Contemporary English Listening B2Unit 11 Nature,Area14,000,000 km2 Population 5,000 temporary residents,Antarctica,Roald Amundsen and his crew looking at the Norwegian flag at the South Pole,1911,Dumont dUrville Station,an example of modern human settlement in Antarctica,Task l Words and expressions,The Antarctic:南极地区Antarctica:南极洲fossil:化石Gondwanaland:冈瓦纳大陆proof:证据;证明ice sheet:(technical 术语)冰原;冰盖,Gondwanaland冈瓦纳古陆(冈瓦纳大陆),冈瓦纳古陆又称南方大陆。大陆漂移说所设想的南半球超级大陆。包括今南美洲、非洲、澳大利亚以及印度半岛和阿拉伯半岛。上述各大陆被认为在古生代及以前时期曾经连接在一起。“冈瓦纳大陆”是奥地利地质学家休斯(E.Suess)于1885年在(The Face of the Earth)一书中提出的。根据印度中部冈瓦纳地区石炭纪到侏罗纪的地层“冈瓦纳系”得名。休斯认为,非洲、印度等大陆具有相同的地质历史和古植物群,过去曾经是一个统一的大陆。石炭纪一二叠纪时,南方大陆的大规模冰川活动已由非洲、南美洲、澳大利亚、印度等地发现的冰碛岩所证实。该古陆上发育的大冰盖,其中心在南极洲东部和非洲南部,冰盖由此辐散出去。古地磁资料也表明,当时这一带靠近古南极,大冰盖分布于古南纬60以内。二叠纪时期,南方大陆占优势的植物群是种子蕨类植物舌羊齿,其分布遍及南美洲、中非、南非、澳大利亚、南极洲和印度,而在包括北美洲、格陵兰、欧亚大陆在内的北方大陆则没有出现这类植物。一般认为,冈瓦纳古陆在中生代开始解体,新生代期间逐渐迁移到现今位置。,Gondwanaland,Task 1 Key,A.1)It had quite a warm climate then.2)About 150 million years ago,Gondwanaland began to break up,and the Antarctic moved southwards until it reached its present position.3)99 percent of the total area of Antarctica is covered by a massive ice sheet.,Task 1 Key,B.1)Africa;Australia2)small dog;(former)land connection;animals;plants3)penguins,Task 1 Script,The Antarctic has not always been covered in ice.Fossil plants found in the rocks indicate that it had quite a warm climate about 150 million years ago.Antarctica once formed part of the supercontinent Gondwanaland,with South America,Africa,India,Australia and New Zealand all grouped around its edge.However,about 150 million years ago Gondwanaland began to break up.The Antarctic moved southwards until it reached its present position.,The final proof for the former land connection between Antarctica and the Gondwanaland continents was found in some mountains where the remains of an animal about the size of a small dog were found.Other fossil remains of animals and plants have since been found.Today the continent is covered by a massive ice sheet more than 4 kilometers thick,which covers 99 percent of the total area.The remaining 1 percent is almost lifeless,apart from a few plants,and the sea animals,like the penguins,which come ashore at certain times of the year.,Task 2,Bali island巴厘岛(Bali Island),是世界著名旅游岛,是印度尼西亚33个一级行政区之一。巴厘岛上大部分为山地,全岛山脉纵横,地势东高西低。岛上的最高峰是阿贡火山海拔3142米。巴厘岛是印度尼西亚唯一信奉印度教的地区。80%的人信奉印度教。主要通行的语言是印尼语和英语。沙努尔、努沙-杜尔和库达等处的海滩,是岛上景色最美的海滨浴场,这里沙细滩阔、海水湛蓝清澈。每年来此游览的各国游客络绎不绝。由于巴厘岛万种风情,景物甚为绮丽。因此,它还享有多种别称,如神明之岛、恶魔之岛、罗曼斯岛、绮丽之岛、天堂之岛、魔幻之岛、花之岛等。2015年由美国著名旅游杂志旅游+休闲一项调查结果把印尼巴厘岛评为世界上最佳的岛屿之一。,Bali:Length:145 km(90.1 mi)Width:80 km(50 mi)Highest elevation:3,148 m(10,328 ft)Highest point:Mount Agung,Kuta Beach is a popular tourist spot in Bali,The Tirta Empul Temple draws tourists who seek its holy waters,Keys,1)c2)a3)b4)a,Scripts,Bali is a beautiful island of mountains,forests and rice fields.It is also an island of artists.Almost everybody there is an artist of some kind.The people work all day at home,in the fields or on their boats,but in the evening they make music,dance,paint or carve things out of wood and stone.For the Balinese,art is part of religion.It is a way of pleasing their gods-and Bali,they believe,is full of gods.There are thousands of temples in Bali,and there are festivals at these temples when people die or get married,or when a child is born.At these festivals the people try to keep their gods happy by giving them food,by dancing,by acting,and by playing music for them.,Scripts,In the past,the Balinese did not care about the outside world.For them Bali was the whole world.But in the 1930s tourists began to visit Bali,and since the 1950s tourism has become big business there.So the islanders have begun to sell their art to tourists.These days the Balinese produce more and more things for tourists;they make fewer things for their temples.They have less time for their gods,so there are fewer festivals.,Scripts,Each year more tourists bring more money to the island;they also bring new ideas and a new way of life.The Balinese know that if fewer tourists come to the island,there will be less money.But they also know if there are too many tourists,the Balinese way of life will change drastically.The authorities are trying hard to organize and control tourism with caution.Bali has to change;nevertheless they want to make sure that it changes for the better,not for the worse.,Task 3 Words and expressions,recreation:轻微地震;小震atomic bomb:原子弹explosion:爆炸,爆破,爆裂(声)van:客货车;厢式送货车,Indians on the Cowlitz River watching an eruption of Mount St.Helens,as painted by Canadian artist Paul Kane following a visit to the volcano in 1847(Photograph courtesy of the Royal Ontario Museum).,圣海伦火山(英语:Mount St.Helens)是一座活火山,位于美国太平洋西北区华盛顿州的斯卡梅尼亚县,西雅图市以南154公里,波特兰市东北85公里处,是喀斯喀特山脉的一部分。山的名称来自英国外交官圣海伦勋爵,他是18世纪对此地进行勘测的探险家乔治温哥华的朋友。圣海伦火山是包含160多个活火山的环太平洋火山带的一部分,因火山灰喷发和火山碎屑流而闻名。,圣海伦火山最著名的一次爆发发生在1980年5月18日的08:32(太平洋标准时间)。圣海伦火山景观这是美国历史上死伤人数最多和对经济破坏最严重的一次火山爆发(1912年阿拉斯加卡特迈火山爆发是美国历史上规模最大的一次火山爆发)。圣海伦火山爆发造成57人死亡,250座住宅、47座桥梁、24公里铁路和300公里高速公路被摧毁。火山爆发引发的大规模山崩使山的海拔高度从爆发前2950米下降到了2550米,并形成了1.5公里宽、125米深的马蹄形火山口。喷发出的火山灰和碎屑的体积达到了2.3立方公里,是历史记载中最大规模的一次。虽然与其他地质年代发生过的火山爆发相比则有所逊色。,Mount St.Helens,Keys,A.1)Because until 1980,it had been quiet for more than a hundred years.2)It was strange.No birds were singing,and the air was still.3)He was standing near the summit and reporting the eruption on radio.B.Washington;35;1980;123;recreation;summit;tremors;small eruptions;no danger;1980;dust;ash;rocks;mud;40;peaceful;empty,Scripts,Most volcanoes are quiet.They rest peacefully for hundreds of years.No one pays much attention to them.Mount St.Helens was one of these volcanoes.Until 1980,it was a beautiful recreation消遣;娱乐area.Its last eruption had been 123 years ago.No one was worried about another one.Then,in March 1980,Mount St.Helens began to make noises.At first,there were tremors.Then,small eruptions occurred.Some residents left immediately.Others felt there was no danger.There are excellent facilities for sport andrecreation.有完善的体育娱乐设施。,Scripts,But on the morning of May 18,1980,the mountain blew its top.With the power of twenty-five atomic bombs,Mount St.Helens exploded.Clouds of dust and ash rose more than twelve miles into the sky.Rocks and mud crashed down the slopes.Unfortunately,many people were still living,camping,or working in the area.Over forty people lost their lives.Others were rescued.,Scripts,Robert Baker was fishing with his family when the explosion occurred.He reported that the morning of May 18 was strange.No birds were singing.The air was still.Then,he saw a large black cloud coming down toward them.In minutes,day turned into night.He called his family to their van and they started on the slow dark ride away from the mountain.All the time,hot ash was raining on them.,Scripts,But other people were not so lucky.David Johnston,a volcano expert,was standing near the summit of the mountain.At 8:31 a.m.,he radioed,This is it!He was never heard from again.Mount St.Helens is peaceful now.But its slopes are empty.It will be many years before fish,plants,and trees will again live on the mountain.,Task 11Planet Earth is 4,600,000,000 years old.If we condense this time span we can compare it to a person 46 years old.Only at the age of 42 did the Earth begin to flower.Dinosaurs and the great reptiles did not appear until one year ago,when the planet was 45.Mammals arrived only eight months ago,and in the middle of last week human-like apes developed into ape-like humans,and last weekend the last ice age covered the Earth.Modem man has been around for 4 hours.During the last hour agriculture was discovered.The Industrial Revolution began a minute ago.Since then,we have multiplied our numbers to plague proportions,caused the extinction of 500 species of animals,turned the planet upside down in the search for fuels,and now we stand,arrogant with power,on the edge of a war to end all wars,and close to effectively destroying this oasis of life in the solar system.,