Gilbert Highet,Diogenes and Alexander,Diogenes and Alexander,Unit 4,Questions/Activities,Check-on Preview,Objectives,Warming up,Diogenes and Alexander,Unit 4,Warming up,Questions/Activities,What does the author tell us about Diogenes?Who was he?What was his philosophy?What did he think was the problem with people?How did he intend to help them?What were the key values he promoted?How,in his opinion,could we find true happiness?What does the author tell us about Alexander?What did this king have in common with Diogenes,the beggar?Why was Alexander considered a man of destiny?How would you contrast the two characters?Why did Alexander decide to visit Diogenes?What did Diogenes really mean when he said that Alexander was blocking the sunlight?,Objectives,1.Content:differences and similarities between Diogenes and AlexanderCynicism and its present significance philosophy vs.powerWriting:comparison and contrast DiogenesAlexanderDiogenesother beggars/hermits/philosophersAlexanderother Macedonians(officers&officials)Here,the alternating comparison/contrast(subject by subject)is used.,Warming up,Background,Alexander,Diogenes,Diogenes and Alexander,Unit 4,Background,Diogenes,1.Who was Diogenes?A beggarA philosopherA missionaryDoctrine:Cynicism the doctrine that scorned worldly needs and pleasures and held that virtue was the key to the only good,Background,Cynicism in modern sense:the belief of a cynic,who maintains that people are all motivated by selfishness,that no one will help others for good and sincere reasons2.What are the major tenets(principles)of Cynicism?Do you find any expressions of these principles in the text?self-sufficiencyshamelessnessoutspokennessperfection of virtue,Diogenes,犬儒主义(Cynicism)是个外来词,中文里本来没有现成的对应词汇,通常将它理解为讥诮嘲讽,愤世嫉俗,玩世不恭。,和玩世不恭恰恰相反,早期的犬儒是极其严肃的,狄奥根尼是一个激烈的社会批评家。他立志要揭穿世间的一切伪善,热烈地追求真正的德行,追求从物欲之下解放出来的心灵自由。狄奥根尼确实愤世嫉俗,他曾经提着一个灯笼在城里游走,说:“我在找一个真正诚实的人。”,随着犬儒哲学的流行,其内涵开始发生了微妙的变化。,一位名叫德勒斯的犬儒派,某富翁送给他一笔钱,他收下了,对富翁说:“你慷慨大度地施舍给我,而我痛痛快快地取之于你,既不卑躬曲膝,也不唠叨不满。”这里暗含的逻辑是,金钱本是无所谓的东西,我若拒绝你的馈赠,倒显得我把金钱看得太重,太当回事了。我若收下金钱又表示感谢,那也是把金钱看重了,当回事了。因此,正确的做法就是,只要你肯给,我就若无其事地收下它。,早期的犬儒派是依据一种道德原则去蔑视世俗的观念,后期的犬儒派依然在蔑视世俗的观念但却失去了依据的道德原则。这就引出了一个始料不及的后果:既然无所谓高尚,也就无所谓下贱。既然没有什么东西是了不得的,因而也就没有什么东西是要不得的。不难想象,基于这种无可无不可的立场,一个人可以很方便地一方面对世俗观念做出满不在乎的姿态,另一方面又毫无顾忌地去获取他想要获取的任何世俗的东西。于是,对世俗的全盘否定就变成了对世俗的照单全收,而且还往往是对世俗中最坏的部分的不知羞耻的照单全收。于是,愤世嫉俗就变成了玩世不恭。,犬儒一词的演变证明,从愤世嫉俗到玩世不恭,其间只有一步之差。一般来说,愤世嫉俗总是理想主义的,而且是十分激烈的理想主义。玩世不恭则是彻底的非理想主义,彻底的无理想主义。偏偏是那些看上去最激烈的理想主义反倒很容易转变为彻底的无理想主义,其间原因何在?,因为,许多愤世嫉俗的理想主义者在看待世界时缺少程度意识或曰分寸感,对他人缺少设身处地的同情的理解,不承认各种价值之间的紧张与冲突,这样,他们很容易把世界看成一片漆黑,由此便使自己陷入悲观失望,再进而怀疑和否认美好价值的存在,最终则是放弃理想放弃追求。,早期的犬儒是坚持内在的美德和价值,鄙视外在的世俗的功利。可是到后来,犬儒一词正好变成了它的反面:只认外在的世俗的功利,否认内在的德性与价值。王尔德说:“犬儒主义者对各种事物的价钱一清二楚,但是对它们的价值一无所知。”,李银河:关于犬儒主义,他们行为上以怪异和反常的行为向现有的秩序、制度、观念、习俗挑战,精神上则躲进个人的心灵深处寻求宁静和快乐。,在现时中国,一个理想主义者很容易变成非理想主义者,对面前的苦难(特别是别人的苦难)转过脸去,躲进个人的心灵深处去寻求宁静和快乐。在中国,犬儒主义者比古希腊更多一层好处安全。这就是我们所面临的可悲现实。心灵深处的宁静和快乐正是我们想得到的,只可惜,理想主义的丧失成为我们为获得这种宁静和快乐所付的代价。,Background,Alexander,Macedonian King:son of PhilipThe Thinker:student of AristotleThe Conqueror:Greece,Asia,EgyptWhy do you think he wanted to bring so many regions under his rule?,Text Analysis,Diogenes and Alexander,Unit 4,Diogenes:the beggar(paras.1-3),Text Analysis,Character Analysis,cask,a storage jar made of earthenware,a house(big,with many rooms),none,beds,chairs,etc.(elaborate),blanket(half-naked),clothes(expensive),bits of food begged from others,drinking from his hollowed hands,elaborate,none,horses,servants,bank accounts(anxious),a life by choice,out of principle natural,healthy,independent,a life as slaves of their possessions artificial,anxious,loss of virtue,Diogenes:the beggar(paras.1-3)There are contrasts within the broad contrast.How did Diogenes contrast with ordinary homeless people?,Text Analysis,Character Analysis,Diogenes:the philosopher(para.4)“A Socrates gone mad”:repositioning of convention below nature and reason2.Three key principles:living in accord with naturetotal disregard of conventionindependence(freedom)being the only true,lasting good,Text Analysis,Character Analysis,Diogenes:the missionary(para.5)1.Comparison with ordinary hermitsSimilarities:Both grew tired of human society with its complications and wanted to live simply.Differences:,Text Analysis,hermitswent away to live simplyon a small farm,in a quiet village or a cave,Diogeneshad a sense of mission,deliberately chose to live in the busy streets in Athens or Corinth,in order to convert people,Character Analysis,Diogenes:the missionary(para.5)2.What was his mission?“to restamp the currency”call people back to the natural way of lifetrue life,Text Analysis,Character Analysis,Diogenes:ways of teaching(para.6)How did Diogenes differ from other philosophers of his time?Plato:taught his private pupils in his Academy,which he founded as one of the earliest centers of advanced learning in the world.Aristotle:taught his own private pupils by the use of laboratory,instruments,and specimens.Diogenes:taught all those who would care to listen by his own example or by taking people around him for examples.,Text Analysis,Character Analysis,Diogenes:ways of teaching(para.6)He carried a lighted lamp in broad daylight and inspected the face of everyone he met.,Text Analysis,“When you are all so busy,I feel I ought to do something!”,Character Analysis,Alexander:citizen of the world(paras.11-13)1.King:different from other Macedonians drinking?women?fighting?2.Thinker:Aristotles pupil,he learned culturephilosophyprinciples of scientific research3.Conquerortook command of the League of Greek Statescommander-in-chief of a new expedition against old,rich,corrupt Asia,Text Analysis,Character Analysis,“Stand to one side.Youre blocking the sunlight.”,The Dramatic Encounter(paras.14-17),The differences and similarities between the two historical characters.DifferencesSimilarities,Text Analysis,Character Analysis,Differences,Text Analysis,Character Analysis,high,treated with respect,greeted with a bow and acclamation,lying on the bare earth,shoeless,bearded,half-naked,like a beggar,a dog,handsome face,fiery glance,strong body,purple and gold cloak,air of destiny,philosopher,missionary,great monarch,conqueror,low,treated with contempt and disapproval,none,rejecting possession or power,land and absolute power,“restamp the currency”:to call people back to the simple and natural lifetrue value,bring people of the whole world to the light of civilization,Both were great thinkers.Both had a sense of mission.Both were“citizens of the world,”admiring the heroic figure of Hercules,who labored for mankind.Both were free.,Similarities,Text Analysis,Character Analysis,Text Analysis,Structure,1,Paras.1-10Diogenes(life,philosophy,mission,ways of teaching),2,Paras.11-13Alexander(a philosopher king with an inquiring,noble mind),3,Paras.14-17their dramatic encounter,Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander,Sentence Paraphrase 1,He had opened his eyes,done his business like a dog at the roadside,eaten them squatting on the ground,and washed them down with a few handfuls of water scooped from the spring.(1),“-ful”is used as a noun suffix.,lifted out as if with a ladle,had answered natures call like a dog,go to 2,Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander,Sentence Paraphrase 2,Everybody knew him or knew of him.(1),was familiar with,go to 3,was told or read or heard about the person,“know”and“know of”are used together to show the contrast.,Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander,Sentence Paraphrase 3,Sometimes they threw bits of food,and got scant thanks;sometimes a mischievous pebble,and got a shower of stones and abuse.(1),A pebble(a small round stone,indicating the teasing manner of the pitcher)is sharply contrasted with a shower of stones.,A pebble playfully thrown by a naughty person,Repetition,the second is followed by a paralleled structure,go to 4,Sometimes they threw bits of food,and got scant thanks;sometimes a mischievous pebble,and got a shower of stones and abuse.(para.1)Sometimes people would throw bits of food to him,but he hardly thanked them at all.Sometimes they would throw a pebble at him for fun,but get a shower of stones and a stream of abuse in return.,Part I:Paraphrase,Text Analysis,Detailed Analysis,Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander,Sentence Paraphrase 4,It was not a house,not even a squatters hut.(2),A crude or makeshift dwelling or shelter,A general term for a dwelling place for a man or his family,He did not live even in a deserted hut.,go to 5,Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander,Sentence Paraphrase 5,He spent much of his life in the rich,lazy,corrupt Greek city of Corinth,mocking and satirizing its people,and occasionally converting one of them.(2),He chose to live among the wealthy,lazy and dishonest citizens of Corinth,spent much of his time ridiculing them and occasionally persuaded one of them into adopting his belief.,Appositive phrase,go to 6,More examples,To be continued on the next page.,Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander,Sentence Paraphrase,a piece ofbits of a few handfuls ofa crowd ofa quantity ofa large corps of hundreds of,back to 5,air of destinyman of the century man of the hourfigure of Hercules,use of“of”,the trouble of kicking,the city of Corinth,amount,typical of,that is,citizens of the world,possession,Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander,Sentence Paraphrase 6,He was not the first to inhabit such a thing.(3),He was not the first man who had lived in such a storage jar.,the+ordinal number used as a noun,go to 7,More examples,To be continued on the next page.,Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander,Sentence Paraphrase,But he was the first who ever did so by choice,out of principle.Come and play bridge with us.We need a fourth in the game.,back to 6,Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander,Sentence Paraphrase 7,But he was the first who ever did so by choice,out of principle.(3),Based on a principle,But he was the first to do so because he wanted to.,go to 8,More examples,To be continued on the next page.,Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander,Sentence Paraphrase,back to 7,I opened the box out of curiosity.She began to learn to cook out of interest,not out of necessity.He paid a visit out of respect.,Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander,Sentence Paraphrase 8,Live without conventions,which are artificial and false;escape complexities and extravagances:only so can you live a free life.(4),Only when you live without artificial and false conventions and avoid complex lives can you live a free life.,go to 9,Inverted order,More examples,To be continued on the next page.,Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander,Sentence Paraphrase,back to 8,Only in this way can we learn English well.Only if all their conditions are met will the strikers go back to work.,Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander,Sentence Paraphrase 9,In order to procure a quantity of false,perishable goods he has sold the only true,lasting good,his own independence.(4),People get only some false and easily spoiled material goods at the cost of their own everlasting independence.,Antonyms to show contrast,antonyms,go to 10,Root repetition,2.His lifes aim was clear to him:it was“to restamp the currency”:to take the clean metal of human life,to erase the old false conventional markings,and to imprint it with its true values.(para.5)His purpose in life was clear to him:it was“to reprint the coins.”Human life can be taken as the clean coins which are imprinted with false markings.He was to remove the false markings and print the true values on it.In other words,his aim in life was to call on people to reject the false,conventional way of life and return to the simple and natural life.,Part I:Paraphrase,Text Analysis,Detailed Analysis,Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander,Sentence Paraphrase 11,The other great philosophers of the fourth century B.C.,such as Plato and Aristotle,taught mainly their own private pupils.(6),Other Greek philosophers of the time,such as Plato and Aristotle,gave lessons only to their own pupils.,go to 12,Contrasting the other philosophers of his time with Diogenes himself,Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander,Sentence Paraphrase 12,Diogenes took his old cask and began to roll it up and down.“When you are all so busy,”he said,“I feel I ought to do something!”(9),When the Corinthians were busy preparing for the coming war,Diogenes rolled his cask up and down to ridicule their silly behavior.,The end of Sentence Paraphrase.,Sharp contrast between Diogenes and the Corinthian peoples attitudes and behavior,Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander,Word Study,17.hollow,a.a.having a gap,or space within b.sunken,curved inward or down c.dull and echoing d.devoid of truth or validity,Examples:a hollow wall a hollow cheeks hollow footsteps She made hollow promises.=She made promises she would not keep.,B,T,L,E,W,Having no work to go to and no family to provide _,he was free.(para.1)provide for:give sb the things that they need to live,such as food,clothingTranslation他要供养他年迈的父母以及两个正在上学的妹妹。He has to provide for his aged parents and two sister who are still at school.道路被切断,无法给部队提供给养。The road was cut off and supplies could not be provided for the troops.,for,Part I:Words&Expressions,Text Analysis,Detailed Analysis,2.As the market place _ up with shoppers and merchants and slaves and foreigners,he had _ through it for an hour or two.(para.1)Translation中间还有两个小时,因此她逛了一趟商业中心。There were still two hours to go,so she strolled through the shopping mall.漫步海边,感觉太好了。Its wonderful to take a stroll along the seaside.,strolled,filled,Part I:Words&Expressions,Text Analysis,Detailed Analysis,Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander,Word Study,24.stroll,v.to go for a leisurely walk Examples:We strolled through the park.My friend likes to stroll around the flea market on the chance of picking up something of value.,The end of Word Study.,B,T,L,E,W,3.He thought everybody lived far too _,expensively,anxiously.What good is a house?(para.2)Translation彼得制定了一个非常详尽的计划来筹措资金。Peter worked out an elaborate scheme for raising the fund.他们为局长准备了一桌精美的饭菜,结果被狠狠批评了一顿。They prepared a very elaborate meal for the bureau head only to be severely criticized.,elaborately,Part I:Words&Expressions,Text Analysis,Detailed Analysis,4.No one needs beds and chairs and such furniture:the animals _ and sleep on the ground.All we require,since nature did not dress us properly,is one garment to keep us warm,and some shelter from rain and wind.(para.2)Translation这名警察死时很年轻,但他的一生过得很有意义。The policeman died young,but he lived a meaningful life.作为一个探险者,他的一生充满了冒险。As an explorer,he lived an adventurous life.,live healthy lives,Part I:Words&Expressions,Text Analysis,Detailed Analysis,he spent much of his life inCorinth,mocking and satirizing its people,and occasionally _ one of them.(para.2)convert:to make sb change from one religion or belief to another Ann has converted to Islam recently.Marxist literature converted him into a staunch revolutionary.to make sth change from one form,system to a different one This is part of the process of converting iron into steel.to change from one object into another I cant see how this plastic sheet converts into a tent.,Part I:Words&Expressions,Text Analysis,Detailed Ana