Listening and speaking,Reading,Grammar,Writing,Culture express,Content,Pronunciation and listening skills,Conversations,Passage,Listening and speaking,Pronouncing fricatives properly,The pronunciations of the fricatives(摩擦音)in each group are difficult to distinguish.Listen carefully and check()the words you hear.Then read these words and try to make clear their differences.,1 few view,3 fine vine,5 rice rise,7 sick thick,9 mouse mouth,2 safe save,4 bath bathe,6 bus buzz,8 sing thing,10 breeze breathe,Tips,/f/和/v/f/和/v/是唇齿音。发/f/时,上齿轻轻咬住下唇内侧,将气流从唇齿的缝隙间轻轻吹出来;/v/的发音和/f/大致相同,发此音时,上齿轻轻咬住下唇内侧,再用力将气从唇齿的缝隙中吹出来,但需要振动声带。/和/和/是齿间音。发/时,双唇微开,舌头伸出来,上下齿轻咬住舌尖,将气流从牙齿的缝隙中吹出来。发/时,双唇微开,上下齿轻咬住舌尖,让气流尽量被上下齿堵住,只允许少量气体从牙齿缝隙中吹出来,同时振动声带发出声音。,Pronouncing fricatives properly,Tips,/s/和/z/是齿龈音。发/s/时,舌尖及舌中靠近上齿龈,其间形成窄缝,气流从窄缝中流出,摩擦成音,但只送气不振动声带;发/z/和发/s/时的舌形和口形相同,不同的是发此音时声带需要振动,但不送气。,Pronouncing fricatives properly,Conversations,Conversation 1,Conversation 2,Functional language,Exercises,Exercises,Functional language,What do you know about Jason?,1.Listen to a conversation and complete the following sentences with what you hear.,Conversation 1-Expressing satisfaction,He gets a lot of 4)_ at work.,He is 1)_ with his work as usual.,He works in one of the worlds 2)_ companies,which is quite demanding.,Hes been working in this company for 3)_ years.,busy,top 500,over two,fun,1 He has a big office.,2.Listen again and check()the reasons why Jason feels satisfied with his present job.,2 He is well-paid.,3 His boss is open-minded.,Conversation 1-Expressing satisfaction,4 His colleagues are helpful.,5 His job provides good opportunities for promotion.,6 There is not much pressure at his work.,Jason:Anna:Jason:Anna:Jason:Anna:Jason:Anna:Jason:Anna:,Hi,Anna,hows it going?Not too bad.I havent seen you for some time.What have you been doing lately,Jason?Same as usual,Im still busy with my work.You know,working in one of the worlds top 500 companies is quite demanding.How long have you been working in this company?Over two years.Are you satisfied with your present job?Yes,I am quite pleased with it.I have a big office,some helpful colleagues,and an open-minded boss.There is nothing to complain about.It seems that you have a lot of fun at work.Yes,its just what I wanted from work.You are really lucky!,Scripts,Conversation 1-Expressing satisfaction,3.Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations.You may refer to the Functional Language.,(Sample),(Sample),Conversation 1-Expressing satisfaction,Ann:Betty:Ann:Betty:Ann:Betty:Ann:,Hi,Betty!How was your dinner last night?Great!My friend and I like it very much.Thanks for your recommendation.Oh,really?Could you tell me why you like it?The restaurant is filled with a cozy atmosphere and it is quite relaxing to be there.Yes,I have the same feeling with you.Moreover,the food is very delicious and the service is pretty good.Yeah,I totally agree with you.,Role play-Sample conversation,Situation 1,Conversation 1-Expressing satisfaction,Ann:Brown:Ann:Brown:Ann:Brown:Ann:,Good morning,Professor Brown.Good morning.I have just finished a painting.Could you please take a look at it?Sure.Hmm,this is a very satisfying one.I like it very much.Really?Why do you say so?It shows your personality and can arouse the viewers imagination.Im glad to see the improvement in your painting,Ann!Thank you very much!,Role play-Sample conversation,Situation 2,Conversation 1-Expressing satisfaction,Functional Language,Conversation 1-Expressing satisfaction,1.Listen to a conversation and decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).,Jack isnt satisfied with his present work.,T,F,T,The sales goal is always possible for Jack to achieve.,Miss Green enjoys picking on Jack.,Conversation 2-Expressing dissatisfaction,2.Listen again and match the people in Column A with the information in Column B.,Conversation 2-Expressing dissatisfaction,Jack,Jane,Miss Green,Jane:Jack:Jane:Jack:Jane:Jack:Jane:Jack:Jane:,You dont look very cheerful.Whats the matter,Jack?Oh,nothing special,Jane.Im just a bit fed up.With your job?Arent you satisfied with your present work?No,Im under a lot of pressure at work.My boss always wants me to increase sales.Sometimes the sales goal is almost impossible to achieve.Im not pleased with it.I used to feel stressed out like you but I managed to find some time to jog every morning.It did work.Maybe I should try it.But you know,I am very busy.The work here is really tiring.Cheer up!Maybe being busy means there are more opportunities for a promotion.I hope so.But Miss Green,my boss,enjoys picking on me.I really cant stand it.Stop dwelling on it.Think about the positive side of your work and you will feel better then.,Scripts,Conversation 2-Expressing dissatisfaction,3.Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations.You may refer to the Functional Language.,(Sample),(Sample),Conversation 2-Expressing dissatisfaction,Ann:Betty:Ann:Betty:Ann:Betty:Ann:,Hi,Betty.Hi,Ann.It seems you are not in a good mood.Whats wrong?I dont really like living in the dorm.I wish I could move into an apartment and live on my own.What happened?The dorm is too crammed and noisy.I just cant stand it.I see.What you said is true.But it is fun to live with your friends and classmates.Besides,its safer and more convenient to live in the dorm.You are right.Thanks for talking with me.,Role play-Sample conversation,Situation 1,Conversation 2-Expressing dissatisfaction,Jack:Henry:Jack:Henry:Jack:Henry:,Hi,buddy!You look very down in the mouth.Whats the matter?Im dissatisfied with my performance in the basketball game this afternoon.Oh,what happened?I only got two points.It never happened to me before.Im really disappointed.Come on.Thats just one game.You still have chances in the future.Whats the most important is that you are having fun from playing basketball.I guess you are right.Thank you!,Role play-Sample conversation,Situation 2,Conversation 2-Expressing dissatisfaction,Functional Language,Conversation 2-Expressing dissatisfaction,1.Listen to a passage and complete the following table with what you hear.,Passage,1 Different people have different ideal jobs because everyone has his own interest.,T,F,T,2 The speaker has decided to become a teacher partly because he can earn a lot of money.,3 To the speaker,being a teacher can make him improve with the students.,2.Listen again and answer the following questions by filling in the blanks with what you hear.,Passage,1 For how many reasons does the speaker choose to be a teacher?_.,2 What can the two long vacations offer the speaker?They could offer him a(n)_ for reflection,research,and writing.,3 What kind of opportunity does the job of teaching provide for the speaker?The opportunity to motivate himself to keep on _.,Three,opportunity,learning,There are various kinds of jobs in the world,such as writing,nursing,teaching,and engineering.But different people choose different jobs as their ideal careers.This is because everyone has his own interest.As for me,I have made up my mind to be a teacher.I choose to do so mainly for three reasons:Firstly,I like the pace of the academic calendar.Two long vacations offer me an opportunity for reflection,research,and writing.Secondly,I can have the opportunity to motivate myself to keep on learning.Finally,being around the students who are beginning to change and grow,I can get improvement too.,Scripts,Passage,3.Work in pairs to do the following activities.,Passage,1 Match the jobs with the following pictures.,A scientist,B worker,C singer,D teacher,E reporter,_,_,_,_,_,F football player,_,3.Work in pairs to do the following activities.,Passage,2 Whats your ideal job?Describe it to your partner.,3 List three reasons for your choice.,My ideal job is to be a news reporter.It will offer me opportunities to go to different places to interview different people and report to the audience.,I choose to be a news reporter mainly for three reasons.First,I am always interested in amazing news.Second,I like talking with different people.It can bring me opportunities to communicate with people and get new ideas and thoughts from them.Third,I like traveling.Being a reporter may bring me opportunities to visit different places.,Passage A,Passage B,When I grow up,Football the game of life,Reading,When I grow up,Lead-in,Text study,Exercises,Passage A,Passage A When I grow up,Lead-in,Extended reading,Pre-reading questions,Video appreciation,Overview,Lead-in,-Video appreciation,Passage A When I grow up,Ice Princess,拾荒记 三毛在我的小学时代里,我个人最拿手的功课就是作文和美术。当时,我们全科老师是一个教学十分认真而又严厉的女人。她很少给我们下课,自己也不回办公室去,连中午吃饭的时间,她都舍不得离开我们,我们一面静悄悄的吃便当,一面还得洗耳恭听老师习惯性的骂人。我是常常被指名出来骂的一个。一星期里也只有两堂作文课是我太平的时间。也许老师对我的作文实在是有些欣赏,她常常忘了自己叫骂我时的种种可厌的名称,一上作文课,就会说:“三毛,快快写,写完了站起来朗诵。”有一天老师出了一个每学期都会出的作文题目,叫我们好好发挥,并且说:“应该尽量写得有理想才好。”等到大家都写完了,下课时间还有多,老师坐在教室右边的桌上低头改考卷,顺口就说:“三毛,站起来将你的作文念出来。”,Lead-in,-Extended reading,Passage A When I grow up,小小的我捧了簿子大声朗读起来。“我的志愿 我有一天长大了,希望做一个拾破烂的人,因为这种职业,不但可以呼吸新鲜的空气,同时又可以大街小巷的游走玩耍,一面工作一面游戏自由快乐得如同天上的飞鸟。更重要的是,人们常常不知不觉的将许多还可以利用的好东西当作垃圾丢掉,拾破烂的人最愉快的时刻就是将这些蒙尘的好东西再度发掘出来,这”念到这儿,老师顺手丢过来一只黑板擦,打到了坐在我旁边的同学,我一吓,也放下本子不再念了,呆呆的等着受罚。“什么文章嘛!你”老师大吼一声。她喜怒无常的性情我早已习惯了,可是在作文课上对我这样发脾气还是不太常有的。“乱写!乱写!什么拾破烂的!将来要拾破烂,现在书也不必念了,滚出去好了,对不对得起父母”老师又大拍桌子惊天动地的喊。,Lead-in,-Extended reading,Passage A When I grow up,“重写!别的同学可以下课。”她瞪了我一眼便出去了。于是,我又写:“我有一天长大了,希望做一个夏天卖冰棒,冬天卖烤红薯的街头小贩,因为这种职业不但可以呼吸新鲜空气,又可以大街小巷的游走玩耍,更重要的是,一面做生意,一面可以顺便看看,沿街的垃圾箱里,有没有被人丢弃的好东西,这”第二次作文缴上去,老师划了个大红叉,当然又丢下来叫重写。结果我只好胡乱写着:“我长大要做医生,拯救天下万民”。老师看了十分感动,批了个甲,并且说:“这才是一个有理想,不辜负父母期望的志愿。”我那可爱的老师并不知道,当年她那一只打偏了的黑板擦和两次重写的处罚,并没有改悼我内心坚强的信念,这许多年来,我虽然没有真正以拾荒为职业,可是我是拾着垃圾长大的,越拾越专门,这个习惯已经根深蒂固,什么处罚也改不了我。当初胡说的什么拯救天下万民的志愿是还给老师保存了。(节选),-Extended reading,Passage A When I grow up,Lead-in,Pre-reading questions,Passage A When I grow up,1.Match the interest areas in the left column with the possible careers in the right column.,law,sports,music,computers,traveling,What did you dream to be when you were young?And how about now?Do you think you can realize your dream?Why or why not?,Passage A When I grow up,2.Work in groups to discuss the following questions.,Pre-reading questions,Lead-in,We may often be asked by others:What do you want to be when you grow up?What is your dream?The answer is likely to be different at each stage of our life because we are growing and changing all the time.But what is the eternal pursuit of life?On the way to finding the answer,we work hard for our goals,we cooperate with and rely on others,and we learn to appreciate both success and failure,just like in a football game.After going through all these experiences,we might come to the conclusion:Whatever path we may follow in life,happiness is the ultimate destination.,Passage A When I grow up,-Overview,Text study,Organization of the text,Language points,Text reading,Passage A When I grow up,Passage A,When I Grow up,In kindergarten,my class was asked,“What do you want to be when you grow up?”Crayons danced across sheets of paper to illustrate our dream jobs.Our drawings were hung in the hall way for our parents to see at Back to School Night.I remember looking down the line and seeing pictures of ballet dancers dancing,firefighters putting out a big fire,and spacemen leaping across the moonjobs that were seen as typical dreams of five-year-olds.,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,Passage A,My picture showed a stick figure with brown hair holding a bottle of orange juice over something like a counter.Underneath was my hardly readable handwriting:When I grow up,I want to work at the Market Basket because it would be fun to swipe orange juice across the scanner at the checkout counter.To this day my parents wont let me forget that out of everything I could have wished to be,my five-year-old self wished to work at the local grocery store.,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,When I Grow up,_,_,_,_,_,Passage A,When we are young,questions of what we want to be when we grow up are common.Yet we are not expected to respond with an answer that is likely to come true.When we become teens,we are asked the very same question twice as often.The difference is that we are supposed to answer with confidence.As teenagers,we are expected to know exactly what we want to be and how we are going to achieve that goal.Not all of us can be so sure.Even though I am in high school,I cannot answer confidently.But I dont consider that a bad thing.How am I supposed to know what I will want to spend my time doing at age 40?,When I Grow up,_,_,_,_,_,_,Passage A,When I Grow up,When I think about the future,I definitely dont see myself working at the Market Basket,but in reality,if that was what would make me happy,I would do it.So,the next time someone asks me what I want to be when I grow up,I will simply say“happy.”Happiness is a destination for everyone.We may want to take different paths in life,but we all want to be happy wherever we end up.Choose your path,but dont worry too much about whether your choice is right or not.Make a mistake or two and try new things.But always remember:If youre not happy,youre not at the end of your journey yet.,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,Organization of the text,Structure,Part I(Para._),Part II(Para._),Part III(Para._),1-2,3-4,5-6,My uncommon and“foolish”childhood dream job,As teenager,I am not quite confident about the same question.,Whatever career one chooses,happiness is the real destination.,Passage A When I grow up,Crayons danced across sheets of paper to illustrate our dream jobs.,彩色蜡笔在纸上飞舞,描绘着我们梦想的工作。,dance:,二十一世纪见证了许多科学发现和发明。,The twenty-first century sees a lot of scientific discoveries and inventions.,在这里是拟人用法。类似例子还有:,(Line 3,Para.1),Passage A When I grow up,句型:to illustrate our dream jobs,动词不定式做目的状语,是dance的目的。,_,Our drawings were hung in the hall way for our parents to see at Back to School Night.,我们的画被挂在走廊里,好让我们的父母在“返校之夜”可以看到。,(Line 5,Para.1),句型:in:prep.表地点,for:prep.引导逻辑主语,to:to inf.动词不定式表目的,at:prep.表示具体的时间,Passage A When I grow up,I remember looking down the line and seeing pictures of ballet dancers dancing,firefighters putting out a big fire,and spacemen leaping across the moonjobs that were seen as typical dreams of five-year-olds.,我记得放眼望去,有的画上是正在跳舞的芭蕾舞演员,有的是正在扑灭大火的消防员,有的是正在月球上跳跃行走的宇航员,这些工作都是五岁孩子梦想中的工作。,Remember,我记得出门时把灯关了。,I remember turning off the lights when I left home.,remember doing sth.记得做过某事remember to do sth.记得要干某事,(Line 7,Para.1),Passage A When I grow up,请离开时记得关灯。,Please remember to turn off the lights when you leave。,I remember looking down the line and seeing pictures of ballet dancers dancing,firefighters putting out a big fire,and spacemen leaping across the moonjobs that were seen as typical dreams of five-year-olds.,用法相近的单词 1,我在回家的路上停下来买面包。,I stopped to buy bread on the way home.,stop to do 停止,中断做某事后去做另一件事 stop doing 停止正在做的某事,(Line 7,Para.1),Passage A When I grow up,他必须得停止考虑这件事。,He have to stop thinking about it.,I remember looking down the line and seeing pictures of ballet dancers dancing,firefighters putting out a big fire,and spacemen leaping across the moonjobs that were seen