.You may be able to hit any target you choose with your arrows,Apollo,but I shall strike you with mine!”Cupid said,raising his bow.Cupid shot the golden arrow straight through Apollos heart,and the lead arrow struck the beautiful Daphne,daughter of the river god Peneus.From then on,Apollo was madly in love with Daphne.Because of Cupids arrow,Daphne rejected love completely and refused all suitors.She was only interested in running around in the woods and never thought of marriage.,这时候被爱情之箭射中的阿波罗已经深深地爱上了达夫妮,于是他立刻对达夫妮表达自己的爱慕之情。可是达夫妮却很不高兴的说:“走开!我讨厌爱情!离我远一点!”说着就像羚羊似的往山谷里飞奔而去。可是阿波罗对于追求达夫妮并不灰心,他拿着竖琴,弹奏出优美的曲子。不论谁听到阿波罗的琴声,都会情不自禁的走到他面前聆听他的演奏。躲在深山里的达夫妮也听到了这优美的琴声,也不知不觉地陶醉了。“哪儿来的这么动人的琴声?我要看看是谁在弹奏。”说着,达夫妮早已经被琴声迷住了,走向了阿波罗。躲在一块大石头后面弹着竖琴的阿波罗立刻跳了出来,走上前要拥抱达夫妮。,She was only interested in running around in the woods and never thought of marriage.Although Daphne wanted nothing to do with Apollo,he was still affected by Cupids arrow and chased after her.Slow down!he called.“I am not the enemy.I am in love with you!”However,like a rabbit fleeing a wolf,she always kept one step ahead of him.To her,love and marriage were like punishments.After a while,though,Daphne grew tired and could run no more.Oh,Father,help me change my form!she called out to Peneus as Apollo gained on her.,达夫妮看到阿波罗,拔腿就跑。阿波罗在后面苦苦追赶,并且大声叫喊:“我又不是你的仇人,也不是凶猛的野兽,更不是无理取闹的莽汉,你为什么要躲着我呢?”尽管阿波罗在后面不停的对达夫妮呼喊,达夫妮仍然当作没听到,继续向前飞奔。不过达夫妮跑的再快,也跑不过阿波罗。跑了好一阵子,达夫妮已经跑的筋疲力尽,上气不接下气。最后,她倒在地上,眼看着阿波罗就要追上了,达夫妮急得大叫:“救命啊!救命啊!”这时候,河神听见了达夫妮的求救声,立刻用神力把她变成了一颗月桂树。只见达夫妮的秀发变成了树叶,手腕变成了树枝,两条腿变成了树干,两只脚和脚趾变成了树根,深深地扎入了泥土中。,All of a sudden,Daphnes feet became rooted to the ground,and her body turned into the trunk of a laurel tree.Her arms became its branches and her hair the leaves.Apollo finally stood before her,touched her bark,and kissed her leaves.Since you cannot be my wife,you shall always be my tree.I will wear you for my crown,and your leaves will be woven into wreaths for triumphant Romans.“To this day,the laurel wreath remains a symbol of the highest honor and victory,阿波罗看到了懊悔万分,他很伤心的抱着月桂树哭泣,可是月桂树却不停的摇动。虽然达夫妮已经变成了月桂树,但是阿波罗依然爱着她。阿波罗凝视着月桂树,痴情的说:“你虽然没能成为我的妻子,但是我会永远的爱着你。我要用你的枝叶做我的桂冠,用你的木材做我的竖琴,并用你的花装饰我的弓。同时我要赐你永远的年轻,不会衰老。”变成月桂树的达夫妮听了,深深地受到了感动,连连点头,表示谢意。也许是受到了阿波罗的祝福,月桂树终年常绿,是一种深受人们喜爱的植物。,The End!,Thank you!,