Feeding The Cobb Broiler科宝肉鸡饲养管理,Andrew Bourne Broiler Specialist(World Technical Support)Andrew Bourne-肉鸡专家(世界技术支持),Feed&Management饲料&饲养管理,Genetic trendsWhat to expect in the future?What Ration?LEAST COSTChick StartHow To Maximise Feed IntakeA。育种趋势 未来可以期待什么?B。衡量的标准(量化标准是什么)?最低成本C。育雏 如何摄入最多的饲料,GENETIC TRENDS育种趋势,Annual Improvement Rates Cobb 500科宝500每年的遗传进展率,Selection Pressure on Body Wt.体重方面的选种压力,Cobb Male Performance科宝公鸡性能,Avian 48/Cobb 500AVIAN 48/科宝500,Grand Parent祖代,Male line 公系,Female line 母系,Line 35 x Line 35,Line 58 x,Line 12,Line 44Line 12,Parent Stock父母代,Male Parent父母代公鸡,Female Parent父母代母鸡,Broiler肉鸡,Hybrid Vigor Improved Livability and FCR.Little difference in BW&FCR compared to Cobb 500Cobb 500-Breast muscle is wider.Avian 48-Breast muscle longer&narrowReduced Breast Yield BUT increased Drum Stick Similar WOG yield.高效性能-成活率和肉料比更好与科宝500相比,体重和肉料笔差异很小科宝500-胸肉更宽AVIAN 48-胸肉更长更窄胸肉率减少,但腿肉更多 出肉率相似,Characteristics of the Avian 48 VS Cobb 500AVIAN 48与科宝500特点对照,B.THE LEAST COST WAYORTHE COBB WAY最低成本的方式或科宝的方式,Low Density Nutrition 低营养饲料The Economics 经济性,The obvious way to increase profitability is by reducing the cost per kg of live weight produced.提高经济效益的最好方法是降低活鸡的每公斤生产成本,Many companies,however,measure production efficiency with indicators like EPEF(Feed Conversion,Mortality and Average Daily Gain)然而,许多公司喜欢使用如EPEF的指标去衡量生产效率(饲料转化率,死亡率和每天增重),A drive to maximise Broiler physical performance is not always the most cost effective business strategy最求肉鸡的最高生长表现不一定是最有效的经济策略,Managing Broilers for Profit为盈利为目的去管理肉鸡Adjusting Nutrient Density to the birds requirement根据肉鸡的要求调整营养标准,%reduction in feed cost Lysine-does not always result in the same%increase in FCR!饲料成本下降的幅度%-赖氨酸-不一定导致肉料比数值提高相同的幅度%,Depending on initial levels-a reduction in nutrient density(essential Amino Acids)MAY not cause performance loss.与最初的营养水平相关 营养水平的下降(必须的氨基酸)不一定导致性能的下降,Lysine Indicator of the cost of a ration赖氨酸-成本的合理指标,Effects of Lysine on BW,FCR&WM yield赖氨酸对体重、肉料比和WM的影响,LEAST COST WAY最低的成本方式,Optimum Lysine Level最佳的赖氨酸水平,Local Change FCR vs.Feed Cost/kg 肉料比(FCR)VS.每公斤饲料成本,Customers need to be convinced that nutrition requirements are different.Cobb birds are fed“cheaper”rations than the OTHER BREEDS.我们要说服肉鸡饲养户,科宝肉鸡的营养要求是不同的。科宝肉鸡需要比其它品种更加“低廉”的饲料,FCR is no longer a valid comparative index Feed Cost/kg is the index(FCR x Diet Cost)肉料比(FCR)不再是有效的比较指标 每公斤的饲料成本才是有效的指标(FCR x 配方成本),Essential Nutrients基本营养要求Areas NOT to compromise on 不能降低的方面,Mineral and Vitamin Nutrition微量元素和矿物营养,Rapid Growth usually=high feed consumption=more rapid passage of digesta through the gut=shorter period for absorption of some key nutrients.通常,生长速度快=饲料消耗量高=内脏消化液的分泌更快=营养成分的吸收时间更短,Ca absorption is about 50%,however,this declines with increasing feed intake.钙的吸收大概是50%,然而,却随着饲料摄入的增加而下降,High early growth potential VERY IMPORTANT that levels of several key micronutrients are not compromised.早期生长速度潜力高 几种微量元素的水平不能降低,很重要,Response to Energy对能量的反应Effects on FCR 对FCR的影响,Like all birds,the Cobb bird responds to lower energy by EATING MORE!.Cobb Energy Specifications are LOWER than the OTHER BREEDS.,Reducing consumption by increasing energy to high levels is VERY DANGEROUS-the birds appetite is enormous!,Use Cobb diets for the intended periods.Example:Grower Ration-is NOT intended to go over 22 days.Energy is too low and FCR is lost quickly,AVIAN 48 Feed FormulationAVIAN 48 饲料配方,Cobb 500 Feed Formulation科宝 500 饲料配方,Mineral and Vitamin Requirements矿物质和维生素的需求Leg Disorders associated with deficiency or imbalance与矿物质和维生素缺乏或失蘅相关的腿病,Rotated tibias-Perosis,Perosis=Manganese deficiency commonly.Tendon slips.In rotated tibias tendon remains in place,Infectious leg disorders or long bone deformities can develop after a nutritional disorder as they weakens the chickens legs,TD,Rickets,Rickets-growth plate lesions Normal Ca/D deficiency P deficiency,Often between 2 and 4 weeks of age通常在2-4周期间发生,Mineral and Vitamin Requirements矿物质和维生素的需求Leg Disorders associated with deficiency or imbalance与矿物质和维生素缺乏或失蘅相关的腿病,Tibial Dyschondroplasia(TD),Ca/P imbalances(Normal ratio=2.1)Normally post 4 weeks of age钙/P 失蘅(正常比例=2.1)通常在4周龄以后发生,Mineral and Vitamin Requirements矿物质和维生素的需求Leg Disorders associated with deficiency or imbalance与矿物质和维生素缺乏或失蘅相关的腿病,Low Density Nutrition低营养饲料Why consider it?为什么要考虑?,CONTROL GROWTH 0 21d=GOOD SKELETAL HEALTH Low density=Low Cost nutrition THE KEY to growth control0-21日龄控制体重增长=良好的骨骼健康低营养=低成本体重增长控制的关键,COBB 21 DAYS COMPENSATORY GROWTH科宝在超过21日龄后出现补偿性生长,Least Cost最低的成本,Reduced Energy and Amino Acids BUT WELL BALANCED.Lowered Live Weight Gain(ADG)&Increased FCROPTIMAL Cost Per Kilogram of BW降低能量和氨基酸,但仍然达到良好的均衡体重增长率下降,同时,肉料比(FCR)值升高最好的 每公斤活鸡成本,Least Cost最低的成本,Define Your Business Nutrition Requirements根据自己的公司策略制定肉鸡的营养标准,US DATA:Least Cost VS EEI美国数据:最低成本 vs.EEI,US Statistical Service 2/04,US DATA:Least Cost VS EEI美国数据:最低成本 vs.EEI,AVIAN 48 PERFORMANCEAVIAN 48 肉鸡性能,COBB 500 PERFORMANCE科宝500 肉鸡性能,BROILER BUSINESS MANAGEMENT,MEASURE&BENCHMARK YOUR BUSINESS!HOW?Answer:Weigh Each Week.Measure Feed Consumption 1st Week!Measure Daily Water ConsumptionBenchmark performance with the BEST7d BW=4 day old weight 160-170grams,D.CHICK START FEED INTAKE MANAGEMENT开始育雏 吃料管理,CHICK START 开始育雏,Financial Success Chick StartHOUSE PREPARATIONFEED ACCESS+WATER!LITTER TEMP.Check chicks regularly the day of placement.经济收益 开始育雏准备鸡舍-准备充足的饲料和水-垫料温度在进雏当天经常检查鸡雏的情况,7 DAY WEIGHTS-LOW?7日龄体重 低?,WHY?为什么?1.LOW FEED CONSUMPTION!ORFEED QUALITY?吃料少!或2.饲料质量?,Importance Of Early Feed Consumption早期吃料的重要性,Absorption of yolk-secretion of yolk in the intestineNutrients:25%protein,25%lipids&50%water+antibodiesInternal organ growthliver,intestines,pancreas grow at 2-5 times faster than the body.proper organ growth needed for digestion.spleen and bursa weights relate to body weight=immunity.蛋黄吸收-,Digestive Tract-Early Feed Intake,Post Hatch-Intestine increases in weight quicker than the bodyMax Intestine Growth for 6-10 days post hatchVillus Height Increases 200%48HR Post Hatch-Villi ESSENTIAL for Absorption,Digestive Tract-Early Feed Intake,Digestion-Need gastric and pancreatic secretionsFeed intake increases secretions,FEED,Additional feeding space for first week25%brooding area covered with paper50-65g additional feed per chickSupplementary trays 1 per 100 chicks,STARTER FEED MANAGEMENT,Refresh feeders 3 times per dayStarter Crumb-10 daysFeed&Water AccessRun Automatic Feeders 3 times per day,CHICK CHECK,Morning after placementCheck:temperature of feet against neck or cheekARE THE FEET COLD?Revaluate pre-heating temperatureResults of Cold Litter:poor early feed intakepoor growth and poor uniformity,CHICK CHECK PART 2 SAMPLE 100 BIRDS,Morning after placementGOOD RESULT=95%CROP FULL,Summary,PreparationBe ready 24 hours before chicks arriveChick StartDont limit performance with poor managementWeigh and MonitorKnow how your chicks are growingMaintain a Good EnvironmentAlways give them a good environmentCorrect NutritionMore nutrients are not necessarily better!,THANK YOU,