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    How to Maximize Your Experience at My Gym-Parent Orientation美吉姆父母指南,Content 内容,Introduction of our staff 成员介绍Brief Introduction of Gymboree 美吉姆介绍Key points of ECD 早期教育关键Brief introduction of Gymboree class美吉姆课程介绍Parent Guidelines 家长守则Gymboree member benefits 课外活动,Our staff 我们的成员,Center DirectorMarketingCashierService AdministratorsConsultantInstructorCleaner,About My Gym 关于美吉姆,Established in Los Angeles,CA in 1983 1983年成立于美国洛杉矶 27 years professional experience in childrens development field 27年儿童教育领域的专业经验 210+centers in 25 countries and regions around the world 210多个中心遍布全球25个国家和地区,My Gym Global 美吉姆全球,My Gym History美吉姆历史,My Gym was created in 1983 by William Caplin and Yacov&Susi Sherman.美吉姆于1983年由威廉凯普林和 雅可夫/苏西谢尔曼夫妇共同努力合作创立。Utilizing their experience in the fields of sports,dance,early childhood development,kinesiology and gymnastics,they developed a program and facility where children actively participate in a variety of structures,weekly physical education classes to gain social skills and self-esteem.利用在儿童早期教育、运动机能学、体育、舞蹈以及体操领域的专业经验,研发出了一套完整的符合孩子天性的课程体系和教学设备。,What Makes My Gym So Unique 是什么令美吉姆如此与众不同,Scientific program design 科学性 Approved by experts 专业性 Cutting edge research 领先性 Authoritative awards 权威性 Focused efforts 专注性 Inimitable advantages 不可仿制性,My Gym-Best of the Best 美吉姆媒体报道,My Gym has been voted by Parenting Magazines as having the:美吉姆被国内外众多的父母类媒体评为:Best Activity for Preschoolers 最好的学龄前儿童课程 Best Kids Enrichment,Developmental Play Program 最好的儿童课余补充课 Best Childrens Development Play Program 最好的寓教于乐的儿童课程 Best Away-from-Home Birthday Parties最好的家庭外生日会,My Gym Curriculum课程,My Gym 欢动课(6 weeks 8 years old)My Music 音乐课(8 months 5 years old)My Art 艺术课(20 months 6 years old),全美排名第一的儿童运动课程Ranked#1 in Childrens Fitness Program,全美排名第一的儿童运动课程Ranked#1 in Childrens Fitness Program,Basic Concepts of Early Childhood Education 关于早期教育的科学,How Brain Architecture is Shaped,In the proliferation and pruning process,simpler neural connections form first,followed by more complex circuits.The timing is genetic,but early experiences determine whether the circuits are strong or weak.在脑神经的发展分裂和不断修剪的过程中,简单的神经元连接最先形成,然后形成复杂的神经电路。发展的时间是由基因决定的,但儿童早期的体验和经历,决定神经电路的强和弱。,突 触(两个神经元的相接处)-脑神经细胞图,脑神经网络连接发展阶段:60%Development at age 0-3 years old,生时 6岁时 14岁时,The time and quality of early experience combine to shape brain architecture 早期体验的时间和品质决定大脑的结构,Program Outline 课程介绍,Younger Kids Program,Coming InKids can adjust and be comfortable in the new environment and with other people.Helps for kids to focus much better during circle time.Hello SongGreetingFor kids to get comfortable in introducing themselves and talking in front of a group,laying the foundation for older classes.Warm UpGood for children to get more familiar with their body and giving them some ideas on what movement they can do with their bodies.,Younger Kids Program,SongExposes kids to rhythm patterns and steady beat which are the foundation of music DanceDance helps little ones to be more aware of other people Practice SkillsBuilds little ones sense of motion,agility,upper and lower body strength,gross and fine motor skills,improving their blood circulation.,Younger Kids Program,ExploreJust starting to become mobile,gives kids a sense of freedom and also teaches them to decide for themselves.The way kids learn and build all those neural connections in their brain,learn to solve their little problems-stimulates kids to think.AdventureHelp kids develop physically and help kids develop imagination.A lot of social interaction and parallel play(most of the time they do it together at the circle giving them opportunity to play side by side),Younger Kids Program,POIsKids do some skills that helps them develop their coordination,balance,agility,sense of motion,strength to name a few Building confidence and self esteem(sense of accomplishment)Swing/Big Swing/Big DealA bonding time for parents and their kids.Make decision by themselves Develops little ones sense of motion to eliminate motion sickness as they grow old and help little ones develop their depth perception.,Younger Kids Program,Parent Share(Gymsters&Tots)Helps them develop their coordination,balance,fine/gross motor skills,imagination to name a few A good chance to demonstrate parallel play and learn to follow the instructions.SeparationDecreasing separation anxiety,preparing kids for kindergarten little by little.Gives them a chance to interact with other kids,demonstrate parallel play while being independent.,Younger Kids Program,GameFamily bonding Practices little ones ability to follow simple direction especially at this age kids can follow at least 2 to 3 direction.EndingHelps increase their language acquisition.Stimulates little ones imagination.Goodbye SongChildren are given sense of end and also structure.,关于Music Together,1987年成立于美国,拥有23年的历史,遍布全球25个国家和地区,是需要并且真正可以带回家的音乐课程,2010年被My Gym全面引入到中国,My Gym美吉姆音乐课的优势,提供更丰富的音乐体验,多元文化体验,音乐表达模式的多样性体验,丰富的乐器体验,音乐风格的多样性,是需要 并且真正可以带回家的音乐课,My Gym美吉姆音乐课的优势,What is,全美最大、最具综合性的儿童美术教育课程全美唯一符合国家视觉艺术教育标准的儿童美术教育课程。Abrakadoodle成立于2002年,是美国最大的综合性艺术教育公司,专门为20个月到12岁的孩子提供广泛的视觉艺术教育。Abrakadoodle极富想象力的课程由艺术家和教育专家研发设计,通过绘画、雕刻、镶嵌、拼贴、数字设计、剪纸艺术、冲印、素描、动画、工作室艺术、箔纸浮雕等艺术形式,激发孩子的想象力和创造力。,Philosophy艺术课哲学,Process Art 过程艺术 Learn by doing 通过实践学习Explore,discover and learn 探索,发现和学习Hands-on multimedia experience 提供多媒介实践经历Guide and encourage imaginative thinking 指导和鼓励想象性思考An environment where there are no wrong answers 艺术没有对错之分,Artist of Distinction Program 优秀艺术家计划,Mort Solberg,Master Award-Winning Painter Korky Paul,British Childrens Book Illustrator Lisa Cherkasky,Food Designer and Author Myrna Hoffman,Award-Winning Educational Toy Designer Elizabeth Estivalet,Contemporary Landscape Painter Gregory Thompson,Photographer/Skyscapes Joan Matsui,Paper Artist Melanie Smythe,Botanical Illustrator Natasha Wescoat,Pop Artist,How to maximize your experience at My Gym-如何使孩子在美吉姆的体验最大化,Suggestions to maximize your childs development at My Gym,Age-appropriate programming 适龄性课程设置 while encouraging children to be free and expressive,our program helps them learn to enjoy following directions and participating in structured activities.Recognize the changes as your child matures,and respond accordingly.认识到孩子不同发展阶段的需求,并正确应对。Encourage your child to try new things.Go slowly.Be cognizant of the new stimuli in class.Try it yourself if necessary.Your enthusiasm can make the difference.家长的参与决定一切Your are the role model for your child.Your conduct in class will greatly affect how well your child listens to the teacher.We would love to help in any way.,5 Top Tips on Making the Most of Your Time Together,1.Get Prepared 准备Tell your child that each time you visit MY GYM you will be spending special time together playing and laughing!2.Be Present 在场Make eye contact with your child.Let him or her know you are paying attention.3.Be Patient 耐心Have realistic expectations about your visit,and be sure to remember this is supposed to be fun.4.Take pleasure 快乐Remember each child grows and learns at his or her own pace.Enjoy this time between you and your child.5.Give Praise 赞扬Let your child know how much fun you had and how proud you are of his or her efforts.Hug your child and say I love you!,Guidelines for Safety and Fun上课须知及安全提示,Guidelines for Safety and Fun,请您上课时记得带好会员卡,并在前台签到、刷卡,同时帮小朋友贴好小名贴,以方便上课 如果孩子出现发烧,咳嗽,流鼻涕,任何形式的皮疹等症状,请您停课休息为了宝宝的卫生和健康,请您在中心内穿着干净的棉袜,小朋友建议赤脚,以方便在中心内活动3岁以下的小朋友请穿好纸尿片;我们理解您可能正在帮助小朋友养成独立上洗手间的习惯,但由于在我们的课程中小朋友容易兴奋,而孩子的控制能力还没有发育到那么好,突发状况时有发生,所以请您帮小朋友穿好纸尿片,Guidelines for Safety and Fun,如果您不能带小朋友来上课,请您一定记得提前24小时请假,如果您没有提前请假,系统会将该节课自动计入您的已消费课时为了保证课程品质,如果您迟到1 5分钟,将不能进入教室。该节课我们会为您取消,不计入您的课为了保证课程品质,请您在上课过程中关闭手机或将手机调为振动,同时尽量避免频繁进出,以便您和宝宝更好的投入到课程中来,分享在课程中的快乐为了保证课程的品质,除了父母双方只有一位成人可以陪同孩子上课,请记得,您是孩子的榜样,但同时也是他们最大的玩伴。若您希望仅观看孩子上课,请在教室外面等候,以免分散孩子注意力,Guidelines for Safety and Fun,本中心所提供的各项设备仅限儿童使用;成人使用有可能导致伤害 为了避免分散孩子的注意力,上课过程中请不要拍照及摄像我们尊重您和宝宝的隐私,建议您使用育婴室给宝宝喂奶或换尿片,同时提醒您记得手部消毒 为了您和小朋友能有一个干净卫生的环境,请您不要将咖啡、果汁、水和食物带进教室,也不要在教室内喂小朋友进食为了您和孩子能有一个干净卫生的环境,请家长和孩子不要在中心内用餐,但您可以准备一些课后小零食,Guidelines for Safety and Fun,休息区我们为您准备了水、咖啡及各种茶,您可以自行取用;我们也准备了电脑以方便您上网,同时无线网络覆盖整个中心合同须知,More than Classes课外活动,Best Birthday Party in Town!城中最好的生日会!,We wish you and your child have a great time at My Gym!,


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