直升机工程英语,航空机电设备维修(直升机)专业,A109E Helicopter,Lesson 1,The A109E Fuselage,Fig 1-1 A109E Helicopter,TEXT,1The A109E is a high-speed,high-performance(性能),multi-purpose(多用途)helicopter powered by two engines,with:Four-bladed(桨叶),fully articulated(全铰接式)main rotor Titanium(钛)/composite(复合材料)main rotor head with elastomeric bearings(橡胶轴)Two-bladed tail rotor(双叶尾桨)Retractable tricycle-type landing gear(三轮车伸缩式起落架).,TEXT,2The helicopter is designed to fulfill many roles,which include transport of personnel,equipment and cargo.It may also be used for aerial supply and rescue operations(空中作业和救援).Optional equipment may be fitted for specific missions(ambulance duties,transport of external loads,etc).,TEXT,3The airframe consists of two major assemblies:the forward fuselage and the aft fuselage(tail boom).The forward fuselage comprises the nose section,the cabin and the rear section(机头部分,座舱和车尾部分).4The nose section includes an upper compartment仓 for the electric and electronic equipment,and a lower compartment which accommodates the hydraulic system accumulators液压系统蓄能器,the nose landing gear and other hydraulic components前起落架液压元件及其他.,TEXT,5The cabin includes the crew(机组)compartment(cockpit)and the passenger(乘客)compartment.A hinged door,on both sides of the cabin,permits direct access to the cockpit,and a large hinged door is located on both sides of the cabin for access to the passenger compartment.Seating is provided for the pilot(right side)and a passenger(or copilot)in the cockpit,and six passengers in the relevant compartment.,TEXT,6The rear section accommodates可容纳 the fuel tanks,the main landing gear compartments,the baggage compartment and the electric and electronic equipment compartments.7The upper deck,located above and aft of the cabin area,accommodates the hydraulic system reservoirs and filter groups,the main transmission,the main transmission and engine oil coolers冷却 and the relevant fans,and the engines.The upper deck is enclosed by removable fairings and cowlings上层是封闭的可移动整流罩和整流罩.,TEXT,8The tail boom is bolted to the forward fuselage and supports the tail rotor尾桨 and the relevant drive system.The tail boom includes the elevators,the vertical fin,the tail skid and the tail cone.9 The fuselage is divided into three reference planes measured in millimeters.This provides a means of identifying the location of components or particular points.,Airframe Reference Lines,TEXT,STATION LINES(STA)The station lines are vertical planes perpendicular to,and measured along the longitudinal axis of the helicopter.The station lines are measured in millimeters from a reference point(STA 0).STA 0 is 3362 mm forward of the main rotor head center.,TEXT,WATER LINES(WL)The water lines are horizontal planes perpendicular to,and measured along the vertical axis of the helicopter.The water lines are measured in millimeters from a reference point(WL 0).WL 0 is 2494 mm below the main rotor head center.,TEXT,BUTT LINES(BL)The butt lines are vertical planes perpendicular to,and measured to the left and right along the lateral axis of helicopter.BL 0 is the plane of the vertical centerline of the helicopter.,Lesson 2,Air Distribution System,Figure 2-1 Air Distribution System,TEXT,1 The air conditioning system includes the air distribution system,the optional environmental control system and the heating system.The air distribution system consists of two independent sub-systems:The cabin ventilating-windshield defogging systemThe passenger compartment ventilating system.The schematic of the air distribution system is illustrated in figure 2-1.,TEXT,2The cabin ventilation-windshield defogging system consists mainly of an air intake located on the fuselage nose.From the air intake the ram air is ducted to eight diffusers and two outlet valves.3The airflow from the nose air intake is controlled by the gate valve,installed in the air mixing box,mechanically connected to the VENT knob on the right side of the front console.The airflow from the nose air intake may be increased by means of an electrical fan installed between the air intake and the air mixing box.,TEXT,4The electrical fan is controlled by the VENT CKPT toggle-type circuit breaker(switch)located on the electrical control panel of the overhead console.The fan electrical circuit is powered by the 28 V dc no 2 bus bar through the VENT CKPT circuit breaker on the overhead console.Operation of the fan is indicated by the VENT ON advisory legend on EDU 2.,TEXT,5The passenger compartment ventilating system consists mainly of an air scoop,located on the upper deck and connected to a flexible duct installed on the ceiling of the compartment.From the air scoop,mating with the air intake obtained in the transmission front fairing,the ram air enters the flexible duct on which are installed six air valves.When the helicopter is provided with the environmental control system,the air scoop is not installed and the flexible duct on the passenger compartment is connected to the environmental control system.,Lesson 3,Environmental Control System,Environmental Control System,Environmental Control System,Air Conditioning Unit-Schematic,TEXT,1The function of the Environmental Control System(ECS)is to supply a temperature controlled airflow,under a light pressure,to the cabin in order to maintain a comfortable temperature in the cockpit and in the passenger cabin.The ECS consists of engine bleed air circuit,air conditioning unit and air distribution circuit.,TEXT,2The engine bleed air circuit supplies compressed air,bled from the engines,to the air conditioning unit.From the two bleed connections of each engine,the compressed air is directed through two lines and shut-off valves,to a Y-shaped tube.From the Y-shaped tube the compressed air is supplied to the air conditioning unit through a pressure reducing/shut-off valve,located inside a housing,and a Venturi tube.The bleed air tubes are made of stainless steel and are insulated with flexible ducts.,TEXT,3 The air conditioning unit consists mainly of a heat exchanger,a condenser,a turbine-blower unit and a temperature control circuit.The compressed air from the bleed air shut-off valves and the pressure reducing/shut-off valve is initially cooled in the heat exchanger by a ram air flow obtained by the blower.The ram air enters the air scoop(cooling air inlet)and flows out through a duct(overboard).,TEXT,Additional cooling to below ram air temperature then occurs in the condenser where the bleed air is continually cooled by recirculated cold air of the turbine discharge.要(使发动机引气)低于冲压空气温度的进一步的冷却发生在冷凝器中。在冷凝器中,发动机引气被涡轮排出的再循环冷气持续的冷却。,TEXT,4Condensed water from the air is collected in a water separator and sprayed by the water injector into the ram air inlet where it re-evaporates and increases the cooling effectiveness of the heat exchanger.空气中的冷凝水被收集到水分离器,然后通过喷头喷洒到冲压空气进口。在冲压空气进口,这些水又重新蒸发,增加热交换器的冷却效率。,TEXT,The cool high-pressure bleed air from the condenser passes through the turbine inlet control valve which controls the air supply to the cooling turbine during heating demands on the system,and is then expanded through the cooling turbine where its temperature is further reduced by the extraction of energy from air.来自冷凝器的低温的高压的引气通过涡轮进气控制阀(在系统有加热需要时,进气控制阀控制冷却涡轮的供气量),然后在冷却涡轮内膨胀。在涡轮里面由于气体对外做功,引气温度被进一步降低。,TEXT,5Shaft energy produced in the turbine drives the fan which induces the ram air cooling across the heat exchanger.The air leaving the turbine enters the primary nozzle of the jet pump where it induces recirculation airflow across the cold side of the condenser.This recirculation air is drawn from the conditioned air supply duct,and passes through the condenser where it cools the bleed air,then mixes with the cold turbine discharge air in the jet pump,and returns to the conditioned air supply duct.,TEXT,6 From the outlet of the air conditioning unit,the conditioned air is directed through the manifold and the flexible duct to the conveyor.The conveyor is connected to the cabin ventilation windshield defogging system.The duct connects air intake to the jet pump of the air conditioning unit,to permit recirculation of conditioned air from the cabin back to the air conditioning unit.The air intake is located on the left side of the cockpit ceiling.,Lesson 4,Fire Protection,Fire Protection systemFire extinguishing system Fire detection systemDetectorsMonitorsIndicators,TEXT,1 The fire protection systems comprise the engine fire detection system,the engine compartment fire extinguisher system and the portable fire extinguisher.The engine compartment fire extinguisher system and the portable fire extinguisher are optional equipment.,TEXT,2The engine fire detection system signals the presence of flames or excessive temperature in the engine compartments.The system consists of two independent circuits(one for each engine)each comprising fire detectors,installed on the engine compartment firewalls,connected by means of a common wiring harness to the DAU.The DAU generates the fire warning and system failure signals supplied to EDU 1.If a fire or overheat condition occurs,the DAU causes the ENG 1 FIRE or ENG 2 FIRE warning legends appearance on EDU 1.,Fire Protection System Controls and Indicators,TEXT,3In the event of a failure of the engine fire detection system,the DAU causes the FIRE DET caution legend appearance on EDU 1.The system is powered by the 28 V dc No 1 and No 2 bus bars through the FIRE DET 1 and FIRE DET 2 circuit breakers on the overhead console.,TEXT,4Each fire detector consists of a responder connected to a sensing element.The responder incorporates an electrical connector and two pressure switches.The sensing element consists of a sealed tube containing a special core and an inert gas,and is installed on the engine compartment walls.When the sensor is exposed to high temperatures,the gas pressure increases and a pressure switch in the responder closes the warning circuit.The second pressure switch,which acts as a test switch for the detector,is held closed by internal gas pressure.The detector has a preset operating value of 170 C.,Engine Fire Detection System,SYSTRON-DONNER(气体型感温环线探测系统),TEXT,5The engine fire extinguisher system consists of two systems,each of which can be used to discharge the extinguishing agent into the desired engine compartment.Each system consists of a bottle containing extinguishing agent(HALON 1301)located behind engine bay above the baggage compartment and the necessary tubing to carry the extinguishing agent into the engine compartments.The extinguishing agent is discharged thru two outlets.,TEXT,6 Each bottle is provided with an electronic pressure sensor connected with a pilot-lamp located into the avionic bay of baggage compartment to allow an easy check of bottles pressure status(pilot-lamp illuminated with low pressure inside the bottle).Moreover each bottle is connected to a disc-type discharge indicator,visible from the helicopter exterior,for an easy check of the bottle charge.,Engine Fire Extinguisher System,Fire Extinguisher,Lesson 5,Ice and Rain Protection,TEXT,1 The ice and rain protection system protects the helicopter and aids the flight crew when operating under ice and rain conditions.The ice and rain protection systems comprise the Pitot tube anti-ice system and the windshield wiper system.,TEXT,2The Pitot tubes are provided with integral electrical heating elements controlled by the PITOT toggle-type circuit breakers,powered by the 28 V dc no 1 and no 2 bus bars.Operation of the heating elements is indicated by appearance of the PITOT 1 HEAT and PITOT 2 HEAT advisory legends on EDU 2.,TEXT,3The windshield wiper system consists of two identical installations:one for the pilot windshield and the other for the copilot windshield.风挡雨刮系统包括两套相同的设备:一套给机长风挡,另一套给副驾驶风挡。Each installation consists of a wiper blade actuated,through an arm,by an electric motor-converter.每套设备包括一个雨刮片,它通过一根支臂由电动马达转换器驱动。A selector switch,on the overhead panel or on the cyclic stick grips,permits the windshield wiper(or wipers)to be operated at three different speeds as desired.位于头顶面板或者周期变距杆上的选择开关可以根据需要控制风挡雨刮在三种不同的速度下工作。,TEXT,Speed selection is obtained by changing resistance of the wiper motor power circuit by means of three resistors mounted on a common plate.(雨刮器的)速度控制是通过安装在同一个盘子上的三个电阻器改变雨刮电动机电路的电阻来实现的。The electrical circuits are powered by the 28 V dc no 1 and no 2 bus bars through the WIPER CPLT and WIPER PLT circuit breakers.该电路由28V的1号和2号直流汇流条通过WIPER CPLT 和WIPER CPLT电路短路器供电。,Lesson 6,Cockpit Lighting System,Cockpit Lighting System,Light System Controls and Indicators,TEXT,1The cockpit lighting system comprises the instrument lights,the control panel lights,the overhead,panel and instrument lights,the spot lights and the storm light.,TEXT,2The instrument lights provide for integral illumination of the instruments installed on the instrument panel and the magnetic compass.The system is powered from the 28 V dc no 1 bus bar through the LT SYS-PED circuit breaker;operation of the lights is controlled by the PED rheostat.The lights operates a 5 V dc obtained from the power supply.,TEXT,3The control panel lights provide for integral illumination of the control panels installed on the instrument panel,front console and central console.The system is powered from the 28 V dc No 2 bus bar through the LT SYS-INST PANEL circuit breaker;operation of the lights is controlled by the INST PNL light rheostat.The lights operates at 5 V dc obtained from the power supply.,TEXT,4The overhead panel instrument lights ensure readability of the overhead electroluminescent panel legends.The system is powered from the 28 V dc No 2 bus bar through the LT SYS-OVHD CSL circuit breaker;operation of the lights is controlled by the OVHD&CSL light rheostat.OAT indicator light is provided with and additional push-button switch.The lights operates at 5 V dc obtained from the power supply.,TEXT,5The two spot lights are located on the each side of the overhead console.The spot lights can be detached from their supports,and used in any direction,as permitted by the length of the electrical cord.Each spot light incorporates the operating controls as described in Section 33-00.The right spot light is powered from the 28 V dc No 2 bus bar through the LT SYS-PLT CKPT circuit breaker,while the left spot lights is powered from the 28 V dc No 1 bus bar through the LT-SYS-CPLT CKPT circuit breaker.,TEXT,6The storm light provides for illumination in adverse weather condition as antidazzle light.The system is powered from the 28 V dc no 2 bus bar through the STORM toggle-type circuit breaker.,Lesson 7,Cabin and Exterior Lighting System,Passenger compartment lighting system,TEXT,1The four cabin lights are installed on RH and LH upper side of passenger cabin.Each light assembly has a pushbutton on its side for the lamp control.The cabin lighting system is supplied by the toggle type circuit breaker LT SYS CAB 28 V DC installed on the overhead console.,TEXT,2The advisory lights are installed in pas