Two Pairs of Major Translation Terms,Literal translation-Liberal translationForeignization-Domestication,1.Shoppers would never be more than a mouse-click from the best deals.2.It wasnt that long ago the Europe-home of fine leather shoes-exiled sneakers to school gyms and tennis court.,译文1:购物者离最好的交易再也不会超过点击一下鼠标的距离。译文2:就在不那么久以前,欧洲这一精致皮鞋的故乡还一度把旅游鞋驱逐到学校体育馆和网球场。,译文1:购物者离最好的交易再也不会超过点击一下鼠标的距离。译文2:购物者只需点击一下鼠标即可做成一笔最好的交易。译文1:就在不那么久以前,欧洲这一精致皮鞋的故乡还一度把旅游鞋驱逐到学校体育馆和网球场。译文2:不久以前,就在欧洲这一公认是精致皮鞋的故乡之地人们认为只有在学校体育馆和网球场才可以穿用旅游鞋。,Literal translation is where the forms of the original are retained as much as possible,even if those forms are not the most natural forms to preserve the original meaning.Literal translation is sometimes called word-for-word translation(as opposed to thought-for-thought translation).A more accurate,but less well-known,label for this approach is formal equivalence translation.Because literal translation focuses on forms of language,it sometimes misses some of the meaning of those forms,since meaning is found not only in the forms of individual words,but also in relationships among words,phrases,idiomatic uses of words,and influences of speaker-hearer,cultural,and historical contexts.Words often have different meanings in different contexts,but a literal translation often does not account for these differences.So literal translation often is not the most accurate form of translation.,直译:人们关心的是语言层面的技术处理问题,即如何在保持原语形式的同时,不让其意义失真;意译:人们认为语言有不同的文化内涵和表达形式,当形式成为翻译的障碍时,就要采取意译。能直译便直译,不能直译就意译。直译死译意译乱译,直意之争:,“凡是翻译,必须兼顾两面,一当然力求其易解,一则保持原作的丰姿。”宁信而不顺:要输入新的表现法,所以要容忍“多少的不顺”。鲁迅且介亭杂文二集“题未定草”神似论(godlikeness):以效果而论,翻译应当象临画一样,所求的不在形似而在神似。傅雷高老头译序化境论(fairy):把作品从一国文字转变成另一国文字,既能不因语文习惯的差异而露出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保存原作的风味,那就算得入于化境。钱钟书 林纾的翻译,在具体的翻译中,直译和意译是不可分割的。如果一味追求直译,力求每一个词,每一句话都按原文的意思来翻译,会造成令人不解的译文。,原则:能直译就直译,不能直译就意译,在翻译中,什么时候用直译,什么时候用意译,没有什么铁定的原则。一般来说,如果原文句型与目的语言的句法规律较接近,词序也形似,本身意思又比较明白,那么可以多用一些直译(因为毕竟直译在技术程度上要简单一些)。这样就可以较便捷地得到意思准确、文字通顺的译文,Can the following sentences be translated literally?,1.Shakespeare put his hometown on the map.2.All the answers are not right.3.Every body wouldnt like it.4.It is a long lane that had no turning.5.It is a wise man that never makes mistakes.6.We cannot estimate the value of modern science too much.7.After the failure of his last novel,his reputation stands on slippery grounds.8.Marriage,with peace,is this worlds paradise;with strife,this lifes purgatory.10.一国两制。11.亚洲四小龙12.不怕一万,就怕万一。13.爬得越高,摔得越重。14.“咱们俩的事,一条绳栓着两蚂蚱,谁也跑不了!”,Two translation strategies,Foreignization 异化 vs Domestication 归化,P41 in textbook,The whole sky spangled gay twinkling stars,and the Milky Way is as distinct as though it had been washed and rubbed with snow for holiday.-英著名俄罗斯古典文学家翻译家加内特夫人(Garnet Constance)译契科夫樊凯,整个天空点缀着繁星,快活地眨眼。银河那么清楚地显现出来,就好像有人在过节以前用雪把它擦洗过似的。天上闪耀着光明的亮星,牛奶路很白,好像是礼拜日用雪擦洗过的一样。-赵景深译,,异化(dissimilation),异化:转达原文意思的时候,是译文的表达形式和句法结构尽量同原文一致起来,能完全对等的就完全对等,不能完全对等的也要大致对等。优点:保留的原文的文化意象,目的是使译文保持原文的语言风格,向译文读者介绍源语文化,并丰富译入语及文化。-Venuti,Lawrence.1995.The translators Invisibility.London:Routledge.,归化(domestication),归化:人类文化具有共同的范畴,因此,两种语言在表达上出现意象相同的内容,有的意象不同,意义基本一致,翻译时用译入语的文化意象来取代原文里的文化意象,或用译入语现有的词汇来翻译。特点:归化翻译采取民族中心主义的态度,使外语文本符合译入语言的文化价值,把原作者带入译入语文化。Venuti,Lawrence.1995.The translators Invisibility.London:Routledge.,异化译法,crocodile tear forbidden fruit cowboy Pandoras boxhoney moon soap operaA wolf in sheeps clothingKill two birds with one stoneArmed to the teethAn eye for an eye,a tooth for a toothAll roads lead to Rome born with a silver spoon in ones mouth一国两制 纸老虎 铁饭碗 半边天 菜篮子工程,归化译法,1.Love me,love my dog.2.a lion in the way 3.lick ones boots 4.Diamond cuts diamond 5.A flash in a pan 6.Have one foot in the grave 7.To grow like mushrooms 8.One boy is a boy,two boys half a boy,three boys nobody,Thank you for your attention!,