JOB SEEKING,Job seeking,Evaluating yourselfFinding a vacancy.Preparing employment messagesPreparing for an interview.,Analyze your personal goals,Analyze your career goals,Identify your qualifications,Evaluating yourself,Analyze your personal goals,Know your lifestyle,interestsWhere do you want to work,in a business,a charity organization or educational authorities?Your value:wealth,power,control or contentment,Finding a vacancy,Preparing for an interview,Preparing employment messages,Preparing employment messages,Constructing a resume1.Include name,address,telephone numbers,email address and put them at resumes top.2.State the type of position you want and how to benefit the employer.Show your interest.3.List all your work experience.4.Make description concise.5.Emphasis your confidence.6.Include information such as personalities,skills,certificates and degrees.7.Be in a good manner.,Preparing for an interview,1.Researching companies&jobs from websites,2.Anticipating the employers questions,3.Planning questions of your own.,4.Rehearsing your interview,5.Dress,Thank You,