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    Dialect and Register,presented by Jiang Ling,Contents,Dialect,Definition of register,Relationship between dialect and register,Lead-in:Question&Answer,When you talk with different people,like your parents,friends,or strangers,do you communicate with them in the same way?,1.Dialect,Definition of dialect:(1)Its the varieties of language according to users(different regions,temporal space,sex,age,class,etc).(2)It refers to a variety of a language that is characteristic of a particular group of the languages speakers.,Shanghai dialect,Sichuan dialect,两个四川人到北京观光旅游,由于对北京的地理环境不太熟悉,就在公交车上打开地图研究。甲:“我们先杀(去)到天安门,然后再杀到毛主席纪念馆,最后杀到中南海”乙:“要得嘛我们就一路杀过切。”不幸被同车群众举报,下车后被扭到公安机关,交代若干个小时情况后才被放出。甲乙两人来到天安门广场,看着人来人往,两人顿时无语。甲忍不住说:“你浪个(为什么)不开腔(枪)喃?”乙:“你都不开腔我浪个敢开嘛?”话音刚落,又被广场群众扭送至公安机关。一周后两人走出看守所大门,你看看我,我看看你,甲说:“这哈安逸了,包包都遭整空了,哪点去搞点子弹(钱)嘛?”门口的武警冲上来将两人按倒在地,Are dialects acceptable in public places?,2.Definition of register,Definition:According to M.A.Halliday,register is the varieties according to use.Two slogons:(1)Language varies as its function varies;it differs in different situations.-Halliday(2)The type of language which is selected as appropriate to the type of situation is a register.In this aspect it differs from dialect.,2.Definition of register,ExamplesExample One:Adapting language to suit the topic is a fairly straightforward matter.Many activities have a specialized vocabulary.If you are playing a ball game,you need to know that zero is a duck in cricket,love in tennis,and nil in soccer.If you have a drink with friends in a pub,you need to know greetings such as:Cheers!Heres to your good health!Example Two:The same person might utter any of the following three sentences,depending on the circumstances:I should be grateful if you would make less noise.Please be quiet.Shut up!,2.Definition of register,SummaryWhen we are in different situations,facing different objects,different language varieties with the same meaning will be used for the best communicative effect.This kind of phenomenon is called register.,3.Relationship between dialect and register,Dialect and register are two categories of varieties of language.In spite of the obvious differences between them,they are closely related to each other.Three respects of the relationship are to be discussed in this section:differences and correspondance;overlap;transformation.,3.Relationship between dialect and register,3.1 Differences and corresponaence3.1.1 DifferencesYour dialect shows who you are while your registers shows what you are doing.(Hudson,1996)A dialect is what you speak(habitually);a register is what you are speaking(at given time).(Halliday,1978),3.Relationship between dialect and register,3.1.1 Differences Dialect reflects the speakers social background,such as his age,sex,regional background,social status,education,etc.Register indicates the speakers occupation,purpose,situation,the role-relationship between the addressor and the addressee,and the way of communication,namely speaking or writing.,3.Relationship between dialect and register,Dialect is different ways of saying the same thing.,Register is different ways of saying different things.,3.1.1 Differences,3.1 Corresponding relationship between dialect and register(adapted from Halliday 1978),3.1 Corresponding relationship between dialect and register(adapted from Halliday 1978),3.Relationship between dialect and register,3.2 Overlap One mans dialect might be another mans register.For example,English used in class compared with Chinese.,A(Americans),B(Chinese people),X(English),Dialect,Register,Overlap between dialect and register,3.Relationship between dialect and register,3.3 TransformationDefinition:Dialect can be transformed into register in some conditions.Code-switching:use of two or more linguistic varieties in the same conversation or interaction.(Carol Myers-Scotton&William Ury)Code switching(CS)occurs far more often in conversation than in writing.It is a fairly common phenomenon in everyday communication,is regarded as the inevitable consequence of bilinguilism or multilinguilism.More details will be talked about in Chapter 7.,


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