,J.K.Rowling,Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them,The year is 1926 and Newt Scamander has just completed a global excursion to find and document an extraordinary array of magical creatures.,小雀斑Eddie Redmayne饰演的魔法动物学家纽特斯卡曼德,出身霍格沃茨的赫奇帕奇学院,在被学校开除后,只身一人带着个魔法皮箱去了人生地不熟的纽约。Newt Scamander,amagiczoologist,played by Eddie Redmayne wasa studentatHogwartsHutchinsonPaggardCollege.When he wasexpelledfromschool,he left to unfamiliarNewYorkwithamagic suitcasealone.,纽特的皮箱是个“神器”,里面装下了各种魔法动物“神器”虽好,但是吧后来就出幺蛾子惹,魔法动物从箱子里跑了出来,四处流窜,纽特不得不和新认识的三位小伙伴们一起找到它们,否则可就触犯了美国魔法世界的法律。Newts suitcase is an artifact,which holds various magic animals Artifact is good,but it.gets him in trouble later.Magic animals run out of the suitcase everywhere.Newt had to find them with three new partners,or he may break the law of the American magical world.,Arriving in New York for a brief stopover,he might have come and gone without incident.were it not for a No-Maj(American for Muggle)named Jacob,a misplaced magical case,and the escape of some of Newts fantastic beasts,which could spell trouble for both the wizarding and No-Maj worlds.,Jacob Kowalski 雅各布科瓦尔斯基(Dan Fogler饰),Tina Goldstein 蒂娜戈德斯坦恩(Katherine Waterston饰),这位是女主角 她曾是对抗黑魔法势力的“傲罗”(英文),为美国的魔法部魔法国会(MACUSA)效力,是位有能力有追求的独立女性,不过可惜被降职了This is the heroine who was the“Auror”to fight against the forces of black magic.She worked for the United States Department of Magic-Magic Congress(MACUSA).She,an independent woman,had abilities as well as pursues,but was unfortunately demoted.,Queenie Goldstein 奎妮戈德斯坦恩(Alison Sudol饰),她是女主角蒂娜的妹妹,也是她的室友 相比事业心强的姐姐,奎妮性格奔放、热爱自由不过能力也很强 她是个厉害的摄神取念师,有读心技能。She is Tinas sister,her roommate compared to her sister,Quinney character unrestrained,love of freedom but also has a strong ability She is a powerful photographer to take God,as well as reading mind.,精彩看点Hidden egg hunt,HIDDEN EGG HUNT,嗅嗅 Niffler,雷鸟Thunderbird,护树罗锅 Bowtruckle,隐形兽 Demiguise,本片导演是拍摄了哈利波特系列后四部电影的大卫耶茨。还是熟悉的配方,还是熟悉的味道This film is directed by David Yates,who directed the last four films in the Harry Potter franchise.在哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒电影中出现的“活点地图”上,就已经出现了男主纽特的名字Newt。The name Newt Scamander appears on the Marauders Map in Prisoner of Azkaban.,这部电影故事所设定的年份,恰好是伏地魔出生那年!1926年This film is set in the same year that Voldemort was born(1926).,小雀斑最喜欢的神奇动物是纽特的爱宠护树罗锅Eddie Redmaynes favourite of all the beasts in the film is his little pet Bowtruckle.,罗琳阿姨还说,片中纽特的小伙伴“麻鸡”(麻瓜)Jacob,让她想起了罗恩J.K.Rowling said that Jacob the No-Maj reminds her of Ron.,据华纳兄弟透露,该系列第二部电影将进一步深入魔法世界一个愈发黑暗的时代,纽特和其他角色将决定自己站在哪一边 看来又一场大战是跑不掉啦According to a statement from Warner Bros.,“The second Fantastic Beasts movie moves deeper into an increasingly dark time for the Wizarding world,where Newt and our other heroes have to decide on their allegiances.”,