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    综合英语教学大纲,一、课程简况:开课院系:外语系 课程编号:_课程名称:综合英语 学时学分:80学时/4学分开课时间:20042005年第一学期学习方式:教师授课与学生自主学习相结合、课堂教学和课后练习相结合的方法二、教学参考书:新编英语教程第1册.外语教学与研究出版社.三、教学大纲:课程的性质和任务:综合英语是英语专业低年级的一门基础实践课程,旨在通过听说读写四种技能的综合训练,提高学生听觉能力,即席发言、连贯表达、辩论、演讲的技巧与能力,使学生掌握阅读技巧,提高阅读速度、扩大词汇量、培养词义辨析能力;提高归纳、总结主题与写作能力,使学生具有较熟练的交际能力。,课程的教学内容和基本要求:本课程阅读材料内容广泛,涉及政治、经济、社会、语言、文学、教育、哲学等方面。通过阅读和分析所选材料,扩大学生知识面,加深学生对社会和人生的理解,培养他们的分析和欣赏能力、逻辑思维与独立思考能力。结合范文,对词汇、修辞、阅读等方面内容进行分析,在巩固和提高学生原有知识的同时,讲授修辞基本知识,以培养学生文体鉴赏能力,了解并掌握英语写作文体的思维方法,英语段落结构及写作方法、英语论说文的类别、结构及写作方法,在扩大知识面的同时习得优美的语言。本课程着重于加强和提高学生的综合技能训练。但本课程不是基础阶段综合技能训练的简单重复。听说读写能力不能再割裂开来作为单项技能训练,而应该作为一个统一体进行训练。听、说、读、写应相互配合、相互关联、相互影响。口头讨论要有阅读的基础,但又能加深阅读理解,提高写作水平。写的能力来自于阅读,也有助于口语能力的提高。阅读为学生提供语言素材,是语言学习的源泉。教学方法:教师宜采用启发式教学模式,引导学生独立工作、独立思考,并在有限的篇幅中,给学生以较大的语言输入量,以保证学生有充分的语言摄入量。,一般要求是所有学生应达到的基本要求。学生们应根据本身实际情况,向较高要求或更高要求调整自己的学习目标。一般要求的英语能力要求如下:听力理解能力:能听懂英语授课,能听懂日常英语谈话和一般性题材讲座,能基本听懂英语国家慢速英语节目,语速为每分钟130词左右,能掌握其中心大意,抓住要点。能运用基本的听力技巧帮助理解。口语表达能力:能在学习过程中用英语交流,并能就某一主题进行讨论。能就日常话题和来自讲英语国家的人士进行交谈。能就所熟悉的话题经准备后作简短发言,表达比较清楚,语音、语调基本正确。能在交谈中使用基本的会话策略。阅读理解能力:能够基本读懂一般性题材的英文文章,阅读速度达到每分钟70词,在快速阅读篇幅较长、难度略低的材料时,阅读速度达到每分钟100词,能基本读懂国内英文报刊,掌握中心意思,理解主要事实和相关细节。能读懂工作、生活中常见的应用文体的材料。能在阅读中使用有效的阅读方法。,书面表达能力:能用常见的应用文体完成一般的写作任务,能描述个人经历、事件、观感、情感等,能就一般性话题或提纲在半小时内写出120词的短文,内容基本完整,用词恰当,语篇连贯。能在一般或应用写作中使用恰当的写作技能。翻译能力:能借助词典对题材熟悉的文章进行英汉互译,英汉译速为每小时300英语单词,汉英译速为每小时250汉字。译文基本流畅,能在翻译时使用适当的翻译技巧。推荐词汇量:掌握的总词汇量应达到4500个单词和700个词组,其中2000个单词为积极词汇,即要求学生能够在认知的基础上学会熟练运用,包括在口头表达以及书面表达两个方面。,较高要求的英语能力要求如下:听力理解能力:能够基本听懂来自英语国家人士的谈话和讲座,能听懂题材熟悉、篇幅较长的国内英语广播或电视节目,语速为每分钟150词左右。能基本听懂外国专家用英语讲授的专业课程。能掌握其中心大意,抓住要点。口语表达能力了:能够和来自英语国家的人士进行比较流利的会话,较好地掌握会话策略,能基本表达个人意见、情感、观点等,能基本陈述事实、事件、理由等,表达思想清楚,语音、语调基本正确。阅读理解能力:能基本阅读英语国家报刊杂志的一般性题材的文章,阅读速度为每分钟80词,在快速阅读篇幅较长的材料时,阅读速度达到每分钟120词,能就阅读材料进行略读或寻读。能够基本读懂自己专业方面综述性文献,并能正确理解中心大意,抓住主要事实和有关细节。书面表达能力:能书写日常应用文,能写自己专业论文的英语摘要,能借助参考资料写出与专业相关、结构基本清晰、内容较为丰富的报告和论文,能描写各种图表,能就一定的话题在半小时内写出160词的短文,内容完整,条理清楚,文理通顺。,Unit one Language structureIf it rains tomorrow,we will have to postpone our sports meeting.If I were a teacher,I would teach maths.If you had carbon paper,I could do it.Dick would do well if he worked hard.Take the first sentence as an example.This is a sentence of real condition,the action stated in the if-clause or the conditional clause is likely to happen.The action in both clauses refers the future,but the simple present tense is used in the if-clause and the verb in the main clause takes the future form.,PracticeI.Cues:,Example:A:Do you think it will rain tomorrow?B:It is quietly likely that it will.A:If it rains,we will have to postpone our sports meeting.B:Yes,we will have to hat if it rains.,II.Cues:1.Id like to teach maths;but Im not a teacher,Im a doctor.(what)2.Genuine leather shoes cost at least$220.00 a pair;but these shoes are not genuine leather,they are imitation leather.(how much)3.A bi-monthly cines out once every two months;but this pictorial is not a bi-monthly,it is a monthly.(how often)4.Real flowers will wither in a few days;but these flowers are not real,they are plastic.(what,happen to)5.A cotton shirt needs ironing;but Johns shirt is not cotton,it is nylon.(what)Example:A:Are you a teacher?B:No,Im a doctor.A:What would you teach if you were a teacher?B:I would teach maths.,“What would you teach if you were a teacher?”is a sentence of unreal condition,that is,the action stated in the if-clause or the conditional clause is contrary to the fact.A sentence of unreal condition of this type is usually called a Type II conditional sentence.Type II conditional sentence usually refer to either the present or the future.The verb be in the if-clause is generally in the form of were,regardless of the person or number of the subject;but nowadays was is accept in spoken English for the first and third person singular number pronouns.,III.Cue:I need some carbon paper to make duplicates for the letter.I need a pump to pump up the bicycle tyres.I need the right tools to mend a radio.I need some matches and firewood to make a fore for the barbecue.I need a vacuum cleaner or a carpet sweeper to clean the carpet.Example:1A:Can you make some supplicates for the letter please?B:Yes,if you have carbon paper.A:But I have not got any.B:Its a pity.If you had carbon paper,I could do it.2A:Would you mind making some duplicates of this letter?B:Not at all.But I have run out of carbon paper.A:Im sorry I havent got any,either.B:Well,if Betty were here,she would know where to get some carbon paper.,“If you had carbon paper,I could do it.”is also Type II conditional sentence.The verbs have is in the past form.In the main clause,besides the auxiliary would,could,should and might can also be used,depending on the meaning of the sentence.Moreover,verbs in progressive form may also be used,e.g.,If he were listening,Sid would understand the lecture.If she were not running a fever,Emma would not be stay in bed.,IV.Cue:Dick does not do well,because he does not work hard.Thelma isnt in the office,because she is not well today.Ruth makes rapid progress,because she works very hard.Sid doesnt understand the lecture,because he isnt listening.Emmas staying in bed,because shes running a fever.Example:1.A:Does Dick do well?B:No,he doesnt.He doesnt work hard.A:If he worked hard,would he do well?B:Yes,Im sure he would.2.A:Dick does quite well at school,does he?B:No,Im afraid not.A:Why does he?B:He doesnt work hard enough.A:But he would work hard B:Oh,yes,I think he would.,Dialogue 1 If I Had the Chinese to Travel in SpaceA:If I had the chance,I would take a trip through the entire solar system.It is been my long-cherished dream since childhood to be able to visit the planets,satellites,comets,and other heavenly bodies in the solar system.B:Ive had the same wild dream for years.If I had the chance,I would first go to the moon,the earths satellite.Then when I looked back,the earth would look like a big moon hanging in the sky.A:You wouldnt be the first person to land on the moon,would you?B:No,but that wouldnt matter.Although I could not leave my“name”there,I would certainly leave my footprints on the moon any way.A:If I had the chance,my first stop would be Venus.It is the bright planet in the solar system and the one that comes closest to the earth.If I were able to make trip,I would not only leave my footprints but also our national flag on Venus.,B:Youd better do it now,or this planet will be occupied by creatures from outer space and you wont be allowed to leave even footprints or fingerprints there.A:If that should happen,we would live in space and harmony with outer space creatures.Anyway,Venus is not so far away from the earth and it has no moon.I thins it would be strange to see no moon in the sky at night.B:But you do not see the moon every day from the earth anyway,do you?In my case,I would travel to Jupiter after my trip to the moon.You know Jupiter has eleven moons.Can you imagine seeing eleven moons in the sky at the same time?What a strange sight it would be!A:Oh,I would go farther than you.Saturn has nine moons and beautiful rings around it,too.Would not that be a rarer sight to see than a mere cluster of eleven moons?B:Both planets are worth seeing,actually.Lets count in both Jupiter and Saturn on our itinerary.But I will definitely spare Uranus,Neptune and Pluto in my schedule.They are too far away from the earth.Besides,too little is known about them.,A:Wed certainly go to Mars,wouldnt we?Its closer to the earth and better known.Id go there and explore its canals;and if I were lucky enough,I might meet a couple of Martians.B:The Martians?I wonder if I there are living creatures there.Where else in space could we go?A:Mercury.Dont forget Mercury.I would be able to break the worlds records in the high jump on Mercury and make a name in history.You know,the gravity there is only about a third as strong as it is on the earth.B:Really.Its very ambitious of us to come up with the idea of touring around the solar system.I wonder if it will happen in three hundred years.,cherish 珍爱,喜爱 harmony with 与协调 itinerary 旅行计划 schedule 计划planets,satellites,comets,heavenly bodies 行星,卫星,彗星,天体Venus,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Neptune,Pluto,Mars,Mercury-金星,木星,土星,天王星,海王星,冥王星,火星,水星。When we speak of these plants,no article is used.However,if we use the word planet before the proper names,the define article is placed before the word planet,e.g.,the planet Jupiter,the planet Neptune.,Role-play Id Make a Trip to MarsSituation:Zeng and Duan have just read the dialogue between two students who wish to travel in space.Duan becomes interested in the canals on Mars and the supposed Martians living there.As she knows hardly anything about the planets in the solar system,she asks Zeng,a classmate of hers,who has wide interests and reads quite extensively about the planet Mars.A few facts and surmises about MarsMars shines with a red luster.Polar snowcaps grow in winter and disappear in summer.The seasons resemble those on the Earth,but are nearly twice as long.There is a net work of straight dark lines on the surface Mars.Some observes think they are canals.If there are canals,there may be intelligent beings,Martians,living in the planet.,Roles:Zeng-interested in making a trip to MarsDuan-curious about Mars.She goes to Zeng for more information about it.Some sentence frames you might use:If I had a chance to go to Mars,I wouldIf I were lucky enough,I might be to If I met any Martians,I wouldIf I went to Mars with you,I wouldIf we took a camera with us,we would If we took many pictures of Mars,people wouldIf people had more information about Mars,more and more people would,Dialogue IIFuture plans and intentionsPhrases,sentences and expressions:,Dialogue:A:Hello,bob.B:Hello,Richard.How are you?A:Fine,thanks,and you?B:Not too bad.Im thinking of going on holiday somewhere next month.I dont know if youve made you holiday plans yet,but if not,perhaps youd like to come with me.A:thanks,thats very of you.Where are planning to go?B:I thought I might go camping in Scotland.What do you think of that?A:Fine.Sounds like a good idea.And for how long-a fortnight?B:Yes.Im hoping to have two weeks holiday next month.A:Good.Well,providing I finish all any my work on time,Ill be able to have two weeks holiday,too.,B:Will Joyce be coming with us?A:Im not sure.Maybe.The problem is that she always gets one weeks holiday,and of course she cant really afford a holiday this year.B:Oh,dear!Thats a pity!Well,the holiday shouldnt cost very much.A:Supposing you had a lot of money,Bob,where would like to go for a holiday?B:Oh,I dont know.I think I would probably go to America or Japan.A:If I had a lot of money,and 4 weeks holiday I would go to Asia,I think,and travel.B:Yes,that would be fantastic.Anyway,stop dreaming.We are going Scotland and I hope it doesnt rain.,Practise Work in pairs and take it in turns to ask and give answers about future plans or intentions:what to do after classwhat to do at weekendwhere to go during the Spring Festivalwhen to go to Suzhou with you classmatesWork in pairs,A and B,using the situation below.B statse his/her conditional plans.Try to ask and answer in as many different ways as possible.B is on holiday next week.If he/she afford it,he/she will g to Suzhou for the weekend.B has seen a dress/coat that he/she would like to buy.But he/she cant buy it without borrowing some money from a friend/his/her parents/his/her elder brother.At the moment B is at college.He/She wants to go to England to study,but he/she has to pass his/her exams first.B needs a guest speaker for his/her annual New Year party.He/She has asked the English teacher Mr.Wilson and he has promised to try and postpone another engagement to be with him/her.,Reading I How Far is the Sun from the Earth?How far is the sun from the earth?This is a question you might have asked yourself ever since you began asking about anything.In fact,for thousands of years astronomers had been asking the same question.But they had no way of getting an accurate answer because the sun was so far,far away.Now with the use of the radio telescope,they are able to give a very accurate answer;the sun is 92,956,000 miles away from the earth.Can you imagine how far away that is?The jet airliner today travels at a speed of 700 miles an hour.Imagine that you were flying to the sun this airliner.You could make no stops for rest,nor for gas or oil,because thee would be no place for you to stop.You would fly day and night at such a speed.Yet by the time you arrived,fifteen years would have passed.The electric train can travel as fast as 110 miles an hour.If a railway could be built on a sunbeam,it would take the train nearly 100 years to reach the sun.You would get very,very tried even if you lived long enough to finish the journey.,The aircraft carrier is one of the fastest warships,having a speed of about forty miles per hour.If the ship could sail through space,it would take more than 200 years for her to get the sun.A little over two hundred years ago America won her independence from Britain.Suppose someone had set off to the sun in this ship when George Washington became President of the United States.Now after travelling all these years,he would still have a long journey before him.Suppose you lived with your parents in New York and wanted to visit your grandmother in Philadelphia.You would be on the train for nearly an hour and a half.If you took a million trip to your grandmothers,you would have travelled as far as from the earth to the sun.What a long way it is to the sun!Have you ever thought that the sun was as far away from us as that?telescope 望远镜 astronomer 天文学家 jet airliner 喷气式飞机 aircraft carrier 航空母舰at a speed of 700 miles an hour as fast as 110 miles an hour having a speed of about forty miles per hourwhat a/an+adj+countable noun!what+adj+uncountable noun!,Reading II Why Early Bird Microwaves that transmit television signals always travel in a straight line.Because the earth is round,its impossible to send five televisions by direct transmission over a long distance.For example,if we tried to send television signals directly from Europe to America,the microwaves carrying the signals would shoot into space over the Atlantic and would never reach America.If we want to send television signals around the curve of the earth,we must send them from point to point by a relay system.On land we can set up relay stations for this purpose,and we can pass signals from station to station in a series of straight lines.However,we cannot do this so easily over water.In order to send pictures directly across the Atlantic,for,example,we would need to erect a chain of relay station across the ocean,which is approximately 3,000 miles wide.One alternative would be to erect one enormous tower in the middle of the ocean.But the tower would have to be 500 miles high!,Both of these ideas are impossible.So we use a communications satellite thousands of miles away in outer space to relay the television signals across the Atlantic.The satellite receives the picture signals in a straight line from a gro


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