1,某零售商的采购谈判技巧NEGOTIATION TECHNIQUES,2,1、千万不要对销售业务员显示你的友善,只要告诉他你考虑与他合作。Never show friendship to a salesman,but tell him that you consider him his companion.,3,2、把销售业务员当作我们的“头号”敌人。Consider a salesman as our number 1 enemy.,4,3、要求、要求、再要求,他们最终会同意(折扣、促销活动等)。Demand,demand and demand,they will end granting(discounts,promotions,etc.),5,4、千万不要接受第一次报价;让销售员乞求 你;这会让你在谈判过程处于更有利的地位。Never agree on the first proposal;let the salesman beg,this will give you the necessary margin to improve negotiations on our favour.,6,5、随时记住这句话“你可以提供更好的条件。”Always remember the words“you can do better than this”.,7,6、随时查你的电脑,并确认对方的报价比以前 更低,或尽可能的低,不断地要求更多,直 到销售业务员同意为止。Always check with your computer and verify if the price is lower or the lowest possible.Always go for more until the salesman gives it to you.,8,7、随时把自己当做某人的下属,同时记得销售 业务员也是某人的下属,他的上级领导应可 以给我们更多的折扣。Always show yourself as a dependent or subordinate,and always remember that a salesman is a subordinate,his senior surely has an additional discount to offer.,9,8、假设一个销售业务员轻易的同意你所要求的 条件,或他要求上洗手间,或去打电话,回 来时他告知他的上级领导已同意你要求的条 件,这显示他所同意的条件本来就是他打算 给的条件。此时,你应该再要求更好的条件。If a salesman readily grants what you ask or asks to go to the toilet or uses the phone and returns with an approval,consider that what he is giving was meant to be given;ask for more.,10,9、你的脑袋要精明,但要装得像个笨蛋。Be bright,but show yourself as an idiot(fool).,11,10、如果你没有得到应得的交换条件,请不要 让步。Do not concede anything if you do not receive something in exchange.,12,11、记住:一个销售业务员总是期待采购员会 要求某些条件,而他通常不会要求以任何 条件做为交换。Remember that the salesman always expects the buyer to ask for something and generally does not demand anything in exchange.,13,12、记住:一个前来向你建议订货量的销售 业务员通常是比较有组织能力,而且专业 的。善用你的时间去了解那些没有组织能 力,却希望进入或害怕退出我们供应链的 销售业务员。Keep in mind that a salesman coming up with a suggested order is generally more organised and professional,use your time to acquaint disorganised salesmen that wish to enter,or are afraid of quitting,the net.,14,13、不要同情销售业务员;玩玩“坏人”的游戏。Do not feel compassion for a salesman;play the“bad guys”game.,15,14、不要犹豫使用“争论”的手段,即使你的“争论”是假的。例如:“你的竞争对手的 销售业务员总是给我更好的促销方案、交易条件及商品的周转率。”You must not hesitate in the use of arguments as tool,even if they are false,for example,a competitors salesman always offer better proposals,terms and rotation.,16,15、坚持同样的“异议”(注:不同的意见),不论他们是多么的不合理,销售业务员最后 会相信他所听到的事情。Insist on the same objections,no matter how absurd they appear,the salesman will end believing what he is listening.,17,16、别忘了80的条件是在谈判的最后阶段达 成。刺激销售业务员,让他害怕失掉生意 或输掉谈判。Do not forget that 80%of the conditions are obtained in the negotiations last stage.Stimulate the salesmans fear to lose the sales or negotiation.,18,17、千万不要忘记:我们必须从销售业务员得 到更多的信息(资讯),了解经常拜访我 们的销售业务员的个性及需要,找出他们 的弱点。Never forget that we have to obtain as much information as possible from the personality and needs of the salesmen that visit us regularly,discover their weak side.,19,18、经常要求销售业务员搞促销活动,用更大的 进货量与他谈判,尽可能的得到更多的折 扣。快速地在剩余时间里充当胜利者的角色。Always invite a salesman to participate in a promotion.Close negotiations with a high volume,and obtain as much discount as possible,be expeditious and play the winner with the time thats left.,20,19、当销售业务员要求太过分时,给他吃点苦 头。威胁他,说你要随时中止谈判。让他 等,与他约好时间,但不与他会面。在与 他会面前先与其他销售业务员洽谈事情,威 胁他,说你要他的商品下架,或缩小排面,把他们的促销员(导购)清场。只给他们一 点点时间去决定事情。同时你自己作估算,纵使你的估算不准确,该销售员将必须给你 更好的条件。,21,Unsettle the salesman demanding impossible things.Threat him to cut negotiations any moment.Make him wait,give him an appointment and do not attend,meet with other salesmen before him.Threat him with the withdrawal of his products and reduction of space.Displace their merchan disers from the shops.Give them little time to decide,calculate things yourself,even if they are inaccurate,the salesman will have to give you more.,22,20、记住:“折扣”有许多替代的名称,例如:津贴、补品及赞助金等等。任何赞助活动 都受欢迎。Remember“discount”has many names:allowances,courtesies,gifts,sponsorship,budget(money),and so on.Every event is welcome.,23,21、不要显现出不确定或没有安全感的样子,这对采购员而言是最糟糕的事。Do not show uncertainty or insecurity.It is the worst that can happen to a buyer.,24,22、避开“毛利率”这个主题,因为恶魔害怕 十字架。(注:意思是只谈进价,不谈售价,我们的毛利率与供应商无关。)Escape the“margin”subject,as the devil escapes a cross.,25,23、假设某销售业务员拖延对你的回复,告诉 他你已经与他的竞争对手成交了。If the salesman delays in giving you an answer,tell him that you already concluded the transaction with the competitor.,26,24、千万不要让销售业务员质问你所提出的任何 促销活动或行动方案。Never allow a salesman to question any promotion or action that you are requiring.,27,25、记住这句话:“我卖我所买的商品,但我不 一定买我所卖的商品。”这对我们是最重要的 事。我们采购高周转率,有利润的商品,这 是必要的最坏打算。Remember the words“I sell what I buy,and not always I buy what I sell”.This is the most important issue for us.We purchase products of high rotation and profitability,that are a necessary worst.,28,26、不可让一个销售业务员知道我们的信息(资讯)。他知道的愈少,他愈相信我们 所讲的。A salesman must never read our information,the less informed he is the more he will believe us.,29,27、不要被一个销售业务员展示新设备或新科技 吓倒。这并不意味着他比我们更有准备。Dont panic when a salesman displays new equipment or technology.This does not mean they are more prepared than us.,30,28、年轻或年长的销售员会给更好的条件。年 长者自认为他们什么都知道。而年轻者则 缺乏经验。Young or adult salesmen are the ones that grant more.The adult one because he believes he knows everything and the youngest because of his inexperience.,31,29、假使销售业务员与他的上级领导同时来 拜访你,你应该要求更多折扣,更多促销,威胁他们要让他们的产品下架。一个销售经 理决不会在他的销售业务员面前丢失订单。If the salesman is accompanied by his senior,demand more discounts,more participation in promotions,menace them with the withdrawal of his products.A manager is never willing to lose an order in front of his salesman.,32,30、假设你知道我们的竞争者正在计划搞一个促 销活动,应要求他给予我们同样的条件。If you learn that our competitor is working out a promotion,ask the salesman what he is doing and demand the same conditions for ourselves.,33,31、最后请勿忘记采购员的黄金定律:不要浪费 你的时间在专业的销售业务员身上。把你的 时间花费在准备不周的销售业务员身上。不 要被大品牌吓倒,在大品牌的背后,可能有 举着品牌大旗,而太不专业的销售业务员。把你的时间花在那些不去计算、容易同意你 的条件、并且希望进入或害怕退出我们的供 应链的销售业务员身上。,34,Finally,do not forget the buyers golden rule:never waste your time with professional salesmen,invest your time in the less prepared ones.Do not frighten yourself with the big brands,behind an important brand there might be a not very professional salesman waving only that,the brand flag.Invest your time with a salesman that does not calculate,that grants easily,that wishes to enter the net or is afraid of quitting it.,35,32、千万不要在电话中与供应商洽谈生意。Never deal with Supplier over the phone.,36,某零售商的采购谈判原则,37,1、不要对供应商友善,把供应商当做“头号”敌人。2、要求更好的交易条件,态度要坚决,而且要 坚持下去。3、不能接受第一次报价,让对方来求我们,以 得到更好的条件。4、供应商职位愈高者,愈能够提供更好的条 件,职位高的业务人员不希望在职位低的业 务人员面前丢面子。,38,5、供应商若轻易同意我们的要求,表示他们还 可以给更好的条件。6、在供应商面前要表现出大智若愚,但我们的 头脑要很清晰。7、不要在专业的业务人员上花太多时间,应把 时间投资在较不专业的业务人员,因为这些 人可以给更好的条件。大品牌的业务人员不 一定很专业。,39,8、用激将法,说他们的竞争对手总是给我们更 好的条件。9、80%的交易条件是在最后谈判阶段完成的,要坚持到底,让供应商害怕失去交易机会。10、多听供应商陈述的信息,了解他们业务人员 的个性及要求,找出他们的弱点。11、经常请供应商搞促销,以更大的进货量,要 求更多的折扣。,40,12、供应商要求太过分时,给他们吃点苦头,例如:终止谈判、约其竞争对手故意让他 看到、产品下架、缩小排面等等。13、“折扣”有许多方式,包括:各种赞助金、管 理费、服务费等等。14、采购员不能显示出不确定或没有安全感的样子。15、假使供应商一再拖延回复,应告诉他们:我们 已与他们的对手成交了。,41,16、不要让供应商质问我们所提出的促销活动或 行动方案。17、强调:“我卖我所买的商品,但我不一定买我 所卖的商品”,我们应尽量采购高周转率及利 润的商品。18、不可让一个销售业务员知道我们的信息(资 讯)。,42,19、年轻或年长的销售员会给更好的条件。年 长者自认为他们什么都知道。而年轻者则 缺乏经验。20、要求供应商对于给予竞争者打算促销的商品或 活动,给我们同样的条件。21、不要在电话中与供应商洽谈生意。,