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    1,2,3,4,5,HanFu-The traduinal clothes of Chinese Han People,Fistly,we want to show you a clip.,“子衿”出自诗经郑风,描写了一个正值青春的女子对心仪男子的相思之情。Your Collar came from Book of Odes-Zheng Feng,which describes a young lady revealing her love to her admirer.,If someone asked“What is Han Peoples traditional clothes?”,Cheongsam(旗袍)?Then what does Manchu wear?,Or just say“Sorry,we havent.We only wearing T-shirts in our big days?”,NO!We Han People has our own traditional clothes!,HANFU(汉服)!,History of Hanfu,Hanfu(汉服)is the traditional costume that has been worn by Han Chinese people for approximately 5000 years.It is believed to have been worn by the early leader of China,Huangdi(黄帝垂衣裳而制天下).,Features of Hanfu,Hanfu is essentially wrapped around the body with the left side over the right,in a style known as rightward cross collared(in Chinese 交领右衽),which just looks like the letter y when seen from the front.Only when dressing the dead for burial would it be reversed.BUT there are also other kinds of shpe of colloars.,Pattern of Hanfu,Hanfu(汉服)has many patterns.Zhongyi(中衣)is usually worn inside,which like a shirt.Wearing in the house as pajamas,too.Usually,its white or other plain colour.,Pattern of Hanfu,Hanfu(汉服)has many patterns.Ruqun(襦裙)is worn by women.When its collar likes the letter“y”,we can called it Jiaolingruqun(交领襦裙).If its collar likes the number“11”,we can called it duijinruqun(对襟襦裙).When they are classified by its height of the skirt,we can called them qiyaoruqun(齐腰襦裙)Which waistband is on the waist.Or qixiongruqun(齐胸襦裙)Which waistband is above the chest.,Pattern of Hanfu,Hanfu(汉服)has many patterns.Shenyi(深衣)is usually worn as a full dress(礼服),which we can wear on Chinese holiday and some important ceremonies.If its edge is bent,we can call it Quju(曲裾).If its edge is straight,its called Zhiju(直裾).And they can both worn by women and men.,Pattern of Hanfu,Hanfu(汉服)has many patterns.Zhiduo(直裰)is worn by men.Its a kind of gown(长袍)which kicks pleat(开叉)on both sides.Its popular among intellectuals(书生)in Ming Dynasty.And now its still worn by Taoist(道士)so far.So it also can be colled Daopao(道袍).,Pattern of Hanfu,Hanfu(汉服)has many patterns.Zhaoshan(罩衫)is a kind of coat which has two kinds.Half-arm sleeve and long sleeve.Usually there is chalaza(系带)in the front.It can be long or short.,This can be worn in informal occasion.,Pattern of Hanfu,Hanfu(汉服)has many patterns.Duanda(短打)or Shuhe(裋褐)is a kind of Hanfu,which is really convenient.It can be worn in daily life.When you go hiking or do some muscular labor.Whats more,it is worn by kids.,Hanfuinthe ceremony,According to the Han peoples tradition,there are many important days.Such as wedding ceremony.,成童礼 One the day you say good bye to your chidhood.Usually when you are 10 or 12 years old.Its depends on your hometowns costume.,Hanfuinthe ceremony,According to the Han peoples tradition,there are many important days.Such as wedding ceremony.,成人礼 One the day you are 15(for girls)or 20(for boys).We will hold a ceremony to celebrate it.And remember the responsibility.,Hanfuinthe ceremonyies,According to the Han peoples tradition,there are many important days.Such as wedding ceremony.,婚礼(昏礼)Which are hold in the evening.Its usually once for the couple.There are three kinds of Hanfu for couples.,周制,明制,唐制,Hanfuin thefestival,Our han people has many traditional festivals.Every festival has its own meaning.Its usually about the love for nature and admiring for our ancestors.,春节SPRING FESTIVAL&元宵节Lantern Festival,Hanfuin thefestival,Our han people has many traditional festivals.Every festival has its own meaning.Its usually about the love for nature and admiring for our ancestors.All the festivals are caculated in Luna calendar.,三月三 上巳节 又称女儿节 A day for girls,aslo a good time to enjoy the spring!,五月五端午节 Dragon Boat Festival,Hanfuin thefestival,Our han people has many traditional festivals.Every festival has its own meaning.Its usually about the love for nature and admiring for our ancestors.,七月七,七夕节 又称乞巧节,Double Seventh Festival The Double Seventh Festival,on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month,is a traditional festival full of romance.It often goes into August in the Gregorian calendar,Hanfuin thefestival,Our han people has many traditional festivals.Every festival has its own meaning.Its usually about the love for nature and admiring for our ancestors.,On the Mid-Autumn Festival,we worship the Luna in our traditional colthes.This night,the natural session hopes the family reunion.,Hanfuin thefestival,Our han people has many traditional festivals.Every festival has its own meaning.Its usually about the love for nature,admiring for our ancestors and being with our family.,On the Winter Solstice(冬至),we worship our ancestors.Make dumplings and Glutinous Rice Balls(汤圆).,Hanfu&other national costumes,Hanfu&Hanbok,汉服,满&汉,Hanfu in the world,


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