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    饼状图作文I饼状图作文写作注意的要点:百分数所表达的意义及正确的表达法:如“20%的人认为广告植入可以接受。”的英语表达法为:20%people(20%of the people)think/hold the opinion that the product placement is acceptable.2.饼状图往往是对一种社会现象的看法,所以往往用现在时来描述。而许多学生用错了时态例文(苏州二检卷:春晚广告范文)The 2010 Spring Festival Gala has set records for TV commercial rates,which accordingly has caused heated discussion due to product placement in the programs.As is shown in the pie chart,20%of the people surveyed think it acceptable,for the product,placement appears in the programs naturally.And 15%of them consider it necessary for CCTV to make money from product placement,which is of great benefit to the development of CCTV itself.However,among the people surveyed,more than one third of them complain that the product placement has nothing to do with the programs.25%of them even feel hurt seeing so much of it.Furthermore,the rest 10%hold the view that great harm has been done to the image of CCTV.From the chart we can draw a conclusion that most of the people surveyed are against product placement in the programs.In my opinion,product placement nowadays is almost unavoidable,but it should not damage the art of the show and should take the audiences feelings into account.,II学生佳句、佳作:导入话题:As the pie chart shows,different people have/hold different opinions towards the product placement.By analyzing the pie chart,we can come to a conclusion that different people have/hold different opinions towards the product placement.According to/From the pie chart,we can draw a conclusion that most people are against this practice.,百分数所表达的意义及正确的表达法15%of the people have the view that this action can cater to the need of the development of CCTV,but 10%of the people think quite differently that the product placement can do harm to the image of CCTV.Besides,25%of the people think there are too many advertisements placed during the performances and they have nothing to do with/have no relation to the programs,which makes audience feel annoyed.On the contrary,20%of the people conveyed think it is natural to place advertisements.描述不错,但思路混乱。,20%people think that it is natural to play advertise-ments during the performances,which will not do harm to the performances.15%people hold the opinion that it can satisfy the needs of the development of CCTV.However,every coin has two sides.30%people think that the advertisements have no connection with the performances and 25%of the people point out that too many advertisements make the performances boring,which will make the audience lose interest in it.In addition,10%people think this practice does damage to the image of CCTV.,个人观点:As far as I am concerned,the disadvantages of the product placement outweigh the advantages of it.There is no doubt that the commercial advertisements will bring great profits to CCTV.But no one can deny the fact that it will change the meaning of the Spring Festival Gala.Meanwhile,it can ruin the image of CCTV.2.As far as I am concerned,the product placement shouldnt appear in the programs.Although CCTV can make plenty of money through the practice,they shouldnt ignore the negative effects due to the product placement.CCTV represents China so they must know that a good image is more important than profit in a long run.,佳作:The 2010 Spring Festival Gala has set records for TV commercial rates,which accordingly has caused heated discussion due to product placement in the programs.As is shown in the pie chart,different people hold different opinions towards the practice.Some people are in favor of this kind of practice.About 15%people hold the opinion that it is needed for the development of Gala.Another 20%think it natural to place advertisements in the programs,which does not affect peoples interest in the performance to a degree.,However,others hold the opposite opinion.10%people think this kind of phenomenon does do great harm to the image of CCTV.Besides,15%of the conveyed complain there are too many advertisements,which will make the Spring Festival Gala boring.The other 30 percent of the people consider that the advertisements are not related to the programs.As far as I am concerned,as a saying goes,every coin has two sides,this practice has both advantages and disadvantages.On the one hand,it can make some products famous and bring considerable profits.On the other hand,it may have a negative effect on peoples interest,so more attention should be paid to the product placement.,


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