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    Grammar and usage,Unit 19,Non-finite Verbs非谓语动词,现在分词动名词,动名词,现在分词,非谓语动词,过去分词,不定式,-ing 形式,1.作主语,Finding work is difficult theses days.,It is a waste of time reading that book.,2.作宾语,Would you mind waiting a few minutes?,They are looking forward to Marys coming.,3.作表语,e.g.One of her hobbies is growing flowers.,4.作定语,There are no swimming pools in our school.,The speed of the horses was amazing.,Do you know the three children walking towards us?,.作宾语补足语,He saw her working in the garden.,I heard a bell ringing.,.作状语,Walkinginthestreet,Isawhim.,Beingill,shestayedathome.,现在分词与动名词的区分,v-ing 形式,V-ing 形式,动名词,现在分词,gerund,present participle,充当定语,表语,状语和补语,作主语,宾语,表语和定语。,Seeing is believing.,动名词作主语,I admit breaking the window.,动名词做宾语,作定语时,与现在分词的区别 动名词作定语表名词的作用或功能,现在分词作定语表名词正在进行的动作。,a sleeping child一个正在睡觉的孩子,a sleeping car一辆卧车,a flying bird一只正在飞翔的鸟,a flying course飞行课程,a swimming girl一个正在游泳的女孩,a swimming pool一个游泳池,作表语时,与现在分词的区别,His favorite pastime is playing chess.,1动名词作表语说明主语的内容,回答 what的问题;现在分词作表语相当于形容词作表语,说明主语的性质、特征等,回答how的问题。,Her occupation is playing chess.,动 名 词,The movie is boring.,Her letter was touching.,现在分词,2动名词作表语,表语和主语几乎处于同等地位,可以互换位置,其句意不变;现在分词作表语,表语和主语则不能互换位置。,Our work is serving the people,Serving the people is our work.,The news was disappointing,那消息令人失望。,我们的工作是为人民服务。,你不能说:Disappointing was the news.,3.作表语的现在分词前可以用very,quite,rather,greatly等副词修饰,而动名词则不可以。,他的话很鼓舞人心。,What he said was very encouraging,我们的目标是在不久的将来实现四个现代化。,现在分词与形容词一样可以和more,the most构成形容词的比较级和最高级,而动名词则不可以。,Our goal is realizing the four modernizations in the near future,The story is the most fascinating,现在分词和过去分词使用对比,Present Participle and Past Participle,分词,英语中分词有两种:现在分词和过去分词。分词在句中可以充当表语,定语,状语和宾语补足语。,Participle(phrases)used as adverbial,分词做状语,现在分词作状语,可表时间、原因、方式、结果、条件、让步、伴随或陪衬等含义,相当于一个对应的状语从句所表达的意思.,Walking in the street,I came across an old friend.,When I was walking in the street,I came across an old friend.,当我在街上走的时候我遇见了一个老朋友,现在分词的时态和语态的变化如下表:,过去分词一般只有一种形式:done,分词的时态和语态变化:,1)分词的一般式:,在路上走的时候,他发现了一支钢笔。,When he was walking along the street,he found a pen.,Walking along the street,he found a pen.,After she returned home,my friend learned that the police had been to the flats.,Returning home,my friend learned that the police had been to the flats.,(同时发生),(几乎同时发生),现在分词的一般式:表示动作与谓语动词同时发生,或几乎同时发生。,当他坐在公园里的时候,他发现一个小男孩在哭泣。When he sat in the park,he found a boy crying.Sitting in the park,he found a boy crying.,学生们跟着他们的老师。学生们进入教室。The students followed their teacher.The students went into the classroom.Following their teacher,the students went into the classroom.,2)现在分词的完成式:,在做完作业之后,他出去散步了。,After he had finished his homework,he went out for a walk.,Having finished his homework,he went out for a walk.,现在分词的完成式:表示动作在谓语动词前已经发生。,因为我看过这部电影,所以我能告诉你这个故事。Because I have seen the film before,I can tell you the story.Having seen the film before,I can tell you the story.,3)现在分词的一般式的被动语态:,那个正在被讨论的问题是非常重要的。,The question which is being discussed now is very important.,The question being discussed now is very important.,现在分词的一般式的被动语态:表示一个被动的动作正在进行。,正在被问话的那个小男孩是我的邻居。The boy who is being questioned now is my neighbor.The boy being questioned now is my neighbor.,4)现在分词的完成式的被动语态:,在参观了博物馆之后,我们回到了宾馆。,After we had been shown around the museum,we went back to the hotel.,Having been shown around the museum,we went back to the hotel.,现在分词的完成式的被动语态:表示一个被动的动作在谓语动词前已经完成。,5)现在分词的否定形式:,Having found the wallet,he went home.,否定句,Not having found the wallet,he didnt want to go home.,由于没有按要求完成作业,他被要求重做一遍。Because he didnt finish his homework according to the requirements,he was asked to do it again.,Not finishing,现在分词与过去分词的区别:,现在分词主要表示正在进行或主动的意思,过去分词则表示已经完成或被动的意思。,falling flowers,(正在凋落的花朵),fallen flowers,(已经凋落的花朵),Taking a dictionary,she began to prepare her lessons.,Taken separately,the problems are not difficult to solve.,(主动),(被动),把下列句子合并成一句并把动词改成其分词形式:,1)There were a lot of people who were standing there.,There were a lot of people standing there.,2)I saw him.He was listening to the radio.,I saw him listening to the radio.,3)Many people are looking for the treasure which is hidden.,Many people are looking for the hidden treasure.,4)When Mr Chen stayed in China,he felt very happy.,Staying in China,Mr Chen felt quite happy.,5)After she had stayed in China for a long time,Miss Li came to love it.,Having stayed in China for a long time,Miss Li came to love it.,6)When the students heard the bell,they went out.,Hearing the bell,the students went out.,7)The art center which is being built now is very tall.,The art center being built is very tall.,8)After I had finished the course,I had an exam.,Having finished the course,I had an exam.,Hearing the bell,the students went into the classroom,Falling asleep,he dreamed he was far away.,=When the students heard the bell,they went into the classroom.,=When he fell asleep,he dreamed he was far away.,1.时间状语,Note:分词表示时间,为了强调,有时在分词前加while,when,after,before,on,When/While looking through the paper,I noticed a few mistakes.On hearing the good news,we went to a restaurant to cheer our winning.,1.After I heard the noise,I went out to see.2.Before he passed the exam,he was hard at his lesson.3.As soon as she received the letter,she wrote back.4.Before I went to bed,I brushed my teeth.,把下列句子改成分词形式:,5.After we entered Wei Yu High school,we studied harder than before.6.After the boy was beaten by his father,he cried for a long time.,2.原因状语,Thinking he might be at home,I telephoned him.,=As I thought he might be at home,I telephoned him.,Hit by a bullet,the soldier fell from thehorse.,=Because he was hit by a bullet,the soldier fell from the horse.,3.条件状语,Staying here for some time,youll find the people here are friendly.,Taking this medicine,you will recover soon.,=If you stay here for some time,youll find the people here are friendly.,=If you take this medicine,you will recover soon.,Given another chance,I will do the job far better.,=If I am given another chance,I will do the job far better.,If you work hard,you will succeed.,4.伴随状语,She sat in a sofa,watching TV.,=She sat in a sofa and watched TV.,=He stood there and cried.,Heisstandingthere,singing.,可以转换成一个并列句,5.方式状语(stand,go,come,sit)He stood leaning against the wallThey come into the room,running.,1.作时间,条件,原因,让步状语时要位于句首,且与后面用逗号隔开,能转换为一个相应的状语从句,3.注意分词作状语时的逻辑主语(即分词动作的发出者)一般要与句中主语保持一致.,2.作结果,方式,伴随状语时要位于句尾,且与前面用逗号隔开,有时也可以不用.,注意,Participle(phrases)used as predicative,分词做表语,现在分词和过去分词作表语在意义上的区别。,*过去分词作表语表示人的感觉,主语通常是人。现在分词作表语表示事物本身的特点,主语通常是事物。I m interested in films.This film is interesting,即时巩固练习,用所给动词的v-ed或v-ing形式填空:1)The journey was quite_(tire)2)The story is very_We are_ in it(interest)3、The result of the exam made me _(disappoint)4)This was really an _moment(excite)5)The _boy couldnt believe his ears(astonish),tiring,interested,disappointed,exciting,astonished,interesting,即时巩固练习,6)It was a _ storyWe didnt want to listen again(bore)7)He seemed quite _at the idea(delight)8)The problem was quite_(press)9)The present situation is _(encourage)10)I was _at what she said(puzzle),boring,delighted,pressing,encouraging,puzzled,Participles as attribute,分词做定语,单个分词作定语时放在所修饰名词前,分词短语作定语时放在后,并且名词与现在分词之间存有逻辑上的主谓关系,arunningboy thegirlstandingthere,前置定语,Present Participle(主动,动作的正在进行)Past Participle(被动,动作的完成),developing country,developed country,=a country which has developed,=a country which is developing,falling leaves fallen leaves,boiling water boiled water,retired teacher,rising sun risen sun,Can you give me the Chinese meaning of these phrases,后置定语:,分词(短语)需要后置的情况有以下三种:a)分词短语作定语 b)被修饰词是不定代词c)被修饰词是指示代词those时。,The book written by him is very interesting.Most of the students standing there are from our class.There is nothing exciting in his book.He is one of those invited.,Participle(phrases)used as object complement,分词做宾语补足语,分词作宾语补足语一般用于下列动词:1.感官动词:see,hear,feel,notice,find,watch,listen to2.使役动词:keep,make,get,catch,leave,set,I heard him the song next door.I heard the song.(sing),singing,sung,独立主格结构:因为他的同学不在教室,所以他一个人去问老师题目了。,His classmate not being in the classroom,he went to ask the teacher some questions alone.,当主从句主语不相同时,从句部分的动词按照先前的规则变成现在分词或过去分词结构,但是从句部分的主语不能省略。有时还可以在独立主格前加with或without.,He lay on the grass,with his eyes closed.,1)由于母亲生病了,他必须呆在家里。Because his mother was ill,he had to stay at home.His mother being ill,he had to stay at home.2)如果时间允许的话,我们将召开一个会议。If time permits,we will hold a meeting.Time permitting,we will hold a meeting.3)老人过着贫苦的生活,没有人关心他。(without)The old man lived a poor life,without anyone caring for him.,


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