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    1,第三章 英译汉的层次 词语的翻译,2,英汉词义的对比,3,英语词汇意义在汉语里的对应程度,完全对应部分对应缺乏对应交叉对应,4,完全对应,The Pacific Ocean 太平洋Asia 亚洲(亚细亚)helicopter 直升飞机nuclear weapons 核武器intellectual property rights 知识产权 the Middle East crisis 中东危机 trading partners 贸易伙伴,5,假完全对应,sour milkeat ones words盐水方便面课题测验战火扩大强硬政策,变质发酸了的牛奶,承认自己说错话,salt solution,instant noodles,pop-quiz,the(flame of)war spread,tough policies,溶解,6,部分对应,parentunclesister marriagemorning gunfilm,父亲或母亲叔叔,舅舅姐、妹娶,嫁早晨,上午枪,炮胶卷(一般),影片(个别),7,vinegar 不高兴,坏脾气 醋 妒忌,8,西方:Love me love my dog 爱屋及乌He is a lucky dog 他是个幸运的人Every dog has his day 凡人皆有得意日 中国:狗腿子、狼心狗肺、狗改不了吃屎 Give a dog a bad name.一旦加给某人一个坏名声,他就会永远洗不清,9,cricket 蟋蟀 昨夜寒蜇不住鸣,惊回千里梦,已三更。(岳飞),10,缺乏对应,红卫兵 red guard radical guard饺子 dumpling jiaozi 馒头 steamed buns mantou 龙 dragon如:to sow dragons teeth播下不和的种子,11,telecommuterwoopieplumber,在自己家中借助现代电讯手段与公司或客户保持联系,而无需去公司办公的上班族。,富有的老年消费者,五角大楼文件泄密事件后白宫设立的专门特工机构。原义为“管子工”,用以指特工,是借用其防漏、堵漏的功能。现指美国调查政府雇员泄密事件的特工。,12,American Dreamcheesecakebeefcakeblue boypink lady,指美国标榜的立国精神:人人自由和机会均等,半裸体或露出曲线美的女人照片,男子健美照片,指经过变性手术,由男性转变成女性的人.,一种鸡尾酒,13,交叉对应,light music 轻音乐(light=intended chiefly to entertain)light loss 轻微的损失(light=not heavy)light heart 轻松的心情(light=relaxed)light car 轻便汽车(light=having little weight)light step 轻快的步伐(light=gentle)light manners 轻浮的举止(light=frivolous)light outfit 轻巧的设备(light=handy)light work 轻松的工作(light=requiring little effort)light voice 轻柔的声音(light=soft),14,soft drink(饮料)soft ware(软件)soft light(柔和的光)soft music(轻音乐)soft fire(文火)soft voice(轻声低语)soft heart(好心肠)softball(垒球)soft money(纸币),15,He is so strong.The wine is rather strong.The rope is strong enough.The proposal only met strong objections.提议遭到强烈反对。,他很壮。,这酒劲还挺大。,绳子够结实的。,16,Translate:,She wore dark glasses and a thick jersey.她戴着深色的墨镜,穿着一件厚毛衣。The girl wears the slimness of her mother.这女孩像她的母亲一样苗条。I will wear his love in my hearts core forever.我将永远把他的爱深藏心底。,17,总的说来,中国的文化是向模糊、朦胧及总体的方向走,而西方的文化则是向准确与具体的方向走。(杨振宁),18,酒胡子出入请下车夜来风雨声,wine beer spirit liquor glutinous rice wine,beaver,moustache,whiskers,beard,No cycling at the gate.Cyclists please dismount.,storm shower rain,19,词义的选择,根据词性选择词义根据词义的抽象或具体、一般或个别选择词义根据词义的褒贬选择词义根据词语使用的语体选择词义根据搭配关系选择词义,20,根据词性选择词义,I saw a saw saw a sea-saw in a saw-mill.我曾在锯木厂看到一把锯子在锯跷跷板。Communication net 通讯网(名词)Net profit 纯利,净利(形容词)The sale netted the company a fat profit.这次买卖使公司净赚了一大笔。(动词),21,(1)The rain had cleaned the air.雨后空气新鲜。(名词)(2)Dont air your troubles too often.别老是诉苦。(动词),22,根据词义的抽象或具体、一般或个别选择词义,Every life has its roses and thorns.生活有甜有苦。Rich and powerful,he always goosesteps on the street.他有钱有势,在街上总是耀武扬威,横行霸道。He preferred the products of old brand to the new flashy.他宁可要老牌产品,而不要质量差的新产品。(抽象-具体)She said,He is a lightly discriminating man.她说,“他是个有点挑剔的买主。(一般-个别),虚饰的,23,根据词义的褒贬选择词义,Mao Zedong showed his great ambitions even when he was very young.毛泽东在很年轻时就显露出他的雄心大志。Hitlers ambition to overran the whole Europe and the whole world was seen clearly.希特勒要征服整个欧洲乃至全世界的狼子野心暴露无遗。We are proud of our motherland.我们为我们的祖国而自豪。He is so proud that he always look down upon all his classmates.他十分傲慢,看不起所有同学。,24,根据词语使用的语体选择词义,语体:语言随着语境的不同而产生的变体,即语言的使用者会随着语境的不同选用不同的语言表达意义。选词要符合原文的语体,符合说话人的身份。,25,(1)Grasp all,lose all.如果你样样都要抓,就会一样都抓不到。改:样样抓,样样失。(2)Apply sunscreen liberally(at least one large handful)about 30 minutes before going outside.涂抹防晒油时要大方(至少要满满一把),涂抹约30分钟后方可外出。改:应该足量使用防晒霜(至少满满一把),且在外出前30分钟使用。(3)Many of these fine products are in stock,ready for your order.这许多优质产品有现货,准备你来订货。改:多种优质产品备有现货,欢迎订购。,26,(4)“爸爸,妈妈,你们也买钱罐存钱吧。你们没钱了,罐子就会把肚肚里的钱掏出来给你们的。”“Daddy,Mummy,please buy a piggie for yourselves.When you have no more money,the piggie will open its tummy and give you money.”,27,end,末端;结束,业务(部),28,a.语体标记,(1)Ladies and gentlemen,we take great pleasure in presenting for today discussion on the range of appropriateness in American English two distinguished scholars in the field,first,Roger W.Shuy,the eminent sociolinguist,Director of the Sociolinguistics Program of Georgetown University(2)Welcome to todays program,Varieties of American English-Stylistic Differences.Your hosts are two well-known sociolinguists,Dr.Roger Shuy of Georgetown University and the Center for Applied Linguistics,and Dr.Dennis Preston,from the State University of New York College of Fredonia.(3)Hello,today were going to hear from Roger Shuy from Washington,D.C.,and Dennis Preston,from Fredonia,New York,about the language change in different times and(4)Hi,heres Roger&Dennis to talk to you about the way we use different words in different ways,称呼(vocatives)由繁趋简;遣词(diction)由正式到随意;造句(sentence formation)由长到短;语法(grammar)由繁复到简单。,杰出的;闻名的,29,a.Formal version:It has been noted with concern that the stock of books in the library has been declining alarmingly.Students are requested to remind themselves of the rules of the borrowing and retuning of books,and to bear in mind the needs of other students.Penalties for overdue books will in the future be strictly enforced.b.Less formal version:The number of books in the library has been going down.Please make sure you know the rules for borrowing,and dont forget that the library is for everyones convenience.So from now on,we are going to enforce the rules strictly.You have been warned!比较分析:,译文比较:查本馆藏书锐减。学生当不忘本馆书籍流通之规则和他人之需。逾期不归还者当受严罚。b.图书馆的书籍最近大量减少,请大家牢记借书的规定,不要忘记图书馆是为大众提供方便的场所。因此,从现在起我们将更严格地执行规定。特此警告!,30,c.语体与翻译,语域,话语范围(field of discourse),:谈话题材(如政治、科技、文学、宗教、家庭事物等),话语体式(tenor of discourse),:语言的正式程度(如超正式体、正式体、亲密体、随便体等),话语方式(mode of discourse),:语言交际的形式(如书面形式或口头形式)。,31,谈话题材用词倾向(深浅难易、俚俗高雅)、句式特点(简繁变化)、修辞手段、表意方式、句段安排,32,话语体式正式程度(formality)五个等级:刻板体(frozen style),用于专业书卷语或庄严的演说、宗教仪式等;正式体(formal style),用于正式演说、发言等;询议体(consultative style),属于中间性标准语体;随便体(casual style),用于友人、熟人间的谈话;亲密体(intimate style),用于最熟悉的人之间的谈话。quaff,imbibe,drink,swig,guzzle,33,When his dad died,Pete had to get another job.老皮他爹一死,他只好换个事干。After his fathers death,Peter had to change his job.他父亲死后,彼得不得不改变一下工作。On the decease of his father,Mr.Brown was obliged to seek alternative employment.父亲亡故(逝世,谢世)之后,布朗先生必须另谋职业。,34,(1)Good bye,Mr.Martin.(2)See ye later,Mom!(3)OK,man,I gotta split.,再见,马丁老师。,回头见,妈。,好了,伙计,我得走了。,35,话语方式,(1)“Now,Clara,be firm with the boy!”“哎,克拉拉,对那个男孩立场要坚定。”改译:“哎,克拉拉,对那小子可不能心软。”(或“哎,克拉拉,你可不能总由着那孩子。”)(2)“You have roused my curiosity,and now you must gratify it.”“你激起了我的好奇心,现在你可不能再把我蒙在鼓里了。”改译:“你吊起了我的胃口,现在你可不能再卖关子了。”,书面语,口 语,使满足;使满意,36,Examples of Chinese stylistic synonyms,37,Examples of English stylistic synonyms with their translations,38,Examples of English words with their Chinese stylistic synonyms,39,Read the following passage with the formal words in the brackets:An important law(principle)was first discovered by Archimedes,a scientist who died over 2000 years ago.He watched and noticed(observed)that the water in his bath overflowed when he got in,and this made him think about(led him to consider)water being pushed aside(displacement of water)by solid bodies.,40,Comparison of Translated Sentences,Whoever tries to twist you up,may the end of his nose take a twist.谁要是想捉弄你,谁的鼻子尖就会弄歪。谁要是捉弄你,就叫谁的鼻子尖儿歪了。谁骗你,谁就不得好死。Either a flat“yes”or a flat“no”-go back where you came from.要就要,不要就拉倒你请便吧。要么干脆说“行”,要么干脆说“不行”,要不然,你从什么地方来还是回到什么地方去吧。干脆说“行”或者“不行”-否则你哪里来就回哪里去。,41,3.Ignore it as you ignore the cold of last winter.管他们干什么?他们的话,当作耳边风好了。别理睬它,就像你不理睬去年冬天的寒冷那样。你别去理他,就像别理上一个冬天有多冷一样。4.They confused me so that I didnt know the big end from the small.我连粗细大小都分不清了。他们把我搞得不知东西南北了。他们使我真假不分。5.Otherwise they can kiss my you-know-what.否则,让他们来吻我的那个玩意儿。不然的话,就让他们来吻我的那个吧。不然,他们就来舔本姑娘的屁股。,Comparison of Translated Sentences,42,6.If I slapped someone hed see all the way to Cracow.要是我打人一拳,就会把他打到克拉科夫去。如果我打任何人一记耳光,他就会给我打到西天去。要是我扇谁一巴掌,准会把他扇到克拉科夫去。7.If my mother had known of it shed have died a second time.如果我妈妈知道,她一定会气得从棺材里跳出来。如果我的母亲知道这件事,她会再死一次。我母亲要是有知,她会再一次死去。,Comparison of Translated Sentences,43,Drills1.Studies serve for delight,for ornament,and for ability.Their chief use for delight,is in privateness and retiring;for ornament,is in discourse;and for ability,is in the judgment and disposition of business.(Francis Bacon:Of Studies,1597)读书足以怡情,足以博彩,足以长才。其怡情也,最见于独处幽居之时;其博彩也,最见于高谈阔论之中;其长才也,最见于处世判事之际。读书使人感觉快乐,使人富有光彩,使人增长才干。其快乐之处,主要在于独处休闲之时;其光彩之处,主要显于社交交谈之时;其才干之处,主要见于判断处事之时。,44,2.“Well,hows the Chief?Im glad to see you looking so well.”“I never felt better,De Sota.And how are you?Ready for any fate?”“Well,you ought to know,Chief.Ive been standing by.Its whatever you say with me.”“I know that,De Sota,”replied Cowperwood,smiling,“I have something I wangt you to undertake for me.I sent for you,De Sota,because I need reliability and secrecy,and I know youre the man.”“Thanks,Chief,”he said,“You know Id go to hell for you any time.”(Th.Dreiser)“噢,老总,您好吗?看到您的气色这样好,真高兴。”“我比什么时候都好,德索托。您好吗?准备碰碰什么运气吗?”“是啊,您应该知道的,老总。我一直在准备听您的命令,随你吩咐好啦。”“我知道,德索托,”柯帕乌笑着回答,“我有事奉托。我所以请你来,德索托,因为我需要可靠和机密,我知道你正是这样的一个人!”“谢谢,老总,”他说,“您知道,随便什么时候,我都愿意为您赴汤蹈火的。”,45,“啊,上司您好?看到您玉体康健,我很高兴。”“我从来没有比现在更好了,德索托。你也好吗?为任何的命运准备好了吗?”“哎,您应该知道,上司。我一直在等候着。您说什么我必定照办。”“我知道这个,德索托,”柯帕乌回答,笑着,“我有些事情要您为我承担。我请你来,德索托,因为我需要可靠性和秘密性,我知道你就是这种人!”“谢谢,上司,”他说,“您知道,我愿意为您在任何时候抛头洒血,牺牲一切。”,46,Some words have the same basic meanings,but differ in collocation.That is,they have different collocation meanings.For example:“sense”and“meaning”“John is a man of sense”“John is a man of meaning”,根据搭配关系选择词义,47,One problem with collocation in translation is that,very often what is good collocation in English may not be so when translated into Chinese,or vice versa.For instance,“pretty”and“handsome”“a handsome car“英俊的车子”Thus in English-Chinese translation,a translator must ensure that the version is idiomatic or collocatively acceptable in Chinese.,根据搭配关系选择词义,48,Every language has its own usage and collocations.In many cases,literal translation of the usage or collocation of a language renders the translated version ridiculous if not unintelligible.A translator should know that proper words in proper places make the true definition of a style.,根据搭配关系选择词义,49,根据搭配关系选择词义,lost lost laborlost generationa lost arta lost opportunity,徒劳迷惘的一代失传的艺术错过的机会,50,.yet,as it sometimes happens that a person departs his life,who is really deserving of the praises the stone-cutter curves over his bones;who is good Christian,a good parent,child,wife or husband;who actually does have a disconsolate family to mourn his loss;.不过偶然也有几个死人当得起石匠刻在他们朽骨上的好话。真的是虔诚的教徒,慈爱的父母,孝顺的儿女,贤良的妻子,尽职的丈夫,他们家里的人也的确哀思绵绵地追悼他们。,哀伤的;忧郁的,为哀悼,51,rural America 美国农村a new international economic order 国际经济新秩序,52,Assignment:翻译下列词组,注意词义的搭配,1.cut wheat 2.cut bread 3.cut ones nails 4.cut ones hair 5.dry weather 6.dry party 7.dry speech 8.black coffee 9.black mood 10.black scientist,割麦子,切面包,修指甲,理发,干燥的天气,无酒的聚会,枯燥的演说,清咖啡,低落的情绪,黑人科学家,53,Feedback,


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